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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
-<title>SWIG and Pike</title>
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-<H1><a name="Pike">37 SWIG and Pike</a></H1>
-<!-- INDEX -->
-<div class="sectiontoc">
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn2">Preliminaries</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn3">Running SWIG</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn4">Getting the right header files</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn5">Using your module</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn6">Basic C/C++ Mapping</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn7">Modules</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn8">Functions</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn9">Global variables</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn10">Constants and enumerated types</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn11">Constructors and Destructors</a>
-<li><a href="#Pike_nn12">Static Members</a>
-<!-- INDEX -->
-This chapter describes SWIG support for Pike. As of this writing, the
-SWIG Pike module is still under development and is not considered
-ready for prime time. The Pike module is being developed against the
-Pike 7.4.10 release and may not be compatible with previous versions
-of Pike.
-This chapter covers most SWIG features, but certain low-level details
-are covered in less depth than in earlier chapters. At the very
-least, make sure you read the "<a href="SWIG.html#SWIG">SWIG Basics</a>"
-<H2><a name="Pike_nn2">37.1 Preliminaries</a></H2>
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn3">37.1.1 Running SWIG</a></H3>
-Suppose that you defined a SWIG module such as the following:
-<div class="code">
- <pre>%module example<br><br>%{<br>#include "example.h"<br>%}<br><br>int fact(int n);<br></pre>
-To build a C extension module for Pike, run SWIG using the <tt>-pike</tt> option :
-<div class="code">
- <pre>$ <b>swig -pike example.i</b><br></pre>
-If you're building a C++ extension, be sure to add the <tt>-c++</tt> option:
-<div class="code">
- <pre>$ <b>swig -c++ -pike example.i</b><br></pre>
-This creates a single source file named <tt>example_wrap.c</tt> (or <tt>example_wrap.cxx</tt>, if you
-ran SWIG with the <tt>-c++</tt> option).
-The SWIG-generated source file contains the low-level wrappers that need
-to be compiled and linked with the rest of your C/C++ application to
-create an extension module.
-The name of the wrapper file is derived from the name of the input
-file. For example, if the input file is <tt>example.i</tt>, the name
-of the wrapper file is <tt>example_wrap.c</tt>. To change this, you
-can use the <tt>-o</tt> option:
-<div class="code">
- <pre>$ <b>swig -pike -o pseudonym.c example.i</b><br></pre>
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn4">37.1.2 Getting the right header files</a></H3>
-In order to compile the C/C++ wrappers, the compiler needs to know the
-path to the Pike header files. These files are usually contained in a
-directory such as
-<div class="code">
- <pre>/usr/local/pike/7.4.10/include/pike<br></pre>
-There doesn't seem to be any way to get Pike itself to reveal the
-location of these files, so you may need to hunt around for them.
-You're looking for files with the names <tt>global.h</tt>, <tt>program.h</tt>
-and so on.
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn5">37.1.3 Using your module</a></H3>
-To use your module, simply use Pike's <tt>import</tt> statement:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-$ <b>pike</b>
-Pike v7.4 release 10 running Hilfe v3.5 (Incremental Pike Frontend)
-&gt; <b>import example;</b>
-&gt; <b>fact(4);</b>
-(1) Result: 24
-<H2><a name="Pike_nn6">37.2 Basic C/C++ Mapping</a></H2>
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn7">37.2.1 Modules</a></H3>
-All of the code for a given SWIG module is wrapped into a single Pike
-module. Since the name of the shared library that implements your
-module ultimately determines the module's name (as far as Pike is
-concerned), SWIG's <tt>%module</tt> directive doesn't really have any
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn8">37.2.2 Functions</a></H3>
-Global functions are wrapped as new Pike built-in functions. For
-<div class="code"><pre>
-%module example
-int fact(int n);
-creates a new built-in function <tt>example.fact(n)</tt> that works
-exactly as you'd expect it to:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-&gt; <b>import example;</b>
-&gt; <b>fact(4);</b>
-(1) Result: 24
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn9">37.2.3 Global variables</a></H3>
-Global variables are currently wrapped as a pair of functions, one to get
-the current value of the variable and another to set it. For example, the
-<div class="code"><pre>
-%module example
-double Foo;
-will result in two functions, <tt>Foo_get()</tt> and <tt>Foo_set()</tt>:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-&gt; <b>import example;</b>
-&gt; <b>Foo_get();</b>
-(1) Result: 3.000000
-&gt; <b>Foo_set(3.14159);</b>
-(2) Result: 0
-&gt; <b>Foo_get();</b>
-(3) Result: 3.141590
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn10">37.2.4 Constants and enumerated types</a></H3>
-Enumerated types in C/C++ declarations are wrapped as Pike constants,
-not as Pike enums.
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn11">37.2.5 Constructors and Destructors</a></H3>
-Constructors are wrapped as <tt>create()</tt> methods, and destructors are
-wrapped as <tt>destroy()</tt> methods, for Pike classes.
-<H3><a name="Pike_nn12">37.2.6 Static Members</a></H3>
-Since Pike doesn't support static methods or data for Pike classes, static
-member functions in your C++ classes are wrapped as regular functions and
-static member variables are wrapped as pairs of functions (one to get the
-value of the static member variable, and another to set it). The names of
-these functions are prepended with the name of the class.
-For example, given this C++ class declaration:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-class Shape
- static void print();
- static int nshapes;
-SWIG will generate a <tt>Shape_print()</tt> method that invokes the static
-<tt>Shape::print()</tt> member function, as well as a pair of methods,
-<tt>Shape_nshapes_get()</tt> and <tt>Shape_nshapes_set()</tt>, to get and set
-the value of <tt>Shape::nshapes</tt>.