
The complete sdk environment includes the following folders:
(Ultimately, these files need to be placed in a directory, you can create an empty sdk folder and put them in it)

========== 1. Instructions for bin image for building the SDK ==========

1.1 Download the bin files from link below:
   link: https://www.realmcu.com/web/Index/a5c3a065-5caf-4918-a810-349efbd8567e
   password: realtek123

   The bin image folder is in folder "Google Ref RTK RCU /bin"
1.2 After downloading, copy the bin folder to the sdk directory

1.3 The bin folder contains the firmware required for burning: configfile, flash map, otaheader, patch, secure boot and upperstack img
1.3.1 Here is a brief introduction:
configfile: chip configuration file
flash map: documents for flash planning
otaheader: documents for OTA bank planning
patch: provided by realtek
secure boot: provided by Realtek requires users to burn the file without switching to Bank
upperstack img: provided by realtek

========== 2. Instructions for download tools ==========

2.1 Find the tools from link below:

   link: https://www.realmcu.com/web/Index/a5c3a065-5caf-4918-a810-349efbd8567e
   password: realtek123

   The current version of the tools are in folder "Google Ref RTK RCU /tool", and each tool's User Guide is located in its path
2.2 After downloading, copy the tool folder to the sdk directory

There are four burning tools available:
2.2.1 BeeMPTool_kits_v1.0.5.8
2.2.2 mpcli_1.0.4.5_Windows
2.2.3 mpcli_v1.0.3.8_MAC_OS
2.2.4 mpcli_v1.0.4.3_Linux

========== 3. Instructions for compile the project ==========

There are two ways to compile app image:
3.1 keil:
3.1.1 open keil project file with the suffix is uvprojx, which is in the path: sdk\board\evb\google_rcu\mdk, and compile in keil
3.1.2 after compile success, you can find app image bin in the path: sdk\board\evb\google_rcu\mdk\bin

3.2 gcc:
3.1.1 use cmd in command window: sdk\board\evb\google_rcu\gcc
3.1.2 input command in cmd window and press enter: mingw32-make
3.1.3 after compile success, you can find app image bin in the path: sdk\board\evb\google_rcu\gcc\bin

3.3 download
When burning, the following files need to be burned: 
(1)flash_map.ini 		(folder: bin/flash_map)
(2)configfile_xxx.bin 	(folder: bin/configfile)
(3)otaheader_xxx.bin 	(folder: bin/otaheader)
(4)patch_xxx.bin 		(folder: bin/patch)
(5)fsbl_xxx.bin 		(folder: bin/secure_boot)
(6)upperstack_xxx.bin 	(folder: bin/upperstack_img)
(7)app_xxx.bin			(folder: reference to 3.1 and 3.2)

========== 4. Instructions for debug ==========

   link: https://www.realmcu.com/web/Index/a5c3a065-5caf-4918-a810-349efbd8567e
   password: realtek123

   The current version of the tool is in folder "Google Ref RTK RCU /tool"

4.1 Use the tool: DebugAnalyzer-v4.0.0.31.release, which is in folder "Google Ref RTK RCU /tool"

4.2 For specific operating instructions, please refer to Debug Analyzer User Guide

========== 5. Instructions for doc files about the SDK ==========

5.1 Download the reference doc files from link below:

   link: https://www.realmcu.com/en/Home/Product/28a1b431-5395-4579-9800-35d00166ceb5
========== 6. Instructions for other ==========

6.1 To be added