AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-04-28Snap for 6439596 from 3a5218fcb8133b8d17a197b4fcd6c63bd11341d6 to qt-aml-tzda...q_tzdata_aml_297100400q_tzdata_aml_297100300q_tzdata_aml_297100000q_tzdata_aml_296200000q_tzdata_aml_295600118q_tzdata_aml_295600110q_tzdata_aml_295500002q_tzdata_aml_295500001q_tzdata_aml_294400310android-mainline-12.0.0_r54android-mainline-12.0.0_r111android-mainline-10.0.0_r13android-mainline-10.0.0_r12android-mainline-10.0.0_r11q_tzdata_aml_297100000android12-mainline-tzdata-releaseandroid10-mainline-tzdata-releaseandroid10-android13-mainline-tzdata-releaseandroid-build-team Robot
2019-11-11Snap for 6001391 from 9689100683aa0695bd2ba3c72068473346dfea7b to Robot
2019-10-30DO NOT MERGE - qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp-without-vendor@5915889 into stage-aosp-m...Xin Li
2019-10-30DO NOT MERGE - qt-qpr1-dev-plus-aosp-without-vendor@5915889 into Li
2019-07-23Add in TEST_MAPPING for acloud unittests. am: 0adff16a1d am: 688245ff5a am: 5...Kevin Cheng
2019-07-23Add in TEST_MAPPING for acloud unittests. am: 0adff16a1d am: 688245ff5aKevin Cheng
2019-07-23Add in TEST_MAPPING for acloud unittests. am: 0adff16a1dKevin Cheng
2019-07-23Add in TEST_MAPPING for acloud unittests.ndk-sysroot-r21Kevin Cheng
2019-07-23Add in TEST_MAPPING for acloud unittests.Kevin Cheng
2019-07-10Upgrade python/mock to '3.0.5' am: dce72b5992 am: 3f7fafaa6eHaibo Huang
2019-07-10Upgrade python/mock to '3.0.5' am: dce72b5992Haibo Huang
2019-07-10Upgrade python/mock to '3.0.5'Haibo Huang
2019-07-10Upgrade python/mock to '3.0.5'Haibo Huang
2019-05-07Preparing for 3.0.5 release.Chris Withers
2019-05-07latest sync pointChris Withers
2019-05-07bpo-31855: unittest.mock.mock_open() results now respects the argument of rea...RĂ©mi Lapeyre
2019-05-04Preparing for 3.0.4 release.Chris Withers
2019-05-04include the license, readme and changelog in sdistChris Withers
2019-05-04Change packaging and CI to make sure packages are built correctly.Chris Withers
2019-05-02need more sleep.Chris Withers
2019-05-02Fix up clumsy changelog entry.Chris Withers
2019-05-02Preparing for 3.0.3 release.Chris Withers
2019-05-02Note about changelog entries for changes not in cpython.Chris Withers
2019-05-02Use basestring when checking for dictionary patching.Chris Withers
2019-05-02trim whitespaceChris Withers
2019-05-02Preparing for 3.0.2 release.Chris Withers
2019-05-02- Add missing ``funcsigs`` dependency on Python 2.Chris Withers
2019-05-02flip RTD to be the main landing pageChris Withers
2019-05-02Preparing for 3.0.1 release.Chris Withers
2019-05-02add missing install requirement of sixChris Withers
2019-05-02Preparing for 3.0.0 release.Chris Withers
2019-05-02fold pytest.ini into setup.cfgChris Withers
2019-05-02new badgesChris Withers
2019-05-02the one uncovered line?Chris Withers
2019-05-02tests for support code backported from Py3.Chris Withers
2019-05-02New release instructions.Chris Withers
2019-05-02test for python 2 _isidentifierChris Withers
2019-05-02Not used, see 637abcba241a69a1d9a8acf240855a6ed158cb64.Chris Withers
2019-05-02note about how to mark uncalled functions used in tests such that coverage ig...Chris Withers
2019-05-02remove a long-disabled test that wasn't present on cpython masterChris Withers
2019-05-02carthorse configChris Withers
2019-05-02Circle CI configChris Withers
2019-05-02add coverage reportingChris Withers
2019-05-02this also fails on pypy as per Withers
2019-05-02make magic mocks work on pypy againChris Withers
2019-05-02remove jython support for now, we can bring it back if there's demandChris Withers
2019-05-02move to .readthedocs.ymlChris Withers
2019-05-01latest sync pointChris Withers
2019-05-01Mock 100% coverage (GH-13045)Chris Withers
2019-05-01remove jython support from unittest.mock (GH#13033)Chris Withers