path: root/pylint/extensions/docparams.py
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1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pylint/extensions/docparams.py b/pylint/extensions/docparams.py
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+++ b/pylint/extensions/docparams.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Bruno Daniel <bruno.daniel@blue-yonder.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Ashley Whetter <ashley@awhetter.co.uk>
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Glenn Matthews <glenn@e-dad.net>
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Glenn Matthews <glmatthe@cisco.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Moises Lopez <moylop260@vauxoo.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@iki.fi>
+# Copyright (c) 2017 John Paraskevopoulos <io.paraskev@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2018, 2020 Anthony Sottile <asottile@umich.edu>
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Jim Robertson <jrobertson98atx@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Sushobhit <31987769+sushobhit27@users.noreply.github.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Adam Dangoor <adamdangoor@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2019, 2021 Pierre Sassoulas <pierre.sassoulas@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Hugo van Kemenade <hugovk@users.noreply.github.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Luigi <luigi.cristofolini@q-ctrl.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2020 hippo91 <guillaume.peillex@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Damien Baty <damien.baty@polyconseil.fr>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 SupImDos <62866982+SupImDos@users.noreply.github.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Daniël van Noord <13665637+DanielNoord@users.noreply.github.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Marc Mueller <30130371+cdce8p@users.noreply.github.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Logan Miller <14319179+komodo472@users.noreply.github.com>
+# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
+# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE
+"""Pylint plugin for checking in Sphinx, Google, or Numpy style docstrings
+import re
+from typing import Optional
+import astroid
+from astroid import nodes
+from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
+from pylint.checkers import utils as checker_utils
+from pylint.extensions import _check_docs_utils as utils
+from pylint.extensions._check_docs_utils import Docstring
+from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker
+from pylint.utils import get_global_option
+class DocstringParameterChecker(BaseChecker):
+ """Checker for Sphinx, Google, or Numpy style docstrings
+ * Check that all function, method and constructor parameters are mentioned
+ in the params and types part of the docstring. Constructor parameters
+ can be documented in either the class docstring or ``__init__`` docstring,
+ but not both.
+ * Check that there are no naming inconsistencies between the signature and
+ the documentation, i.e. also report documented parameters that are missing
+ in the signature. This is important to find cases where parameters are
+ renamed only in the code, not in the documentation.
+ * Check that all explicitly raised exceptions in a function are documented
+ in the function docstring. Caught exceptions are ignored.
+ Activate this checker by adding the line::
+ load-plugins=pylint.extensions.docparams
+ to the ``MASTER`` section of your ``.pylintrc``.
+ :param linter: linter object
+ :type linter: :class:`pylint.lint.PyLinter`
+ """
+ __implements__ = IAstroidChecker
+ name = "parameter_documentation"
+ msgs = {
+ "W9005": (
+ '"%s" has constructor parameters documented in class and __init__',
+ "multiple-constructor-doc",
+ "Please remove parameter declarations in the class or constructor.",
+ ),
+ "W9006": (
+ '"%s" not documented as being raised',
+ "missing-raises-doc",
+ "Please document exceptions for all raised exception types.",
+ ),
+ "W9008": (
+ "Redundant returns documentation",
+ "redundant-returns-doc",
+ "Please remove the return/rtype documentation from this method.",
+ ),
+ "W9010": (
+ "Redundant yields documentation",
+ "redundant-yields-doc",
+ "Please remove the yields documentation from this method.",
+ ),
+ "W9011": (
+ "Missing return documentation",
+ "missing-return-doc",
+ "Please add documentation about what this method returns.",
+ {"old_names": [("W9007", "old-missing-returns-doc")]},
+ ),
+ "W9012": (
+ "Missing return type documentation",
+ "missing-return-type-doc",
+ "Please document the type returned by this method.",
+ # we can't use the same old_name for two different warnings
+ # {'old_names': [('W9007', 'missing-returns-doc')]},
+ ),
+ "W9013": (
+ "Missing yield documentation",
+ "missing-yield-doc",
+ "Please add documentation about what this generator yields.",
+ {"old_names": [("W9009", "old-missing-yields-doc")]},
+ ),
+ "W9014": (
+ "Missing yield type documentation",
+ "missing-yield-type-doc",
+ "Please document the type yielded by this method.",
+ # we can't use the same old_name for two different warnings
+ # {'old_names': [('W9009', 'missing-yields-doc')]},
+ ),
+ "W9015": (
+ '"%s" missing in parameter documentation',
+ "missing-param-doc",
+ "Please add parameter declarations for all parameters.",
+ {"old_names": [("W9003", "old-missing-param-doc")]},
+ ),
+ "W9016": (
+ '"%s" missing in parameter type documentation',
+ "missing-type-doc",
+ "Please add parameter type declarations for all parameters.",
+ {"old_names": [("W9004", "old-missing-type-doc")]},
+ ),
+ "W9017": (
+ '"%s" differing in parameter documentation',
+ "differing-param-doc",
+ "Please check parameter names in declarations.",
+ ),
+ "W9018": (
+ '"%s" differing in parameter type documentation',
+ "differing-type-doc",
+ "Please check parameter names in type declarations.",
+ ),
+ "W9019": (
+ '"%s" useless ignored parameter documentation',
+ "useless-param-doc",
+ "Please remove the ignored parameter documentation.",
+ ),
+ "W9020": (
+ '"%s" useless ignored parameter type documentation',
+ "useless-type-doc",
+ "Please remove the ignored parameter type documentation.",
+ ),
+ }
+ options = (
+ (
+ "accept-no-param-doc",
+ {
+ "default": True,
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<y or n>",
+ "help": "Whether to accept totally missing parameter "
+ "documentation in the docstring of a function that has "
+ "parameters.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "accept-no-raise-doc",
+ {
+ "default": True,
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<y or n>",
+ "help": "Whether to accept totally missing raises "
+ "documentation in the docstring of a function that "
+ "raises an exception.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "accept-no-return-doc",
+ {
+ "default": True,
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<y or n>",
+ "help": "Whether to accept totally missing return "
+ "documentation in the docstring of a function that "
+ "returns a statement.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "accept-no-yields-doc",
+ {
+ "default": True,
+ "type": "yn",
+ "metavar": "<y or n>",
+ "help": "Whether to accept totally missing yields "
+ "documentation in the docstring of a generator.",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "default-docstring-type",
+ {
+ "type": "choice",
+ "default": "default",
+ "choices": list(utils.DOCSTRING_TYPES),
+ "help": "If the docstring type cannot be guessed "
+ "the specified docstring type will be used.",
+ },
+ ),
+ )
+ priority = -2
+ constructor_names = {"__init__", "__new__"}
+ not_needed_param_in_docstring = {"self", "cls"}
+ def visit_functiondef(self, node: nodes.FunctionDef) -> None:
+ """Called for function and method definitions (def).
+ :param node: Node for a function or method definition in the AST
+ :type node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Function`
+ """
+ node_doc = utils.docstringify(node.doc, self.config.default_docstring_type)
+ # skip functions that match the 'no-docstring-rgx' config option
+ no_docstring_rgx = get_global_option(self, "no-docstring-rgx")
+ if no_docstring_rgx and re.match(no_docstring_rgx, node.name):
+ return
+ # skip functions smaller than 'docstring-min-length'
+ lines = checker_utils.get_node_last_lineno(node) - node.lineno
+ max_lines = get_global_option(self, "docstring-min-length")
+ if max_lines > -1 and lines < max_lines:
+ return
+ self.check_functiondef_params(node, node_doc)
+ self.check_functiondef_returns(node, node_doc)
+ self.check_functiondef_yields(node, node_doc)
+ visit_asyncfunctiondef = visit_functiondef
+ def check_functiondef_params(self, node, node_doc):
+ node_allow_no_param = None
+ if node.name in self.constructor_names:
+ class_node = checker_utils.node_frame_class(node)
+ if class_node is not None:
+ class_doc = utils.docstringify(
+ class_node.doc, self.config.default_docstring_type
+ )
+ self.check_single_constructor_params(class_doc, node_doc, class_node)
+ # __init__ or class docstrings can have no parameters documented
+ # as long as the other documents them.
+ node_allow_no_param = (
+ class_doc.has_params()
+ or class_doc.params_documented_elsewhere()
+ or None
+ )
+ class_allow_no_param = (
+ node_doc.has_params()
+ or node_doc.params_documented_elsewhere()
+ or None
+ )
+ self.check_arguments_in_docstring(
+ class_doc, node.args, class_node, class_allow_no_param
+ )
+ self.check_arguments_in_docstring(
+ node_doc, node.args, node, node_allow_no_param
+ )
+ def check_functiondef_returns(self, node, node_doc):
+ if (not node_doc.supports_yields and node.is_generator()) or node.is_abstract():
+ return
+ return_nodes = node.nodes_of_class(astroid.Return)
+ if (node_doc.has_returns() or node_doc.has_rtype()) and not any(
+ utils.returns_something(ret_node) for ret_node in return_nodes
+ ):
+ self.add_message("redundant-returns-doc", node=node)
+ def check_functiondef_yields(self, node, node_doc):
+ if not node_doc.supports_yields or node.is_abstract():
+ return
+ if (
+ node_doc.has_yields() or node_doc.has_yields_type()
+ ) and not node.is_generator():
+ self.add_message("redundant-yields-doc", node=node)
+ def visit_raise(self, node: nodes.Raise) -> None:
+ func_node = node.frame()
+ if not isinstance(func_node, astroid.FunctionDef):
+ return
+ expected_excs = utils.possible_exc_types(node)
+ if not expected_excs:
+ return
+ if not func_node.doc:
+ # If this is a property setter,
+ # the property should have the docstring instead.
+ property_ = utils.get_setters_property(func_node)
+ if property_:
+ func_node = property_
+ doc = utils.docstringify(func_node.doc, self.config.default_docstring_type)
+ if not doc.is_valid():
+ if doc.doc:
+ self._handle_no_raise_doc(expected_excs, func_node)
+ return
+ found_excs_full_names = doc.exceptions()
+ # Extract just the class name, e.g. "error" from "re.error"
+ found_excs_class_names = {exc.split(".")[-1] for exc in found_excs_full_names}
+ missing_excs = expected_excs - found_excs_class_names
+ self._add_raise_message(missing_excs, func_node)
+ def visit_return(self, node: nodes.Return) -> None:
+ if not utils.returns_something(node):
+ return
+ func_node = node.frame()
+ if not isinstance(func_node, astroid.FunctionDef):
+ return
+ doc = utils.docstringify(func_node.doc, self.config.default_docstring_type)
+ if not doc.is_valid() and self.config.accept_no_return_doc:
+ return
+ is_property = checker_utils.decorated_with_property(func_node)
+ if not (doc.has_returns() or (doc.has_property_returns() and is_property)):
+ self.add_message("missing-return-doc", node=func_node)
+ if func_node.returns:
+ return
+ if not (doc.has_rtype() or (doc.has_property_type() and is_property)):
+ self.add_message("missing-return-type-doc", node=func_node)
+ def visit_yield(self, node: nodes.Yield) -> None:
+ func_node = node.frame()
+ if not isinstance(func_node, astroid.FunctionDef):
+ return
+ doc = utils.docstringify(func_node.doc, self.config.default_docstring_type)
+ if not doc.is_valid() and self.config.accept_no_yields_doc:
+ return
+ if doc.supports_yields:
+ doc_has_yields = doc.has_yields()
+ doc_has_yields_type = doc.has_yields_type()
+ else:
+ doc_has_yields = doc.has_returns()
+ doc_has_yields_type = doc.has_rtype()
+ if not doc_has_yields:
+ self.add_message("missing-yield-doc", node=func_node)
+ if not (doc_has_yields_type or func_node.returns):
+ self.add_message("missing-yield-type-doc", node=func_node)
+ def visit_yieldfrom(self, node: nodes.YieldFrom) -> None:
+ self.visit_yield(node)
+ def _compare_missing_args(
+ self,
+ found_argument_names,
+ message_id,
+ not_needed_names,
+ expected_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ ):
+ """Compare the found argument names with the expected ones and
+ generate a message if there are arguments missing.
+ :param found_argument_names: argument names found in the docstring
+ :type found_argument_names: set
+ :param message_id: pylint message id
+ :type message_id: str
+ :param not_needed_names: names that may be omitted
+ :type not_needed_names: set
+ :param expected_argument_names: Expected argument names
+ :type expected_argument_names: set
+ :param warning_node: The node to be analyzed
+ :type warning_node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Node`
+ """
+ missing_argument_names = (
+ expected_argument_names - found_argument_names
+ ) - not_needed_names
+ if missing_argument_names:
+ self.add_message(
+ message_id,
+ args=(", ".join(sorted(missing_argument_names)),),
+ node=warning_node,
+ )
+ def _compare_different_args(
+ self,
+ found_argument_names,
+ message_id,
+ not_needed_names,
+ expected_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ ):
+ """Compare the found argument names with the expected ones and
+ generate a message if there are extra arguments found.
+ :param found_argument_names: argument names found in the docstring
+ :type found_argument_names: set
+ :param message_id: pylint message id
+ :type message_id: str
+ :param not_needed_names: names that may be omitted
+ :type not_needed_names: set
+ :param expected_argument_names: Expected argument names
+ :type expected_argument_names: set
+ :param warning_node: The node to be analyzed
+ :type warning_node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Node`
+ """
+ differing_argument_names = (
+ (expected_argument_names ^ found_argument_names)
+ - not_needed_names
+ - expected_argument_names
+ )
+ if differing_argument_names:
+ self.add_message(
+ message_id,
+ args=(", ".join(sorted(differing_argument_names)),),
+ node=warning_node,
+ )
+ def _compare_ignored_args(
+ self,
+ found_argument_names,
+ message_id,
+ ignored_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ ):
+ """Compare the found argument names with the ignored ones and
+ generate a message if there are ignored arguments found.
+ :param found_argument_names: argument names found in the docstring
+ :type found_argument_names: set
+ :param message_id: pylint message id
+ :type message_id: str
+ :param ignored_argument_names: Expected argument names
+ :type ignored_argument_names: set
+ :param warning_node: The node to be analyzed
+ :type warning_node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Node`
+ """
+ existing_ignored_argument_names = ignored_argument_names & found_argument_names
+ if existing_ignored_argument_names:
+ self.add_message(
+ message_id,
+ args=(", ".join(sorted(existing_ignored_argument_names)),),
+ node=warning_node,
+ )
+ def check_arguments_in_docstring(
+ self,
+ doc: Docstring,
+ arguments_node: astroid.Arguments,
+ warning_node: astroid.NodeNG,
+ accept_no_param_doc: Optional[bool] = None,
+ ):
+ """Check that all parameters in a function, method or class constructor
+ on the one hand and the parameters mentioned in the parameter
+ documentation (e.g. the Sphinx tags 'param' and 'type') on the other
+ hand are consistent with each other.
+ * Undocumented parameters except 'self' are noticed.
+ * Undocumented parameter types except for 'self' and the ``*<args>``
+ and ``**<kwargs>`` parameters are noticed.
+ * Parameters mentioned in the parameter documentation that don't or no
+ longer exist in the function parameter list are noticed.
+ * If the text "For the parameters, see" or "For the other parameters,
+ see" (ignoring additional whitespace) is mentioned in the docstring,
+ missing parameter documentation is tolerated.
+ * If there's no Sphinx style, Google style or NumPy style parameter
+ documentation at all, i.e. ``:param`` is never mentioned etc., the
+ checker assumes that the parameters are documented in another format
+ and the absence is tolerated.
+ :param doc: Docstring for the function, method or class.
+ :type doc: :class:`Docstring`
+ :param arguments_node: Arguments node for the function, method or
+ class constructor.
+ :type arguments_node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Arguments`
+ :param warning_node: The node to assign the warnings to
+ :type warning_node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Node`
+ :param accept_no_param_doc: Whether or not to allow no parameters
+ to be documented.
+ If None then this value is read from the configuration.
+ :type accept_no_param_doc: bool or None
+ """
+ # Tolerate missing param or type declarations if there is a link to
+ # another method carrying the same name.
+ if not doc.doc:
+ return
+ if accept_no_param_doc is None:
+ accept_no_param_doc = self.config.accept_no_param_doc
+ tolerate_missing_params = doc.params_documented_elsewhere()
+ # Collect the function arguments.
+ expected_argument_names = {arg.name for arg in arguments_node.args}
+ expected_argument_names.update(arg.name for arg in arguments_node.kwonlyargs)
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring = self.not_needed_param_in_docstring.copy()
+ expected_but_ignored_argument_names = set()
+ ignored_argument_names = get_global_option(self, "ignored-argument-names")
+ if ignored_argument_names:
+ expected_but_ignored_argument_names = {
+ arg
+ for arg in expected_argument_names
+ if ignored_argument_names.match(arg)
+ }
+ if arguments_node.vararg is not None:
+ expected_argument_names.add(arguments_node.vararg)
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring.add(arguments_node.vararg)
+ if arguments_node.kwarg is not None:
+ expected_argument_names.add(arguments_node.kwarg)
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring.add(arguments_node.kwarg)
+ params_with_doc, params_with_type = doc.match_param_docs()
+ # Tolerate no parameter documentation at all.
+ if not params_with_doc and not params_with_type and accept_no_param_doc:
+ tolerate_missing_params = True
+ if not tolerate_missing_params:
+ self._compare_missing_args(
+ params_with_doc,
+ "missing-param-doc",
+ self.not_needed_param_in_docstring
+ | expected_but_ignored_argument_names,
+ expected_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ )
+ # This is before the update of param_with_type because this must check only
+ # the type documented in a docstring, not the one using pep484
+ # See #4117 and #4593
+ self._compare_ignored_args(
+ params_with_type,
+ "useless-type-doc",
+ expected_but_ignored_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ )
+ for index, arg_name in enumerate(arguments_node.args):
+ if arguments_node.annotations[index]:
+ params_with_type.add(arg_name.name)
+ for index, arg_name in enumerate(arguments_node.kwonlyargs):
+ if arguments_node.kwonlyargs_annotations[index]:
+ params_with_type.add(arg_name.name)
+ if not tolerate_missing_params:
+ self._compare_missing_args(
+ params_with_type,
+ "missing-type-doc",
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring | expected_but_ignored_argument_names,
+ expected_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ )
+ self._compare_different_args(
+ params_with_doc,
+ "differing-param-doc",
+ self.not_needed_param_in_docstring,
+ expected_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ )
+ self._compare_different_args(
+ params_with_type,
+ "differing-type-doc",
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring,
+ expected_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ )
+ self._compare_ignored_args(
+ params_with_doc,
+ "useless-param-doc",
+ expected_but_ignored_argument_names,
+ warning_node,
+ )
+ def check_single_constructor_params(self, class_doc, init_doc, class_node):
+ if class_doc.has_params() and init_doc.has_params():
+ self.add_message(
+ "multiple-constructor-doc", args=(class_node.name,), node=class_node
+ )
+ def _handle_no_raise_doc(self, excs, node):
+ if self.config.accept_no_raise_doc:
+ return
+ self._add_raise_message(excs, node)
+ def _add_raise_message(self, missing_excs, node):
+ """
+ Adds a message on :param:`node` for the missing exception type.
+ :param missing_excs: A list of missing exception types.
+ :type missing_excs: set(str)
+ :param node: The node show the message on.
+ :type node: nodes.NodeNG
+ """
+ if node.is_abstract():
+ try:
+ missing_excs.remove("NotImplementedError")
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if not missing_excs:
+ return
+ self.add_message(
+ "missing-raises-doc", args=(", ".join(sorted(missing_excs)),), node=node
+ )
+def register(linter):
+ """Required method to auto register this checker.
+ :param linter: Main interface object for Pylint plugins
+ :type linter: Pylint object
+ """
+ linter.register_checker(DocstringParameterChecker(linter))