AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-04-02Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.8.0 am: 70cf8c0afb am: 7e27f124f9 Galenson
2021-04-02Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.8.0 am: 70cf8c0afb am: 7e27f124f9Joel Galenson
2021-04-02Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.8.0 am: 70cf8c0afbJoel Galenson
2021-04-01Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.8.0android-s-beta-2android-s-beta-1Joel Galenson
2021-02-20[automerger skipped] Mark ab/7061308 as merged in stage. am: 0ffdc210fd -s ou...Xin Li
2021-02-20[automerger skipped] Mark ab/7061308 as merged in stage. am: 0ffdc210fd -s oursXin Li
2021-02-20Mark ab/7061308 as merged in stage.Xin Li
2021-02-16[LSC] Add LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS to external/rust/crates/grpcio-compiler am: 9d1...Bob Badour
2021-02-16[LSC] Add LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS to external/rust/crates/grpcio-compiler am: 9d1...Bob Badour
2021-02-16[LSC] Add LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS to external/rust/crates/grpcio-compiler am: 9d1...Bob Badour
2021-02-12[LSC] Add LOCAL_LICENSE_KINDS to external/rust/crates/grpcio-compilerandroid-s-preview-1Bob Badour
2020-11-10Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.7.0 am: 8f2c623479 am: d3356512b4 am...Haibo Huang
2020-11-10Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.7.0 am: 8f2c623479 am: d3356512b4 am...Haibo Huang
2020-11-09Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.7.0 am: 8f2c623479 am: d3356512b4Haibo Huang
2020-11-09Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.7.0 am: 8f2c623479platform-tools-31.0.0Haibo Huang
2020-11-05Upgrade rust/crates/grpcio-compiler to 0.7.0Haibo Huang
2020-11-05Add grpcio-compiler Android.bp am: 4c2483e1eb am: d69e1e7bfe am: 9b140257b2 a...Ivan Lozano
2020-11-05Add grpcio-compiler metadata files. am: 11e5df9ca7 am: ead4e4a863 am: 28b2637...Ivan Lozano
2020-11-05Initial import of grpcio-compiler. am: 166a6f003e am: 621c1e767f am: 9b66396c...Ivan Lozano
2020-11-05Add grpcio-compiler Android.bp am: 4c2483e1eb am: d69e1e7bfe am: 9b140257b2Ivan Lozano
2020-11-05Add grpcio-compiler metadata files. am: 11e5df9ca7 am: ead4e4a863 am: 28b2637f30Ivan Lozano
2020-11-05Initial import of grpcio-compiler. am: 166a6f003e am: 621c1e767f am: 9b66396c01Ivan Lozano
2020-11-05Add grpcio-compiler Android.bp am: 4c2483e1eb am: d69e1e7bfeIvan Lozano
2020-11-05Add grpcio-compiler metadata files. am: 11e5df9ca7 am: ead4e4a863Ivan Lozano
2020-11-05Initial import of grpcio-compiler. am: 166a6f003e am: 621c1e767fIvan Lozano
2020-11-05Add grpcio-compiler Android.bp am: 4c2483e1ebIvan Lozano
2020-11-05Add grpcio-compiler metadata files. am: 11e5df9ca7Ivan Lozano
2020-11-05Initial import of grpcio-compiler. am: 166a6f003eIvan Lozano
2020-11-03Add grpcio-compiler Android.bpIvan Lozano
2020-11-03Add grpcio-compiler metadata files.Ivan Lozano
2020-11-03Initial import of grpcio-compiler.Ivan Lozano
2020-11-02Initial empty repositoryInna Palant