path: root/build.xml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-07-21Use platform mockito instead of prebuiltKenny Root
2015-03-24Fix --mode=activityNeil Fuller
2014-12-02Update vogar's caliper version to fix a bugNeil Fuller
2011-12-02Use tasks everywhere.jessewilson@google.com
2011-11-23Update KXML to be binary compatible with the latest from Android.jessewilson@google.com
2011-03-07Use our own minimal JUnit instead of the full framework. This permits us to c...jessewilson@google.com
2010-11-12Fail with a better message if an Android platform isn't available.jessewilson@google.com
2010-09-22Adds JUnit 4 support. Adds unit tests for running JUnit tests.dominicc@google.com
2010-09-13Adopt miniguice for dependency injection in vogar. This removes the awful amo...jessewilson@google.com
2010-05-20Axing jtreg dependency. This should speed up the time to dex vogar!jessewilson@google.com
2010-04-24Fix activity mode in open source vogar:jessewilson@google.com
2010-04-23Initial checkin of vogar!jessewilson@google.com