AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
5 hours[XLA] [NFC] Upstream ReduceWindowRewriter passupstream-masterGeorge Karpenkov
5 hoursRead ENABLE_MMA_V3 env in sparse dot emitter (in line with the dense dot).Sergey Kozub
6 hoursIntegrate LLVM at llvm/llvm-project@fc57f88f0074Benjamin Kramer
6 hours[XLA] Refactor `BackendConfigWrapper` and add tests.Dimitar (Mitko) Asenov
6 hours[XLA:GPU][MLIR-Based emitters] Use xla_gpu.apply_indexing instead of affine.a...Alexander Belyaev
7 hoursUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
7 hoursTool to process a HloModuleMetadataProto dump.Adrian Kuegel
8 hours[XLA:GPU] Store fusion_roots and fusion_heroes as HloInstructionAdaptor in Hl...Oleg Shyshkov
8 hours[Triton] Cherry picking changes to support elementwise ceil op.Mohammed Anany
8 hoursUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
8 hoursPR #11762: [GPU] Enable nccl comm split by defaultTrevor Morris
8 hoursAutomated Code ChangeA. Unique TensorFlower
9 hours[XLA:GPU][IndexAnalysis] Remove indexing_context.h. It is not used.Alexander Belyaev
9 hoursAutomated Code ChangeA. Unique TensorFlower
9 hoursFix xla_gpu.atomic_rmw lowering for complex<?> arguments.Johannes Reifferscheid
9 hoursSupport scatter with unsigned indices.Johannes Reifferscheid
10 hoursUpdate GraphDef version to 1858.A. Unique TensorFlower
10 hourscompat: Update forward compatibility horizon to 2024-05-10A. Unique TensorFlower
10 hoursMake `ProtoToHumanReadableJson` return `StatusOr<string>`.Dimitar (Mitko) Asenov
10 hoursUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
11 hoursFix missing include.Dimitar (Mitko) Asenov
11 hours[xla:ffi] Add Python-based tests for type-safe custom calls on CPU platformAdam Banaƛ
11 hoursPR #11570: [ROCm] FileCheck fixesekuznetsov139
12 hoursMerge pull request #44950 from Intel-tensorflow:yimei/fuse_old_bnTensorFlower Gardener
12 hoursConsider TPUPartitionedCall in GraphFuncOp::getCalledFunctionEunjae Kim
12 hoursDon't generate task library docs for TF LiteMark McDonald
13 hoursUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
13 hoursAutomated Code ChangeA. Unique TensorFlower
14 hoursAutomated Code ChangeA. Unique TensorFlower
14 hoursAutomated Code ChangeA. Unique TensorFlower
14 hoursAdd RemapArraysOp to IFT IR.Ionel Gog
14 hoursUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
15 hours[XLA:GPU] Clang-tidy fixes for xla/service/gpu/fusions/loop.ccKuy Mainwaring
15 hoursMake the id of CustomAggregator op deterministicThai Nguyen
15 hoursUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
16 hoursDo not restore layouts proto string when restoring modelA. Unique TensorFlower
16 hoursAdd simplification pattern to prefer mul(x, 1/const) over div(x, const)Luke Boyer
16 hoursAllow setting operand_shapes_with_layout on custom call instruction.Tongfei Guo
17 hours[PJRT C] Add layouts extension to GPU plugin and use `PjRtClient::GetDefaultL...Yue Sheng
17 hoursExtract `xla::ShardingPropagation::CanonicalizeLayouts()` as a util function.Zixuan Jiang
18 hoursAdd space between "version" and the actual versionMichael Levesque-Dion
18 hoursRemove the default `PjRtBuffer::CopyRawToHostFuture` implementationJunwhan Ahn
18 hours[XLA:TPU] Support output streaming and refactor TryOutputStreaming into a bot...Jackson Stokes
18 hoursUpdate ops-related pbtxt files.A. Unique TensorFlower
18 hoursReverts e9476d0fd503f95377b76b47798bf0829085709bTerry Heo
19 hours[XLA:GPU] Clang-tidy fixes for xla/service/gpu/gpu_schedule_postprocessing.ccKuy Mainwaring
19 hoursInternal code changeA. Unique TensorFlower
19 hoursGo: Update generated wrapper functions for TensorFlow ops.A. Unique TensorFlower
20 hoursRemove LOG(WARNING) line, this is creating a lot of logspam.A. Unique TensorFlower
20 hoursMoves the fatal "auto-sharding solver timed out" message until after the tota...A. Unique TensorFlower