path: root/seed/0109-comms-buffers.rst
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+.. _seed-0109:
+0109: Communication Buffers
+.. seed::
+ :number: 109
+ :name: Communication Buffers
+ :status: Accepted
+ :proposal_date: 2023-08-28
+ :cl: 168357
+This SEED proposes that Pigweed adopt a standard buffer type for network-style
+communications. This buffer type will be used in the new sockets API
+(see the recently-accepted `Communications SEED 107
+<https://pigweed.dev/seed/0107-communications.html>`_ for more details), and
+will be carried throughout the communications stack as-appropriate.
+Top-Level Usage Examples
+Sending a Proto Into a Socket
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ Allocator& msg_allocator = socket.Allocator();
+ size_t size = EncodedProtoSize(some_proto);
+ std::optional<pw::MultiBuf> buffer = msg_allocator.Allocate(size);
+ if (!buffer) { return; }
+ EncodeProto(some_proto, *buffer);
+ socket.Send(std::move(*buffer));
+``Socket`` s provide an allocator which should be used to create a
+``pw::MultiBuf``. The data to be sent is then filled into this buffer before
+being sent. ``Socket`` must accept ``pw::MultiBuf`` s which were not created
+by their own ``Allocator``, but this may incur a performance penalty.
+Zero-Copy Fragmentation
+The example above has a hidden feature: zero-copy fragmentation! The socket
+can provide a ``pw::MultiBuf`` which is divided up into separate MTU-sized
+chunks, each of which has reserved space for headers and/or footers:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ std::optional<pw::MultiBuf> Allocate(size_t size) {
+ if (size == 0) { return pw::MultiBuf(); }
+ size_t data_per_chunk = mtu_size_ - header_size_;
+ size_t num_chunks = 1 + ((size - 1) / data_per_chunk);
+ std::optional<pw::MultiBuf> buffer = pw::MultiBuf::WithCapacity(num_chunks);
+ if (!buffer) { return std::nullopt; }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) {
+ // Note: we could allocate smaller than `mtu_size_` for the final
+ // chunk. This is ommitted here for brevity.
+ std::optional<pw::MultiBuf::Chunk> chunk = internal_alloc_.Allocate(mtu_size_);
+ if (!chunk) { return std::nullopt; }
+ // Reserve the header size by discarding the front of each buffer.
+ chunk->DiscardFront(header_size_);
+ buffer->Chunks()[i] = std::move(chunk);
+ }
+ return *buffer;
+ }
+This code reserves ``header_size_`` bytes at the beginning of each ``Chunk``.
+When the caller writes into this memory and then passes it back to the socket,
+these bytes can be claimed for the header using the ``ClaimPrefix`` function.
+One usecase that seems to demand the ability to fragment like this is breaking
+up ``SOCK_SEQPACKET`` messages which (at least on Unix / Linux) may be much larger
+than the MTU size: up to ``SO_SNDBUF`` (see `this man page
+Multiplexing Incoming Data
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ [[nodiscard]] bool SplitAndSend(pw::MultiBuf buffer) {
+ std::optional<std::array<pw::MultiBuf, 2>> buffers =
+ std::move(buffer).Split(split_index);
+ if (!buffers) { return false; }
+ socket_1_.Send(std::move(buffers->at(0)));
+ socket_2_.Send(std::move(buffers->at(1)));
+ return true;
+ }
+Incoming buffers can be split without copying, and the results can be forwarded
+to multiple different ``Socket`` s, RPC services or clients.
+Today, a Pigweed communications stack typically involves a number of different
+``pw_rpc`` users, for example, frequently use direct-memory access (DMA) or
+other system primitives to read data into a buffer, apply some link-layer
+protocol such as HDLC which copies data into a second buffer, pass the resulting
+data into pw_rpc which parses it into its own buffer. Multiple sets of buffers
+are present on the output side as well. Between DMA in and DMA out, it's easy
+for data to pass through six or more different buffers.
+These independent buffer systems introduce both time and space overhead. Aside
+from the additional CPU time required to move the data around, users need to
+ensure that all of the different buffer pools involved along the way have enough
+space reserved to contain the entire message. Where caching is present, moving
+the memory between locations may create an additional delay by thrashing
+between memory regions.
+``pw::buffers::MultiBuf`` is a handle to a buffer optimized for use within
+Pigweed's communications stack. It provides efficient, low-overhead buffer
+management, and serves as a standard type for passing data between drivers,
+TCP/IP implementations, RPC 2.0, and transfer 2.0.
+A single ``MultiBuf`` is a list of ``Chunk`` s of data. Each ``Chunk``
+points to an exclusively-owned portion of a reference-counted allocation.
+``MultiBuf`` s can be easily split, joined, prefixed, postfixed, or infixed
+without needing to copy the underlying data.
+The memory pointed to by ``Chunk`` s is typically allocated from a pool
+provided by a ``Socket``. This allows the ``Socket`` to provide backpressure to
+callers, and to ensure that memory is placed in DMA or shared memory regions
+In-Memory Layout
+This diagram shows an example in-memory relationship between two buffers:
+- ``Buffer1`` references one chunks from region A.
+- ``Buffer2`` references two chunk from regions A and B.
+.. mermaid::
+ graph TB;
+ Buffer1 --> Chunk1A
+ Chunk1A -- "[0..64]" --> MemoryRegionA(Memory Region A)
+ Chunk1A --> ChunkRegionTrackerA
+ Buffer2 --> Chunk2A & Chunk2B
+ Chunk2A --> ChunkRegionTrackerA
+ Chunk2A -- "[64..128]" --> MemoryRegionA(Memory Region A)
+ Chunk2B -- "[0..128]" --> MemoryRegionB
+ Chunk2B --> ChunkRegionTrackerB
+The primary API is as follows:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ /// An object that manages a single allocated region which is referenced
+ /// by one or more chunks.
+ class ChunkRegionTracker {
+ public:
+ ChunkRegionTracker(ByteSpan);
+ /// Creates the first ``Chunk`` referencing a whole region of memory.
+ /// This must only be called once per ``ChunkRegionTracker``.
+ Chunk ChunkForRegion();
+ protected:
+ pw::Mutex lock();
+ /// Destroys the `ChunkRegionTracker`.
+ ///
+ /// Typical implementations will call `std::destroy_at(this)` and then
+ /// free the memory associated with the tracker.
+ virtual void Destroy();
+ /// Defines the entire span of the region being managed. ``Chunk`` s
+ /// referencing this tracker may not expand beyond this region
+ /// (or into one another).
+ ///
+ /// This region must not change for the lifetime of this
+ /// ``ChunkRegionTracker``.
+ virtual ByteSpan region();
+ private:
+ /// Used to manage the internal linked-list of ``Chunk`` s that allows
+ /// chunks to know whether or not they can expand to fill neighboring
+ /// regions of memory.
+ pw::Mutex lock_;
+ };
+ /// A handle to a contiguous refcounted slice of data.
+ ///
+ /// Note: this Chunk may acquire a ``pw::sync::Mutex`` during destruction, and
+ /// so must not be destroyed within ISR context.
+ class Chunk {
+ public:
+ Chunk();
+ Chunk(ChunkRegionTracker&);
+ Chunk(Chunk&& other) noexcept;
+ Chunk& operator=(Chunk&& other);
+ ~Chunk();
+ std::byte* data();
+ const std::byte* data() const;
+ ByteSpan span();
+ ConstByteSpan span() const;
+ size_t size() const;
+ std::byte& operator[](size_t index);
+ std::byte operator[](size_t index) const;
+ /// Decrements the reference count on the underlying chunk of data and empties
+ /// this handle so that `span()` now returns an empty (zero-sized) span.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data, but may cause it to be
+ /// released if this was the only remaining ``Chunk`` referring to it.
+ /// This is equivalent to ``{ Chunk _unused = std::move(chunk_ref); }``
+ void Release();
+ /// Attempts to add `prefix_bytes` bytes to the front of this buffer by
+ /// advancing its range backwards in memory. Returns `true` if the
+ /// operation succeeded.
+ ///
+ /// This will only succeed if this `Chunk` points to a section of a chunk
+ /// that has unreferenced bytes preceeding it. For example, a `Chunk`
+ /// which has been shrunk using `DiscardFront` can then be re-expanded using
+ /// `ClaimPrefix`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this will fail if a preceding `Chunk` has claimed this
+ /// memory using `ClaimSuffix`.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool ClaimPrefix(size_t prefix_bytes);
+ /// Attempts to add `suffix_bytes` bytes to the back of this buffer by
+ /// advancing its range forwards in memory. Returns `true` if the
+ /// operation succeeded.
+ ///
+ /// This will only succeed if this `Chunk` points to a section of a chunk
+ /// that has unreferenced bytes following it. For example, a `Chunk`
+ /// which has been shrunk using `Truncate` can then be re-expanded using
+ /// `ClaimSuffix`.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this will fail if a following `Chunk` has claimed this
+ /// memory using `ClaimPrefix`.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool ClaimSuffix(size_t suffix_bytes);
+ /// Shrinks this handle to refer to the data beginning at offset ``new_start``.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data.
+ void DiscardFront(size_t new_start);
+ /// Shrinks this handle to refer to data in the range ``begin..<end``.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data.
+ void Slice(size_t begin, size_t end);
+ /// Shrinks this handle to refer to only the first ``len`` bytes.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data.
+ void Truncate(size_t len);
+ /// Splits this chunk in two, with the second chunk starting at `split_point`.
+ std::array<Chunk, 2> Split(size_t split_point) &&;
+ };
+ /// A handle to a sequence of potentially non-contiguous refcounted slices of
+ /// data.
+ class MultiBuf {
+ public:
+ struct Index {
+ size_t chunk_index;
+ size_t byte_index;
+ };
+ MultiBuf();
+ /// Creates a ``MultiBuf`` pointing to a single, contiguous chunk of data.
+ ///
+ /// Returns ``std::nullopt`` if the ``ChunkList`` allocator is out of memory.
+ static std::optional<MultiBuf> FromChunk(Chunk chunk);
+ /// Splits the ``MultiBuf`` into two separate buffers at ``split_point``.
+ ///
+ /// Returns ``std::nullopt`` if the ``ChunkList`` allocator is out of memory.
+ std::optional<std::array<MultiBuf, 2>> Split(Index split_point) &&;
+ std::optional<std::array<MultiBuf, 2>> Split(size_t split_point) &&;
+ /// Appends the contents of ``suffix`` to this ``MultiBuf`` without copying data.
+ /// Returns ``false`` if the ``ChunkList`` allocator is out of memory.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool Append(MultiBuf suffix);
+ /// Discards the first elements of ``MultiBuf`` up to (but not including)
+ /// ``new_start``.
+ ///
+ /// Returns ``false`` if the ``ChunkList`` allocator is out of memory.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool DiscardFront(Index new_start);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool DiscardFront(size_t new_start);
+ /// Shifts and truncates this handle to refer to data in the range
+ /// ``begin..<stop``.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data.
+ ///
+ /// Returns ``false`` if the ``ChunkList`` allocator is out of memory.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool Slice(size_t begin, size_t end);
+ /// Discards the tail of this ``MultiBuf`` starting with ``first_index_to_drop``.
+ /// Returns ``false`` if the ``ChunkList`` allocator is out of memory.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool Truncate(Index first_index_to_drop);
+ /// Discards the tail of this ``MultiBuf`` so that only ``len`` elements remain.
+ /// Returns ``false`` if the ``ChunkList`` allocator is out of memory.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool Truncate(size_t len);
+ /// Discards the elements beginning with ``cut_start`` and resuming at
+ /// ``resume_point``.
+ ///
+ /// Returns ``false`` if the ``ChunkList`` allocator is out of memory.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool DiscardSegment(Index cut_start, Index resume_point);
+ /// Returns an iterable over the ``Chunk``s of memory within this ``MultiBuf``.
+ auto Chunks();
+ auto Chunks() const;
+ /// Returns a ``BidirectionalIterator`` over the bytes in this ``MultiBuf``.
+ ///
+ /// Note that use of this iterator type may be less efficient than
+ /// performing chunk-wise operations due to the noncontiguous nature of
+ /// the iterator elements.
+ auto begin();
+ auto end();
+ /// Counts the total number of ``Chunk`` s.
+ ///
+ /// This function is ``O(n)`` in the number of ``Chunk`` s.
+ size_t CalculateNumChunks() const;
+ /// Counts the total size in bytes of all ``Chunk`` s combined.
+ ///
+ /// This function is ``O(n)`` in the number of ``Chunk`` s.
+ size_t CalculateTotalSize() const;
+ /// Returns an ``Index`` which can be used to provide constant-time access to
+ /// the element at ``position``.
+ ///
+ /// Any mutation of this ``MultiBuf`` (e.g. ``Append``, ``DiscardFront``,
+ /// ``Slice``, or ``Truncate``) may invalidate this ``Index``.
+ Index IndexAt(size_t position) const;
+ };
+ class MultiBufAllocationFuture {
+ public:
+ Poll<std::optional<Buffer>> Poll(Context&);
+ };
+ class MultiBufAllocationFuture {
+ public:
+ Poll<std::optional<MultiBuf::Chunk>> Poll(Context&);
+ };
+ class MultiBufAllocator {
+ public:
+ std::optional<MultiBuf> Allocate(size_t size);
+ std::optional<MultiBuf> Allocate(size_t min_size, size_t desired_size);
+ std::optional<MultiBuf::Chunk> AllocateContiguous(size_t size);
+ std::optional<MultiBuf::Chunk> AllocateContiguous(size_t min_size, size_t desired_size);
+ MultiBufAllocationFuture AllocateAsync(size_t size);
+ MultiBufAllocationFuture AllocateAsync(size_t min_size, size_t desired_size);
+ MultiBufChunkAllocationFuture AllocateContiguousAsync(size_t size);
+ MultiBufChunkAllocationFuture AllocateContiguousAsync(size_t min_size, size_t desired_size);
+ protected:
+ virtual std::optional<MultiBuf> DoAllocate(size_t min_size, size_t desired_size);
+ virtual std::optional<MultiBuf::Chunk> DoAllocateContiguous(size_t min_size, size_t desired_size);
+ /// Invoked by the ``MultiBufAllocator`` to signal waiting futures that buffers of
+ /// the provided sizes may be available for allocation.
+ void AllocationAvailable(size_t size_available, size_t contiguous_size_available);
+ };
+The ``Chunk`` s in the prototype are stored in fallible dynamically-allocated
+arrays, but they could be stored in vectors of a fixed maximum size. The ``Chunk`` s
+cannot be stored as an intrusively-linked list because this would require per-``Chunk``
+overhead in the underlying buffer, and there may be any number of ``Chunk`` s within
+the same buffer.
+Multiple ``Chunk`` s may not refer to the same memory, but they may refer to
+non-overlapping sections of memory within the same region. When one ``Chunk``
+within a region is deallocated, a neighboring chunk may expand to use its space.
+Vectorized Structure
+The most significant design choices made in this API is supporting vectorized
+IO via a list of ``Chunk`` s. While this does carry an additional overhead, it
+is strongly motivated by the desire to carry data throughout the communications
+stack without needing a copy. By carrying a list of ``Chunk`` s, ``MultiBuf``
+allows data to be prefixed, suffixed, infixed, or split without incurring the
+overhead of a separate allocation and copy.
+Managing Allocations with ``MultiBufAllocator`` and ``ChunkRegionTracker``
+``pw::MultiBuf`` is not associated with a concrete allocator implementation.
+Instead, it delegates the creation of buffers to implementations of
+the ``MultiBufAllocator`` base class. This allows different allocator
+implementations to vend out ``pw::MultiBuf`` s that are optimized for use with a
+particular communications stack.
+For example, a communications stack which runs off of shared memory or specific
+DMA'able regions might choose to allocate memory out of those regions to allow
+for zero-copy writes.
+Additionally, custom allocator implementations can reserve headers, footers, or
+even split a ``pw::MultiBuf`` into multiple chunks in order to provide zero-copy
+Deallocation of these regions is managed through the ``ChunkRegionTracker``.
+When no more ``Chunk`` s associated with a ``ChunkRegionTracker`` exist,
+the ``ChunkRegionTracker`` receives a ``Destroy`` call to release both the
+region and the ``ChunkRegionTracker``.
+The ``MultiBufAllocator`` can place the ``ChunkRegionTracker`` wherever it
+wishes, including as a header or footer for the underlying region allocation.
+This is not required, however, as memory in regions like shared or DMA'able
+memory might be limited, in which case the ``ChunkRegionTracker`` can be
+stored elsewhere.
+Compatibility With Existing Communications Interfaces
+`Lightweight IP stack (lwIP)
+is a TCP/IP implementation designed for use on small embedded systems. Some
+Pigweed platforms may choose to use lwIP as the backend for their ``Socket``
+implementations, so it's important that ``pw::MultiBuf`` interoperate efficiently
+with their native buffer type.
+lwIP has its own buffer type, `pbuf
+<https://www.nongnu.org/lwip/2_1_x/structpbuf.html>`_ optimized for use with
+`zero-copy applications
+``pbuf`` represents buffers as linked lists of reference-counted ``pbuf`` s
+which each have a pointer to their payload, a length, and some metadata. While
+this does not precisely match the representation of ``pw::MultiBuf``, it is
+possible to construct a ``pbuf`` list which points at the various chunks of a
+``pw::MultiBuf`` without needing to perform a copy of the data.
+Similarly, a ``pw::MultiBuf`` can refer to a ``pbuf`` by using each ``pbuf`` as
+a "``Chunk`` region", holding a reference count on the region's ``pbuf`` so
+long as any ``Chunk`` continues to reference the data referenced by that
+Existing Solutions
+Linux's ``sk_buff``
+Linux has a similar buffer structure called `sk_buff
+It differs in a few significant ways:
+It provides separate ``head``, ``data``, ``tail``, and ``end`` pointers.
+Other scatter-gather fragments are supplied using the ``frags[]`` structure.
+Separately, it has a ``frags_list`` of IP fragments which is created via calls to
+``ip_push_pending_frames``. Fragments are supplied by the ``frags[]`` payload in
+addition to the ``skb_shared_info.frag_list`` pointing to the tail.
+``sk_buff`` reference-counts not only the underlying chunks of memory, but also the
+``sk_buff`` structure itself. This allows for clones of ``sk_buff`` without
+manipulating the reference counts of the individual chunks. We anticipate that
+cloning a whole ``pw::buffers::MultiBuf`` will be uncommon enough that it is
+better to keep these structures single-owner (and mutable) rather than sharing
+and reference-counting them.
+FreeBSD's ``mbuf``
+FreeBSD uses a design called `mbuf
+which interestingly allows data within the middle of a buffer to be given a
+specified alignment, allowing data to be prepended within the same buffer.
+This is similar to the structure of ``Chunk``, which may reference data in the
+middle of an allocated buffer, allowing prepending without a copy.