path: root/doc/build/caching.rst
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+.. _caching_toplevel:
+Any template or component can be cached using the ``cache``
+argument to the ``<%page>``, ``<%def>`` or ``<%block>`` directives:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%page cached="True"/>
+ template text
+The above template, after being executed the first time, will
+store its content within a cache that by default is scoped
+within memory. Subsequent calls to the template's :meth:`~.Template.render`
+method will return content directly from the cache. When the
+:class:`.Template` object itself falls out of scope, its corresponding
+cache is garbage collected along with the template.
+The caching system requires that a cache backend be installed; this
+includes either the `Beaker <>`_ package
+or the `dogpile.cache <>`_, as well as
+any other third-party caching libraries that feature Mako integration.
+By default, caching will attempt to make use of Beaker.
+To use dogpile.cache, the
+``cache_impl`` argument must be set; see this argument in the
+section :ref:`cache_arguments`.
+In addition to being available on the ``<%page>`` tag, the caching flag and all
+its options can be used with the ``<%def>`` tag as well:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%def name="mycomp" cached="True" cache_timeout="60">
+ other text
+ </%def>
+... and equivalently with the ``<%block>`` tag, anonymous or named:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%block cached="True" cache_timeout="60">
+ other text
+ </%block>
+.. _cache_arguments:
+Cache Arguments
+Mako has two cache arguments available on tags that are
+available in all cases. The rest of the arguments
+available are specific to a backend.
+The two generic tags arguments are:
+* ``cached="True"`` - enable caching for this ``<%page>``,
+ ``<%def>``, or ``<%block>``.
+* ``cache_key`` - the "key" used to uniquely identify this content
+ in the cache. Usually, this key is chosen automatically
+ based on the name of the rendering callable (i.e. ``body``
+ when used in ``<%page>``, the name of the def when using ``<%def>``,
+ the explicit or internally-generated name when using ``<%block>``).
+ Using the ``cache_key`` parameter, the key can be overridden
+ using a fixed or programmatically generated value.
+ For example, here's a page
+ that caches any page which inherits from it, based on the
+ filename of the calling template:
+ .. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%page cached="True" cache_key="${self.filename}"/>
+ ${next.body()}
+ ## rest of template
+On a :class:`.Template` or :class:`.TemplateLookup`, the
+caching can be configured using these arguments:
+* ``cache_enabled`` - Setting this
+ to ``False`` will disable all caching functionality
+ when the template renders. Defaults to ``True``.
+ e.g.:
+ .. sourcecode:: python
+ lookup = TemplateLookup(
+ directories='/path/to/templates',
+ cache_enabled = False
+ )
+* ``cache_impl`` - The string name of the cache backend
+ to use. This defaults to ``'beaker'``, indicating
+ that the 'beaker' backend will be used.
+* ``cache_args`` - A dictionary of cache parameters that
+ will be consumed by the cache backend. See
+ :ref:`beaker_backend` and :ref:`dogpile.cache_backend` for examples.
+Backend-Specific Cache Arguments
+The ``<%page>``, ``<%def>``, and ``<%block>`` tags
+accept any named argument that starts with the prefix ``"cache_"``.
+Those arguments are then packaged up and passed along to the
+underlying caching implementation, minus the ``"cache_"`` prefix.
+The actual arguments understood are determined by the backend.
+* :ref:`beaker_backend` - Includes arguments understood by
+ Beaker.
+* :ref:`dogpile.cache_backend` - Includes arguments understood by
+ dogpile.cache.
+.. _beaker_backend:
+Using the Beaker Cache Backend
+When using Beaker, new implementations will want to make usage
+of **cache regions** so that cache configurations can be maintained
+externally to templates. These configurations live under
+named "regions" that can be referred to within templates themselves.
+.. versionadded:: 0.6.0
+ Support for Beaker cache regions.
+For example, suppose we would like two regions. One is a "short term"
+region that will store content in a memory-based dictionary,
+expiring after 60 seconds. The other is a Memcached region,
+where values should expire in five minutes. To configure
+our :class:`.TemplateLookup`, first we get a handle to a
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ from beaker.cache import CacheManager
+ manager = CacheManager(cache_regions={
+ 'short_term':{
+ 'type': 'memory',
+ 'expire': 60
+ },
+ 'long_term':{
+ 'type': 'ext:memcached',
+ 'url': '',
+ 'expire': 300
+ }
+ })
+ lookup = TemplateLookup(
+ directories=['/path/to/templates'],
+ module_directory='/path/to/modules',
+ cache_impl='beaker',
+ cache_args={
+ 'manager':manager
+ }
+ )
+Our templates can then opt to cache data in one of either region,
+using the ``cache_region`` argument. Such as using ``short_term``
+at the ``<%page>`` level:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%page cached="True" cache_region="short_term">
+ ## ...
+Or, ``long_term`` at the ``<%block>`` level:
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%block name="header" cached="True" cache_region="long_term">
+ other text
+ </%block>
+The Beaker backend also works without regions. There are a
+variety of arguments that can be passed to the ``cache_args``
+dictionary, which are also allowable in templates via the
+``<%page>``, ``<%block>``,
+and ``<%def>`` tags specific to those sections. The values
+given override those specified at the :class:`.TemplateLookup`
+or :class:`.Template` level.
+With the possible exception
+of ``cache_timeout``, these arguments are probably better off
+staying at the template configuration level. Each argument
+specified as ``cache_XYZ`` in a template tag is specified
+without the ``cache_`` prefix in the ``cache_args`` dictionary:
+* ``cache_timeout`` - number of seconds in which to invalidate the
+ cached data. After this timeout, the content is re-generated
+ on the next call. Available as ``timeout`` in the ``cache_args``
+ dictionary.
+* ``cache_type`` - type of caching. ``'memory'``, ``'file'``, ``'dbm'``, or
+ ``'ext:memcached'`` (note that the string ``memcached`` is
+ also accepted by the dogpile.cache Mako plugin, though not by Beaker itself).
+ Available as ``type`` in the ``cache_args`` dictionary.
+* ``cache_url`` - (only used for ``memcached`` but required) a single
+ IP address or a semi-colon separated list of IP address of
+ memcache servers to use. Available as ``url`` in the ``cache_args``
+ dictionary.
+* ``cache_dir`` - in the case of the ``'file'`` and ``'dbm'`` cache types,
+ this is the filesystem directory with which to store data
+ files. If this option is not present, the value of
+ ``module_directory`` is used (i.e. the directory where compiled
+ template modules are stored). If neither option is available
+ an exception is thrown. Available as ``dir`` in the
+ ``cache_args`` dictionary.
+.. _dogpile.cache_backend:
+Using the dogpile.cache Backend
+`dogpile.cache`_ is a new replacement for Beaker. It provides
+a modernized, slimmed down interface and is generally easier to use
+than Beaker. As of this writing it has not yet been released. dogpile.cache
+includes its own Mako cache plugin -- see :mod:`dogpile.cache.plugins.mako_cache` in the
+dogpile.cache documentation.
+Programmatic Cache Access
+The :class:`.Template`, as well as any template-derived :class:`.Namespace`, has
+an accessor called ``cache`` which returns the :class:`.Cache` object
+for that template. This object is a facade on top of the underlying
+:class:`.CacheImpl` object, and provides some very rudimental
+capabilities, such as the ability to get and put arbitrary
+.. sourcecode:: mako
+ <%
+ local.cache.set("somekey", type="memory", "somevalue")
+ %>
+Above, the cache associated with the ``local`` namespace is
+accessed and a key is placed within a memory cache.
+More commonly, the ``cache`` object is used to invalidate cached
+sections programmatically:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ template = lookup.get_template('/sometemplate.html')
+ # invalidate the "body" of the template
+ template.cache.invalidate_body()
+ # invalidate an individual def
+ template.cache.invalidate_def('somedef')
+ # invalidate an arbitrary key
+ template.cache.invalidate('somekey')
+You can access any special method or attribute of the :class:`.CacheImpl`
+itself using the :attr:`impl <.Cache.impl>` attribute:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ template.cache.impl.do_something_special()
+Note that using implementation-specific methods will mean you can't
+swap in a different kind of :class:`.CacheImpl` implementation at a
+later time.
+.. _cache_plugins:
+Cache Plugins
+The mechanism used by caching can be plugged in
+using a :class:`.CacheImpl` subclass. This class implements
+the rudimental methods Mako needs to implement the caching
+API. Mako includes the :class:`.BeakerCacheImpl` class to
+provide the default implementation. A :class:`.CacheImpl` class
+is acquired by Mako using a ``importlib.metatada`` entrypoint, using
+the name given as the ``cache_impl`` argument to :class:`.Template`
+or :class:`.TemplateLookup`. This entry point can be
+installed via the standard `setuptools`/``setup()`` procedure, underneath
+the `EntryPoint` group named ``"mako.cache"``. It can also be
+installed at runtime via a convenience installer :func:`.register_plugin`
+which accomplishes essentially the same task.
+An example plugin that implements a local dictionary cache:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ from mako.cache import Cacheimpl, register_plugin
+ class SimpleCacheImpl(CacheImpl):
+ def __init__(self, cache):
+ super(SimpleCacheImpl, self).__init__(cache)
+ self._cache = {}
+ def get_or_create(self, key, creation_function, **kw):
+ if key in self._cache:
+ return self._cache[key]
+ else:
+ self._cache[key] = value = creation_function()
+ return value
+ def set(self, key, value, **kwargs):
+ self._cache[key] = value
+ def get(self, key, **kwargs):
+ return self._cache.get(key)
+ def invalidate(self, key, **kwargs):
+ self._cache.pop(key, None)
+ # optional - register the class locally
+ register_plugin("simple", __name__, "SimpleCacheImpl")
+Enabling the above plugin in a template would look like:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ t = Template("mytemplate",
+ file="mytemplate.html",
+ cache_impl='simple')
+Guidelines for Writing Cache Plugins
+* The :class:`.CacheImpl` is created on a per-:class:`.Template` basis. The
+ class should ensure that only data for the parent :class:`.Template` is
+ persisted or returned by the cache methods. The actual :class:`.Template`
+ is available via the ``self.cache.template`` attribute. The ````
+ attribute, which is essentially the unique modulename of the template, is
+ a good value to use in order to represent a unique namespace of keys specific
+ to the template.
+* Templates only use the :meth:`.CacheImpl.get_or_create()` method
+ in an implicit fashion. The :meth:`.CacheImpl.set`,
+ :meth:`.CacheImpl.get`, and :meth:`.CacheImpl.invalidate` methods are
+ only used in response to direct programmatic access to the corresponding
+ methods on the :class:`.Cache` object.
+* :class:`.CacheImpl` will be accessed in a multithreaded fashion if the
+ :class:`.Template` itself is used multithreaded. Care should be taken
+ to ensure caching implementations are threadsafe.
+* A library like `Dogpile <>`_, which
+ is a minimal locking system derived from Beaker, can be used to help
+ implement the :meth:`.CacheImpl.get_or_create` method in a threadsafe
+ way that can maximize effectiveness across multiple threads as well
+ as processes. :meth:`.CacheImpl.get_or_create` is the
+ key method used by templates.
+* All arguments passed to ``**kw`` come directly from the parameters
+ inside the ``<%def>``, ``<%block>``, or ``<%page>`` tags directly,
+ minus the ``"cache_"`` prefix, as strings, with the exception of
+ the argument ``cache_timeout``, which is passed to the plugin
+ as the name ``timeout`` with the value converted to an integer.
+ Arguments present in ``cache_args`` on :class:`.Template` or
+ :class:`.TemplateLookup` are passed directly, but are superseded
+ by those present in the most specific template tag.
+* The directory where :class:`.Template` places module files can
+ be acquired using the accessor ``self.cache.template.module_directory``.
+ This directory can be a good place to throw cache-related work
+ files, underneath a prefix like ``_my_cache_work`` so that name
+ conflicts with generated modules don't occur.
+API Reference
+.. autoclass:: mako.cache.Cache
+ :members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. autoclass:: mako.cache.CacheImpl
+ :members:
+ :show-inheritance:
+.. autofunction:: mako.cache.register_plugin
+.. autoclass:: mako.ext.beaker_cache.BeakerCacheImpl
+ :members:
+ :show-inheritance: