path: root/fxjs/xfa/cfxjse_engine.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'fxjs/xfa/cfxjse_engine.h')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/fxjs/xfa/cfxjse_engine.h b/fxjs/xfa/cfxjse_engine.h
index addf0cc58..c6a95c311 100644
--- a/fxjs/xfa/cfxjse_engine.h
+++ b/fxjs/xfa/cfxjse_engine.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -9,133 +9,210 @@
#include <map>
#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
+#include "core/fxcrt/mask.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/unowned_ptr.h"
#include "fxjs/cfx_v8.h"
-#include "v8/include/v8.h"
+#include "v8/include/cppgc/persistent.h"
+#include "v8/include/v8-forward.h"
+#include "v8/include/v8-persistent-handle.h"
#include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_eventparam.h"
#include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_document.h"
#include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_script.h"
-#include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_resolvenode_rs.h"
+#include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_basic_data.h"
class CFXJSE_Class;
class CFXJSE_Context;
class CFXJSE_FormCalcContext;
+class CFXJSE_HostObject;
+class CFXJSE_NodeHelper;
class CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor;
+class CFXJSE_Value;
class CJS_Runtime;
-class CXFA_List;
-// Flags for |dwStyles| argument to CFXJSE_Engine::ResolveObjects().
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_Children 0x0001
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_TagName 0x0002
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_Attributes 0x0004
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_Properties 0x0008
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_Siblings 0x0020
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_Parent 0x0040
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_AnyChild 0x0080
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_ALL 0x0100
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_CreateNode 0x0400
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_Bind 0x0800
-#define XFA_RESOLVENODE_BindNew 0x1000
+enum class XFA_ResolveFlag : uint16_t {
+ kChildren = 1 << 0,
+ kTagName = 1 << 1,
+ kAttributes = 1 << 2,
+ kProperties = 1 << 3,
+ kSiblings = 1 << 5,
+ kParent = 1 << 6,
+ kAnyChild = 1 << 7,
+ kALL = 1 << 8,
+ kCreateNode = 1 << 10,
+ kBind = 1 << 11,
+ kBindNew = 1 << 12,
class CFXJSE_Engine final : public CFX_V8 {
+ class ResolveResult {
+ CPPGC_STACK_ALLOCATED(); // Allow raw/unowned pointers.
+ public:
+ enum class Type {
+ kNodes = 0,
+ kAttribute,
+ kCreateNodeOne,
+ kCreateNodeAll,
+ kCreateNodeMidAll,
+ kExistNodes,
+ };
+ ResolveResult();
+ ResolveResult(const ResolveResult& that);
+ ResolveResult& operator=(const ResolveResult& that);
+ ~ResolveResult();
+ Type type = Type::kNodes;
+ XFA_SCRIPTATTRIBUTEINFO script_attribute = {};
+ // Vector of Member would be correct for stack-based vectors, if
+ // STL worked with cppgc.
+ std::vector<cppgc::Member<CXFA_Object>> objects;
+ };
static CXFA_Object* ToObject(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info);
- static CXFA_Object* ToObject(CFXJSE_Value* pValue);
- static void GlobalPropertyGetter(CFXJSE_Value* pObject,
- ByteStringView szPropName,
- CFXJSE_Value* pValue);
- static void GlobalPropertySetter(CFXJSE_Value* pObject,
+ static CXFA_Object* ToObject(v8::Isolate* pIsolate,
+ v8::Local<v8::Value> value);
+ static CXFA_Object* ToObject(v8::Isolate* pIsolate, CFXJSE_Value* pValue);
+ static CXFA_Object* ToObject(CFXJSE_HostObject* pHostObj);
+ static v8::Local<v8::Value> GlobalPropertyGetter(
+ v8::Isolate* pIsolate,
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject,
+ ByteStringView szPropName);
+ static void GlobalPropertySetter(v8::Isolate* pIsolate,
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject,
ByteStringView szPropName,
- CFXJSE_Value* pValue);
- static void NormalPropertyGetter(CFXJSE_Value* pObject,
+ v8::Local<v8::Value> pValue);
+ static v8::Local<v8::Value> NormalPropertyGetter(
+ v8::Isolate* pIsolate,
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject,
+ ByteStringView szPropName);
+ static void NormalPropertySetter(v8::Isolate* pIsolate,
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject,
ByteStringView szPropName,
- CFXJSE_Value* pValue);
- static void NormalPropertySetter(CFXJSE_Value* pObject,
- ByteStringView szPropName,
- CFXJSE_Value* pValue);
+ v8::Local<v8::Value> pValue);
static CJS_Result NormalMethodCall(
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info,
const WideString& functionName);
- static int32_t NormalPropTypeGetter(CFXJSE_Value* pObject,
- ByteStringView szPropName,
- bool bQueryIn);
- static int32_t GlobalPropTypeGetter(CFXJSE_Value* pObject,
- ByteStringView szPropName,
- bool bQueryIn);
+ static FXJSE_ClassPropType NormalPropTypeGetter(v8::Isolate* pIsolate,
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject,
+ ByteStringView szPropName,
+ bool bQueryIn);
+ static FXJSE_ClassPropType GlobalPropTypeGetter(v8::Isolate* pIsolate,
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject,
+ ByteStringView szPropName,
+ bool bQueryIn);
CFXJSE_Engine(CXFA_Document* pDocument, CJS_Runtime* fxjs_runtime);
~CFXJSE_Engine() override;
- void SetEventParam(CXFA_EventParam* param) { m_eventParam = param; }
- CXFA_EventParam* GetEventParam() const { return m_eventParam.Get(); }
+ class EventParamScope {
+ public:
+ EventParamScope(CFXJSE_Engine* pEngine,
+ CXFA_Node* pTarget,
+ CXFA_EventParam* pEventParam);
+ ~EventParamScope();
+ private:
+ UnownedPtr<CFXJSE_Engine> m_pEngine;
+ UnownedPtr<CXFA_Node> m_pPrevTarget;
+ UnownedPtr<CXFA_EventParam> m_pPrevEventParam;
+ };
+ friend class EventParamScope;
+ CXFA_Node* GetEventTarget() const { return m_pTarget; }
+ CXFA_EventParam* GetEventParam() const { return m_eventParam; }
bool RunScript(CXFA_Script::Type eScriptType,
WideStringView wsScript,
CFXJSE_Value* pRetValue,
CXFA_Object* pThisObject);
- bool ResolveObjects(CXFA_Object* refObject,
- WideStringView wsExpression,
- uint32_t dwStyles,
- CXFA_Node* bindNode);
+ absl::optional<ResolveResult> ResolveObjects(CXFA_Object* refObject,
+ WideStringView wsExpression,
+ Mask<XFA_ResolveFlag> dwStyles);
+ absl::optional<ResolveResult> ResolveObjectsWithBindNode(
+ CXFA_Object* refObject,
+ WideStringView wsExpression,
+ Mask<XFA_ResolveFlag> dwStyles,
+ CXFA_Node* bindNode);
- CFXJSE_Value* GetOrCreateJSBindingFromMap(CXFA_Object* pObject);
- void RemoveJSBindingFromMap(CXFA_Object* pObject);
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> GetOrCreateJSBindingFromMap(CXFA_Object* pObject);
- void AddToCacheList(std::unique_ptr<CXFA_List> pList);
- CXFA_Object* GetThisObject() const { return m_pThisObject.Get(); }
+ CXFA_Object* GetThisObject() const { return m_pThisObject; }
+ CFXJSE_Class* GetJseNormalClass() const { return m_pJsClass; }
+ CXFA_Document* GetDocument() const { return m_pDocument.Get(); }
- void SetNodesOfRunScript(std::vector<CXFA_Node*>* pArray);
+ void SetNodesOfRunScript(std::vector<cppgc::Persistent<CXFA_Node>>* pArray);
void AddNodesOfRunScript(CXFA_Node* pNode);
- CFXJSE_Class* GetJseNormalClass() const { return m_pJsClass.Get(); }
void SetRunAtType(XFA_AttributeValue eRunAt) { m_eRunAtType = eRunAt; }
bool IsRunAtClient() { return m_eRunAtType != XFA_AttributeValue::Server; }
CXFA_Script::Type GetType();
- std::vector<CXFA_Node*>* GetUpObjectArray() { return &m_upObjectArray; }
- CXFA_Document* GetDocument() const { return m_pDocument.Get(); }
+ void AddObjectToUpArray(CXFA_Node* pNode);
+ CXFA_Node* LastObjectFromUpArray();
CXFA_Object* ToXFAObject(v8::Local<v8::Value> obj);
- v8::Local<v8::Value> NewXFAObject(CXFA_Object* obj,
- v8::Global<v8::FunctionTemplate>& tmpl);
+ v8::Local<v8::Object> NewNormalXFAObject(CXFA_Object* obj);
+ bool IsResolvingNodes() const { return m_bResolvingNodes; }
+ CFXJSE_Context* GetJseContextForTest() const { return GetJseContext(); }
- CFXJSE_Context* CreateVariablesContext(CXFA_Node* pScriptNode,
+ CFXJSE_Context* GetJseContext() const { return m_JsContext.get(); }
+ CFXJSE_Context* CreateVariablesContext(CXFA_Script* pScriptNode,
CXFA_Node* pSubform);
- void RemoveBuiltInObjs(CFXJSE_Context* pContext) const;
+ void RemoveBuiltInObjs(CFXJSE_Context* pContext);
bool QueryNodeByFlag(CXFA_Node* refNode,
WideStringView propname,
- CFXJSE_Value* pValue,
- uint32_t dwFlag,
- bool bSetting);
+ v8::Local<v8::Value>* pValue,
+ Mask<XFA_ResolveFlag> dwFlag);
+ bool UpdateNodeByFlag(CXFA_Node* refNode,
+ WideStringView propname,
+ v8::Local<v8::Value> pValue,
+ Mask<XFA_ResolveFlag> dwFlag);
bool IsStrictScopeInJavaScript();
- CXFA_Object* GetVariablesThis(CXFA_Object* pObject, bool bScriptNode);
- bool QueryVariableValue(CXFA_Node* pScriptNode,
+ CXFA_Object* GetVariablesThis(CXFA_Object* pObject);
+ CXFA_Object* GetVariablesScript(CXFA_Object* pObject);
+ CFXJSE_Context* VariablesContextForScriptNode(CXFA_Script* pScriptNode);
+ bool QueryVariableValue(CXFA_Script* pScriptNode,
ByteStringView szPropName,
- CFXJSE_Value* pValue,
- bool bGetter);
- bool RunVariablesScript(CXFA_Node* pScriptNode);
+ v8::Local<v8::Value>* pValue);
+ bool UpdateVariableValue(CXFA_Script* pScriptNode,
+ ByteStringView szPropName,
+ v8::Local<v8::Value> pValue);
+ void RunVariablesScript(CXFA_Script* pScriptNode);
UnownedPtr<CJS_Runtime> const m_pSubordinateRuntime;
- UnownedPtr<CXFA_Document> const m_pDocument;
+ cppgc::WeakPersistent<CXFA_Document> const m_pDocument;
std::unique_ptr<CFXJSE_Context> m_JsContext;
UnownedPtr<CFXJSE_Class> m_pJsClass;
CXFA_Script::Type m_eScriptType = CXFA_Script::Type::Unknown;
- std::map<CXFA_Object*, std::unique_ptr<CFXJSE_Value>> m_mapObjectToValue;
- std::map<CXFA_Object*, std::unique_ptr<CFXJSE_Context>>
+ // |m_mapObjectToValue| is what ensures the v8 object bound to a
+ // CJX_Object remains valid for the lifetime of the engine.
+ std::map<cppgc::Persistent<CJX_Object>, v8::Global<v8::Object>>
+ m_mapObjectToObject;
+ std::map<cppgc::Persistent<CJX_Object>, std::unique_ptr<CFXJSE_Context>>
+ cppgc::Persistent<CXFA_Node> m_pTarget;
UnownedPtr<CXFA_EventParam> m_eventParam;
- std::vector<CXFA_Node*> m_upObjectArray;
- // CacheList holds the List items so we can clean them up when we're done.
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CXFA_List>> m_CacheList;
- UnownedPtr<std::vector<CXFA_Node*>> m_pScriptNodeArray;
+ std::vector<cppgc::Persistent<CXFA_Node>> m_upObjectArray;
+ UnownedPtr<std::vector<cppgc::Persistent<CXFA_Node>>> m_pScriptNodeArray;
+ std::unique_ptr<CFXJSE_NodeHelper> const m_NodeHelper;
std::unique_ptr<CFXJSE_ResolveProcessor> const m_ResolveProcessor;
- std::unique_ptr<CFXJSE_FormCalcContext> m_FM2JSContext;
- UnownedPtr<CXFA_Object> m_pThisObject;
+ std::unique_ptr<CFXJSE_FormCalcContext> m_FormCalcContext;
+ cppgc::Persistent<CXFA_Object> m_pThisObject;
XFA_AttributeValue m_eRunAtType = XFA_AttributeValue::Client;
+ bool m_bResolvingNodes = false;