AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-07Snap for 10447354 from 51d04dd9d10e9a57a87e07866e20c382c9958a32 to mainline-r...aml_res_341510000aml_res_341410010aml_res_341311030aml_res_341110000aml_res_340912000android14-mainline-resolv-releaseAndroid Build Coastguard Worker
2023-06-09Prevent spamming log for deprecated builtinWilliam Escande
2023-02-08libchrome: Export base/functional headers am: a78c30d256 am: 8ff21aa6e0 am: Pandit-Subedi
2023-02-08libchrome: Export base/functional headers am: a78c30d256 am: 8ff21aa6e0Abhishek Pandit-Subedi
2023-02-08libchrome: Export base/functional headers am: a78c30d256android-u-beta-1-gplAbhishek Pandit-Subedi
2023-02-07libchrome: Export base/functional headersAbhishek Pandit-Subedi
2023-01-27libchrome: add base/functional/* headers am: 57f727b567 am: 316c1ca053 am: 8f...Grace Cham
2023-01-27libchrome: add base/functional/* headers am: 57f727b567 am: 316c1ca053Grace Cham
2023-01-27libchrome: add base/functional/* headers am: 57f727b567Grace Cham
2023-01-27libchrome: add base/functional/* headersGrace Cham
2022-11-29[riscv64] Add riscv64 config into build_config am: 1da53dcb3e am: 799ae1505a ...Lu Yahan
2022-11-29[riscv64] Add riscv64 config into build_config am: 1da53dcb3e am: 799ae1505aLu Yahan
2022-11-29[riscv64] Add riscv64 config into build_config am: 1da53dcb3emain-16k-with-phonesLu Yahan
2022-11-04[riscv64] Add riscv64 config into build_configLu Yahan
2022-10-24Add riscv64 support for base gn build am: f65f3c34c1 am: 6b98cf8f2b am: 85b35...Rebecca Chang Swee Fun
2022-10-24Add riscv64 support for base gn build am: f65f3c34c1 am: 6b98cf8f2bRebecca Chang Swee Fun
2022-10-24Add riscv64 support for base gn build am: f65f3c34c1Rebecca Chang Swee Fun
2022-10-21Add riscv64 support for base gn buildRebecca Chang Swee Fun
2022-10-18Remove references to modern_python_path_defaults am: b67664bec3 am: 17dcecb92...Cole Faust
2022-10-18Remove references to modern_python_path_defaults am: b67664bec3 am: 17dcecb92cCole Faust
2022-10-18Remove references to modern_python_path_defaults am: b67664bec3Cole Faust
2022-10-17Remove references to modern_python_path_defaultsCole Faust
2022-10-06Use modern_python_path_defaults am: 517a889b87 am: d12a48c418 am: 61368d2a5eCole Faust
2022-10-06Use modern_python_path_defaults am: 517a889b87 am: d12a48c418Cole Faust
2022-10-06Use modern_python_path_defaults am: 517a889b87Cole Faust
2022-10-05Use modern_python_path_defaultsCole Faust
2022-09-29Remove OWNERS that have left the team am: bfd94ee6a4 am: e8b8b0a9c7 am: 4dcfd...Cole Faust
2022-09-29Remove OWNERS that have left the team am: bfd94ee6a4 am: e8b8b0a9c7 am: 4dcfd...Cole Faust
2022-09-29Remove OWNERS that have left the team am: bfd94ee6a4 am: e8b8b0a9c7 am: 4dcfd...Cole Faust
2022-09-29Import jni_generator from root package am: 463ea434c7 am: 2232bd223f am: 6923...Cole Faust
2022-09-29Remove OWNERS that have left the team am: bfd94ee6a4 am: e8b8b0a9c7Cole Faust
2022-09-29Import jni_generator from root package am: 463ea434c7 am: 2232bd223f am: 6923...Cole Faust
2022-09-29Remove OWNERS that have left the team am: bfd94ee6a4Cole Faust
2022-09-29Import jni_generator from root package am: 463ea434c7 am: 2232bd223f am: 6923...Cole Faust
2022-09-29Remove OWNERS that have left the teamCole Faust
2022-09-29Import jni_generator from root package am: 463ea434c7 am: 2232bd223fCole Faust
2022-09-29Import jni_generator from root package am: 463ea434c7Cole Faust
2022-09-28Import jni_generator from root packageCole Faust
2022-09-15Convert libchrome scripts to python 3 am: 22b8126fb5 am: 2f8caa9aa8 am: ac5ab...Cole Faust
2022-09-15Convert libchrome scripts to python 3 am: 22b8126fb5 am: 2f8caa9aa8 am: ac5ab...Cole Faust
2022-09-15Convert libchrome scripts to python 3 am: 22b8126fb5 am: 2f8caa9aa8 am: ac5ab...Cole Faust
2022-09-15Convert libchrome scripts to python 3 am: 22b8126fb5 am: 2f8caa9aa8Cole Faust
2022-09-15Convert libchrome scripts to python 3 am: 22b8126fb5Cole Faust
2022-09-15Convert libchrome scripts to python 3Cole Faust
2022-09-14[automerger skipped] [Bluetooth apex] Use new apex name am: 79d51cc162 am: b5...William Escande
2022-09-14[automerger skipped] Clear apex.go entries for bluetooth libs am: cbe09aeeb7 ...William Escande
2022-09-14[automerger skipped] [Bluetooth apex] Use new apex name am: 79d51cc162 am: b5...William Escande
2022-09-14[automerger skipped] Clear apex.go entries for bluetooth libs am: cbe09aeeb7 ...William Escande
2022-09-13[Bluetooth apex] Use new apex name am: 79d51cc162 am: b5959cd99c am: e06019e2f7William Escande
2022-09-13Clear apex.go entries for bluetooth libs am: cbe09aeeb7 am: 5f408da451 am: fb...William Escande