path: root/src/render_pass/compat_atch.rs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/src/render_pass/compat_atch.rs b/src/render_pass/compat_atch.rs
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index 381f4f3..0000000
--- a/src/render_pass/compat_atch.rs
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-// Copyright (c) 2017 The vulkano developers
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
-// license <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
-// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
-// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
-// according to those terms.
-//! This module contains the `ensure_image_view_compatible` function, which verifies whether
-//! an image view can be used as a render pass attachment.
-use crate::image::view::ImageViewAbstract;
-use crate::render_pass::RenderPassDesc;
-use crate::{format::Format, image::SampleCount};
-use std::error;
-use std::fmt;
-/// Checks whether the given image view is allowed to be the nth attachment of the given render
-/// pass.
-/// # Panic
-/// Panics if the attachment number is out of range.
-// TODO: add a specializable trait instead, that uses this function
-// TODO: ImageView instead of ImageViewAbstract?
-pub fn ensure_image_view_compatible<I>(
- render_pass_desc: &RenderPassDesc,
- attachment_num: usize,
- image_view: &I,
-) -> Result<(), IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError>
- I: ?Sized + ImageViewAbstract,
- let attachment_desc = render_pass_desc
- .attachments()
- .get(attachment_num)
- .expect("Attachment num out of range");
- if image_view.format() != attachment_desc.format {
- return Err(IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::FormatMismatch {
- expected: attachment_desc.format,
- obtained: image_view.format(),
- });
- }
- if image_view.image().samples() != attachment_desc.samples {
- return Err(IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::SamplesMismatch {
- expected: attachment_desc.samples,
- obtained: image_view.image().samples(),
- });
- }
- if !image_view.component_mapping().is_identity() {
- return Err(IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::NotIdentitySwizzled);
- }
- for subpass in render_pass_desc.subpasses() {
- if subpass
- .color_attachments
- .iter()
- .any(|&(n, _)| n == attachment_num)
- {
- debug_assert!(image_view.image().has_color()); // Was normally checked by the render pass.
- if !image_view.image().inner().image.usage().color_attachment {
- return Err(IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::MissingColorAttachmentUsage);
- }
- }
- if let Some((ds, _)) = subpass.depth_stencil {
- if ds == attachment_num {
- // Was normally checked by the render pass.
- debug_assert!(image_view.image().has_depth() || image_view.image().has_stencil());
- if !image_view
- .image()
- .inner()
- .image
- .usage()
- .depth_stencil_attachment
- {
- return Err(
- IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::MissingDepthStencilAttachmentUsage,
- );
- }
- }
- }
- if subpass
- .input_attachments
- .iter()
- .any(|&(n, _)| n == attachment_num)
- {
- if !image_view.image().inner().image.usage().input_attachment {
- return Err(IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::MissingInputAttachmentUsage);
- }
- }
- }
- // TODO: consider forbidding LoadOp::Load if image is transient
- // TODO: are all image layouts allowed? check this
- Ok(())
-/// Error that can happen when an image is not compatible with a render pass attachment slot.
-#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError {
- /// The image format expected by the render pass doesn't match the actual format of
- /// the image.
- FormatMismatch {
- /// Format expected by the render pass.
- expected: Format,
- /// Format of the image.
- obtained: Format,
- },
- /// The number of samples expected by the render pass doesn't match the number of samples of
- /// the image.
- SamplesMismatch {
- /// Number of samples expected by the render pass.
- expected: SampleCount,
- /// Number of samples of the image.
- obtained: SampleCount,
- },
- /// The image view has a component swizzle that is different from identity.
- NotIdentitySwizzled,
- /// The image is used as a color attachment but is missing the color attachment usage.
- MissingColorAttachmentUsage,
- /// The image is used as a depth/stencil attachment but is missing the depth-stencil attachment
- /// usage.
- MissingDepthStencilAttachmentUsage,
- /// The image is used as an input attachment but is missing the input attachment usage.
- MissingInputAttachmentUsage,
-impl error::Error for IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError {}
-impl fmt::Display for IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
- write!(
- fmt,
- "{}",
- match *self {
- IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::FormatMismatch { .. } => {
- "mismatch between the format expected by the render pass and the actual format"
- }
- IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::SamplesMismatch { .. } => {
- "mismatch between the number of samples expected by the render pass and the actual \
- number of samples"
- }
- IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::NotIdentitySwizzled => {
- "the image view's component mapping is not identity swizzled"
- }
- IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::MissingColorAttachmentUsage => {
- "the image is used as a color attachment but is missing the color attachment usage"
- }
- IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::MissingDepthStencilAttachmentUsage => {
- "the image is used as a depth/stencil attachment but is missing the depth-stencil \
- attachment usage"
- }
- IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::MissingInputAttachmentUsage => {
- "the image is used as an input attachment but is missing the input \
- attachment usage"
- }
- }
- )
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::ensure_image_view_compatible;
- use super::IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError;
- use crate::format::Format;
- use crate::image::view::ImageView;
- use crate::image::AttachmentImage;
- use crate::render_pass::RenderPassDesc;
- #[test]
- fn basic_ok() {
- let (device, _) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
- let rp = single_pass_renderpass!(device.clone(),
- attachments: {
- color: {
- load: Clear,
- store: Store,
- format: Format::R8G8B8A8Unorm,
- samples: 1,
- }
- },
- pass: {
- color: [color],
- depth_stencil: {}
- }
- )
- .unwrap();
- let view = ImageView::new(
- AttachmentImage::new(device, [128, 128], Format::R8G8B8A8Unorm).unwrap(),
- )
- .unwrap();
- ensure_image_view_compatible(rp.desc(), 0, &view).unwrap();
- }
- #[test]
- fn format_mismatch() {
- let (device, _) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
- let rp = single_pass_renderpass!(device.clone(),
- attachments: {
- color: {
- load: Clear,
- store: Store,
- format: Format::R16G16Sfloat,
- samples: 1,
- }
- },
- pass: {
- color: [color],
- depth_stencil: {}
- }
- )
- .unwrap();
- let view = ImageView::new(
- AttachmentImage::new(device, [128, 128], Format::R8G8B8A8Unorm).unwrap(),
- )
- .unwrap();
- match ensure_image_view_compatible(rp.desc(), 0, &view) {
- Err(IncompatibleRenderPassAttachmentError::FormatMismatch {
- expected: Format::R16G16Sfloat,
- obtained: Format::R8G8B8A8Unorm,
- }) => (),
- e => panic!("{:?}", e),
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn attachment_out_of_range() {
- let (device, _) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
- let rp = RenderPassDesc::empty();
- let view = ImageView::new(
- AttachmentImage::new(device, [128, 128], Format::R8G8B8A8Unorm).unwrap(),
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_should_panic!("Attachment num out of range", {
- let _ = ensure_image_view_compatible(&rp, 0, &view);
- });
- }
- // TODO: more tests