BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
llvm-r353983Rename build version to r353983c1.Yi Kong4 years
llvm-r365631Bump to r365631c3.Stephen Hines3 years
llvm-r383902bAdd a cherry-pick for hwasan.Stephen Hines3 years
llvm-r399163bFix path for PGO profdata file.Stephen Hines3 years
llvm-r416183Switch to -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 for ARM32 runtime buildsStephen Hines2 years
llvm-r450784[patches] Cherry pick CLS for: truncating buildvectors into truncates,Pavel Iliin17 months
llvm-r487747Bump version to clang-r487747ePirama Arumuga Nainar4 months
llvm-toolchain-testingMerge "16kb: Update NDK version to r27" into main am: 52823089b4Pirama Arumuga Nainar21 hours
mainMerge "16kb: Update NDK version to r27" into mainPirama Arumuga Nainar21 hours
masterMerge "16kb: Update NDK version to r27" into mainPirama Arumuga Nainar21 hours
AgeCommit messageAuthor
21 hoursMerge "16kb: Update NDK version to r27" into mainHEADmastermainPirama Arumuga Nainar
37 hoursRemove f-strings when printing out some errors.Zijun
41 hoursFetch the kokoro prebuilts by passing SHA of llvm-projectZijun
47 hours16kb: Update NDK version to r27Juan Yescas
3 daysMerge "build: default to incremental build" into mainTreehugger Robot
3 days[patches] Cherry pick CLS for: Fix clang frontend crashYi Kong
8 daysbuild: default to incremental buildPirama Arumuga Nainar
9 daysFix a small bug in fetch_kokoro_prebuilts scriptZijun Zhao
2024-04-25Merge "Fetch prebuilts from kokoro" into mainZijun Zhao
2024-04-25Kokoro: fix action config^2Yi Kong