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authorMichael Hoisie <hoisie@google.com>2024-04-17 10:04:05 -0700
committerCopybara-Service <copybara-worker@google.com>2024-04-17 10:04:59 -0700
commitf8bbdb1ea44c931938cfa2f747b0736b9f88ba7f (patch)
parentfef58ca6c1ca56fe2fd49d741fae8fd25c41f9b0 (diff)
Clarify `@DoNotMock` error message in ClassInstrumentor
Robolectric's ClassInstrumentor adds a @DoNotMock annotation to Android classes that originally contained the 'final' modifier. The warning message always suggested to create or enhance a Shadow for the Android class being instrumented. However, there are cases when it is preferable to create a Builder, such as when the class is a pure Java data class. Update the `@DoNotMock` message to include this nuance. Note that this @DoNotMock annotation is purely informative and requires special infrastructure to enforce, so it's not on by default for Gradle/third-party projects. PiperOrigin-RevId: 625720769
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/src/main/java/org/robolectric/internal/bytecode/ClassInstrumentor.java b/sandbox/src/main/java/org/robolectric/internal/bytecode/ClassInstrumentor.java
index a9b532a26..9d3d51af9 100644
--- a/sandbox/src/main/java/org/robolectric/internal/bytecode/ClassInstrumentor.java
+++ b/sandbox/src/main/java/org/robolectric/internal/bytecode/ClassInstrumentor.java
@@ -177,8 +177,11 @@ public class ClassInstrumentor {
.visitAnnotation("Lcom/google/errorprone/annotations/DoNotMock;", true)
- "This class is final. Consider using the real thing, or "
- + "adding/enhancing a Robolectric shadow for it.");
+ "This class is final. Consider either:\n"
+ + "1. Using the real class.\n"
+ + "2. If it's a pure data class, adding a Robolectric Builder for it.\n"
+ + "3. If it cannot function on the JVM, adding or enhancing a Robolectric"
+ + " Shadow for it");
mutableClass.classNode.access = mutableClass.classNode.access & ~Opcodes.ACC_FINAL;