AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
32 hoursfix UTF-32 BOM (#8407)upstream-masterEndeavour233
9 daysUpdate dependency to v33.2.0-jre (#8397)renovate[bot]
2024-04-28Start fewer threads in TaskRunner (#8391)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-24Fix ConnectionPoolTest bug (#8384)Evan Nelson
2024-04-22Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-ktx to v1.9.0 (#8382)renovate[bot]
2024-04-20Move to centralised loom safe locks (#8371)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-17Prepare next development version.Jesse Wilson
2024-04-17Prepare for release 5.0.0-alpha.14.Jesse Wilson
2024-04-17Move coroutines extensions to okhttp3.coroutines (#8372)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-17Don't require a signing key to publish docs (#8368)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-17Prepare next development version.Jesse Wilson
2024-04-17Prepare for release 5.0.0-alpha.13.Jesse Wilson
2024-04-17Revert "Move RealCall and RealConnection to loom safe locks (#8290)" (#8367)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-15Improve some code comments (#8361)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-15Fix public APIs for kotlin.time.Duration (#8355)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-15Don't declare our own HTTP status codes (#8362)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-15Move RealCall and RealConnection to loom safe locks (#8290)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-14Update gradle/wrapper-validation-action action to v3 (#8365)renovate[bot]
2024-04-14Support codespaces (#8347)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-14Fake time in ConnectionPoolTest (#8360)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-12Add connection pool pre-warming tests (#8358)Evan Nelson
2024-04-11Extract a test thread factory (#8356)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-10Redo TaskFaker's internal queue (#8348)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-10Change parameter order for Cache constructor (#8338)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-08Tidy RealConnectionPool's new policy code (#8345)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-07Update plugin to v1.9.23-1.0.20 (#8351)renovate[bot]
2024-04-07Update dependency org.robolectric:robolectric to v4.12.1 (#8350)renovate[bot]
2024-04-06Comments on loom test (#8340)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-06Hide the value of sensitive query parameters in log (#8242)Minh
2024-04-06Put fastFallback into the public API (#8332)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-06Put EventSources.createFactory into the public API (#8336)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-06Put Request.tag(KClass) into the public API (#8335)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-06Put Protocol.HTTP_3 into the public API (#8333)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-06Put the nice Request constructor into the public API (#8334)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-06Put Cookie.sameSite into the public API (#8331)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-06Put JavaNetCookieJar into the public API (#8337)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-05Don't leak response bodies in executeAsync (#8330)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-04Make sure we have copyright headers (#8329)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-04Clarify a comment on shutting down the dispatcher (#8328)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-03Support minimum connection pool size (#8287)Evan Nelson
2024-04-02Remove Stringprep code (#8246)cketti
2024-04-02Fix some bad docs in IdnaMappingTable.kt (#8326)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-01Tidy the tls survey code (#8324)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-01Don't test MockServer's HTTP proxy of an HTTP/2 call (#8325)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-01Test webSocketCloseTimeout (#8317)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-01Don't depend on external OkHttp from within OkHttp (#8323)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-01Revert "Defend against brotli decompression bombs (#8227)" (#8229)Jesse Wilson
2024-04-01Add a configurable AndroidLogging API (#7844)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-01Comment on AndroidAsyncDns errors (#8322)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-01Document udevadm features for GitHub runners (#8320)Jesse Wilson