AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-03-14Snap for 8294919 from d4b678831c49109727db51b0c7828fbac43ea67c to main-cg-tes...main-cg-testing-releaseAndroid Build Coastguard Worker
2022-02-20Snap for 8204480 from 37f980fd5fe57041e241b55799bafcf8bb1961ee to main-cg-tes...Android Build Coastguard Worker
2022-02-16Build nullaway error prone plugin am: 37f980fd5fFedor Kudasov
2022-02-15Build nullaway error prone pluginFedor Kudasov
2022-02-13Snap for 8178666 from 1b80a8f61edf46e089e172ce74d6931c8db573fd to main-cg-tes...Android Build Coastguard Worker
2022-02-08Add license files am: 1b80a8f61eFedor Kudasov
2022-02-08Merge NullAway into Android codebase am: 30e45aecd8Fedor Kudasov
2022-02-07Add license filesFedor Kudasov
2022-02-04Merge NullAway into Android codebaseFedor Kudasov
2022-02-04Fix JarInfer integration test on Java 11 (#529)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-31Enable build cache (#562)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-24Reason about key set iteration for subtypes of Map (#559)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-21Reason about iterating over a map's key set using an enhanced for loop (#554)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-18Disable parallel builds and daemon for uploading snapshots (#555)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-18Require braces for all conditionals and loops (#556)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-15Separating NullAwayTests into smaller files (#550)Jiahe Gellert Li
2022-01-14Switch to temurin to fix CI (#553)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-14Add dependence from coveralls task to codeCoverageReport (#552)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-14Enable parallel builds (#549)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-12Initial empty repositoryRoman Yepishev
2022-01-12Small tweaks to handling of assignments in dataflow (#547)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-10Improve nullness tracking of map calls in the presence of type casts (#537)Lázaro Clapp
2022-01-10Prepare next development version.Lazaro Clapp
2022-01-10Prepare for release 0.9.5.Lazaro Clapp
2022-01-10Better fix for crash on member selects inside module-info.java (#544)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-10Add comment in switch expression tests (#545)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-09Fix crash with switch expression as a lambda body (#543)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-06Add test case for unsound map reassignment handling (#541)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-06Add task to run NullAway on itself (#542)Manu Sridharan
2022-01-03Bump AutoValue and AutoService versions (#538)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-29Bump Guava dependency to 24.1.1 (#536)Lázaro Clapp
2021-12-28Prepare next development version.Lazaro Clapp
2021-12-28Prepare for release 0.9.4.Lazaro Clapp
2021-12-28Fix crash with fully-qualified names in module-info.java import (#534)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-27Prepare next development version.Lazaro Clapp
2021-12-27Prepare for release 0.9.3.Lazaro Clapp
2021-12-27Add JarInfer models for Android SDK 31 (Android 12) (#532)Lázaro Clapp
2021-12-27Update to Gradle 7.3.3 (#530)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-23Changes to avoid re-running Gradle tasks unnecessarily (#528)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-23Support for Coveralls on multiple modules (#521)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-23Add tests for JDK 16+ records (#527)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-22Pull jmh Gradle plugin version to top level (#526)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-22Test that DummyOptionsConfig's methods throw IllegalStateException (#525)Lázaro Clapp
2021-12-22Make jar-infer-lib tests pass on JDK 11 (#523)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-22Adds custom Nullable Annotation via Error Prone CLI flags (#522)Nima Karimipour
2021-12-21Add support for switch expressions (#520)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-16Fix soundness bug with dereference of ternary expressions (#516)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-10Some fixes to GitHub Actions config (#514)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-09More JDK 11 / 17 updates (#512)Manu Sridharan
2021-12-07Run some tests on JDK 17 (#511)Manu Sridharan