AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-01-11Refine perfstatsd daemon for io usage partandroid-9.0.0_r47android-9.0.0_r46android-9.0.0_r45android-9.0.0_r44android-9.0.0_r43android-9.0.0_r42pie-qpr3-releasepie-qpr3-b-releaseJimmy Shiu
2019-01-11Refine perfstatsd daemon and cpu usage partCharles(Yen-Cheng) Chan
2019-01-04Add IO usage collection in perfstatsdpie-b4s4-devJimmy Shiu
2019-01-04Add CPU usage collection in perfstatsdCharles(Yen-Cheng) Chan
2019-01-04Add perfstatsd to collect perf stats historyCharles(Yen-Cheng) Chan
2018-12-14pixelstats: Be more defensive with path argsAndreas Gampe
2018-12-06[DO NOT MERGE][pi-dev] pixelstats: Add Codec1 for project has 2nd codecJason Hsu
2018-11-15health: explicitly fill battery health sample struct by indexMaggie White
2018-11-12pixelstats: update dropdetect appid type to make type define consistDenny cy Lee
2018-11-01vendor: pixelstats: Add device-agnostic classes from P18Maggie White
2018-10-26Merge "Usb Gadget HAL: static library of common code" into pi-devBadhri Jagan Sridharan
2018-10-26Merge "Enforce clang-format in common device folder" into pi-devTreeHugger Robot
2018-10-25Usb Gadget HAL: static library of common codeBadhri Jagan Sridharan
2018-10-25Enforce clang-format in common device folderWei Wang
2018-10-25Add clang-format to common device folderWei Wang
2018-10-16hardware: pixel: thermal: Use readFileFromString instead of infile.readMiguel de Dios
2018-10-09health HAL: Add device-agnostic tools from P18Maggie White
2018-10-05thermal: Move common thermal HAL code to shared Pixel library.Vincent Palomares
2018-09-18Android.bp: create soong_namespaceThierry Strudel
2018-09-13Initial empty repository(raulenrique)