AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-14Snap for 11089623 from 5316f69cdfe6c19c4e191d6c2302cbaec52c6521 to 24Q1-releaseandroid-14.0.0_r37android-14.0.0_r36android-14.0.0_r35android-14.0.0_r34android-14.0.0_r33android-14.0.0_r32android-14.0.0_r31android-14.0.0_r30android-14.0.0_r29android14-qpr2-s5-releaseandroid14-qpr2-s4-releaseandroid14-qpr2-s3-releaseandroid14-qpr2-s2-releaseandroid14-qpr2-s1-releaseandroid14-qpr2-releaseAndroid Build Coastguard Worker
2023-11-13Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35 am: 8a2cfe9363 am: a1d5764197Andrew Walbran
2023-11-13Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35 am: 8dab05e2bc am: ac049cdcd0Andrew Walbran
2023-11-13Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35 am: 8a2cfe9363Andrew Walbran
2023-11-13Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35 am: 8dab05e2bcAndrew Walbran
2023-11-12Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35Andrew Walbran
2023-11-12Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35Andrew Walbran
2023-11-10Snap for 11078623 from f182c4dc25cacfd3f2f2c7497202e3b3dc6015e4 to 24Q1-releaseAndroid Build Coastguard Worker
2023-11-09Migrate to cargo_embargo.Andrew Walbran
2023-11-09Adding autogenerated Trusty makefile rules am: 4f87ec0658 am: 6d9255490f am: ...Per Larsen
2023-11-09Adding autogenerated Trusty makefile rules am: 4f87ec0658 am: 8aa17fcaeb am: ...Per Larsen
2023-11-09Adding autogenerated Trusty makefile rules am: 4f87ec0658 am: 6d9255490fPer Larsen
2023-11-09Adding autogenerated Trusty makefile rules am: 4f87ec0658 am: 8aa17fcaebPer Larsen
2023-11-09Adding autogenerated Trusty makefile rules am: 4f87ec0658Per Larsen
2023-11-09Adding autogenerated Trusty makefile rules am: 4f87ec0658Per Larsen
2023-10-31Adding autogenerated Trusty makefile rulesPer Larsen
2023-07-18Move OWNER reference master=>main. am: 4cdc125034 am: 63e4a8bc35 am: e84a8e4a...Sam Saccone
2023-07-18Move OWNER reference master=>main. am: 4cdc125034 am: 63e4a8bc35 am: e84a8e4a...Sam Saccone
2023-07-18Move OWNER reference master=>main. am: 4cdc125034 am: 63e4a8bc35 am: e84a8e4a13Sam Saccone
2023-07-18Move OWNER reference master=>main. am: 4cdc125034 am: 63e4a8bc35Sam Saccone
2023-07-18Move OWNER reference master=>main. am: 4cdc125034Sam Saccone
2023-07-18Move OWNER reference master=>main.Sam Saccone
2023-06-22Merge "Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.1" am: 670e2b1bc5 am: 68af8c5630 am: 9ef421...David Drysdale
2023-06-22Merge "Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.1" am: 670e2b1bc5 am: 68af8c5630 am: 9ef421...David Drysdale
2023-06-22Merge "Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.1" am: 670e2b1bc5 am: 68af8c5630 am: 9ef421...David Drysdale
2023-06-22Merge "Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.1" am: 670e2b1bc5 am: 68af8c5630 am: 9ef421...David Drysdale
2023-06-22Merge "Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.1" am: 670e2b1bc5 am: 68af8c5630David Drysdale
2023-06-22Merge "Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.1" am: 670e2b1bc5David Drysdale
2023-06-22Merge "Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.1"David Drysdale
2023-06-14Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.1David Drysdale
2023-05-12Use new no-std flag to cargo2android. am: 848421d1f0 am: cb6b18af61 am: 9e25f...Andrew Walbran
2023-05-12Use new no-std flag to cargo2android. am: 848421d1f0 am: cb6b18af61 am: 9e25f...Andrew Walbran
2023-05-12Use new no-std flag to cargo2android. am: 848421d1f0 am: cb6b18af61 am: 9e25f...Andrew Walbran
2023-05-12Use new no-std flag to cargo2android. am: 848421d1f0 am: cb6b18af61 am: 9e25f...Andrew Walbran
2023-05-12Use new no-std flag to cargo2android. am: 848421d1f0 am: cb6b18af61Andrew Walbran
2023-05-12Use new no-std flag to cargo2android. am: 848421d1f0Andrew Walbran
2023-05-12Use new no-std flag to cargo2android.Andrew Walbran
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Add alloc to ciborium-io no_std am: 58a3496d69 am: 9d502...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Create no_std builds of ciborium and dependencies am: 28...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Add alloc to ciborium-io no_std am: 58a3496d69 -s ours a...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Create no_std builds of ciborium and dependencies am: 28...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Add alloc to ciborium-io no_std am: 58a3496d69 am: 9d502...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Create no_std builds of ciborium and dependencies am: 28...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Add alloc to ciborium-io no_std am: 58a3496d69 am: 9d502...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Create no_std builds of ciborium and dependencies am: 28...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Add alloc to ciborium-io no_std am: 58a3496d69 -s ours a...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Create no_std builds of ciborium and dependencies am: 28...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Add alloc to ciborium-io no_std am: 58a3496d69 am: 9d502...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11[automerger skipped] Create no_std builds of ciborium and dependencies am: 28...Alan Stokes
2023-05-11Add alloc to ciborium-io no_std am: 58a3496d69 am: 9d502a8246Alan Stokes