BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainAllow for more heapDavid Drysdale8 weeks
main-16kMerge "Skip tests if TA not installed" into mainDavid Drysdale3 months
masterAllow for more heapDavid Drysdale8 weeks
sdk-releaseSnap for 11598262 from 01e9d8a3a0ce2ec96f6c8be4df98cafdc2fe5663 to sdk-releaseAndroid Build Coastguard Worker7 weeks
simpleperf-releaseMerge "Skip tests if TA not installed" into mainDavid Drysdale3 months
platform-tools-35.0.1secretkeeper-platform-tools-35.0.1.tar.gz  The Android Open Source Project2 weeks
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-03-15Allow for more heapHEADmastermainDavid Drysdale
2024-03-13Merge "Add 4x4KiB heap and make app critical" into mainDavid Drysdale
2024-03-12Add 4x4KiB heap and make app criticalDavid Drysdale
2024-02-16Merge "Skip tests if TA not installed" into main am: f4f9f24e37David Drysdale
2024-02-16Mark port tests as needing Android am: 9123f12be2David Drysdale
2024-02-16Merge "Fragmentation and reassembly of large messages" into main am: 7aebb9754cDavid Drysdale
2024-02-16trusty: secretkeeper: explicitly set the app name. am: f3e8ab4f4cMike McTernan
2024-02-16Increase available heap am: 75cafe4c7aDavid Drysdale
2024-02-06Merge "Skip tests if TA not installed" into mainsimpleperf-releasemain-16kDavid Drysdale
2024-01-30Skip tests if TA not installedDavid Drysdale