path: root/mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/cpp_templates/struct_definition.tmpl
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Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/cpp_templates/struct_definition.tmpl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/cpp_templates/struct_definition.tmpl b/mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/cpp_templates/struct_definition.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 60dca40..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/cpp_templates/struct_definition.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-{%- import "validation_macros.tmpl" as validation_macros %}
-{%- set class_name = struct.name ~ "_Data" %}
-// static
-bool {{class_name}}::Validate(
- const void* data,
- mojo::internal::ValidationContext* validation_context) {
- if (!data)
- return true;
- if (!ValidateStructHeaderAndClaimMemory(data, validation_context))
- return false;
- // NOTE: The memory backing |object| may be smaller than |sizeof(*object)| if
- // the message comes from an older version.
- const {{class_name}}* object = static_cast<const {{class_name}}*>(data);
- static constexpr struct {
- uint32_t version;
- uint32_t num_bytes;
- } kVersionSizes[] = {
-{%- for version in struct.versions -%}
- { {{version.version}}, {{version.num_bytes}} }{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%}
-{%- endfor -%}
- };
- if (object->header_.version <=
- kVersionSizes[arraysize(kVersionSizes) - 1].version) {
- // Scan in reverse order to optimize for more recent versions.
- for (int i = arraysize(kVersionSizes) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if (object->header_.version >= kVersionSizes[i].version) {
- if (object->header_.num_bytes == kVersionSizes[i].num_bytes)
- break;
- ReportValidationError(
- validation_context,
- return false;
- }
- }
- } else if (object->header_.num_bytes <
- kVersionSizes[arraysize(kVersionSizes) - 1].num_bytes) {
- ReportValidationError(
- validation_context,
- return false;
- }
-{#- Before validating fields introduced at a certain version, we need to add
- a version check, which makes sure we skip further validation if |object|
- is from an earlier version. |last_checked_version| records the last
- version that we have added such version check. #}
-{%- set last_checked_version = 0 %}
-{%- for packed_field in struct.packed.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order %}
-{%- set kind = packed_field.field.kind %}
-{%- if kind|is_object_kind or kind|is_any_handle_or_interface_kind or
- kind|is_enum_kind %}
-{%- if packed_field.min_version > last_checked_version %}
-{%- set last_checked_version = packed_field.min_version %}
- if (object->header_.version < {{packed_field.min_version}})
- return true;
-{%- endif %}
-{%- set field_expr = "object->" ~ packed_field.field.name %}
-{{validation_macros.validate_field(packed_field.field, field_expr, struct.name, true)}}
-{%- endif %}
-{%- endfor %}
- return true;