AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-06Merge remote-tracking branch 'goog/stage-aosp-master' into HEADbrillo-m7-releasebrillo-m7-mr-devbrillo-m7-devThe Android Open Source Project
2015-07-31Move header to modp_b64 subdir.Bertrand SIMONNET
2015-07-24Move header to modp_b64 subdir.Bertrand SIMONNET
2015-07-24Rename host library to libmodpb64-hostChristopher Wiley
2015-07-22Add libmodpb64_host targetChristopher Wiley
2015-07-16Merge "Add makefile to build in Chromium os."Bertrand SIMONNET
2015-07-15Add makefile to build in Chromium os.Bertrand SIMONNET
2015-07-15Set LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS.Daniel Erat
2015-07-10Add and build package as a static libraryArman Uguray
2015-07-09Add upstream code as of Chromium 279ad18Arman Uguray
2015-07-09Initial empty repositoryBill Yi