path: root/src/vhost_user/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhost_user/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhost_user/ b/src/vhost_user/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ecda4e..0000000
--- a/src/vhost_user/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Alibaba Cloud. All rights reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::mem;
-use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd};
-use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
-use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
-use super::connection::Endpoint;
-use super::message::*;
-use super::{Error, HandlerResult, Result};
-/// Define services provided by masters for the slave communication channel.
-/// The vhost-user specification defines a slave communication channel, by which slaves could
-/// request services from masters. The [VhostUserMasterReqHandler] trait defines services provided
-/// by masters, and it's used both on the master side and slave side.
-/// - on the slave side, a stub forwarder implementing [VhostUserMasterReqHandler] will proxy
-/// service requests to masters. The [SlaveFsCacheReq] is an example stub forwarder.
-/// - on the master side, the [MasterReqHandler] will forward service requests to a handler
-/// implementing [VhostUserMasterReqHandler].
-/// The [VhostUserMasterReqHandler] trait is design with interior mutability to improve performance
-/// for multi-threading.
-/// [VhostUserMasterReqHandler]: trait.VhostUserMasterReqHandler.html
-/// [MasterReqHandler]: struct.MasterReqHandler.html
-/// [SlaveFsCacheReq]: struct.SlaveFsCacheReq.html
-pub trait VhostUserMasterReqHandler {
- /// Handle device configuration change notifications.
- fn handle_config_change(&self) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs map file requests.
- fn fs_slave_map(&self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg, _fd: &dyn AsRawFd) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs unmap file requests.
- fn fs_slave_unmap(&self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs sync file requests.
- fn fs_slave_sync(&self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs file IO requests.
- fn fs_slave_io(&self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg, _fd: &dyn AsRawFd) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- // fn handle_iotlb_msg(&mut self, iotlb: VhostUserIotlb);
- // fn handle_vring_host_notifier(&mut self, area: VhostUserVringArea, fd: &dyn AsRawFd);
-/// A helper trait mirroring [VhostUserMasterReqHandler] but without interior mutability.
-/// [VhostUserMasterReqHandler]: trait.VhostUserMasterReqHandler.html
-pub trait VhostUserMasterReqHandlerMut {
- /// Handle device configuration change notifications.
- fn handle_config_change(&mut self) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs map file requests.
- fn fs_slave_map(&mut self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg, _fd: &dyn AsRawFd) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs unmap file requests.
- fn fs_slave_unmap(&mut self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs sync file requests.
- fn fs_slave_sync(&mut self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs file IO requests.
- fn fs_slave_io(&mut self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg, _fd: &dyn AsRawFd) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- // fn handle_iotlb_msg(&mut self, iotlb: VhostUserIotlb);
- // fn handle_vring_host_notifier(&mut self, area: VhostUserVringArea, fd: RawFd);
-impl<S: VhostUserMasterReqHandlerMut> VhostUserMasterReqHandler for Mutex<S> {
- fn handle_config_change(&self) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- self.lock().unwrap().handle_config_change()
- }
- fn fs_slave_map(&self, fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg, fd: &dyn AsRawFd) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- self.lock().unwrap().fs_slave_map(fs, fd)
- }
- fn fs_slave_unmap(&self, fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- self.lock().unwrap().fs_slave_unmap(fs)
- }
- fn fs_slave_sync(&self, fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- self.lock().unwrap().fs_slave_sync(fs)
- }
- fn fs_slave_io(&self, fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg, fd: &dyn AsRawFd) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- self.lock().unwrap().fs_slave_io(fs, fd)
- }
-/// Server to handle service requests from slaves from the slave communication channel.
-/// The [MasterReqHandler] acts as a server on the master side, to handle service requests from
-/// slaves on the slave communication channel. It's actually a proxy invoking the registered
-/// handler implementing [VhostUserMasterReqHandler] to do the real work.
-/// [MasterReqHandler]: struct.MasterReqHandler.html
-/// [VhostUserMasterReqHandler]: trait.VhostUserMasterReqHandler.html
-pub struct MasterReqHandler<S: VhostUserMasterReqHandler> {
- // underlying Unix domain socket for communication
- sub_sock: Endpoint<SlaveReq>,
- tx_sock: UnixStream,
- // Protocol feature VHOST_USER_PROTOCOL_F_REPLY_ACK has been negotiated.
- reply_ack_negotiated: bool,
- // the VirtIO backend device object
- backend: Arc<S>,
- // whether the endpoint has encountered any failure
- error: Option<i32>,
-impl<S: VhostUserMasterReqHandler> MasterReqHandler<S> {
- /// Create a server to handle service requests from slaves on the slave communication channel.
- ///
- /// This opens a pair of connected anonymous sockets to form the slave communication channel.
- /// The socket fd returned by [Self::get_tx_raw_fd()] should be sent to the slave by
- /// [VhostUserMaster::set_slave_request_fd()].
- ///
- /// [Self::get_tx_raw_fd()]: struct.MasterReqHandler.html#method.get_tx_raw_fd
- /// [VhostUserMaster::set_slave_request_fd()]: trait.VhostUserMaster.html#tymethod.set_slave_request_fd
- pub fn new(backend: Arc<S>) -> Result<Self> {
- let (tx, rx) = UnixStream::pair().map_err(Error::SocketError)?;
- Ok(MasterReqHandler {
- sub_sock: Endpoint::<SlaveReq>::from_stream(rx),
- tx_sock: tx,
- reply_ack_negotiated: false,
- backend,
- error: None,
- })
- }
- /// Get the socket fd for the slave to communication with the master.
- ///
- /// The returned fd should be sent to the slave by [VhostUserMaster::set_slave_request_fd()].
- ///
- /// [VhostUserMaster::set_slave_request_fd()]: trait.VhostUserMaster.html#tymethod.set_slave_request_fd
- pub fn get_tx_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
- self.tx_sock.as_raw_fd()
- }
- /// Set the negotiation state of the `VHOST_USER_PROTOCOL_F_REPLY_ACK` protocol feature.
- ///
- /// When the `VHOST_USER_PROTOCOL_F_REPLY_ACK` protocol feature has been negotiated,
- /// the "REPLY_ACK" flag will be set in the message header for every slave to master request
- /// message.
- pub fn set_reply_ack_flag(&mut self, enable: bool) {
- self.reply_ack_negotiated = enable;
- }
- /// Mark endpoint as failed or in normal state.
- pub fn set_failed(&mut self, error: i32) {
- if error == 0 {
- self.error = None;
- } else {
- self.error = Some(error);
- }
- }
- /// Main entrance to server slave request from the slave communication channel.
- ///
- /// The caller needs to:
- /// - serialize calls to this function
- /// - decide what to do when errer happens
- /// - optional recover from failure
- pub fn handle_request(&mut self) -> Result<u64> {
- // Return error if the endpoint is already in failed state.
- self.check_state()?;
- // The underlying communication channel is a Unix domain socket in
- // stream mode, and recvmsg() is a little tricky here. To successfully
- // receive attached file descriptors, we need to receive messages and
- // corresponding attached file descriptors in this way:
- // . recv messsage header and optional attached file
- // . validate message header
- // . recv optional message body and payload according size field in
- // message header
- // . validate message body and optional payload
- let (hdr, files) = self.sub_sock.recv_header()?;
- self.check_attached_files(&hdr, &files)?;
- let (size, buf) = match hdr.get_size() {
- 0 => (0, vec![0u8; 0]),
- len => {
- if len as usize > MAX_MSG_SIZE {
- return Err(Error::InvalidMessage);
- }
- let (size2, rbuf) = self.sub_sock.recv_data(len as usize)?;
- if size2 != len as usize {
- return Err(Error::InvalidMessage);
- }
- (size2, rbuf)
- }
- };
- let res = match hdr.get_code() {
- SlaveReq::CONFIG_CHANGE_MSG => {
- self.check_msg_size(&hdr, size, 0)?;
- self.backend
- .handle_config_change()
- .map_err(Error::ReqHandlerError)
- }
- SlaveReq::FS_MAP => {
- let msg = self.extract_msg_body::<VhostUserFSSlaveMsg>(&hdr, size, &buf)?;
- // check_attached_files() has validated files
- self.backend
- .fs_slave_map(&msg, &files.unwrap()[0])
- .map_err(Error::ReqHandlerError)
- }
- SlaveReq::FS_UNMAP => {
- let msg = self.extract_msg_body::<VhostUserFSSlaveMsg>(&hdr, size, &buf)?;
- self.backend
- .fs_slave_unmap(&msg)
- .map_err(Error::ReqHandlerError)
- }
- SlaveReq::FS_SYNC => {
- let msg = self.extract_msg_body::<VhostUserFSSlaveMsg>(&hdr, size, &buf)?;
- self.backend
- .fs_slave_sync(&msg)
- .map_err(Error::ReqHandlerError)
- }
- SlaveReq::FS_IO => {
- let msg = self.extract_msg_body::<VhostUserFSSlaveMsg>(&hdr, size, &buf)?;
- // check_attached_files() has validated files
- self.backend
- .fs_slave_io(&msg, &files.unwrap()[0])
- .map_err(Error::ReqHandlerError)
- }
- _ => Err(Error::InvalidMessage),
- };
- self.send_ack_message(&hdr, &res)?;
- res
- }
- fn check_state(&self) -> Result<()> {
- match self.error {
- Some(e) => Err(Error::SocketBroken(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(e))),
- None => Ok(()),
- }
- }
- fn check_msg_size(
- &self,
- hdr: &VhostUserMsgHeader<SlaveReq>,
- size: usize,
- expected: usize,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- if hdr.get_size() as usize != expected
- || hdr.is_reply()
- || hdr.get_version() != 0x1
- || size != expected
- {
- return Err(Error::InvalidMessage);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn check_attached_files(
- &self,
- hdr: &VhostUserMsgHeader<SlaveReq>,
- files: &Option<Vec<File>>,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- match hdr.get_code() {
- SlaveReq::FS_MAP | SlaveReq::FS_IO => {
- // Expect a single file is passed.
- match files {
- Some(files) if files.len() == 1 => Ok(()),
- _ => Err(Error::InvalidMessage),
- }
- }
- _ if files.is_some() => Err(Error::InvalidMessage),
- _ => Ok(()),
- }
- }
- fn extract_msg_body<T: Sized + VhostUserMsgValidator>(
- &self,
- hdr: &VhostUserMsgHeader<SlaveReq>,
- size: usize,
- buf: &[u8],
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.check_msg_size(hdr, size, mem::size_of::<T>())?;
- let msg = unsafe { std::ptr::read_unaligned(buf.as_ptr() as *const T) };
- if !msg.is_valid() {
- return Err(Error::InvalidMessage);
- }
- Ok(msg)
- }
- fn new_reply_header<T: Sized>(
- &self,
- req: &VhostUserMsgHeader<SlaveReq>,
- ) -> Result<VhostUserMsgHeader<SlaveReq>> {
- if mem::size_of::<T>() > MAX_MSG_SIZE {
- return Err(Error::InvalidParam);
- }
- self.check_state()?;
- Ok(VhostUserMsgHeader::new(
- req.get_code(),
- VhostUserHeaderFlag::REPLY.bits(),
- mem::size_of::<T>() as u32,
- ))
- }
- fn send_ack_message(
- &mut self,
- req: &VhostUserMsgHeader<SlaveReq>,
- res: &Result<u64>,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- if self.reply_ack_negotiated && req.is_need_reply() {
- let hdr = self.new_reply_header::<VhostUserU64>(req)?;
- let def_err = libc::EINVAL;
- let val = match res {
- Ok(n) => *n,
- Err(e) => match &*e {
- Error::ReqHandlerError(ioerr) => match ioerr.raw_os_error() {
- Some(rawerr) => -rawerr as u64,
- None => -def_err as u64,
- },
- _ => -def_err as u64,
- },
- };
- let msg = VhostUserU64::new(val);
- self.sub_sock.send_message(&hdr, &msg, None)?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
-impl<S: VhostUserMasterReqHandler> AsRawFd for MasterReqHandler<S> {
- fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
- self.sub_sock.as_raw_fd()
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[cfg(feature = "vhost-user-slave")]
- use crate::vhost_user::SlaveFsCacheReq;
- #[cfg(feature = "vhost-user-slave")]
- use std::os::unix::io::FromRawFd;
- struct MockMasterReqHandler {}
- impl VhostUserMasterReqHandlerMut for MockMasterReqHandler {
- /// Handle virtio-fs map file requests from the slave.
- fn fs_slave_map(
- &mut self,
- _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg,
- _fd: &dyn AsRawFd,
- ) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Ok(0)
- }
- /// Handle virtio-fs unmap file requests from the slave.
- fn fs_slave_unmap(&mut self, _fs: &VhostUserFSSlaveMsg) -> HandlerResult<u64> {
- Err(std::io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_new_master_req_handler() {
- let backend = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MockMasterReqHandler {}));
- let mut handler = MasterReqHandler::new(backend).unwrap();
- assert!(handler.get_tx_raw_fd() >= 0);
- assert!(handler.as_raw_fd() >= 0);
- handler.check_state().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(handler.error, None);
- handler.set_failed(libc::EAGAIN);
- assert_eq!(handler.error, Some(libc::EAGAIN));
- handler.check_state().unwrap_err();
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "vhost-user-slave")]
- #[test]
- fn test_master_slave_req_handler() {
- let backend = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MockMasterReqHandler {}));
- let mut handler = MasterReqHandler::new(backend).unwrap();
- let fd = unsafe { libc::dup(handler.get_tx_raw_fd()) };
- if fd < 0 {
- panic!("failed to duplicated tx fd!");
- }
- let stream = unsafe { UnixStream::from_raw_fd(fd) };
- let fs_cache = SlaveFsCacheReq::from_stream(stream);
- std::thread::spawn(move || {
- let res = handler.handle_request().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(res, 0);
- handler.handle_request().unwrap_err();
- });
- fs_cache
- .fs_slave_map(&VhostUserFSSlaveMsg::default(), &fd)
- .unwrap();
- // When REPLY_ACK has not been negotiated, the master has no way to detect failure from
- // slave side.
- fs_cache
- .fs_slave_unmap(&VhostUserFSSlaveMsg::default())
- .unwrap();
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "vhost-user-slave")]
- #[test]
- fn test_master_slave_req_handler_with_ack() {
- let backend = Arc::new(Mutex::new(MockMasterReqHandler {}));
- let mut handler = MasterReqHandler::new(backend).unwrap();
- handler.set_reply_ack_flag(true);
- let fd = unsafe { libc::dup(handler.get_tx_raw_fd()) };
- if fd < 0 {
- panic!("failed to duplicated tx fd!");
- }
- let stream = unsafe { UnixStream::from_raw_fd(fd) };
- let fs_cache = SlaveFsCacheReq::from_stream(stream);
- std::thread::spawn(move || {
- let res = handler.handle_request().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(res, 0);
- handler.handle_request().unwrap_err();
- });
- fs_cache.set_reply_ack_flag(true);
- fs_cache
- .fs_slave_map(&VhostUserFSSlaveMsg::default(), &fd)
- .unwrap();
- fs_cache
- .fs_slave_unmap(&VhostUserFSSlaveMsg::default())
- .unwrap_err();
- }