path: root/pw_multibuf/public/pw_multibuf/chunk.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'pw_multibuf/public/pw_multibuf/chunk.h')
1 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pw_multibuf/public/pw_multibuf/chunk.h b/pw_multibuf/public/pw_multibuf/chunk.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9747b944a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_multibuf/public/pw_multibuf/chunk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+// the License at
+// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+#pragma once
+#include <optional>
+#include "pw_assert/assert.h"
+#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
+#include "pw_sync/mutex.h"
+namespace pw::multibuf {
+class ChunkRegionTracker;
+class OwnedChunk;
+/// A handle to a contiguous slice of data.
+/// A ``Chunk`` is similar to a ``ByteSpan``, but is aware of the underlying
+/// memory allocation, and is able to split, shrink, and grow into neighboring
+/// empty space.
+/// This class is optimized to allow multiple owners to write into neighboring
+/// regions of the same allocation. One important usecase for this is
+/// communication protocols which want to reserve space at the front or rear of
+/// a buffer for headers or footers.
+/// In order to support zero-copy DMA of communications buffers, allocators can
+/// create properly-aligned ``Chunk`` regions in appropriate memory. The driver
+/// can then ``DiscardFront`` in order to reserve bytes for headers,
+/// ``Truncate`` in order to reserve bytes for footers, and then pass the
+/// ``Chunk`` to the user to fill in. The header and footer space can then
+/// be reclaimed using the ``ClaimPrefix`` and ``ClaimSuffix`` methods.
+class Chunk {
+ public:
+ Chunk() = delete;
+ // Not copyable or movable.
+ Chunk(Chunk&) = delete;
+ Chunk& operator=(Chunk&) = delete;
+ Chunk(Chunk&&) = delete;
+ Chunk& operator=(Chunk&&) = delete;
+ /// Creates the first ``Chunk`` referencing a whole region of memory.
+ ///
+ /// This must only be called once per ``ChunkRegionTracker``, when the region
+ /// is first created. Multiple calls will result in undefined behavior.
+ ///
+ /// Returns ``std::nullopt`` if ``AllocateChunkStorage`` returns ``nullptr``.
+ static std::optional<OwnedChunk> CreateFirstForRegion(
+ ChunkRegionTracker& region_tracker);
+ std::byte* data() { return span_.data(); }
+ const std::byte* data() const { return span_.data(); }
+ size_t size() const { return span_.size(); }
+ ByteSpan span() { return span_; }
+ ConstByteSpan span() const { return span_; }
+ std::byte& operator[](size_t index) { return span_[index]; }
+ const std::byte& operator[](size_t index) const { return span_[index]; }
+ // Container declarations
+ using element_type = std::byte;
+ using value_type = std::byte;
+ using size_type = size_t;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ using pointer = std::byte*;
+ using const_pointer = const std::byte*;
+ using reference = std::byte&;
+ using const_reference = const std::byte&;
+ using iterator = std::byte*;
+ using const_iterator = const std::byte*;
+ using reverse_iterator = std::byte*;
+ using const_reverse_iterator = const std::byte*;
+ std::byte* begin() { return span_.data(); }
+ const std::byte* cbegin() const { return span_.data(); }
+ std::byte* end() { return span_.data() + span_.size(); }
+ const std::byte* cend() const { return span_.data() + span_.size(); }
+ /// Returns if ``next_chunk`` is mergeable into the end of this ``Chunk``.
+ ///
+ /// This will only succeed when the two ``Chunk`` s are adjacent in
+ /// memory and originated from the same allocation.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool CanMerge(const Chunk& next_chunk) const;
+ /// Attempts to merge ``next_chunk`` into the end of this ``Chunk``.
+ ///
+ /// If the chunks are successfully merged, this ``Chunk`` will be extended
+ /// forwards to encompass the space of ``next_chunk``, and ``next_chunk``
+ /// will be emptied and ``Release``d.
+ ///
+ /// This will only succeed when the two ``Chunk`` s are adjacent in
+ /// memory and originated from the same allocation.
+ ///
+ /// If the chunks are not mergeable, neither ``Chunk`` will be modified.
+ bool Merge(OwnedChunk& next_chunk);
+ /// Attempts to add ``bytes_to_claim`` to the front of this buffer by
+ /// advancing its range backwards in memory. Returns ``true`` if the operation
+ /// succeeded.
+ ///
+ /// This will only succeed if this ``Chunk`` points to a section of a region
+ /// that has unreferenced bytes preceeding it. For example, a ``Chunk`` which
+ /// has been shrunk using ``DiscardFront`` can be re-expanded using
+ /// ``ClaimPrefix``.
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool ClaimPrefix(size_t bytes_to_claim);
+ /// Attempts to add ``bytes_to_claim`` to the front of this buffer by
+ /// advancing its range forwards in memory. Returns ``true`` if the operation
+ /// succeeded.
+ ///
+ /// This will only succeed if this ``Chunk`` points to a section of a region
+ /// that has unreferenced bytes following it. For example, a ``Chunk`` which
+ /// has been shrunk using ``Truncate`` can be re-expanded using
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe. /// ``ClaimSuffix``.
+ [[nodiscard]] bool ClaimSuffix(size_t bytes_to_claim);
+ /// Shrinks this handle to refer to the data beginning at offset
+ /// ``bytes_to_discard``.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data.
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ void DiscardFront(size_t bytes_to_discard);
+ /// Shrinks this handle to refer to data in the range ``begin..<end``.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data.
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ void Slice(size_t begin, size_t end);
+ /// Shrinks this handle to refer to only the first ``len`` bytes.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data.
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ void Truncate(size_t len);
+ /// Attempts to shrink this handle to refer to the data beginning at
+ /// offset ``bytes_to_take``, returning the first ``bytes_to_take`` bytes as
+ /// a new ``OwnedChunk``.
+ ///
+ /// If the inner call to ``AllocateChunkClass`` fails, this function
+ /// will return ``std::nullopt` and this handle's span will not change.
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ std::optional<OwnedChunk> TakeFront(size_t bytes_to_take);
+ /// Attempts to shrink this handle to refer only the first
+ /// ``len - bytes_to_take`` bytes, returning the last ``bytes_to_take``
+ /// bytes as a new ``OwnedChunk``.
+ ///
+ /// If the inner call to ``AllocateChunkClass`` fails, this function
+ /// will return ``std::nullopt`` and this handle's span will not change.
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ std::optional<OwnedChunk> TakeTail(size_t bytes_to_take);
+ private:
+ Chunk(ChunkRegionTracker* region_tracker, ByteSpan span)
+ : region_tracker_(region_tracker),
+ next_in_region_(nullptr),
+ prev_in_region_(nullptr),
+ span_(span) {}
+ // NOTE: these functions are logically
+ // `PW_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(region_tracker_->lock_)`, however this
+ // annotation cannot be applied due to the forward declaration of
+ // `region_tracker_`.
+ void InsertAfterInRegionList(Chunk* new_chunk);
+ void InsertBeforeInRegionList(Chunk* new_chunk);
+ void RemoveFromRegionList();
+ /// Frees this ``Chunk``. Future accesses to this class after calls to
+ /// ``Free`` are undefined behavior.
+ ///
+ /// Decrements the reference count on the underlying chunk of data.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data, but may cause it to be deallocated
+ /// if this was the only remaining ``Chunk`` referring to its region.
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ void Free();
+ /// The region_tracker_ for this chunk.
+ ChunkRegionTracker* const region_tracker_;
+ /// Pointer to the next chunk in the same ``region_tracker_``.
+ ///
+ /// Guarded by ``region_tracker_->lock_`` (but not annotated as such due to
+ /// the fact that annotations aren't smart enough to understand that all
+ /// chunks within a region share a tracker + lock).
+ ///
+ /// ``nullptr`` if this is the last ``Chunk`` in its ``region_tracker_``.
+ Chunk* next_in_region_;
+ /// Pointer to the previous chunk in the same ``region_tracker_``.
+ ///
+ /// Guarded by ``region_tracker_->lock_`` (but not annotated as such due to
+ /// the fact that annotations aren't smart enough to understand that all
+ /// chunks within a region share a tracker + lock).
+ ///
+ /// ``nullptr`` if this is the first ``Chunk`` in its ``region_tracker_``.
+ Chunk* prev_in_region_;
+ /// Pointer to the next chunk in a ``MultiBuf``.
+ ///
+ /// This is ``nullptr`` if this chunk is not in a ``MultiBuf``, or is the
+ /// last element of a ``MultiBuf``.
+ //
+ // reserved for use by the MultiBuf class.
+ Chunk* next_in_buf_;
+ /// Pointer to the sub-region to which this chunk has exclusive access.
+ ///
+ /// This ``span_`` is conceptually owned by this ``Chunk`` object, and
+ /// may be read or written to by a ``Chunk`` user (the normal rules of
+ /// thread compatibility apply-- `const` methods may be called
+ /// concurrently, non-`const` methods may not).
+ ///
+ /// Neighboring ``Chunk`` objects in this region looking to expand via
+ /// ``ClaimPrefix`` or ``ClaimSuffix`` may read this span's
+ /// boundaries. These other ``Chunk``s must acquire
+ /// ``region_tracker_->lock_`` before reading, and this ``Chunk`` must
+ /// acquire ``region_tracker_->lock_`` before changing ``span_``.
+ ByteSpan span_;
+ friend class OwnedChunk; // for ``Free``.
+ friend class MultiBuf; // for ``Free`` and ``next_in_buf_``.
+/// An object that manages a single allocated region which is referenced by one
+/// or more ``Chunk`` objects.
+/// This class is typically implemented by ``MultiBufAllocator``
+/// implementations in order to customize the behavior of region deallocation.
+/// ``ChunkRegionTracker`` s have three responsibilities:
+/// - Tracking the region of memory into which ``Chunk`` s can expand.
+/// This is reported via the ``Region`` method. ``Chunk`` s in this region
+/// can refer to memory within this region sparsely, but they can grow or
+/// shrink so long as they stay within the bounds of the ``Region``.
+/// - Deallocating the region and the ``ChunkRegionTracker`` itself.
+/// This is implemented via the ``Destroy`` method, which is called once all
+/// of the ``Chunk`` s in a region have been released.
+/// - Allocating and deallocating space for ``Chunk`` classes. This is merely
+/// allocating space for the ``Chunk`` object itself, not the memory to which
+/// it refers. This can be implemented straightforwardly by delegating to an
+/// existing generic allocator such as ``malloc`` or a
+/// ``pw::allocator::Allocator`` implementation.
+class ChunkRegionTracker {
+ protected:
+ ChunkRegionTracker() = default;
+ virtual ~ChunkRegionTracker() = default;
+ /// Destroys the ``ChunkRegionTracker``.
+ ///
+ /// Typical implementations will call ``std::destroy_at(this)`` and then free
+ /// the memory associated with the region and the tracker.
+ virtual void Destroy() = 0;
+ /// Returns the entire span of the region being managed.
+ ///
+ /// ``Chunk`` s referencing this tracker will not expand beyond this region,
+ /// nor into one another's portions of the region.
+ ///
+ /// This region must not change for the lifetime of this
+ /// ``ChunkRegionTracker``.
+ virtual ByteSpan Region() const = 0;
+ /// Returns a pointer to ``sizeof(Chunk)`` bytes.
+ /// Returns ``nullptr`` on failure.
+ virtual void* AllocateChunkClass() = 0;
+ /// Deallocates a pointer returned by ``AllocateChunkClass``.
+ virtual void DeallocateChunkClass(void*) = 0;
+ private:
+ /// A lock used to manage an internal linked-list of ``Chunk``s.
+ ///
+ /// This allows chunks to:
+ /// - know whether they can expand to fill neighboring regions of memory.
+ /// - know when the last chunk has been destructed, triggering `Destroy`.
+ pw::sync::Mutex lock_;
+ friend Chunk;
+/// An RAII handle to a contiguous slice of data.
+/// Note: ``OwnedChunk`` may acquire a ``pw::sync::Mutex`` during destruction,
+/// and so must not be destroyed within ISR contexts.
+class OwnedChunk {
+ public:
+ OwnedChunk() : inner_(nullptr) {}
+ OwnedChunk(OwnedChunk&& other) noexcept : inner_(other.inner_) {
+ other.inner_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ OwnedChunk& operator=(OwnedChunk&& other) noexcept {
+ inner_ = other.inner_;
+ other.inner_ = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ ~OwnedChunk() { Release(); }
+ std::byte* data() { return span().data(); }
+ const std::byte* data() const { return span().data(); }
+ size_t size() const { return span().size(); }
+ ByteSpan span() { return inner_ == nullptr ? ByteSpan() : inner_->span(); }
+ ConstByteSpan span() const {
+ return inner_ == nullptr ? ConstByteSpan() : inner_->span();
+ }
+ std::byte& operator[](size_t index) { return span()[index]; }
+ std::byte operator[](size_t index) const { return span()[index]; }
+ Chunk& operator*() { return *inner_; }
+ const Chunk& operator*() const { return *inner_; }
+ Chunk* operator->() { return inner_; }
+ const Chunk* operator->() const { return inner_; }
+ /// Decrements the reference count on the underlying chunk of data and
+ /// empties this handle so that `span()` now returns an empty (zero-sized)
+ /// span.
+ ///
+ /// Does not modify the underlying data, but may cause it to be deallocated
+ /// if this was the only remaining ``Chunk`` referring to its region.
+ ///
+ /// This method is equivalent to ``{ Chunk _unused = std::move(chunk_ref); }``
+ ///
+ /// This method will acquire a mutex and is not IRQ safe.
+ void Release();
+ /// Returns the contained ``Chunk*`` and empties this ``OwnedChunk`` without
+ /// releasing the underlying ``Chunk``.
+ Chunk* Take() && {
+ Chunk* result = inner_;
+ inner_ = nullptr;
+ return result;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// Constructs a new ``OwnedChunk`` from an existing ``Chunk*``.
+ OwnedChunk(Chunk* inner) : inner_(inner) {}
+ /// A pointer to the owned ``Chunk``.
+ Chunk* inner_;
+ /// Allow ``Chunk`` and ``MultiBuf`` to create ``OwnedChunk``s using the
+ /// private constructor above.
+ friend class Chunk;
+ friend class MultiBuf;
+} // namespace pw::multibuf