AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-09Fix release scripts (#514)upstream-mainRóbert Papp
2024-04-09Follow-up on #508: add tests and remove unnecessary methods (#516)Róbert Papp
2024-02-23Add support for destructured parameters in answers (#512)Oscar Guillén
2024-01-21Create AdditionalMatchers facade (#508)Paul Féraud
2023-12-03Reduce warnings during build, in IDE and in GitHub UI (#501)Róbert Papp
2023-12-03Use Gradle `plugins { }` instead of `buildscript { }` (#503)Róbert Papp
2023-12-03Drop clean commits requirement (#504)Róbert Papp
2023-12-03Move tests to included build to separate classpaths (#502)Róbert Papp
2023-12-02Bump Nexus publishing plugin to latest stable (#500)Róbert Papp
2023-12-02Increase visibility of Mockito dependency (#498)Róbert Papp
2023-12-01Update dependencies and infrastructure (#496)Sergei
2023-08-09Also run release job on 5.x tags (#491)Tim van der Lippe
2023-08-07Fix capturing varargs with Mockito 5 (#490)Lukáš Křečan
2023-07-11Widen allowed types for lenient().whenever() (#485)Hunter Werlla
2023-06-01Upgrade `mockito-core` to 5.x (#482)Lukáš Křečan
2023-03-17Add `doReturn().on { method() }` helper to KStubbing (#453) (#481)thecodewarrior
2023-03-07Prevent silent mis-stubbing (#479)Wes Alvaro
2023-01-19Exchange explanations between verifyNoInteractions() and verifyNoMoreInteract...Tatsuya Fujisaki
2022-12-18Add convenience methods for stubbing suspending functions (#470)rajin
2022-11-26Update Shipkit versions (#468)Tim van der Lippe
2022-11-23Also trigger release on 4.x tags (#466)Tim van der Lippe
2022-10-25Add interface to verify execution order of suspending functions (#464)Niklas Seyfarth
2022-04-22Upgrade Gradle to 6.9.2, Kotlin to 1.4.20, junit to 4.13.2 and mockito to 4.4...Vetle Leinonen-Roeim
2022-03-05Add lenient option for `whenever` (#454)taeyeonKim
2021-11-17Remove jcenter (#450)wrongwrong
2021-10-12Run releases on Mockito-kotlin 4 (#448)Tim van der Lippe
2021-10-08Update mockito-core to 4.0.0 (#447)Rashad Sookram
2021-09-20Bump mockito-core to 3.12.4 (#444)Vetle Leinonen-Roeim
2021-08-13Add verifyNoInteractions and mark verifyZeroInteractions as deprecated (#401)andreprinz
2021-05-26Merge pull request #435 from shestee/mainSzczepan Faber
2021-05-25Bumped Shipkit Auto Version to 1.1.14Michal Szestowicki
2021-05-25Enabled automated changelogMichal Szestowicki
2021-05-05Update mockito-core dependency (#434)Amokrane Chentir
2021-04-05Add snapshot badge to README (#430)Michal Szestowicki
2021-04-02Port missing kotlin specific stubbing methods to BDDMockito (#429)Andrius Semionovas
2021-04-01Add suspendable answer (#357)Andrius Semionovas
2021-04-01Added more logging (#427)Szczepan Faber
2021-03-31Update releasing documentation (#428)Michal Szestowicki
2021-03-29Add explicit tag to push command (#423)Tim van der Lippe
2021-03-29Run release procedure on tag pushes (#425)Tim van der Lippe
2021-03-29Update to Mockito 3 and bump major version (#417)Tim van der Lippe
2021-03-28Automated releases directly to Sonatype (#421)Szczepan Faber
2021-03-23Retrieve correct version number in Maven Central badge (#419)Jan-Hendrik Peters
2021-03-23Add all IntelliJ files to gitignore (#415)Jan-Hendrik Peters
2021-03-23Fix artifact groupId in Maven Central badge (#416)Jan-Hendrik Peters
2021-03-22Update groupId in installation instructions (#414)Mario Rezende
2021-03-22Merge pull request #413 from mockito/sfSzczepan Faber
2021-03-22Fixed group assignmentSzczepan Faber
2021-03-22Merge pull request #411 from mockito/mockitoguy-patch-2Szczepan Faber
2021-03-22Enabled automated releasesSzczepan Faber