path: root/test/testdata/function_wrap_multiple_lines_test/golden.md
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/testdata/function_wrap_multiple_lines_test/golden.md')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/testdata/function_wrap_multiple_lines_test/golden.md b/test/testdata/function_wrap_multiple_lines_test/golden.md
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+<!-- Generated with Stardoc: http://skydoc.bazel.build -->
+Rules for ANTLR 3.
+<a id="antlr"></a>
+## antlr
+antlr(<a href="#antlr-name">name</a>, <a href="#antlr-deps">deps</a>, <a href="#antlr-srcs">srcs</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xconversiontimeout">Xconversiontimeout</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xdbgconversion">Xdbgconversion</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xdbgst">Xdbgst</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xdfa">Xdfa</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xdfaverbose">Xdfaverbose</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xgrtree">Xgrtree</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xm">Xm</a>,
+ <a href="#antlr-Xmaxdfaedges">Xmaxdfaedges</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xmaxinlinedfastates">Xmaxinlinedfastates</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xminswitchalts">Xminswitchalts</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xmultithreaded">Xmultithreaded</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xnfastates">Xnfastates</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xnocollapse">Xnocollapse</a>,
+ <a href="#antlr-Xnomergestopstates">Xnomergestopstates</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xnoprune">Xnoprune</a>, <a href="#antlr-XsaveLexer">XsaveLexer</a>, <a href="#antlr-Xwatchconversion">Xwatchconversion</a>, <a href="#antlr-debug">debug</a>, <a href="#antlr-depend">depend</a>, <a href="#antlr-dfa">dfa</a>, <a href="#antlr-dump">dump</a>, <a href="#antlr-imports">imports</a>,
+ <a href="#antlr-language">language</a>, <a href="#antlr-message_format">message_format</a>, <a href="#antlr-nfa">nfa</a>, <a href="#antlr-package">package</a>, <a href="#antlr-profile">profile</a>, <a href="#antlr-report">report</a>, <a href="#antlr-trace">trace</a>)
+Runs [ANTLR 3](https://www.antlr3.org//) on a set of grammars.
+| Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
+| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
+| <a id="antlr-name"></a>name | A unique name for this target. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels#target-names">Name</a> | required | |
+| <a id="antlr-deps"></a>deps | The dependencies to use. Defaults to the most recent ANTLR 3 release, but if you need to use a different version, you can specify the dependencies here. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">List of labels</a> | optional | `["@antlr3_runtimes//:tool"]` |
+| <a id="antlr-srcs"></a>srcs | The grammar files to process. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">List of labels</a> | required | |
+| <a id="antlr-Xconversiontimeout"></a>Xconversiontimeout | Set NFA conversion timeout for each decision. | Integer | optional | `0` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xdbgconversion"></a>Xdbgconversion | Dump lots of info during NFA conversion. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xdbgst"></a>Xdbgst | Put tags at start/stop of all templates in output. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xdfa"></a>Xdfa | Print DFA as text. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xdfaverbose"></a>Xdfaverbose | Generate DFA states in DOT with NFA configs. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xgrtree"></a>Xgrtree | Print the grammar AST. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xm"></a>Xm | Max number of rule invocations during conversion. | Integer | optional | `0` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xmaxdfaedges"></a>Xmaxdfaedges | Max &quot;comfortable&quot; number of edges for single DFA state. | Integer | optional | `0` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xmaxinlinedfastates"></a>Xmaxinlinedfastates | Max DFA states before table used rather than inlining. | Integer | optional | `0` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xminswitchalts"></a>Xminswitchalts | Don't generate switch() statements for dfas smaller than given number. | Integer | optional | `0` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xmultithreaded"></a>Xmultithreaded | Run the analysis in 2 threads. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xnfastates"></a>Xnfastates | For nondeterminisms, list NFA states for each path. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xnocollapse"></a>Xnocollapse | Collapse incident edges into DFA states. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xnomergestopstates"></a>Xnomergestopstates | Max DFA states before table used rather than inlining. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xnoprune"></a>Xnoprune | Do not test EBNF block exit branches. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-XsaveLexer"></a>XsaveLexer | For nondeterminisms, list NFA states for each path. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-Xwatchconversion"></a>Xwatchconversion | Don't delete temporary lexers generated from combined grammars. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-debug"></a>debug | Generate a parser that emits debugging events. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-depend"></a>depend | Generate file dependencies; don't actually run antlr. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-dfa"></a>dfa | Generate a DFA for each decision point. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-dump"></a>dump | Print out the grammar without actions. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-imports"></a>imports | The grammar and .tokens files to import. Must be all in the same directory. | <a href="https://bazel.build/concepts/labels">List of labels</a> | optional | `[]` |
+| <a id="antlr-language"></a>language | The code generation target language. Either C, Cpp, CSharp2, CSharp3, JavaScript, Java, ObjC, Python, Python3 or Ruby (case-sensitive). | String | optional | `""` |
+| <a id="antlr-message_format"></a>message_format | Specify output style for messages. | String | optional | `""` |
+| <a id="antlr-nfa"></a>nfa | Generate an NFA for each rule. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-package"></a>package | The package/namespace for the generated code. | String | optional | `""` |
+| <a id="antlr-profile"></a>profile | Generate a parser that computes profiling information. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-report"></a>report | Print out a report about the grammar(s) processed. | Boolean | optional | `False` |
+| <a id="antlr-trace"></a>trace | Generate a parser with trace output. If the default output is not enough, you can override the traceIn and traceOut methods. | Boolean | optional | `False` |