path: root/doc/development_guide/contribute.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/development_guide/contribute.rst')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/development_guide/contribute.rst b/doc/development_guide/contribute.rst
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+.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Contributing
+.. _bug reports, feedback:
+Bug reports, feedback
+You think you have found a bug in Pylint? Well, this may be the case
+since Pylint is under heavy development!
+Please take the time to check if it is already in the issue tracker at
+If you cannot find it in the tracker, create a new issue there or discuss your
+problem on the code-quality@python.org mailing list or using the discord
+server https://discord.gg/Egy6P8AMB5.
+The code-quality mailing list is also a nice place to provide feedback about
+Pylint, since it is shared with other tools that aim at improving the quality of
+python code.
+Note that if you don't find something you have expected in Pylint's issue
+tracker, it may be because it is an issue with one of its dependencies, namely
+* https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid
+.. _Mailing lists:
+Discord server
+Mailing lists
+You can subscribe to this mailing list at
+Archives are available at
+Archives before April 2013 are available at
+.. _repository:
+Pylint is developed using the git_ distributed version control system.
+You can clone Pylint and its dependencies from ::
+ git clone https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint
+ git clone https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid
+.. _git: https://git-scm.com/
+Got a change for Pylint? Below are a few steps you should take to make sure
+your patch gets accepted.
+- Test your code
+ * Pylint is very well tested, with a high code coverage.
+ It has two types of tests, usual unittests and functional tests.
+ The usual unittests can be found under `/pylint/test` directory and they can
+ be used for testing almost anything Pylint related. But for the ease
+ of testing Pylint's messages, we also have the concept of functional tests.
+ * You should also run all the tests to ensure that your change isn't a
+ breaking one. You can run the tests using the tox_ package, as in::
+ python -m tox
+ python -m tox -epy36 # for Python 3.6 suite only
+ python -m tox -epylint # for running Pylint over Pylint's codebase
+ python -m tox -eformatting # for running formatting checks over Pylint's codebase
+ * It's usually a good idea to run tox_ with ``--recreate``. This is needed because
+ the tox environment might use an older version of astroid_, which can cause various failures
+ when you are running against the latest pylint::
+ python -m tox --recreate # The entire tox environment is going to be recreated
+ * To run only a specific test suite, use a pattern for the test filename
+ (**without** the ``.py`` extension), as in::
+ python -m tox -e py36 -- -k test_functional
+ python -m tox -e py36 -- -k \*func\*
+ * Since we just use pytest_ to run the tests, you can also use it as well,
+ although we highly recommend using tox_ instead::
+ pytest pylint -k test_functional
+ * ``pylint`` uses black_ and isort_ among other Python autoformatters.
+ We have a pre-commit hook which should take care of the autoformatting for
+ you. To enable it, do the following:
+ * install ``pre-commit`` using ``pip install pre-commit``
+ * then run ``pre-commit install`` in the ``pylint`` root directory to enable the git hooks.
+- Add a short entry to the ChangeLog describing the change, except for internal
+ implementation only changes. Not usually required, but for changes other than small
+ bugs we also add a couple of sentences in the release document for that release,
+ (`What's New` section). For the release document we usually write some more details,
+ and it is also a good place to offer examples on how the new change is supposed to work.
+- Add a short entry in :file:`doc/whatsnew/VERSION.rst`.
+- Add yourself to the `CONTRIBUTORS` file, flag yourself appropriately
+ (if in doubt, you're a ``contributor``).
+- Write a comprehensive commit message
+- Relate your change to an issue in the tracker if such an issue exists (see
+ `Closing issues via commit messages`_ of the GitHub documentation for more
+ information on this)
+- Document your change, if it is a non-trivial one.
+- Send a pull request from GitHub (see `About pull requests`_ for more insight
+ about this topic)
+.. _functional_tests:
+Functional Tests
+These are residing under '/pylint/test/functional' and they are formed of multiple
+components. First, each Python file is considered to be a test case and it
+should be accompanied by a .txt file, having the same name, with the messages
+that are supposed to be emitted by the given test file.
+In the Python file, each line for which Pylint is supposed to emit a message
+has to be annotated with a comment in the form ``# [message_symbol]``, as in::
+ a, b, c = 1 # [unbalanced-tuple-unpacking]
+If multiple messages are expected on the same line, then this syntax can be used::
+ a, b, c = 1.test # [unbalanced-tuple-unpacking, no-member]
+You can also use ``# +n: [`` with n an integer if the above syntax would make the line too long or other reasons::
+ # +1: [empty-comment]
+ #
+If you need special control over Pylint's flag, you can also create a .rc file, which
+can have sections of Pylint's configuration.
+During development, it's sometimes helpful to run all functional tests in your
+current environment in order to have faster feedback. Run from Pylint root directory with::
+ python tests/test_functional.py
+You can use all the options you would use for pytest, for example `-k "test_functional[len_checks]"`.
+If required the .txt file can be re-generated from the current output by appending
+`--update-functional-output` to the command line::
+ python tests/test_functional.py --update-functional-output -k "test_functional[len_checks]"
+.. _`Closing issues via commit messages`: https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages/
+.. _`About pull requests`: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/
+.. _tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+.. _pytest: https://pytest.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+.. _black: https://github.com/ambv/black
+.. _isort: https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort
+.. _astroid: https://github.com/pycqa/astroid
+Tips for Getting Started with Pylint Development
+* Read the :ref:`technical-reference`. It gives a short walk through of the pylint
+ codebase and will help you identify where you will need to make changes
+ for what you are trying to implement.
+* :func:`astroid.extract_node` is your friend. Most checkers are AST based,
+ so you will likely need to interact with :mod:`astroid`.
+ A short example of how to use :func:`astroid.extract_node` is given
+ :ref:`here <astroid_extract_node>`.
+* When fixing a bug for a specific check, search the code for the warning
+ message to find where the warning is raised,
+ and therefore where the logic for that code exists.
+Building the documentation
+We use **tox** for building the documentation::
+ $ tox -e docs