path: root/source/opt/liveness.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/opt/liveness.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 332 deletions
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-// Copyright (c) 2022 The Khronos Group Inc.
-// Copyright (c) 2022 LunarG Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "source/opt/liveness.h"
-#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
-namespace spvtools {
-namespace opt {
-namespace analysis {
-namespace {
-constexpr uint32_t kDecorationLocationInIdx = 2;
-constexpr uint32_t kOpDecorateMemberMemberInIdx = 1;
-constexpr uint32_t kOpDecorateMemberLocationInIdx = 3;
-constexpr uint32_t kOpDecorateBuiltInLiteralInIdx = 2;
-constexpr uint32_t kOpDecorateMemberBuiltInLiteralInIdx = 3;
-} // namespace
-LivenessManager::LivenessManager(IRContext* ctx) : ctx_(ctx), computed_(false) {
- // Liveness sets computed when queried
-void LivenessManager::InitializeAnalysis() {
- live_locs_.clear();
- live_builtins_.clear();
- // Mark all builtins live for frag shader.
- if (context()->GetStage() == spv::ExecutionModel::Fragment) {
- live_builtins_.insert(uint32_t(spv::BuiltIn::PointSize));
- live_builtins_.insert(uint32_t(spv::BuiltIn::ClipDistance));
- live_builtins_.insert(uint32_t(spv::BuiltIn::CullDistance));
- }
-bool LivenessManager::IsAnalyzedBuiltin(uint32_t bi) {
- // There are only three builtins that can be analyzed and removed between
- // two stages: PointSize, ClipDistance and CullDistance. All others are
- // always consumed implicitly by the downstream stage.
- const auto builtin = spv::BuiltIn(bi);
- return builtin == spv::BuiltIn::PointSize ||
- builtin == spv::BuiltIn::ClipDistance ||
- builtin == spv::BuiltIn::CullDistance;
-bool LivenessManager::AnalyzeBuiltIn(uint32_t id) {
- auto deco_mgr = context()->get_decoration_mgr();
- bool saw_builtin = false;
- // Analyze all builtin decorations of |id|.
- (void)deco_mgr->ForEachDecoration(
- id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::BuiltIn),
- [this, &saw_builtin](const Instruction& deco_inst) {
- saw_builtin = true;
- // No need to process builtins in frag shader. All assumed used.
- if (context()->GetStage() == spv::ExecutionModel::Fragment) return;
- uint32_t builtin = uint32_t(spv::BuiltIn::Max);
- if (deco_inst.opcode() == spv::Op::OpDecorate)
- builtin =
- deco_inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(kOpDecorateBuiltInLiteralInIdx);
- else if (deco_inst.opcode() == spv::Op::OpMemberDecorate)
- builtin = deco_inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(
- kOpDecorateMemberBuiltInLiteralInIdx);
- else
- assert(false && "unexpected decoration");
- if (IsAnalyzedBuiltin(builtin)) live_builtins_.insert(builtin);
- });
- return saw_builtin;
-void LivenessManager::MarkLocsLive(uint32_t start, uint32_t count) {
- auto finish = start + count;
- for (uint32_t u = start; u < finish; ++u) {
- live_locs_.insert(u);
- }
-uint32_t LivenessManager::GetLocSize(const analysis::Type* type) const {
- auto arr_type = type->AsArray();
- if (arr_type) {
- auto comp_type = arr_type->element_type();
- auto len_info = arr_type->length_info();
- assert(len_info.words[0] == analysis::Array::LengthInfo::kConstant &&
- "unexpected array length");
- auto comp_len = len_info.words[1];
- return comp_len * GetLocSize(comp_type);
- }
- auto struct_type = type->AsStruct();
- if (struct_type) {
- uint32_t size = 0u;
- for (auto& el_type : struct_type->element_types())
- size += GetLocSize(el_type);
- return size;
- }
- auto mat_type = type->AsMatrix();
- if (mat_type) {
- auto cnt = mat_type->element_count();
- auto comp_type = mat_type->element_type();
- return cnt * GetLocSize(comp_type);
- }
- auto vec_type = type->AsVector();
- if (vec_type) {
- auto comp_type = vec_type->element_type();
- if (comp_type->AsInteger()) return 1;
- auto float_type = comp_type->AsFloat();
- assert(float_type && "unexpected vector component type");
- auto width = float_type->width();
- if (width == 32 || width == 16) return 1;
- assert(width == 64 && "unexpected float type width");
- auto comp_cnt = vec_type->element_count();
- return (comp_cnt > 2) ? 2 : 1;
- }
- assert((type->AsInteger() || type->AsFloat()) && "unexpected input type");
- return 1;
-const analysis::Type* LivenessManager::GetComponentType(
- uint32_t index, const analysis::Type* agg_type) const {
- auto arr_type = agg_type->AsArray();
- if (arr_type) return arr_type->element_type();
- auto struct_type = agg_type->AsStruct();
- if (struct_type) return struct_type->element_types()[index];
- auto mat_type = agg_type->AsMatrix();
- if (mat_type) return mat_type->element_type();
- auto vec_type = agg_type->AsVector();
- assert(vec_type && "unexpected non-aggregate type");
- return vec_type->element_type();
-uint32_t LivenessManager::GetLocOffset(uint32_t index,
- const analysis::Type* agg_type) const {
- auto arr_type = agg_type->AsArray();
- if (arr_type) return index * GetLocSize(arr_type->element_type());
- auto struct_type = agg_type->AsStruct();
- if (struct_type) {
- uint32_t offset = 0u;
- uint32_t cnt = 0u;
- for (auto& el_type : struct_type->element_types()) {
- if (cnt == index) break;
- offset += GetLocSize(el_type);
- ++cnt;
- }
- return offset;
- }
- auto mat_type = agg_type->AsMatrix();
- if (mat_type) return index * GetLocSize(mat_type->element_type());
- auto vec_type = agg_type->AsVector();
- assert(vec_type && "unexpected non-aggregate type");
- auto comp_type = vec_type->element_type();
- auto flt_type = comp_type->AsFloat();
- if (flt_type && flt_type->width() == 64u && index >= 2u) return 1;
- return 0;
-void LivenessManager::AnalyzeAccessChainLoc(const Instruction* ac,
- const analysis::Type** curr_type,
- uint32_t* offset, bool* no_loc,
- bool is_patch, bool input) {
- analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context()->get_def_use_mgr();
- analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
- analysis::DecorationManager* deco_mgr = context()->get_decoration_mgr();
- // For tesc, tese and geom input variables, and tesc output variables,
- // first array index does not contribute to offset.
- auto stage = context()->GetStage();
- bool skip_first_index = false;
- if ((input && (stage == spv::ExecutionModel::TessellationControl ||
- stage == spv::ExecutionModel::TessellationEvaluation ||
- stage == spv::ExecutionModel::Geometry)) ||
- (!input && stage == spv::ExecutionModel::TessellationControl))
- skip_first_index = !is_patch;
- uint32_t ocnt = 0;
- ac->WhileEachInOperand([this, &ocnt, def_use_mgr, type_mgr, deco_mgr,
- curr_type, offset, no_loc,
- skip_first_index](const uint32_t* opnd) {
- if (ocnt >= 1) {
- // Skip first index's contribution to offset if indicated
- if (ocnt == 1 && skip_first_index) {
- auto arr_type = (*curr_type)->AsArray();
- assert(arr_type && "unexpected wrapper type");
- *curr_type = arr_type->element_type();
- ocnt++;
- return true;
- }
- // If any non-constant index, mark the entire current object and return.
- auto idx_inst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(*opnd);
- if (idx_inst->opcode() != spv::Op::OpConstant) return false;
- // If current type is struct, look for location decoration on member and
- // reset offset if found.
- auto index = idx_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
- auto str_type = (*curr_type)->AsStruct();
- if (str_type) {
- uint32_t loc = 0;
- auto str_type_id = type_mgr->GetId(str_type);
- bool no_mem_loc = deco_mgr->WhileEachDecoration(
- str_type_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::Location),
- [&loc, index, no_loc](const Instruction& deco) {
- assert(deco.opcode() == spv::Op::OpMemberDecorate &&
- "unexpected decoration");
- if (deco.GetSingleWordInOperand(kOpDecorateMemberMemberInIdx) ==
- index) {
- loc =
- deco.GetSingleWordInOperand(kOpDecorateMemberLocationInIdx);
- *no_loc = false;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- });
- if (!no_mem_loc) {
- *offset = loc;
- *curr_type = GetComponentType(index, *curr_type);
- ocnt++;
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Update offset and current type based on constant index.
- *offset += GetLocOffset(index, *curr_type);
- *curr_type = GetComponentType(index, *curr_type);
- }
- ocnt++;
- return true;
- });
-void LivenessManager::MarkRefLive(const Instruction* ref, Instruction* var) {
- analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
- analysis::DecorationManager* deco_mgr = context()->get_decoration_mgr();
- // Find variable location if present.
- uint32_t loc = 0;
- auto var_id = var->result_id();
- bool no_loc = deco_mgr->WhileEachDecoration(
- var_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::Location),
- [&loc](const Instruction& deco) {
- assert(deco.opcode() == spv::Op::OpDecorate && "unexpected decoration");
- loc = deco.GetSingleWordInOperand(kDecorationLocationInIdx);
- return false;
- });
- // Find patch decoration if present
- bool is_patch = !deco_mgr->WhileEachDecoration(
- var_id, uint32_t(spv::Decoration::Patch), [](const Instruction& deco) {
- if (deco.opcode() != spv::Op::OpDecorate)
- assert(false && "unexpected decoration");
- return false;
- });
- // If use is a load, mark all locations of var
- auto ptr_type = type_mgr->GetType(var->type_id())->AsPointer();
- assert(ptr_type && "unexpected var type");
- auto var_type = ptr_type->pointee_type();
- if (ref->opcode() == spv::Op::OpLoad) {
- assert(!no_loc && "missing input variable location");
- MarkLocsLive(loc, GetLocSize(var_type));
- return;
- }
- // Mark just those locations indicated by access chain
- assert((ref->opcode() == spv::Op::OpAccessChain ||
- ref->opcode() == spv::Op::OpInBoundsAccessChain) &&
- "unexpected use of input variable");
- // Traverse access chain, compute location offset and type of reference
- // through constant indices and mark those locs live. Assert if no location
- // found.
- uint32_t offset = loc;
- auto curr_type = var_type;
- AnalyzeAccessChainLoc(ref, &curr_type, &offset, &no_loc, is_patch);
- assert(!no_loc && "missing input variable location");
- MarkLocsLive(offset, GetLocSize(curr_type));
-void LivenessManager::ComputeLiveness() {
- InitializeAnalysis();
- analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context()->get_def_use_mgr();
- analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
- // Process all input variables
- for (auto& var : context()->types_values()) {
- if (var.opcode() != spv::Op::OpVariable) {
- continue;
- }
- analysis::Type* var_type = type_mgr->GetType(var.type_id());
- analysis::Pointer* ptr_type = var_type->AsPointer();
- if (ptr_type->storage_class() != spv::StorageClass::Input) {
- continue;
- }
- // If var is builtin, mark live if analyzed and continue to next variable
- auto var_id = var.result_id();
- if (AnalyzeBuiltIn(var_id)) continue;
- // If interface block with builtin members, mark live if analyzed and
- // continue to next variable. Input interface blocks will only appear
- // in tesc, tese and geom shaders. Will need to strip off one level of
- // arrayness to get to block type.
- auto pte_type = ptr_type->pointee_type();
- auto arr_type = pte_type->AsArray();
- if (arr_type) {
- auto elt_type = arr_type->element_type();
- auto str_type = elt_type->AsStruct();
- if (str_type) {
- auto str_type_id = type_mgr->GetId(str_type);
- if (AnalyzeBuiltIn(str_type_id)) continue;
- }
- }
- // Mark all used locations of var live
- def_use_mgr->ForEachUser(var_id, [this, &var](Instruction* user) {
- auto op = user->opcode();
- if (op == spv::Op::OpEntryPoint || op == spv::Op::OpName ||
- op == spv::Op::OpDecorate) {
- return;
- }
- MarkRefLive(user, &var);
- });
- }
-void LivenessManager::GetLiveness(std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* live_locs,
- std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* live_builtins) {
- if (!computed_) {
- ComputeLiveness();
- computed_ = true;
- }
- *live_locs = live_locs_;
- *live_builtins = live_builtins_;
-} // namespace analysis
-} // namespace opt
-} // namespace spvtools