path: root/src/command_buffer/synced/commands.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/command_buffer/synced/commands.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3123 deletions
diff --git a/src/command_buffer/synced/commands.rs b/src/command_buffer/synced/commands.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b49a5a..0000000
--- a/src/command_buffer/synced/commands.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3123 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
-// license <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
-// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
-// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
-// according to those terms.
-use super::Command;
-use crate::buffer::BufferAccess;
-use crate::buffer::TypedBufferAccess;
-use crate::command_buffer::synced::builder::KeyTy;
-use crate::command_buffer::synced::builder::SyncCommandBufferBuilder;
-use crate::command_buffer::synced::builder::SyncCommandBufferBuilderError;
-use crate::command_buffer::sys::UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder;
-use crate::command_buffer::sys::UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBindVertexBuffer;
-use crate::command_buffer::sys::UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBufferImageCopy;
-use crate::command_buffer::sys::UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderColorImageClear;
-use crate::command_buffer::sys::UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderExecuteCommands;
-use crate::command_buffer::sys::UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderImageBlit;
-use crate::command_buffer::sys::UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderImageCopy;
-use crate::command_buffer::CommandBufferExecError;
-use crate::command_buffer::ImageUninitializedSafe;
-use crate::command_buffer::SecondaryCommandBuffer;
-use crate::command_buffer::SubpassContents;
-use crate::descriptor_set::layout::DescriptorDescTy;
-use crate::descriptor_set::DescriptorSet;
-use crate::descriptor_set::DescriptorSetWithOffsets;
-use crate::format::ClearValue;
-use crate::image::ImageAccess;
-use crate::image::ImageLayout;
-use crate::pipeline::depth_stencil::StencilFaces;
-use crate::pipeline::input_assembly::IndexType;
-use crate::pipeline::layout::PipelineLayout;
-use crate::pipeline::shader::ShaderStages;
-use crate::pipeline::vertex::VertexInput;
-use crate::pipeline::viewport::Scissor;
-use crate::pipeline::viewport::Viewport;
-use crate::pipeline::ComputePipelineAbstract;
-use crate::pipeline::GraphicsPipelineAbstract;
-use crate::pipeline::PipelineBindPoint;
-use crate::query::QueryControlFlags;
-use crate::query::QueryPool;
-use crate::query::QueryResultElement;
-use crate::query::QueryResultFlags;
-use crate::render_pass::FramebufferAbstract;
-use crate::render_pass::LoadOp;
-use crate::sampler::Filter;
-use crate::sync::AccessFlags;
-use crate::sync::Event;
-use crate::sync::PipelineMemoryAccess;
-use crate::sync::PipelineStage;
-use crate::sync::PipelineStages;
-use crate::DeviceSize;
-use crate::SafeDeref;
-use crate::VulkanObject;
-use smallvec::SmallVec;
-use std::borrow::Cow;
-use std::ffi::CStr;
-use std::mem;
-use std::ops::Range;
-use std::ptr;
-use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
-impl SyncCommandBufferBuilder {
- /// Calls `vkCmdBeginQuery` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn begin_query(
- &mut self,
- query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>,
- query: u32,
- flags: QueryControlFlags,
- ) {
- struct Cmd {
- query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>,
- query: u32,
- flags: QueryControlFlags,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBeginQuery"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.begin_query(self.query_pool.query(self.query).unwrap(), self.flags);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- query_pool,
- query,
- flags,
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkBeginRenderPass` on the builder.
- // TODO: it shouldn't be possible to get an error if the framebuffer checked conflicts already
- // TODO: after begin_render_pass has been called, flushing should be forbidden and an error
- // returned if conflict
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn begin_render_pass<F, I>(
- &mut self,
- framebuffer: F,
- subpass_contents: SubpassContents,
- clear_values: I,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- F: FramebufferAbstract + Send + Sync + 'static,
- I: IntoIterator<Item = ClearValue> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<F, I> {
- framebuffer: F,
- subpass_contents: SubpassContents,
- clear_values: Mutex<Option<I>>,
- }
- impl<F, I> Command for Cmd<F, I>
- where
- F: FramebufferAbstract + Send + Sync + 'static,
- I: IntoIterator<Item = ClearValue>,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBeginRenderPass"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.begin_render_pass(
- &self.framebuffer,
- self.subpass_contents,
- self.clear_values.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- fn image(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- self.framebuffer.attached_image_view(num).unwrap().image()
- }
- fn image_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- format!("attachment {}", num).into()
- }
- }
- let resources = framebuffer
- .render_pass()
- .desc()
- .attachments()
- .iter()
- .map(|desc| {
- (
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- all_commands: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- }, // TODO: wrong!
- access: AccessFlags {
- input_attachment_read: true,
- color_attachment_read: true,
- color_attachment_write: true,
- depth_stencil_attachment_read: true,
- depth_stencil_attachment_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- }, // TODO: suboptimal
- exclusive: true, // TODO: suboptimal ; note: remember to always pass true if desc.initial_layout != desc.final_layout
- },
- desc.initial_layout,
- desc.final_layout,
- match desc.initial_layout != ImageLayout::Undefined
- || desc.load == LoadOp::Clear
- {
- true => ImageUninitializedSafe::Safe,
- false => ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- },
- )),
- )
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- framebuffer,
- subpass_contents,
- clear_values: Mutex::new(Some(clear_values)),
- },
- &resources,
- )?;
- self.latest_render_pass_enter = Some(self.commands.len() - 1);
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Starts the process of binding descriptor sets. Returns an intermediate struct which can be
- /// used to add the sets.
- #[inline]
- pub fn bind_descriptor_sets(&mut self) -> SyncCommandBufferBuilderBindDescriptorSets {
- SyncCommandBufferBuilderBindDescriptorSets {
- builder: self,
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec::new(),
- }
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdBindIndexBuffer` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn bind_index_buffer<B>(
- &mut self,
- buffer: B,
- index_ty: IndexType,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<B> {
- buffer: B,
- index_ty: IndexType,
- }
- impl<B> Command for Cmd<B>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBindIndexBuffer"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.bind_index_buffer(&self.buffer, self.index_ty);
- }
- fn bound_index_buffer(&self) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- &self.buffer
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { buffer, index_ty }, &[])?;
- self.bindings.index_buffer = self.commands.last().cloned();
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdBindPipeline` on the builder with a compute pipeline.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn bind_pipeline_compute<Cp>(&mut self, pipeline: Cp)
- where
- Cp: ComputePipelineAbstract + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<Gp> {
- pipeline: Gp,
- }
- impl<Gp> Command for Cmd<Gp>
- where
- Gp: ComputePipelineAbstract + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBindPipeline"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.bind_pipeline_compute(&self.pipeline);
- }
- fn bound_pipeline_compute(&self) -> &dyn ComputePipelineAbstract {
- &self.pipeline
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { pipeline }, &[]).unwrap();
- self.bindings.pipeline_compute = self.commands.last().cloned();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdBindPipeline` on the builder with a graphics pipeline.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn bind_pipeline_graphics<Gp>(&mut self, pipeline: Gp)
- where
- Gp: GraphicsPipelineAbstract + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<Gp> {
- pipeline: Gp,
- }
- impl<Gp> Command for Cmd<Gp>
- where
- Gp: GraphicsPipelineAbstract + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBindPipeline"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.bind_pipeline_graphics(&self.pipeline);
- }
- fn bound_pipeline_graphics(&self) -> &dyn GraphicsPipelineAbstract {
- &self.pipeline
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { pipeline }, &[]).unwrap();
- self.bindings.pipeline_graphics = self.commands.last().cloned();
- }
- /// Starts the process of binding vertex buffers. Returns an intermediate struct which can be
- /// used to add the buffers.
- #[inline]
- pub fn bind_vertex_buffers(&mut self) -> SyncCommandBufferBuilderBindVertexBuffer {
- SyncCommandBufferBuilderBindVertexBuffer {
- builder: self,
- inner: UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBindVertexBuffer::new(),
- buffers: SmallVec::new(),
- }
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdCopyImage` on the builder.
- ///
- /// Does nothing if the list of regions is empty, as it would be a no-op and isn't a valid
- /// usage of the command anyway.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn copy_image<S, D, R>(
- &mut self,
- source: S,
- source_layout: ImageLayout,
- destination: D,
- destination_layout: ImageLayout,
- regions: R,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- S: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderImageCopy> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<S, D, R> {
- source: S,
- source_layout: ImageLayout,
- destination: D,
- destination_layout: ImageLayout,
- regions: Mutex<Option<R>>,
- }
- impl<S, D, R> Command for Cmd<S, D, R>
- where
- S: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderImageCopy>,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdCopyImage"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.copy_image(
- &self.source,
- self.source_layout,
- &self.destination,
- self.destination_layout,
- self.regions.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- fn image(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- if num == 0 {
- &self.source
- } else if num == 1 {
- &self.destination
- } else {
- panic!()
- }
- }
- fn image_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- if num == 0 {
- "source".into()
- } else if num == 1 {
- "destination".into()
- } else {
- panic!()
- }
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- source,
- source_layout,
- destination,
- destination_layout,
- regions: Mutex::new(Some(regions)),
- },
- &[
- (
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_read: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: false,
- },
- source_layout,
- source_layout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ),
- (
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- destination_layout,
- destination_layout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Safe,
- )),
- ),
- ],
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdBlitImage` on the builder.
- ///
- /// Does nothing if the list of regions is empty, as it would be a no-op and isn't a valid
- /// usage of the command anyway.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn blit_image<S, D, R>(
- &mut self,
- source: S,
- source_layout: ImageLayout,
- destination: D,
- destination_layout: ImageLayout,
- regions: R,
- filter: Filter,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- S: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderImageBlit> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<S, D, R> {
- source: S,
- source_layout: ImageLayout,
- destination: D,
- destination_layout: ImageLayout,
- regions: Mutex<Option<R>>,
- filter: Filter,
- }
- impl<S, D, R> Command for Cmd<S, D, R>
- where
- S: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderImageBlit>,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBlitImage"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.blit_image(
- &self.source,
- self.source_layout,
- &self.destination,
- self.destination_layout,
- self.regions.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- self.filter,
- );
- }
- fn image(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- if num == 0 {
- &self.source
- } else if num == 1 {
- &self.destination
- } else {
- panic!()
- }
- }
- fn image_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- if num == 0 {
- "source".into()
- } else if num == 1 {
- "destination".into()
- } else {
- panic!()
- }
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- source,
- source_layout,
- destination,
- destination_layout,
- regions: Mutex::new(Some(regions)),
- filter,
- },
- &[
- (
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_read: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: false,
- },
- source_layout,
- source_layout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ),
- (
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- destination_layout,
- destination_layout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Safe,
- )),
- ),
- ],
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdClearColorImage` on the builder.
- ///
- /// Does nothing if the list of regions is empty, as it would be a no-op and isn't a valid
- /// usage of the command anyway.
- pub unsafe fn clear_color_image<I, R>(
- &mut self,
- image: I,
- layout: ImageLayout,
- color: ClearValue,
- regions: R,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- I: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderColorImageClear> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<I, R> {
- image: I,
- layout: ImageLayout,
- color: ClearValue,
- regions: Mutex<Option<R>>,
- }
- impl<I, R> Command for Cmd<I, R>
- where
- I: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderColorImageClear>
- + Send
- + Sync
- + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdClearColorImage"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.clear_color_image(
- &self.image,
- self.layout,
- self.color,
- self.regions.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- fn image(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- &self.image
- }
- fn image_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- "target".into()
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- image,
- layout,
- color,
- regions: Mutex::new(Some(regions)),
- },
- &[(
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- layout,
- layout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Safe,
- )),
- )],
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdCopyBuffer` on the builder.
- ///
- /// Does nothing if the list of regions is empty, as it would be a no-op and isn't a valid
- /// usage of the command anyway.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn copy_buffer<S, D, R>(
- &mut self,
- source: S,
- destination: D,
- regions: R,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- S: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = (DeviceSize, DeviceSize, DeviceSize)> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<S, D, R> {
- source: S,
- destination: D,
- regions: Mutex<Option<R>>,
- }
- impl<S, D, R> Command for Cmd<S, D, R>
- where
- S: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = (DeviceSize, DeviceSize, DeviceSize)>,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdCopyBuffer"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.copy_buffer(
- &self.source,
- &self.destination,
- self.regions.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- fn buffer(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- match num {
- 0 => &self.source,
- 1 => &self.destination,
- _ => panic!(),
- }
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- match num {
- 0 => "source".into(),
- 1 => "destination".into(),
- _ => panic!(),
- }
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- source,
- destination,
- regions: Mutex::new(Some(regions)),
- },
- &[
- (
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_read: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: false,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ),
- (
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ),
- ],
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdCopyBufferToImage` on the builder.
- ///
- /// Does nothing if the list of regions is empty, as it would be a no-op and isn't a valid
- /// usage of the command anyway.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn copy_buffer_to_image<S, D, R>(
- &mut self,
- source: S,
- destination: D,
- destination_layout: ImageLayout,
- regions: R,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- S: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBufferImageCopy> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<S, D, R> {
- source: S,
- destination: D,
- destination_layout: ImageLayout,
- regions: Mutex<Option<R>>,
- }
- impl<S, D, R> Command for Cmd<S, D, R>
- where
- S: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBufferImageCopy>,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdCopyBufferToImage"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.copy_buffer_to_image(
- &self.source,
- &self.destination,
- self.destination_layout,
- self.regions.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- fn buffer(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- &self.source
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- "source".into()
- }
- fn image(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- &self.destination
- }
- fn image_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- "destination".into()
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- source,
- destination,
- destination_layout,
- regions: Mutex::new(Some(regions)),
- },
- &[
- (
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_read: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: false,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ),
- (
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- destination_layout,
- destination_layout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Safe,
- )),
- ),
- ],
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer` on the builder.
- ///
- /// Does nothing if the list of regions is empty, as it would be a no-op and isn't a valid
- /// usage of the command anyway.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn copy_image_to_buffer<S, D, R>(
- &mut self,
- source: S,
- source_layout: ImageLayout,
- destination: D,
- regions: R,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- S: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBufferImageCopy> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<S, D, R> {
- source: S,
- source_layout: ImageLayout,
- destination: D,
- regions: Mutex<Option<R>>,
- }
- impl<S, D, R> Command for Cmd<S, D, R>
- where
- S: ImageAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- R: IntoIterator<Item = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBufferImageCopy>,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.copy_image_to_buffer(
- &self.source,
- self.source_layout,
- &self.destination,
- self.regions.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- fn buffer(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- &self.destination
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- "destination".into()
- }
- fn image(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- &self.source
- }
- fn image_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- "source".into()
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- source,
- destination,
- source_layout,
- regions: Mutex::new(Some(regions)),
- },
- &[
- (
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_read: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: false,
- },
- source_layout,
- source_layout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ),
- (
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ),
- ],
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults` on the builder.
- ///
- /// # Safety
- /// `stride` must be at least the number of bytes that will be written by each query.
- pub unsafe fn copy_query_pool_results<D, T>(
- &mut self,
- query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>,
- queries: Range<u32>,
- destination: D,
- stride: DeviceSize,
- flags: QueryResultFlags,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- D: BufferAccess + TypedBufferAccess<Content = [T]> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- T: QueryResultElement,
- {
- struct Cmd<D> {
- query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>,
- queries: Range<u32>,
- destination: D,
- stride: DeviceSize,
- flags: QueryResultFlags,
- }
- impl<D, T> Command for Cmd<D>
- where
- D: BufferAccess + TypedBufferAccess<Content = [T]> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- T: QueryResultElement,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.copy_query_pool_results(
- self.query_pool.queries_range(self.queries.clone()).unwrap(),
- &self.destination,
- self.stride,
- self.flags,
- );
- }
- fn buffer(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- &self.destination
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- "destination".into()
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- query_pool,
- queries,
- destination,
- stride,
- flags,
- },
- &[(
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- )],
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT` on the builder.
- ///
- /// # Safety
- /// The command pool that this command buffer was allocated from must support graphics or
- /// compute operations
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn debug_marker_begin(&mut self, name: &'static CStr, color: [f32; 4]) {
- struct Cmd {
- name: &'static CStr,
- color: [f32; 4],
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBeginDebugUtilsLabelEXT"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.debug_marker_begin(self.name, self.color);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { name, color }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT` on the builder.
- ///
- /// # Safety
- /// - The command pool that this command buffer was allocated from must support graphics or
- /// compute operations
- /// - There must be an outstanding `debug_marker_begin` command prior to the
- /// `debug_marker_end` on the queue.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn debug_marker_end(&mut self) {
- struct Cmd {}
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdEndDebugUtilsLabelEXT"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.debug_marker_end();
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd {}, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT` on the builder.
- ///
- /// # Safety
- /// The command pool that this command buffer was allocated from must support graphics or
- /// compute operations
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn debug_marker_insert(&mut self, name: &'static CStr, color: [f32; 4]) {
- struct Cmd {
- name: &'static CStr,
- color: [f32; 4],
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.debug_marker_insert(self.name, self.color);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { name, color }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdDispatch` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn dispatch(&mut self, group_counts: [u32; 3]) {
- struct Cmd {
- group_counts: [u32; 3],
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>; 12]>,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdDispatch"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.dispatch(self.group_counts);
- }
- fn buffer(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return buf.0;
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return format!("Buffer bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, buf.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return img.0.image();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return format!("Image bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, img.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- }
- let pipeline = self
- .bindings
- .pipeline_compute
- .as_ref()
- .unwrap()
- .bound_pipeline_compute();
- let mut resources = Vec::new();
- let descriptor_sets = self.add_descriptor_set_resources(
- &mut resources,
- pipeline.layout(),
- PipelineBindPoint::Compute,
- );
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- group_counts,
- descriptor_sets,
- },
- &resources,
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdDispatchIndirect` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn dispatch_indirect<B>(
- &mut self,
- indirect_buffer: B,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<B> {
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>; 12]>,
- indirect_buffer: B,
- }
- impl<B> Command for Cmd<B>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdDispatchIndirect"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.dispatch_indirect(&self.indirect_buffer);
- }
- fn buffer(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return buf.0;
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- if num == 0 {
- return &self.indirect_buffer;
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return format!("Buffer bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, buf.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- if num == 0 {
- return "indirect buffer".into();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return img.0.image();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return format!("Image bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, img.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- }
- let pipeline = self
- .bindings
- .pipeline_compute
- .as_ref()
- .unwrap()
- .bound_pipeline_compute();
- let mut resources = Vec::new();
- let descriptor_sets = self.add_descriptor_set_resources(
- &mut resources,
- pipeline.layout(),
- PipelineBindPoint::Compute,
- );
- self.add_indirect_buffer_resources(&mut resources);
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- descriptor_sets,
- indirect_buffer,
- },
- &resources,
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdDraw` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn draw(
- &mut self,
- vertex_count: u32,
- instance_count: u32,
- first_vertex: u32,
- first_instance: u32,
- ) {
- struct Cmd {
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>; 12]>,
- vertex_buffers: SmallVec<[(u32, Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>); 4]>,
- vertex_count: u32,
- instance_count: u32,
- first_vertex: u32,
- first_instance: u32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdDraw"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.draw(
- self.vertex_count,
- self.instance_count,
- self.first_vertex,
- self.first_instance,
- );
- }
- fn buffer(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return buf.0;
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- for buffer in self
- .vertex_buffers
- .iter()
- .map(|(binding_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_vertex_buffer(*binding_num))
- {
- if num == 0 {
- return buffer;
- }
- num -= 1;
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return format!("Buffer bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, buf.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- for binding_num in self
- .vertex_buffers
- .iter()
- .map(|(binding_num, _)| *binding_num)
- {
- if num == 0 {
- return format!("Vertex buffer binding {}", binding_num).into();
- }
- num -= 1;
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return img.0.image();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return format!("Image bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, img.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- }
- let pipeline = self
- .bindings
- .pipeline_graphics
- .as_ref()
- .unwrap()
- .bound_pipeline_graphics();
- let mut resources = Vec::new();
- let descriptor_sets = self.add_descriptor_set_resources(
- &mut resources,
- pipeline.layout(),
- PipelineBindPoint::Graphics,
- );
- let vertex_buffers =
- self.add_vertex_buffer_resources(&mut resources, pipeline.vertex_input());
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- descriptor_sets,
- vertex_buffers,
- vertex_count,
- instance_count,
- first_vertex,
- first_instance,
- },
- &resources,
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdDrawIndexed` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn draw_indexed(
- &mut self,
- index_count: u32,
- instance_count: u32,
- first_index: u32,
- vertex_offset: i32,
- first_instance: u32,
- ) {
- struct Cmd {
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>; 12]>,
- vertex_buffers: SmallVec<[(u32, Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>); 4]>,
- index_buffer: Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>,
- index_count: u32,
- instance_count: u32,
- first_index: u32,
- vertex_offset: i32,
- first_instance: u32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdDrawIndexed"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.draw_indexed(
- self.index_count,
- self.instance_count,
- self.first_index,
- self.vertex_offset,
- self.first_instance,
- );
- }
- fn buffer(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return buf.0;
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- for buffer in self
- .vertex_buffers
- .iter()
- .map(|(binding_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_vertex_buffer(*binding_num))
- {
- if num == 0 {
- return buffer;
- }
- num -= 1;
- }
- if num == 0 {
- return self.index_buffer.bound_index_buffer();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return format!("Buffer bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, buf.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- for binding_num in self
- .vertex_buffers
- .iter()
- .map(|(binding_num, _)| *binding_num)
- {
- if num == 0 {
- return format!("Vertex buffer binding {}", binding_num).into();
- }
- num -= 1;
- }
- if num == 0 {
- return "index buffer".into();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return img.0.image();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return format!("Image bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, img.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- }
- let pipeline = self
- .bindings
- .pipeline_graphics
- .as_ref()
- .unwrap()
- .bound_pipeline_graphics();
- let mut resources = Vec::new();
- let descriptor_sets = self.add_descriptor_set_resources(
- &mut resources,
- pipeline.layout(),
- PipelineBindPoint::Graphics,
- );
- let vertex_buffers =
- self.add_vertex_buffer_resources(&mut resources, pipeline.vertex_input());
- let index_buffer = self.add_index_buffer_resources(&mut resources);
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- descriptor_sets,
- vertex_buffers,
- index_buffer,
- index_count,
- instance_count,
- first_index,
- vertex_offset,
- first_instance,
- },
- &resources,
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdDrawIndirect` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn draw_indirect<B>(
- &mut self,
- indirect_buffer: B,
- draw_count: u32,
- stride: u32,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<B> {
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>; 12]>,
- vertex_buffers: SmallVec<[(u32, Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>); 4]>,
- indirect_buffer: B,
- draw_count: u32,
- stride: u32,
- }
- impl<B> Command for Cmd<B>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdDrawIndirect"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.draw_indirect(&self.indirect_buffer, self.draw_count, self.stride);
- }
- fn buffer(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return buf.0;
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- for buffer in self
- .vertex_buffers
- .iter()
- .map(|(binding_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_vertex_buffer(*binding_num))
- {
- if num == 0 {
- return buffer;
- }
- num -= 1;
- }
- if num == 0 {
- return &self.indirect_buffer;
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return format!("Buffer bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, buf.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- for binding_num in self
- .vertex_buffers
- .iter()
- .map(|(binding_num, _)| *binding_num)
- {
- if num == 0 {
- return format!("Vertex buffer binding {}", binding_num).into();
- }
- num -= 1;
- }
- if num == 0 {
- return "indirect buffer".into();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return img.0.image();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return format!("Image bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, img.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- }
- let pipeline = self
- .bindings
- .pipeline_graphics
- .as_ref()
- .unwrap()
- .bound_pipeline_graphics();
- let mut resources = Vec::new();
- let descriptor_sets = self.add_descriptor_set_resources(
- &mut resources,
- pipeline.layout(),
- PipelineBindPoint::Graphics,
- );
- let vertex_buffers =
- self.add_vertex_buffer_resources(&mut resources, pipeline.vertex_input());
- self.add_indirect_buffer_resources(&mut resources);
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- descriptor_sets,
- vertex_buffers,
- indirect_buffer,
- draw_count,
- stride,
- },
- &resources,
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn draw_indexed_indirect<B>(
- &mut self,
- indirect_buffer: B,
- draw_count: u32,
- stride: u32,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<B> {
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>; 12]>,
- vertex_buffers: SmallVec<[(u32, Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>); 4]>,
- index_buffer: Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>,
- indirect_buffer: B,
- draw_count: u32,
- stride: u32,
- }
- impl<B> Command for Cmd<B>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.draw_indexed_indirect(&self.indirect_buffer, self.draw_count, self.stride);
- }
- fn buffer(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return buf.0;
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- for buffer in self
- .vertex_buffers
- .iter()
- .map(|(binding_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_vertex_buffer(*binding_num))
- {
- if num == 0 {
- return buffer;
- }
- num -= 1;
- }
- if num == 0 {
- return self.index_buffer.bound_index_buffer();
- } else if num == 1 {
- return &self.indirect_buffer;
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(buf) = set.buffer(num) {
- return format!("Buffer bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, buf.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_buffers();
- }
- for binding_num in self
- .vertex_buffers
- .iter()
- .map(|(binding_num, _)| *binding_num)
- {
- if num == 0 {
- return format!("Vertex buffer binding {}", binding_num).into();
- }
- num -= 1;
- }
- if num == 0 {
- return "index buffer".into();
- } else if num == 1 {
- return "indirect buffer".into();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- for set in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return img.0.image();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (set_num, set) in self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| (set_num, cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0))
- {
- if let Some(img) = set.image(num) {
- return format!("Image bound to set {} descriptor {}", set_num, img.1)
- .into();
- }
- num -= set.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- }
- let pipeline = self
- .bindings
- .pipeline_graphics
- .as_ref()
- .unwrap()
- .bound_pipeline_graphics();
- let mut resources = Vec::new();
- let descriptor_sets = self.add_descriptor_set_resources(
- &mut resources,
- pipeline.layout(),
- PipelineBindPoint::Graphics,
- );
- let vertex_buffers =
- self.add_vertex_buffer_resources(&mut resources, pipeline.vertex_input());
- let index_buffer = self.add_index_buffer_resources(&mut resources);
- self.add_indirect_buffer_resources(&mut resources);
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- descriptor_sets,
- vertex_buffers,
- index_buffer,
- indirect_buffer,
- draw_count,
- stride,
- },
- &resources,
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdEndQuery` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn end_query(&mut self, query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>, query: u32) {
- struct Cmd {
- query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>,
- query: u32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdEndQuery"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.end_query(self.query_pool.query(self.query).unwrap());
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { query_pool, query }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdEndRenderPass` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn end_render_pass(&mut self) {
- struct Cmd;
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdEndRenderPass"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.end_render_pass();
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd, &[]).unwrap();
- debug_assert!(self.latest_render_pass_enter.is_some());
- self.latest_render_pass_enter = None;
- }
- /// Starts the process of executing secondary command buffers. Returns an intermediate struct
- /// which can be used to add the command buffers.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn execute_commands(&mut self) -> SyncCommandBufferBuilderExecuteCommands {
- SyncCommandBufferBuilderExecuteCommands {
- builder: self,
- inner: Vec::new(),
- }
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdFillBuffer` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn fill_buffer<B>(&mut self, buffer: B, data: u32)
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<B> {
- buffer: B,
- data: u32,
- }
- impl<B> Command for Cmd<B>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdFillBuffer"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.fill_buffer(&self.buffer, self.data);
- }
- fn buffer(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- &self.buffer
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, _: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- "destination".into()
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd { buffer, data },
- &[(
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- )],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdNextSubpass` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn next_subpass(&mut self, subpass_contents: SubpassContents) {
- struct Cmd {
- subpass_contents: SubpassContents,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdNextSubpass"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.next_subpass(self.subpass_contents);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { subpass_contents }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdPushConstants` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn push_constants<D>(
- &mut self,
- pipeline_layout: Arc<PipelineLayout>,
- stages: ShaderStages,
- offset: u32,
- size: u32,
- data: &D,
- ) where
- D: ?Sized + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd {
- pipeline_layout: Arc<PipelineLayout>,
- stages: ShaderStages,
- offset: u32,
- size: u32,
- data: Box<[u8]>,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdPushConstants"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.push_constants::<[u8]>(
- &self.pipeline_layout,
- self.stages,
- self.offset,
- self.size,
- &self.data,
- );
- }
- }
- debug_assert!(mem::size_of_val(data) >= size as usize);
- let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize);
- ptr::copy::<u8>(
- data as *const D as *const u8,
- out.as_mut_ptr(),
- size as usize,
- );
- out.set_len(size as usize);
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- pipeline_layout,
- stages,
- offset,
- size,
- data: out.into(),
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdResetEvent` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn reset_event(&mut self, event: Arc<Event>, stages: PipelineStages) {
- struct Cmd {
- event: Arc<Event>,
- stages: PipelineStages,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdResetEvent"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.reset_event(&self.event, self.stages);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { event, stages }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdResetQueryPool` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn reset_query_pool(&mut self, query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>, queries: Range<u32>) {
- struct Cmd {
- query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>,
- queries: Range<u32>,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdResetQueryPool"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.reset_query_pool(self.query_pool.queries_range(self.queries.clone()).unwrap());
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- query_pool,
- queries,
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetBlendConstants` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_blend_constants(&mut self, constants: [f32; 4]) {
- struct Cmd {
- constants: [f32; 4],
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetBlendConstants"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_blend_constants(self.constants);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { constants }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetDepthBias` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_depth_bias(&mut self, constant_factor: f32, clamp: f32, slope_factor: f32) {
- struct Cmd {
- constant_factor: f32,
- clamp: f32,
- slope_factor: f32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetDepthBias"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_depth_bias(self.constant_factor, self.clamp, self.slope_factor);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- constant_factor,
- clamp,
- slope_factor,
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetDepthBounds` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_depth_bounds(&mut self, min: f32, max: f32) {
- struct Cmd {
- min: f32,
- max: f32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetDepthBounds"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_depth_bounds(self.min, self.max);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { min, max }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetEvent` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_event(&mut self, event: Arc<Event>, stages: PipelineStages) {
- struct Cmd {
- event: Arc<Event>,
- stages: PipelineStages,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetEvent"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_event(&self.event, self.stages);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { event, stages }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetLineWidth` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_line_width(&mut self, line_width: f32) {
- struct Cmd {
- line_width: f32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetLineWidth"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_line_width(self.line_width);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(Cmd { line_width }, &[]).unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_stencil_compare_mask(&mut self, face_mask: StencilFaces, compare_mask: u32) {
- struct Cmd {
- face_mask: StencilFaces,
- compare_mask: u32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_stencil_compare_mask(self.face_mask, self.compare_mask);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- face_mask,
- compare_mask,
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetStencilReference` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_stencil_reference(&mut self, face_mask: StencilFaces, reference: u32) {
- struct Cmd {
- face_mask: StencilFaces,
- reference: u32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetStencilReference"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_stencil_reference(self.face_mask, self.reference);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- face_mask,
- reference,
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_stencil_write_mask(&mut self, face_mask: StencilFaces, write_mask: u32) {
- struct Cmd {
- face_mask: StencilFaces,
- write_mask: u32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_stencil_write_mask(self.face_mask, self.write_mask);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- face_mask,
- write_mask,
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetScissor` on the builder.
- ///
- /// If the list is empty then the command is automatically ignored.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_scissor<I>(&mut self, first_scissor: u32, scissors: I)
- where
- I: IntoIterator<Item = Scissor> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<I> {
- first_scissor: u32,
- scissors: Mutex<Option<I>>,
- }
- impl<I> Command for Cmd<I>
- where
- I: IntoIterator<Item = Scissor>,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetScissor"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_scissor(
- self.first_scissor,
- self.scissors.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- first_scissor,
- scissors: Mutex::new(Some(scissors)),
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdSetViewport` on the builder.
- ///
- /// If the list is empty then the command is automatically ignored.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn set_viewport<I>(&mut self, first_viewport: u32, viewports: I)
- where
- I: IntoIterator<Item = Viewport> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<I> {
- first_viewport: u32,
- viewports: Mutex<Option<I>>,
- }
- impl<I> Command for Cmd<I>
- where
- I: IntoIterator<Item = Viewport>,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdSetViewport"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.set_viewport(
- self.first_viewport,
- self.viewports.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- first_viewport,
- viewports: Mutex::new(Some(viewports)),
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdUpdateBuffer` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn update_buffer<B, D, Dd>(&mut self, buffer: B, data: Dd)
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: ?Sized,
- Dd: SafeDeref<Target = D> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- struct Cmd<B, Dd> {
- buffer: B,
- data: Dd,
- }
- impl<B, D, Dd> Command for Cmd<B, Dd>
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- D: ?Sized,
- Dd: SafeDeref<Target = D> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdUpdateBuffer"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.update_buffer(&self.buffer, self.data.deref());
- }
- fn buffer(&self, num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- assert_eq!(num, 0);
- &self.buffer
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, _: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- "destination".into()
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd { buffer, data },
- &[(
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- transfer: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- transfer_write: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: true,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- )],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- /// Calls `vkCmdWriteTimestamp` on the builder.
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn write_timestamp(
- &mut self,
- query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>,
- query: u32,
- stage: PipelineStage,
- ) {
- struct Cmd {
- query_pool: Arc<QueryPool>,
- query: u32,
- stage: PipelineStage,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdWriteTimestamp"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.write_timestamp(self.query_pool.query(self.query).unwrap(), self.stage);
- }
- }
- self.append_command(
- Cmd {
- query_pool,
- query,
- stage,
- },
- &[],
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- fn add_descriptor_set_resources(
- &self,
- resources: &mut Vec<(
- KeyTy,
- Option<(
- PipelineMemoryAccess,
- ImageLayout,
- ImageLayout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe,
- )>,
- )>,
- pipeline_layout: &PipelineLayout,
- pipeline_bind_point: PipelineBindPoint,
- ) -> SmallVec<[Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>; 12]> {
- let descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>; 12]> = (0..pipeline_layout
- .descriptor_set_layouts()
- .len()
- as u32)
- .map(|set_num| self.bindings.descriptor_sets[&pipeline_bind_point][&set_num].clone())
- .collect();
- for ds in descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(set_num, cmd)| cmd.bound_descriptor_set(set_num as u32).0)
- {
- for buf_num in 0..ds.num_buffers() {
- let desc = ds
- .layout()
- .descriptor(ds.buffer(buf_num).unwrap().1 as usize)
- .unwrap();
- let exclusive = !desc.readonly;
- let (stages, access) = desc.pipeline_stages_and_access();
- resources.push((
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages,
- access,
- exclusive,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ));
- }
- for img_num in 0..ds.num_images() {
- let (image_view, desc_num) = ds.image(img_num).unwrap();
- let desc = ds.layout().descriptor(desc_num as usize).unwrap();
- let exclusive = !desc.readonly;
- let (stages, access) = desc.pipeline_stages_and_access();
- let mut ignore_me_hack = false;
- let layouts = image_view
- .image()
- .descriptor_layouts()
- .expect("descriptor_layouts must return Some when used in an image view");
- let layout = match desc.ty {
- DescriptorDescTy::CombinedImageSampler(_) => layouts.combined_image_sampler,
- DescriptorDescTy::Image(ref img) => {
- if img.sampled {
- layouts.sampled_image
- } else {
- layouts.storage_image
- }
- }
- DescriptorDescTy::InputAttachment { .. } => {
- // FIXME: This is tricky. Since we read from the input attachment
- // and this input attachment is being written in an earlier pass,
- // vulkano will think that it needs to put a pipeline barrier and will
- // return a `Conflict` error. For now as a work-around we simply ignore
- // input attachments.
- ignore_me_hack = true;
- layouts.input_attachment
- }
- _ => panic!("Tried to bind an image to a non-image descriptor"),
- };
- resources.push((
- KeyTy::Image,
- if ignore_me_hack {
- None
- } else {
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages,
- access,
- exclusive,
- },
- layout,
- layout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- ))
- },
- ));
- }
- }
- descriptor_sets
- }
- fn add_vertex_buffer_resources(
- &self,
- resources: &mut Vec<(
- KeyTy,
- Option<(
- PipelineMemoryAccess,
- ImageLayout,
- ImageLayout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe,
- )>,
- )>,
- vertex_input: &VertexInput,
- ) -> SmallVec<[(u32, Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>); 4]> {
- let vertex_buffers: SmallVec<[(u32, Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync>); 4]> = vertex_input
- .bindings()
- .map(|(binding_num, _)| {
- (
- binding_num,
- self.bindings.vertex_buffers[&binding_num].clone(),
- )
- })
- .collect();
- resources.extend(vertex_buffers.iter().map(|_| {
- (
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- vertex_input: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- vertex_attribute_read: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: false,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- )
- }));
- vertex_buffers
- }
- fn add_index_buffer_resources(
- &self,
- resources: &mut Vec<(
- KeyTy,
- Option<(
- PipelineMemoryAccess,
- ImageLayout,
- ImageLayout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe,
- )>,
- )>,
- ) -> Arc<dyn Command + Send + Sync> {
- let index_buffer = self.bindings.index_buffer.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
- resources.push((
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- vertex_input: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- },
- access: AccessFlags {
- index_read: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: false,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ));
- index_buffer
- }
- fn add_indirect_buffer_resources(
- &self,
- resources: &mut Vec<(
- KeyTy,
- Option<(
- PipelineMemoryAccess,
- ImageLayout,
- ImageLayout,
- ImageUninitializedSafe,
- )>,
- )>,
- ) {
- resources.push((
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- PipelineMemoryAccess {
- stages: PipelineStages {
- draw_indirect: true,
- ..PipelineStages::none()
- }, // TODO: is draw_indirect correct for dispatch too?
- access: AccessFlags {
- indirect_command_read: true,
- ..AccessFlags::none()
- },
- exclusive: false,
- },
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ));
- }
-pub struct SyncCommandBufferBuilderBindDescriptorSets<'b> {
- builder: &'b mut SyncCommandBufferBuilder,
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[DescriptorSetWithOffsets; 12]>,
-impl<'b> SyncCommandBufferBuilderBindDescriptorSets<'b> {
- /// Adds a descriptor set to the list.
- #[inline]
- pub fn add<S>(&mut self, descriptor_set: S)
- where
- S: Into<DescriptorSetWithOffsets>,
- {
- self.descriptor_sets.push(descriptor_set.into());
- }
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn submit(
- self,
- pipeline_bind_point: PipelineBindPoint,
- pipeline_layout: Arc<PipelineLayout>,
- first_binding: u32,
- ) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError> {
- if self.descriptor_sets.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- struct Cmd {
- descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[DescriptorSetWithOffsets; 12]>,
- pipeline_bind_point: PipelineBindPoint,
- pipeline_layout: Arc<PipelineLayout>,
- first_binding: u32,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBindDescriptorSets"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- let descriptor_sets = self.descriptor_sets.iter().map(|x| x.as_ref().0.inner());
- let dynamic_offsets = self
- .descriptor_sets
- .iter()
- .map(|x| x.as_ref().1.iter().copied())
- .flatten();
- out.bind_descriptor_sets(
- self.pipeline_bind_point,
- &self.pipeline_layout,
- self.first_binding,
- descriptor_sets,
- dynamic_offsets,
- );
- }
- fn bound_descriptor_set(&self, set_num: u32) -> (&dyn DescriptorSet, &[u32]) {
- let index = set_num.checked_sub(self.first_binding).unwrap() as usize;
- self.descriptor_sets[index].as_ref()
- }
- }
- let num_descriptor_sets = self.descriptor_sets.len() as u32;
- self.builder.append_command(
- Cmd {
- descriptor_sets: self.descriptor_sets,
- pipeline_bind_point,
- pipeline_layout,
- first_binding,
- },
- &[],
- )?;
- let cmd = self.builder.commands.last().unwrap();
- let sets = self
- .builder
- .bindings
- .descriptor_sets
- .entry(pipeline_bind_point)
- .or_default();
- sets.retain(|&set_num, _| set_num < first_binding); // Remove all descriptor sets with a higher number
- for i in 0..num_descriptor_sets {
- sets.insert(first_binding + i, cmd.clone());
- }
- Ok(())
- }
-/// Prototype for a `vkCmdBindVertexBuffers`.
-pub struct SyncCommandBufferBuilderBindVertexBuffer<'a> {
- builder: &'a mut SyncCommandBufferBuilder,
- inner: UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBindVertexBuffer,
- buffers: SmallVec<[Box<dyn BufferAccess + Send + Sync>; 4]>,
-impl<'a> SyncCommandBufferBuilderBindVertexBuffer<'a> {
- /// Adds a buffer to the list.
- #[inline]
- pub fn add<B>(&mut self, buffer: B)
- where
- B: BufferAccess + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- self.inner.add(&buffer);
- self.buffers.push(Box::new(buffer));
- }
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn submit(self, first_binding: u32) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError> {
- struct Cmd {
- first_binding: u32,
- inner: Mutex<Option<UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderBindVertexBuffer>>,
- buffers: SmallVec<[Box<dyn BufferAccess + Send + Sync>; 4]>,
- }
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdBindVertexBuffers"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- out.bind_vertex_buffers(
- self.first_binding,
- self.inner.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
- );
- }
- fn bound_vertex_buffer(&self, binding_num: u32) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- let index = binding_num.checked_sub(self.first_binding).unwrap() as usize;
- &self.buffers[index]
- }
- }
- let num_buffers = self.buffers.len() as u32;
- self.builder.append_command(
- Cmd {
- first_binding,
- inner: Mutex::new(Some(self.inner)),
- buffers: self.buffers,
- },
- &[],
- )?;
- let cmd = self.builder.commands.last().unwrap();
- for i in 0..num_buffers {
- self.builder
- .bindings
- .vertex_buffers
- .insert(first_binding + i, cmd.clone());
- }
- Ok(())
- }
-/// Prototype for a `vkCmdExecuteCommands`.
-pub struct SyncCommandBufferBuilderExecuteCommands<'a> {
- builder: &'a mut SyncCommandBufferBuilder,
- inner: Vec<Box<dyn SecondaryCommandBuffer + Send + Sync>>,
-impl<'a> SyncCommandBufferBuilderExecuteCommands<'a> {
- /// Adds a command buffer to the list.
- #[inline]
- pub fn add<C>(&mut self, command_buffer: C)
- where
- C: SecondaryCommandBuffer + Send + Sync + 'static,
- {
- self.inner.push(Box::new(command_buffer));
- }
- #[inline]
- pub unsafe fn submit(self) -> Result<(), SyncCommandBufferBuilderError> {
- struct DropUnlock(Box<dyn SecondaryCommandBuffer + Send + Sync>);
- impl std::ops::Deref for DropUnlock {
- type Target = Box<dyn SecondaryCommandBuffer + Send + Sync>;
- fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
- &self.0
- }
- }
- unsafe impl SafeDeref for DropUnlock {}
- impl Drop for DropUnlock {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- unsafe {
- self.unlock();
- }
- }
- }
- struct Cmd(Vec<DropUnlock>);
- impl Command for Cmd {
- fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
- "vkCmdExecuteCommands"
- }
- unsafe fn send(&self, out: &mut UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder) {
- let mut execute = UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderExecuteCommands::new();
- self.0
- .iter()
- .for_each(|cbuf| execute.add_raw(cbuf.inner().internal_object()));
- out.execute_commands(execute);
- }
- fn buffer(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn BufferAccess {
- for cbuf in self.0.iter() {
- if let Some(buf) = cbuf.buffer(num) {
- return buf.0;
- }
- num -= cbuf.num_buffers();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn buffer_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (cbuf_num, cbuf) in self.0.iter().enumerate() {
- if let Some(buf) = cbuf.buffer(num) {
- return format!("Buffer bound to secondary command buffer {}", cbuf_num)
- .into();
- }
- num -= cbuf.num_buffers();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image(&self, mut num: usize) -> &dyn ImageAccess {
- for cbuf in self.0.iter() {
- if let Some(img) = cbuf.image(num) {
- return img.0;
- }
- num -= cbuf.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- fn image_name(&self, mut num: usize) -> Cow<'static, str> {
- for (cbuf_num, cbuf) in self.0.iter().enumerate() {
- if let Some(img) = cbuf.image(num) {
- return format!("Image bound to secondary command buffer {}", cbuf_num)
- .into();
- }
- num -= cbuf.num_images();
- }
- panic!()
- }
- }
- let resources = {
- let mut resources = Vec::new();
- for cbuf in self.inner.iter() {
- for buf_num in 0..cbuf.num_buffers() {
- resources.push((
- KeyTy::Buffer,
- Some((
- cbuf.buffer(buf_num).unwrap().1,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageLayout::Undefined,
- ImageUninitializedSafe::Unsafe,
- )),
- ));
- }
- for img_num in 0..cbuf.num_images() {
- let (_, memory, start_layout, end_layout, image_uninitialized_safe) =
- cbuf.image(img_num).unwrap();
- resources.push((
- KeyTy::Image,
- Some((memory, start_layout, end_layout, image_uninitialized_safe)),
- ));
- }
- }
- resources
- };
- self.builder.append_command(
- Cmd(self
- .inner
- .into_iter()
- .map(|cbuf| {
- cbuf.lock_record()?;
- Ok(DropUnlock(cbuf))
- })
- .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, CommandBufferExecError>>()?),
- &resources,
- )?;
- Ok(())
- }