path: root/src/string/singularize/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/string/singularize/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/src/string/singularize/ b/src/string/singularize/
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e0b51..0000000
--- a/src/string/singularize/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-use regex::Regex;
-use string::constants::UNACCONTABLE_WORDS;
-macro_rules! special_cases{
- ($s:ident, $($singular: expr => $plural:expr), *) => {
- match &$s[..] {
- $(
- $singular => {
- return $plural.to_owned();
- },
- )*
- _ => ()
- }
- }
-/// Converts a `&str` to singularized `String`
-/// ```
-/// use inflector::string::singularize::to_singular;
-/// let mock_string: &str = "foo_bars";
-/// let expected_string: String = "foo_bar".to_owned();
-/// let asserted_string: String = to_singular(mock_string);
-/// assert!(asserted_string == expected_string);
-/// ```
-/// ```
-/// use inflector::string::singularize::to_singular;
-/// let mock_string: &str = "oxen";
-/// let expected_string: String = "ox".to_owned();
-/// let asserted_string: String = to_singular(mock_string);
-/// assert!(asserted_string == expected_string);
-/// ```
-/// ```
-/// use inflector::string::singularize::to_singular;
-/// let mock_string: &str = "crates";
-/// let expected_string: String = "crate".to_owned();
-/// let asserted_string: String = to_singular(mock_string);
-/// assert!(asserted_string == expected_string);
-/// ```
-/// ```
-/// use inflector::string::singularize::to_singular;
-/// let mock_string: &str = "oxen";
-/// let expected_string: String = "ox".to_owned();
-/// let asserted_string: String = to_singular(mock_string);
-/// assert!(asserted_string == expected_string);
-/// ```
-/// ```
-/// use inflector::string::singularize::to_singular;
-/// let mock_string: &str = "boxes";
-/// let expected_string: String = "box".to_owned();
-/// let asserted_string: String = to_singular(mock_string);
-/// assert!(asserted_string == expected_string);
-/// ```
-/// ```
-/// use inflector::string::singularize::to_singular;
-/// let mock_string: &str = "vengeance";
-/// let expected_string: String = "vengeance".to_owned();
-/// let asserted_string: String = to_singular(mock_string);
-/// assert!(asserted_string == expected_string);
-/// ```
-/// ```
-/// use inflector::string::singularize::to_singular;
-/// let mock_string: &str = "yoga";
-/// let expected_string: String = "yoga".to_owned();
-/// let asserted_string: String = to_singular(mock_string);
-/// assert!(asserted_string == expected_string);
-/// ```
-pub fn to_singular(non_singular_string: &str) -> String {
- if UNACCONTABLE_WORDS.contains(&non_singular_string.as_ref()) {
- non_singular_string.to_owned()
- } else {
- special_cases![non_singular_string,
- "oxen" => "ox",
- "boxes" => "box",
- "men" => "man",
- "women" => "woman",
- "dice" => "die",
- "yeses" => "yes",
- "feet" => "foot",
- "eaves" => "eave",
- "geese" => "goose",
- "teeth" => "tooth",
- "quizzes" => "quiz"
- ];
- for &(ref rule, replace) in RULES.iter().rev() {
- if let Some(captures) = rule.captures(&non_singular_string) {
- if let Some(c) = captures.get(1) {
- let mut buf = String::new();
- captures.expand(&format!("{}{}", c.as_str(), replace), &mut buf);
- return buf;
- }
- }
- }
- format!("{}", non_singular_string)
- }
-macro_rules! add_rule{
- ($r:ident, $rule:expr => $replace:expr) => {
- $r.push((Regex::new($rule).unwrap(), $replace));
- }
-macro_rules! rules{
- ($r:ident; $($rule:expr => $replace:expr), *) => {
- $(
- add_rule!{$r, $rule => $replace}
- )*
- }
- static ref RULES: Vec<(Regex, &'static str)> = {
- let mut r = Vec::with_capacity(27);
- rules![r;
- r"(\w*)s$" => "",
- r"(\w*)(ss)$" => "$2",
- r"(n)ews$" => "ews",
- r"(\w*)(o)es$" => "",
- r"(\w*)([ti])a$" => "um",
- r"((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)(sis|ses)$" => "sis",
- r"(^analy)(sis|ses)$" => "sis",
- r"(\w*)([^f])ves$" => "fe",
- r"(\w*)(hive)s$" => "",
- r"(\w*)(tive)s$" => "",
- r"(\w*)([lr])ves$" => "f",
- r"(\w*([^aeiouy]|qu))ies$" => "y",
- r"(s)eries$" => "eries",
- r"(m)ovies$" => "ovie",
- r"(\w*)(x|ch|ss|sh)es$" => "$2",
- r"(m|l)ice$" => "ouse",
- r"(bus)(es)?$" => "",
- r"(shoe)s$" => "",
- r"(cris|test)(is|es)$" => "is",
- r"^(a)x[ie]s$" => "xis",
- r"(octop|vir)(us|i)$" => "us",
- r"(alias|status)(es)?$" => "",
- r"^(ox)en" => "",
- r"(vert|ind)ices$" => "ex",
- r"(matr)ices$" => "ix",
- r"(quiz)zes$" => "",
- r"(database)s$" => ""
- ];
- r
- };
-fn singularize_ies_suffix() {
- assert_eq!("reply", to_singular("replies"));
- assert_eq!("lady", to_singular("ladies"));
- assert_eq!("soliloquy", to_singular("soliloquies"));
-fn singularize_ss_suffix() {
- assert_eq!("glass", to_singular("glass"));
- assert_eq!("access", to_singular("access"));
- assert_eq!("glass", to_singular("glasses"));
- assert_eq!("witch", to_singular("witches"));
- assert_eq!("dish", to_singular("dishes"));
-fn singularize_string_if_a_regex_will_match() {
- let expected_string: String = "ox".to_owned();
- let asserted_string: String = to_singular("oxen");
- assert!(expected_string == asserted_string);
-fn singularize_string_returns_none_option_if_no_match() {
- let expected_string: String = "bacon".to_owned();
- let asserted_string: String = to_singular("bacon");
- assert!(expected_string == asserted_string);