path: root/astroid/arguments.py
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1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/astroid/arguments.py b/astroid/arguments.py
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index 00000000..fadb5a8b
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+++ b/astroid/arguments.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, 2018-2020 Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ceridwen <ceridwenv@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Bryce Guinta <bryce.paul.guinta@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Nick Drozd <nicholasdrozd@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Anthony Sottile <asottile@umich.edu>
+# Copyright (c) 2020 hippo91 <guillaume.peillex@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Pierre Sassoulas <pierre.sassoulas@gmail.com>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 David Liu <david@cs.toronto.edu>
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Marc Mueller <30130371+cdce8p@users.noreply.github.com>
+# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html
+# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/main/LICENSE
+from typing import Optional
+from astroid import nodes
+from astroid.bases import Instance
+from astroid.const import Context
+from astroid.context import CallContext, InferenceContext
+from astroid.exceptions import InferenceError, NoDefault
+from astroid.util import Uninferable
+class CallSite:
+ """Class for understanding arguments passed into a call site
+ It needs a call context, which contains the arguments and the
+ keyword arguments that were passed into a given call site.
+ In order to infer what an argument represents, call :meth:`infer_argument`
+ with the corresponding function node and the argument name.
+ :param callcontext:
+ An instance of :class:`astroid.context.CallContext`, that holds
+ the arguments for the call site.
+ :param argument_context_map:
+ Additional contexts per node, passed in from :attr:`astroid.context.Context.extra_context`
+ :param context:
+ An instance of :class:`astroid.context.Context`.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, callcontext: CallContext, argument_context_map=None, context=None
+ ):
+ if argument_context_map is None:
+ argument_context_map = {}
+ self.argument_context_map = argument_context_map
+ args = callcontext.args
+ keywords = callcontext.keywords
+ self.duplicated_keywords = set()
+ self._unpacked_args = self._unpack_args(args, context=context)
+ self._unpacked_kwargs = self._unpack_keywords(keywords, context=context)
+ self.positional_arguments = [
+ arg for arg in self._unpacked_args if arg is not Uninferable
+ ]
+ self.keyword_arguments = {
+ key: value
+ for key, value in self._unpacked_kwargs.items()
+ if value is not Uninferable
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def from_call(cls, call_node, context: Optional[Context] = None):
+ """Get a CallSite object from the given Call node.
+ context will be used to force a single inference path.
+ """
+ # Determine the callcontext from the given `context` object if any.
+ context = context or InferenceContext()
+ callcontext = CallContext(call_node.args, call_node.keywords)
+ return cls(callcontext, context=context)
+ def has_invalid_arguments(self):
+ """Check if in the current CallSite were passed *invalid* arguments
+ This can mean multiple things. For instance, if an unpacking
+ of an invalid object was passed, then this method will return True.
+ Other cases can be when the arguments can't be inferred by astroid,
+ for example, by passing objects which aren't known statically.
+ """
+ return len(self.positional_arguments) != len(self._unpacked_args)
+ def has_invalid_keywords(self):
+ """Check if in the current CallSite were passed *invalid* keyword arguments
+ For instance, unpacking a dictionary with integer keys is invalid
+ (**{1:2}), because the keys must be strings, which will make this
+ method to return True. Other cases where this might return True if
+ objects which can't be inferred were passed.
+ """
+ return len(self.keyword_arguments) != len(self._unpacked_kwargs)
+ def _unpack_keywords(self, keywords, context=None):
+ values = {}
+ context = context or InferenceContext()
+ context.extra_context = self.argument_context_map
+ for name, value in keywords:
+ if name is None:
+ # Then it's an unpacking operation (**)
+ try:
+ inferred = next(value.infer(context=context))
+ except InferenceError:
+ values[name] = Uninferable
+ continue
+ except StopIteration:
+ continue
+ if not isinstance(inferred, nodes.Dict):
+ # Not something we can work with.
+ values[name] = Uninferable
+ continue
+ for dict_key, dict_value in inferred.items:
+ try:
+ dict_key = next(dict_key.infer(context=context))
+ except InferenceError:
+ values[name] = Uninferable
+ continue
+ except StopIteration:
+ continue
+ if not isinstance(dict_key, nodes.Const):
+ values[name] = Uninferable
+ continue
+ if not isinstance(dict_key.value, str):
+ values[name] = Uninferable
+ continue
+ if dict_key.value in values:
+ # The name is already in the dictionary
+ values[dict_key.value] = Uninferable
+ self.duplicated_keywords.add(dict_key.value)
+ continue
+ values[dict_key.value] = dict_value
+ else:
+ values[name] = value
+ return values
+ def _unpack_args(self, args, context=None):
+ values = []
+ context = context or InferenceContext()
+ context.extra_context = self.argument_context_map
+ for arg in args:
+ if isinstance(arg, nodes.Starred):
+ try:
+ inferred = next(arg.value.infer(context=context))
+ except InferenceError:
+ values.append(Uninferable)
+ continue
+ except StopIteration:
+ continue
+ if inferred is Uninferable:
+ values.append(Uninferable)
+ continue
+ if not hasattr(inferred, "elts"):
+ values.append(Uninferable)
+ continue
+ values.extend(inferred.elts)
+ else:
+ values.append(arg)
+ return values
+ def infer_argument(self, funcnode, name, context):
+ """infer a function argument value according to the call context
+ Arguments:
+ funcnode: The function being called.
+ name: The name of the argument whose value is being inferred.
+ context: Inference context object
+ """
+ if name in self.duplicated_keywords:
+ raise InferenceError(
+ "The arguments passed to {func!r} " " have duplicate keywords.",
+ call_site=self,
+ func=funcnode,
+ arg=name,
+ context=context,
+ )
+ # Look into the keywords first, maybe it's already there.
+ try:
+ return self.keyword_arguments[name].infer(context)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # Too many arguments given and no variable arguments.
+ if len(self.positional_arguments) > len(funcnode.args.args):
+ if not funcnode.args.vararg and not funcnode.args.posonlyargs:
+ raise InferenceError(
+ "Too many positional arguments "
+ "passed to {func!r} that does "
+ "not have *args.",
+ call_site=self,
+ func=funcnode,
+ arg=name,
+ context=context,
+ )
+ positional = self.positional_arguments[: len(funcnode.args.args)]
+ vararg = self.positional_arguments[len(funcnode.args.args) :]
+ argindex = funcnode.args.find_argname(name)[0]
+ kwonlyargs = {arg.name for arg in funcnode.args.kwonlyargs}
+ kwargs = {
+ key: value
+ for key, value in self.keyword_arguments.items()
+ if key not in kwonlyargs
+ }
+ # If there are too few positionals compared to
+ # what the function expects to receive, check to see
+ # if the missing positional arguments were passed
+ # as keyword arguments and if so, place them into the
+ # positional args list.
+ if len(positional) < len(funcnode.args.args):
+ for func_arg in funcnode.args.args:
+ if func_arg.name in kwargs:
+ arg = kwargs.pop(func_arg.name)
+ positional.append(arg)
+ if argindex is not None:
+ boundnode = getattr(context, "boundnode", None)
+ # 2. first argument of instance/class method
+ if argindex == 0 and funcnode.type in {"method", "classmethod"}:
+ # context.boundnode is None when an instance method is called with
+ # the class, e.g. MyClass.method(obj, ...). In this case, self
+ # is the first argument.
+ if boundnode is None and funcnode.type == "method" and positional:
+ return positional[0].infer(context=context)
+ if boundnode is None:
+ # XXX can do better ?
+ boundnode = funcnode.parent.frame()
+ if isinstance(boundnode, nodes.ClassDef):
+ # Verify that we're accessing a method
+ # of the metaclass through a class, as in
+ # `cls.metaclass_method`. In this case, the
+ # first argument is always the class.
+ method_scope = funcnode.parent.scope()
+ if method_scope is boundnode.metaclass():
+ return iter((boundnode,))
+ if funcnode.type == "method":
+ if not isinstance(boundnode, Instance):
+ boundnode = boundnode.instantiate_class()
+ return iter((boundnode,))
+ if funcnode.type == "classmethod":
+ return iter((boundnode,))
+ # if we have a method, extract one position
+ # from the index, so we'll take in account
+ # the extra parameter represented by `self` or `cls`
+ if funcnode.type in {"method", "classmethod"} and boundnode:
+ argindex -= 1
+ # 2. search arg index
+ try:
+ return self.positional_arguments[argindex].infer(context)
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ if funcnode.args.kwarg == name:
+ # It wants all the keywords that were passed into
+ # the call site.
+ if self.has_invalid_keywords():
+ raise InferenceError(
+ "Inference failed to find values for all keyword arguments "
+ "to {func!r}: {unpacked_kwargs!r} doesn't correspond to "
+ "{keyword_arguments!r}.",
+ keyword_arguments=self.keyword_arguments,
+ unpacked_kwargs=self._unpacked_kwargs,
+ call_site=self,
+ func=funcnode,
+ arg=name,
+ context=context,
+ )
+ kwarg = nodes.Dict(
+ lineno=funcnode.args.lineno,
+ col_offset=funcnode.args.col_offset,
+ parent=funcnode.args,
+ )
+ kwarg.postinit(
+ [(nodes.const_factory(key), value) for key, value in kwargs.items()]
+ )
+ return iter((kwarg,))
+ if funcnode.args.vararg == name:
+ # It wants all the args that were passed into
+ # the call site.
+ if self.has_invalid_arguments():
+ raise InferenceError(
+ "Inference failed to find values for all positional "
+ "arguments to {func!r}: {unpacked_args!r} doesn't "
+ "correspond to {positional_arguments!r}.",
+ positional_arguments=self.positional_arguments,
+ unpacked_args=self._unpacked_args,
+ call_site=self,
+ func=funcnode,
+ arg=name,
+ context=context,
+ )
+ args = nodes.Tuple(
+ lineno=funcnode.args.lineno,
+ col_offset=funcnode.args.col_offset,
+ parent=funcnode.args,
+ )
+ args.postinit(vararg)
+ return iter((args,))
+ # Check if it's a default parameter.
+ try:
+ return funcnode.args.default_value(name).infer(context)
+ except NoDefault:
+ pass
+ raise InferenceError(
+ "No value found for argument {arg} to {func!r}",
+ call_site=self,
+ func=funcnode,
+ arg=name,
+ context=context,
+ )