path: root/pkg/private/zip/zip.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/private/zip/zip.bzl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/private/zip/zip.bzl b/pkg/private/zip/zip.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index e038b48..0000000
--- a/pkg/private/zip/zip.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Zip archive creation rule and associated logic."""
-load("//pkg:path.bzl", "compute_data_path", "dest_path")
- "//pkg:providers.bzl",
- "PackageVariablesInfo",
- "//pkg/private:util.bzl",
- "setup_output_files",
- "substitute_package_variables",
- "//pkg/private:pkg_files.bzl",
- "add_label_list",
- "write_manifest",
-_stamp_condition = Label("//pkg/private:private_stamp_detect")
-def _pkg_zip_impl(ctx):
- outputs, output_file, output_name = setup_output_files(ctx)
- args = ctx.actions.args()
- args.add("-o", output_file.path)
- args.add("-d", substitute_package_variables(ctx, ctx.attr.package_dir))
- args.add("-t", ctx.attr.timestamp)
- args.add("-m", ctx.attr.mode)
- args.add("-c", str(ctx.attr.compression_type))
- args.add("-l", ctx.attr.compression_level)
- inputs = []
- if ctx.attr.stamp == 1 or (ctx.attr.stamp == -1 and
- ctx.attr.private_stamp_detect):
- args.add("--stamp_from", ctx.version_file.path)
- inputs.append(ctx.version_file)
- data_path = compute_data_path(ctx, ctx.attr.strip_prefix)
- data_path_without_prefix = compute_data_path(ctx, ".")
- content_map = {} # content handled in the manifest
- file_deps = [] # list of Depsets needed by srcs
- add_label_list(ctx, content_map, file_deps, srcs = ctx.attr.srcs)
- manifest_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + ".manifest")
- inputs.append(manifest_file)
- write_manifest(ctx, manifest_file, content_map)
- args.add("--manifest", manifest_file.path)
- args.set_param_file_format("multiline")
- args.use_param_file("@%s")
- all_inputs = depset(direct = inputs, transitive = file_deps)
- ctx.actions.run(
- mnemonic = "PackageZip",
- inputs = all_inputs,
- executable = ctx.executable._build_zip,
- arguments = [args],
- outputs = [output_file],
- env = {
- "LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
- "LC_CTYPE": "UTF-8",
- "PYTHONUTF8": "1",
- },
- use_default_shell_env = True,
- )
- return [
- DefaultInfo(
- files = depset([output_file]),
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = outputs),
- ),
- ]
-pkg_zip_impl = rule(
- implementation = _pkg_zip_impl,
- # @unsorted-dict-items
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(
- doc = """List of files that should be included in the archive.""",
- allow_files = True,
- ),
- "mode": attr.string(
- doc = """The default mode for all files in the archive.""",
- default = "0555",
- ),
- "package_dir": attr.string(
- doc = """Prefix to be prepend to all paths written.
-The name may contain variables, same as [package_file_name](#package_file_name)""",
- default = "/",
- ),
- "strip_prefix": attr.string(),
- "timestamp": attr.int(
- doc = """Time stamp to place on all files in the archive, expressed
-as seconds since the Unix Epoch, as per RFC 3339. The default is January 01,
-1980, 00:00 UTC.
-Due to limitations in the format of zip files, values before
-Jan 1, 1980 will be rounded up and the precision in the zip file is
-limited to a granularity of 2 seconds.""",
- default = 315532800,
- ),
- "compression_level": attr.int(
- default = 6,
- doc = "The compression level to use, 1 is the fastest, 9 gives the smallest results. 0 skips compression, depending on the method used"
- ),
- "compression_type": attr.string(
- default = "deflated",
- doc = """The compression to use. Note that lzma and bzip2 might not be supported by all readers.
-The list of compressions is the same as Python's ZipFile: https://docs.python.org/3/library/zipfile.html#zipfile.ZIP_STORED""",
- values = ["deflated", "lzma", "bzip2", "stored"]
- ),
- # Common attributes
- "out": attr.output(
- doc = """output file name. Default: name + ".zip".""",
- mandatory = True,
- ),
- "package_file_name": attr.string(doc = "See [Common Attributes](#package_file_name)"),
- "package_variables": attr.label(
- doc = "See [Common Attributes](#package_variables)",
- providers = [PackageVariablesInfo],
- ),
- "stamp": attr.int(
- doc = """Enable file time stamping. Possible values:
-<li>stamp = 1: Use the time of the build as the modification time of each file in the archive.
-<li>stamp = 0: Use an "epoch" time for the modification time of each file. This gives good build result caching.
-<li>stamp = -1: Control the chosen modification time using the --[no]stamp flag.
- default = 0,
- ),
- "allow_duplicates_with_different_content": attr.bool(
- default=True,
- doc="""If true, will allow you to reference multiple pkg_* which conflict
-(writing different content or metadata to the same destination).
-Such behaviour is always incorrect, but we provide a flag to support it in case old
-builds were accidentally doing it. Never explicitly set this to true for new code.
- ),
- # Is --stamp set on the command line?
- # TODO(https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_pkg/issues/340): Remove this.
- "private_stamp_detect": attr.bool(default = False),
- # Implicit dependencies.
- "_build_zip": attr.label(
- default = Label("//pkg/private/zip:build_zip"),
- cfg = "exec",
- executable = True,
- allow_files = True,
- ),
- },
-def pkg_zip(name, out = None, **kwargs):
- """Creates a .zip file.
- @wraps(pkg_zip_impl)
- Args:
- out: output file name. Default: name + ".zip".
- """
- if not out:
- out = name + ".zip"
- pkg_zip_impl(
- name = name,
- out = out,
- private_stamp_detect = select({
- _stamp_condition: True,
- "//conditions:default": False,
- }),
- **kwargs
- )