AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-31Merge external/lottie from aosp/upstream-master into aosp/master am: d5ae520ccbndk-sysroot-r21Mariia Sandrikova
2019-05-31Merge external/lottie from aosp/upstream-master into aosp/masterMariia Sandrikova
2019-05-30Merge external/lottie from aosp/upstream-master into aosp/masterplatform-tools-29.0.4platform-tools-29.0.3platform-tools-29.0.2Mariia Sandrikova
2019-02-26Initial empty repositoryInna Palant
2019-02-06Add the Android build file.Mariia Sandrikova
2019-02-06Add metadata filesMariia Sandrikova
2018-09-24v2.8.0Gabriel Peal
2018-09-24Updated changelogGabriel Peal
2018-09-24Migrate to androidx (#962)Gabriel Peal
2018-09-24[Sample App] Fix Lottiefiles tabGabriel Peal
2018-09-23v2.7.0Gabriel Peal
2018-09-23v2.7.0 CHANGELOGGabriel Peal
2018-09-23[Sample App] Fixed play button icon not updatingGabriel Peal
2018-09-23Allow returning null from value animator callbacks (#960)Gabriel Peal
2018-09-23Default layer names to UNSET rather than crashing when unsetGabriel Peal
2018-09-23Make LottieTask#EXECUTOR staticGabriel Peal
2018-09-23LottieCompositionFactory and Caching Cleanup (#959)Gabriel Peal
2018-09-10Make text strokeWidth a double (#940)Gabriel Peal
2018-09-09Fix Typos in LottieAnimationView (#938)Tyler Wong
2018-09-09Add on composition loaded listener (#928)dlamande
2018-09-06v2.6.1Gabriel Peal
2018-09-06Synchronize task threading (#933)Gabriel Peal
2018-09-06fix recycle asset bitmap improperly (#935)Xiang
2018-09-04Fix typo (#924)Frederic Deschenes
2018-09-03Removed signing section from gradleGabriel Peal
2018-09-03v2.6.0Gabriel Peal
2018-09-03Revert "CompositionLayer: Handle invalid Region.Op on Android Pie" (#920)Gabriel Peal
2018-09-03Converted sample app to MvRx (#917)Gabriel Peal
2018-09-03CompositionLayer: Add support for targetSdkVersion = 28 (#919)Brandon McAnsh
2018-09-02Make EXECUTOR non-final (#916)Gabriel Peal
2018-08-30Gracefully degrade when null bitmaps are set (#912)Gabriel Peal
2018-08-29Add secring to gitignoreGabriel Peal
2018-08-13v2.6.0-rc3Gabriel Peal
2018-08-13v2.6.0-rc2Gabriel Peal
2018-08-13Added the ability to set a url on LottieAnimationViewGabriel Peal
2018-08-12Fix signed apk pathGabriel Peal
2018-08-12v2.6.0-rc2Gabriel Peal
2018-08-12Updated changelogGabriel Peal
2018-08-12Automatically reuse tasks for in-progress parses (#887)Gabriel Peal
2018-08-11Fixed gcloud accountGabriel Peal
2018-08-11Use maven badges for the readme versionGabriel Peal
2018-08-11v2.6.0-rc1Gabriel Peal
2018-08-11Update PolystarContent.java (#881)chuwzh
2018-08-08Added the ability to fetch an animation from a url (#868)Gabriel Peal
2018-08-08Updated READMEGabriel Peal
2018-08-08[WIP] Sign lottie artifacts (#877)Gabriel Peal
2018-08-05Sign and create releases on CI (#866)Gabriel Peal
2018-08-04[Sample App] Run Player network response on the main threadGabriel Peal
2018-08-04Allow shapes with different point counts but warn (#865)Gabriel Peal
2018-07-26Replaced Strong/WeakRef cache with a LruCache (#861)Gabriel Peal