path: root/1.0.107/benches/rust.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1.0.107/benches/rust.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/1.0.107/benches/rust.rs b/1.0.107/benches/rust.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f8f550..00000000
--- a/1.0.107/benches/rust.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-// $ cargo bench --features full,test --bench rust
-// Syn only, useful for profiling:
-// $ RUSTFLAGS='--cfg syn_only' cargo build --release --features full,test --bench rust
-#![cfg_attr(not(syn_only), feature(rustc_private))]
-#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
-#![allow(clippy::cast_lossless, clippy::unnecessary_wraps)]
-#[path = "../tests/macros/mod.rs"]
-mod macros;
-#[path = "../tests/common/mod.rs"]
-mod common;
-#[path = "../tests/repo/mod.rs"]
-mod repo;
-use std::fs;
-use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
-mod tokenstream_parse {
- use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
- use std::str::FromStr;
- pub fn bench(content: &str) -> Result<(), ()> {
- TokenStream::from_str(content).map(drop).map_err(drop)
- }
-mod syn_parse {
- pub fn bench(content: &str) -> Result<(), ()> {
- syn::parse_file(content).map(drop).map_err(drop)
- }
-mod librustc_parse {
- extern crate rustc_data_structures;
- extern crate rustc_error_messages;
- extern crate rustc_errors;
- extern crate rustc_parse;
- extern crate rustc_session;
- extern crate rustc_span;
- use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
- use rustc_error_messages::FluentBundle;
- use rustc_errors::{emitter::Emitter, translation::Translate, Diagnostic, Handler};
- use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
- use rustc_span::source_map::{FilePathMapping, SourceMap};
- use rustc_span::{edition::Edition, FileName};
- pub fn bench(content: &str) -> Result<(), ()> {
- struct SilentEmitter;
- impl Emitter for SilentEmitter {
- fn emit_diagnostic(&mut self, _diag: &Diagnostic) {}
- fn source_map(&self) -> Option<&Lrc<SourceMap>> {
- None
- }
- }
- impl Translate for SilentEmitter {
- fn fluent_bundle(&self) -> Option<&Lrc<FluentBundle>> {
- None
- }
- fn fallback_fluent_bundle(&self) -> &FluentBundle {
- panic!("silent emitter attempted to translate a diagnostic");
- }
- }
- rustc_span::create_session_if_not_set_then(Edition::Edition2018, |_| {
- let cm = Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()));
- let emitter = Box::new(SilentEmitter);
- let handler = Handler::with_emitter(false, None, emitter);
- let sess = ParseSess::with_span_handler(handler, cm);
- if let Err(diagnostic) = rustc_parse::parse_crate_from_source_str(
- FileName::Custom("bench".to_owned()),
- content.to_owned(),
- &sess,
- ) {
- diagnostic.cancel();
- return Err(());
- };
- Ok(())
- })
- }
-mod read_from_disk {
- pub fn bench(content: &str) -> Result<(), ()> {
- _ = content;
- Ok(())
- }
-fn exec(mut codepath: impl FnMut(&str) -> Result<(), ()>) -> Duration {
- let begin = Instant::now();
- let mut success = 0;
- let mut total = 0;
- walkdir::WalkDir::new("tests/rust/src")
- .into_iter()
- .filter_entry(repo::base_dir_filter)
- .for_each(|entry| {
- let entry = entry.unwrap();
- let path = entry.path();
- if path.is_dir() {
- return;
- }
- let content = fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap();
- let ok = codepath(&content).is_ok();
- success += ok as usize;
- total += 1;
- if !ok {
- eprintln!("FAIL {}", path.display());
- }
- });
- assert_eq!(success, total);
- begin.elapsed()
-fn main() {
- repo::clone_rust();
- macro_rules! testcases {
- ($($(#[$cfg:meta])* $name:ident,)*) => {
- [
- $(
- $(#[$cfg])*
- (stringify!($name), $name::bench as fn(&str) -> Result<(), ()>),
- )*
- ]
- };
- }
- #[cfg(not(syn_only))]
- {
- let mut lines = 0;
- let mut files = 0;
- exec(|content| {
- lines += content.lines().count();
- files += 1;
- Ok(())
- });
- eprintln!("\n{} lines in {} files", lines, files);
- }
- for (name, f) in testcases!(
- #[cfg(not(syn_only))]
- read_from_disk,
- #[cfg(not(syn_only))]
- tokenstream_parse,
- syn_parse,
- #[cfg(not(syn_only))]
- librustc_parse,
- ) {
- eprint!("{:20}", format!("{}:", name));
- let elapsed = exec(f);
- eprintln!(
- "elapsed={}.{:03}s",
- elapsed.as_secs(),
- elapsed.subsec_millis(),
- );
- }
- eprintln!();