path: root/stlport/stl/_tree.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'stlport/stl/_tree.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 684 deletions
diff --git a/stlport/stl/_tree.h b/stlport/stl/_tree.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf05901..0000000
--- a/stlport/stl/_tree.h
+++ /dev/null
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- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996,1997
- * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997
- * Moscow Center for SPARC Technology
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999
- * Boris Fomitchev
- *
- * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
- * or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
- *
- * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
- * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
- * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
- * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
- * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
- *
- */
-/* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers.
- * You should not attempt to use it directly.
- */
-Red-black tree class, designed for use in implementing STL
-associative containers (set, multiset, map, and multimap). The
-insertion and deletion algorithms are based on those in Cormen,
-Leiserson, and Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Press, 1990),
-except that
-(1) the header cell is maintained with links not only to the root
-but also to the leftmost node of the tree, to enable constant time
-begin(), and to the rightmost node of the tree, to enable linear time
-performance when used with the generic set algorithms (set_union,
-(2) when a node being deleted has two children its successor node is
-relinked into its place, rather than copied, so that the only
-iterators invalidated are those referring to the deleted node.
-# include <stl/_algobase.h>
-# include <stl/_alloc.h>
-# include <stl/_iterator.h>
-# include <stl/_construct.h>
-# include <stl/_function_base.h>
-typedef bool _Rb_tree_Color_type;
-//const _Rb_tree_Color_type _S_rb_tree_red = false;
-//const _Rb_tree_Color_type _S_rb_tree_black = true;
-#define _S_rb_tree_red false
-#define _S_rb_tree_black true
-struct _Rb_tree_node_base {
- typedef _Rb_tree_Color_type _Color_type;
- typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
- _Color_type _M_color;
- _Base_ptr _M_parent;
- _Base_ptr _M_left;
- _Base_ptr _M_right;
- static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _S_minimum(_Base_ptr __x) {
- while (__x->_M_left != 0) __x = __x->_M_left;
- return __x;
- }
- static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _S_maximum(_Base_ptr __x) {
- while (__x->_M_right != 0) __x = __x->_M_right;
- return __x;
- }
-template <class _Value>
-struct _Rb_tree_node : public _Rb_tree_node_base {
- _Value _M_value_field;
- __TRIVIAL_STUFF(_Rb_tree_node)
-struct _Rb_tree_base_iterator;
-template <class _Dummy>
-class _Rb_global {
- typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
- // those used to be global functions
- static void _STLP_CALL _Rebalance(_Base_ptr __x, _Base_ptr& __root);
- static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _Rebalance_for_erase(_Base_ptr __z,
- _Base_ptr& __root,
- _Base_ptr& __leftmost,
- _Base_ptr& __rightmost);
- // those are from _Rb_tree_base_iterator - moved here to reduce code bloat
- // moved here to reduce code bloat without templatizing _Rb_tree_base_iterator
- static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _M_increment (_Base_ptr);
- static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _M_decrement (_Base_ptr);
- static void _STLP_CALL _Rotate_left (_Base_ptr __x, _Base_ptr& __root);
- static void _STLP_CALL _Rotate_right(_Base_ptr __x, _Base_ptr& __root);
-# endif
-typedef _Rb_global<bool> _Rb_global_inst;
-struct _Rb_tree_base_iterator {
- typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
- typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- _Base_ptr _M_node;
- _Rb_tree_base_iterator() : _M_node(0) {}
- _Rb_tree_base_iterator(_Base_ptr __x) : _M_node(__x) {}
-template <class _Value, class _Traits>
-struct _Rb_tree_iterator : public _Rb_tree_base_iterator {
- typedef _Value value_type;
- typedef typename _Traits::reference reference;
- typedef typename _Traits::pointer pointer;
- typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<_Value, _Traits> _Self;
- typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
- typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Value>* _Link_type;
- typedef typename _Traits::_NonConstTraits _NonConstTraits;
- typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<_Value, _NonConstTraits> iterator;
- typedef typename _Traits::_ConstTraits _ConstTraits;
- typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<_Value, _ConstTraits> const_iterator;
- _Rb_tree_iterator() {}
-#if !defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
- /* In STL debug mode we need this constructor implicit for the pointer
- * specialization implementation.
- */
- explicit
- _Rb_tree_iterator(_Base_ptr __x) : _Rb_tree_base_iterator(__x) {}
- //copy constructor for iterator and constructor from iterator for const_iterator
- _Rb_tree_iterator(const iterator& __it) : _Rb_tree_base_iterator(__it._M_node) {}
- reference operator*() const {
- return __STATIC_CAST(_Link_type, _M_node)->_M_value_field;
- }
- _Self& operator++() {
- _M_node = _Rb_global_inst::_M_increment(_M_node);
- return *this;
- }
- _Self operator++(int) {
- _Self __tmp = *this;
- ++(*this);
- return __tmp;
- }
- _Self& operator--() {
- _M_node = _Rb_global_inst::_M_decrement(_M_node);
- return *this;
- }
- _Self operator--(int) {
- _Self __tmp = *this;
- --(*this);
- return __tmp;
- }
- bool operator == (const_iterator __rhs) const {
- return _M_node == __rhs._M_node;
- }
- bool operator != (const_iterator __rhs) const {
- return _M_node != __rhs._M_node;
- }
-template <class _Value, class _Traits>
-struct __type_traits<_STLP_PRIV _Rb_tree_iterator<_Value, _Traits> > {
- typedef __false_type has_trivial_default_constructor;
- typedef __true_type has_trivial_copy_constructor;
- typedef __true_type has_trivial_assignment_operator;
- typedef __true_type has_trivial_destructor;
- typedef __false_type is_POD_type;
-template <class _Value, class _Traits>
-inline _Value* value_type(const _STLP_PRIV _Rb_tree_iterator<_Value, _Traits>&)
-{ return (_Value*)0; }
-inline bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category(const _STLP_PRIV _Rb_tree_base_iterator&)
-{ return bidirectional_iterator_tag(); }
-inline ptrdiff_t* distance_type(const _STLP_PRIV _Rb_tree_base_iterator&)
-{ return (ptrdiff_t*) 0; }
-// Base class to help EH
-template <class _Tp, class _Alloc>
-class _Rb_tree_base {
- typedef _Rb_tree_node_base _Node_base;
- typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Tp> _Node;
- typedef _Alloc allocator_type;
- typedef _Rb_tree_base<_Tp, _Alloc> _Self;
- typedef typename _Alloc_traits<_Node, _Alloc>::allocator_type _M_node_allocator_type;
- typedef _STLP_alloc_proxy<_Node_base, _Node, _M_node_allocator_type> _AllocProxy;
- allocator_type get_allocator() const {
- return _STLP_CONVERT_ALLOCATOR(_M_header, _Tp);
- }
- _Rb_tree_base(const allocator_type& __a) :
- _M_header(_STLP_CONVERT_ALLOCATOR(__a, _Node), _Node_base() ) {
- _M_empty_initialize();
- }
-#if !defined (_STLP_NO_MOVE_SEMANTIC)
- _Rb_tree_base(__move_source<_Self> src) :
- _M_header(__move_source<_AllocProxy>(src.get()._M_header)) {
- _M_rebind(&src.get()._M_header._M_data);
- src.get()._M_empty_initialize();
- }
- void _M_empty_initialize() {
- _M_header._M_data._M_color = _S_rb_tree_red; // used to distinguish header from
- // __root, in iterator.operator++
- _M_header._M_data._M_parent = 0;
- _M_header._M_data._M_left = &_M_header._M_data;
- _M_header._M_data._M_right = &_M_header._M_data;
- }
- void _M_rebind(_Node_base *__static_node) {
- if (_M_header._M_data._M_parent != 0) {
- _M_header._M_data._M_parent->_M_parent = &_M_header._M_data;
- }
- if (_M_header._M_data._M_right == __static_node) {
- _M_header._M_data._M_right = &_M_header._M_data;
- }
- if (_M_header._M_data._M_left == __static_node) {
- _M_header._M_data._M_left = &_M_header._M_data;
- }
- }
- _AllocProxy _M_header;
-#if defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
-# define _Rb_tree _STLP_NON_DBG_NAME(Rb_tree)
-template <class _Key, class _Compare,
- class _Value, class _KeyOfValue, class _Traits,
- _STLP_DFL_TMPL_PARAM(_Alloc, allocator<_Value>) >
-class _Rb_tree : public _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc> {
- typedef _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc> _Base;
- typedef _Rb_tree<_Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, _Alloc> _Self;
- typedef _Rb_tree_node_base * _Base_ptr;
- typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Value> _Node;
- typedef _Node* _Link_type;
- typedef _Rb_tree_Color_type _Color_type;
- typedef _Key key_type;
- typedef _Value value_type;
- typedef typename _Traits::pointer pointer;
- typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
- typedef typename _Traits::reference reference;
- typedef const value_type& const_reference;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag _Iterator_category;
- typedef typename _Base::allocator_type allocator_type;
- _Base_ptr _M_create_node(const value_type& __x) {
- _Link_type __tmp = this->_M_header.allocate(1);
- _Copy_Construct(&__tmp->_M_value_field, __x);
- }
- _STLP_UNWIND(this->_M_header.deallocate(__tmp,1))
- _S_left(__tmp) = 0;
- _S_right(__tmp) = 0;
- return __tmp;
- }
- _Base_ptr _M_clone_node(_Base_ptr __x) {
- _Base_ptr __tmp = _M_create_node(_S_value(__x));
- _S_color(__tmp) = _S_color(__x);
- return __tmp;
- }
- size_type _M_node_count; // keeps track of size of tree
- _Compare _M_key_compare;
- _Base_ptr _M_root() const
- { return this->_M_header._M_data._M_parent; }
- _Base_ptr _M_leftmost() const
- { return this->_M_header._M_data._M_left; }
- _Base_ptr _M_rightmost() const
- { return this->_M_header._M_data._M_right; }
- _Base_ptr& _M_root()
- { return this->_M_header._M_data._M_parent; }
- _Base_ptr& _M_leftmost()
- { return this->_M_header._M_data._M_left; }
- _Base_ptr& _M_rightmost()
- { return this->_M_header._M_data._M_right; }
- static _Base_ptr& _STLP_CALL _S_left(_Base_ptr __x)
- { return __x->_M_left; }
- static _Base_ptr& _STLP_CALL _S_right(_Base_ptr __x)
- { return __x->_M_right; }
- static _Base_ptr& _STLP_CALL _S_parent(_Base_ptr __x)
- { return __x->_M_parent; }
- static value_type& _STLP_CALL _S_value(_Base_ptr __x)
- { return __STATIC_CAST(_Link_type, __x)->_M_value_field; }
- static const _Key& _STLP_CALL _S_key(_Base_ptr __x)
- { return _KeyOfValue()(_S_value(__x));}
- static _Color_type& _STLP_CALL _S_color(_Base_ptr __x)
- { return (_Color_type&)(__x->_M_color); }
- static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _S_minimum(_Base_ptr __x)
- { return _Rb_tree_node_base::_S_minimum(__x); }
- static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _S_maximum(_Base_ptr __x)
- { return _Rb_tree_node_base::_S_maximum(__x); }
- typedef typename _Traits::_NonConstTraits _NonConstTraits;
- typedef typename _Traits::_ConstTraits _ConstTraits;
- typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<value_type, _NonConstTraits> iterator;
- typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<value_type, _ConstTraits> const_iterator;
- iterator _M_insert(_Base_ptr __parent, const value_type& __val, _Base_ptr __on_left = 0, _Base_ptr __on_right = 0);
- _Base_ptr _M_copy(_Base_ptr __x, _Base_ptr __p);
- void _M_erase(_Base_ptr __x);
- // allocation/deallocation
- _Rb_tree()
- : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(allocator_type()), _M_node_count(0), _M_key_compare(_Compare())
- {}
- _Rb_tree(const _Compare& __comp)
- : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(allocator_type()), _M_node_count(0), _M_key_compare(__comp)
- {}
- _Rb_tree(const _Compare& __comp, const allocator_type& __a)
- : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(__a), _M_node_count(0), _M_key_compare(__comp)
- {}
- _Rb_tree(const _Self& __x)
- : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(__x.get_allocator()),
- _M_node_count(0), _M_key_compare(__x._M_key_compare) {
- if (__x._M_root() != 0) {
- _S_color(&this->_M_header._M_data) = _S_rb_tree_red;
- _M_root() = _M_copy(__x._M_root(), &this->_M_header._M_data);
- _M_leftmost() = _S_minimum(_M_root());
- _M_rightmost() = _S_maximum(_M_root());
- }
- _M_node_count = __x._M_node_count;
- }
-#if !defined (_STLP_NO_MOVE_SEMANTIC)
- _Rb_tree(__move_source<_Self> src)
- : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(__move_source<_Base>(src.get())),
- _M_node_count(src.get()._M_node_count),
- _M_key_compare(_AsMoveSource(src.get()._M_key_compare))
- { src.get()._M_node_count = 0; }
- ~_Rb_tree() { clear(); }
- _Self& operator=(const _Self& __x);
- // accessors:
- _Compare key_comp() const { return _M_key_compare; }
- iterator begin() { return iterator(_M_leftmost()); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(_M_leftmost()); }
- iterator end() { return iterator(&this->_M_header._M_data); }
- const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(__CONST_CAST(_Base_ptr, &this->_M_header._M_data)); }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
- { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const
- { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
- bool empty() const { return _M_node_count == 0; }
- size_type size() const { return _M_node_count; }
- size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
- void swap(_Self& __t) {
- if (__t.empty()) {
- if (this->empty()) return;
- __t._M_header.swap(this->_M_header);
- __t._M_rebind(&this->_M_header._M_data);
- this->_M_empty_initialize();
- }
- else if (this->empty()) {
- __t.swap(*this);
- return;
- }
- else {
- this->_M_header.swap(__t._M_header);
- this->_M_rebind(&__t._M_header._M_data);
- __t._M_rebind(&this->_M_header._M_data);
- }
- _STLP_STD::swap(_M_node_count, __t._M_node_count);
- _STLP_STD::swap(_M_key_compare, __t._M_key_compare);
- }
- // insert/erase
- pair<iterator,bool> insert_unique(const value_type& __x);
- iterator insert_equal(const value_type& __x);
- iterator insert_unique(iterator __pos, const value_type& __x);
- iterator insert_equal(iterator __pos, const value_type& __x);
- template<class _II> void insert_equal(_II __first, _II __last) {
- for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
- insert_equal(*__first);
- }
- template<class _II> void insert_unique(_II __first, _II __last) {
- for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
- insert_unique(*__first);
- }
- void insert_unique(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last) {
- for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
- insert_unique(*__first);
- }
- void insert_unique(const value_type* __first, const value_type* __last) {
- for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
- insert_unique(*__first);
- }
- void insert_equal(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last) {
- for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
- insert_equal(*__first);
- }
- void insert_equal(const value_type* __first, const value_type* __last) {
- for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
- insert_equal(*__first);
- }
- void erase(iterator __pos) {
- _Base_ptr __x = _Rb_global_inst::_Rebalance_for_erase(__pos._M_node,
- this->_M_header._M_data._M_parent,
- this->_M_header._M_data._M_left,
- this->_M_header._M_data._M_right);
- _STLP_STD::_Destroy(&_S_value(__x));
- this->_M_header.deallocate(__STATIC_CAST(_Link_type, __x), 1);
- --_M_node_count;
- }
- size_type erase(const key_type& __x) {
- pair<iterator,iterator> __p = equal_range(__x);
- size_type __n = _STLP_STD::distance(__p.first, __p.second);
- erase(__p.first, __p.second);
- return __n;
- }
- size_type erase_unique(const key_type& __x) {
- iterator __i = find(__x);
- if (__i._M_node != &this->_M_header._M_data) {
- erase(__i);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void erase(iterator __first, iterator __last) {
- if (__first._M_node == this->_M_header._M_data._M_left && // begin()
- __last._M_node == &this->_M_header._M_data) // end()
- clear();
- else
- while (__first != __last) erase(__first++);
- }
- void erase(const key_type* __first, const key_type* __last) {
- while (__first != __last) erase(*__first++);
- }
- void clear() {
- if (_M_node_count != 0) {
- _M_erase(_M_root());
- _M_leftmost() = &this->_M_header._M_data;
- _M_root() = 0;
- _M_rightmost() = &this->_M_header._M_data;
- _M_node_count = 0;
- }
- }
- // set operations:
- iterator find(const _KT& __k) { return iterator(_M_find(__k)); }
- const_iterator find(const _KT& __k) const { return const_iterator(_M_find(__k)); }
- _Base_ptr _M_find(const _KT& __k) const {
- _Base_ptr __y = __CONST_CAST(_Base_ptr, &this->_M_header._M_data); // Last node which is not less than __k.
- _Base_ptr __x = _M_root(); // Current node.
- while (__x != 0)
- if (!_M_key_compare(_S_key(__x), __k))
- __y = __x, __x = _S_left(__x);
- else
- __x = _S_right(__x);
- if (__y != &this->_M_header._M_data) {
- if (_M_key_compare(__k, _S_key(__y))) {
- __y = __CONST_CAST(_Base_ptr, &this->_M_header._M_data);
- }
- }
- return __y;
- }
- _Base_ptr _M_lower_bound(const _KT& __k) const {
- _Base_ptr __y = __CONST_CAST(_Base_ptr, &this->_M_header._M_data); /* Last node which is not less than __k. */
- _Base_ptr __x = _M_root(); /* Current node. */
- while (__x != 0)
- if (!_M_key_compare(_S_key(__x), __k))
- __y = __x, __x = _S_left(__x);
- else
- __x = _S_right(__x);
- return __y;
- }
- _Base_ptr _M_upper_bound(const _KT& __k) const {
- _Base_ptr __y = __CONST_CAST(_Base_ptr, &this->_M_header._M_data); /* Last node which is greater than __k. */
- _Base_ptr __x = _M_root(); /* Current node. */
- while (__x != 0)
- if (_M_key_compare(__k, _S_key(__x)))
- __y = __x, __x = _S_left(__x);
- else
- __x = _S_right(__x);
- return __y;
- }
- size_type count(const _KT& __x) const {
- pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> __p = equal_range(__x);
- return _STLP_STD::distance(__p.first, __p.second);
- }
- iterator lower_bound(const _KT& __x) { return iterator(_M_lower_bound(__x)); }
- const_iterator lower_bound(const _KT& __x) const { return const_iterator(_M_lower_bound(__x)); }
- iterator upper_bound(const _KT& __x) { return iterator(_M_upper_bound(__x)); }
- const_iterator upper_bound(const _KT& __x) const { return const_iterator(_M_upper_bound(__x)); }
- pair<iterator,iterator> equal_range(const _KT& __x)
- { return pair<iterator, iterator>(lower_bound(__x), upper_bound(__x)); }
- pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const _KT& __x) const
- { return pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>(lower_bound(__x), upper_bound(__x)); }
- pair<iterator,iterator> equal_range_unique(const _KT& __x) {
- pair<iterator, iterator> __p;
- __p.second = lower_bound(__x);
- if (__p.second._M_node != &this->_M_header._M_data &&
- !_M_key_compare(__x, _S_key(__p.second._M_node))) {
- __p.first = __p.second++;
- }
- else {
- __p.first = __p.second;
- }
- return __p;
- }
- pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range_unique(const _KT& __x) const {
- pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> __p;
- __p.second = lower_bound(__x);
- if (__p.second._M_node != &this->_M_header._M_data &&
- !_M_key_compare(__x, _S_key(__p.second._M_node))) {
- __p.first = __p.second++;
- }
- else {
- __p.first = __p.second;
- }
- return __p;
- }
-#if defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
- // Debugging.
- bool __rb_verify() const;
-#endif //_STLP_DEBUG
-#if defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
-# undef _Rb_tree
-# include <stl/_tree.c>
-#if defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
-# include <stl/debug/_tree.h>
-#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_HEADER template <class _Key, class _Compare, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
-#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_CONTAINER _STLP_PRIV _Rb_tree<_Key,_Compare,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Traits,_Alloc>
-#include <stl/_relops_cont.h>
-template <class _Key, class _Compare, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue, class _Traits, class _Alloc>
-struct __move_traits<_STLP_PRIV _Rb_tree<_Key, _Compare, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Traits, _Alloc> >
- : _STLP_PRIV __move_traits_help2<_Compare, _Alloc> {};
-#endif /* _STLP_INTERNAL_TREE_H */
-// Local Variables:
-// mode:C++
-// End: