AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-02Prepare 1.6.0-RC releaseupstream-1.6.0-rc-releaseLeonid Startsev
2023-08-02Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into devLeonid Startsev
2023-08-02Remove obsolete no longer supported kotlin.mpp.enableCompatibilityMetadataVar...Stanislav Erokhin
2023-08-02Properly fix Java 8 API compatibility (#2350)Björn Kautler
2023-07-27Remove obsolete no longer supported kotlin.mpp.enableCompatibilityMetadataVar...Vsevolod Tolstopyatov
2023-07-26Rename clashed files to fix per-file compilation for JS targetArtem Kobzar
2023-07-26Changed actual FormatLanguage annotation for JS and native (#2379)Sergey Shanshin
2023-07-24Rename clashed files to fix per-file compilation for JS targetArtem Kobzar
2023-07-24Update to Kotlin 1.9.0: (#2364)Leonid Startsev
2023-07-20Fix missing backticks in MapEntrySerializer documentation (#2373)Simon Marquis
2023-07-17Use forgotten 'mode' in 'parameterizedTest' (#2367)Leonid Startsev
2023-07-14Actualize Protobuf documentation (#2355)Leonid Startsev
2023-07-14Fix error triggered by 'consume leading class discriminator' polymorphic pars...Leonid Startsev
2023-07-12Support Serializer for Nothing on the JS target (#2330)Shreck Ye
2023-07-11docs( enhance guidelines clarity and grammar (#2361)Henok Woldesenbet
2023-07-05Introduce 'decodeEnumsCaseInsensitive' feature to Json. (#2345)Leonid Startsev
2023-07-05Manually apply the `java` plugin (#2356)Sebastian Sellmair
2023-06-29docs: Fix missing call to endStructure() (#2351)Pavel Vasin
2023-06-29Fix beginStructure in JsonTreeDecoder when inner structure descriptor is same...Ugljesa Jovanovic
2023-06-26Bump compatibility-validator version to 0.13.2 (#2349)Leonid Startsev
2023-06-23Fix Kotlin user projects build (#2341)Abduqodiri Qurbonzoda
2023-06-23Update user projects config: adapt build script to new TeamCity variables (#2...Margarita Bobova
2023-06-22Suppress org.intellij.lang.annotations from Dokka output.Leonid Startsev
2023-06-22Increase visibility of the json-okio integration module: add it to the Dokka ...Leonid Startsev
2023-06-22Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into devLeonid Startsev
2023-06-22Actualize 'serializer not found' platform-specific message (#2339)Leonid Startsev
2023-06-19Update json5k, which now supports Kotlin/Native (#2335)Adam
2023-06-14Remove deprecated K/N targets for 1.9.20 (#2325)Alexander Shabalin
2023-06-13Fixed NoSuchMethodError when parsing a JSON stream on Java 8 (#2328)Sergey Shanshin
2023-06-13Fixed regression with serialization using list parametrized with contextual t...Sergey Shanshin
2023-05-26Remove erroneous external-generated serializer for generic class (#2316)Leonid Startsev
2023-05-25Rename Serializers.kt to SerializersJs.kt to support JS per-file compilation ...Artem Kobzar
2023-05-25Update releasing docs for the API reference (#2307)Ignat Beresnev
2023-05-25Fix typo in JsonElementSerializer (#2314)Vinccool96
2023-05-22Fix incorrect spelling of documentation tag (#2310)Pavel Vasin
2023-05-17Add documentation for JsonNamingStrategy to the Json guide (#2305)Leonid Startsev
2023-05-17Add support to decode numeric literals containing an exponent (#2227)Roberto Blázquez
2023-05-17Fix outdated buildClassSerialDescriptor documentation (#2306)Leonid Startsev
2023-05-11Prepare 1.5.1 release (#2297)upstream/v1.5.1Leonid Startsev
2023-05-10Function to retrieve KSerializer by KClass and type arguments serializers (#2...Sergey Shanshin
2023-05-10Added FormatLanguage annotation to JSON (#2234)Sergey Shanshin
2023-05-09Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into devLeonid Startsev
2023-05-09Implement addAll functions for JsonArrayBuilder (#2156)aSemy
2023-05-08KeyValueSerializer: Fix missing call to endStructure() (#2272)Pavel Vasin
2023-05-02ObjectSerializer: Respect sequential decoding (#2273)Pavel Vasin
2023-05-01Fix incorrect function name in PrimitiveSerialDescriptor doc comment (#2289)Stuart Kent
2023-04-25Properties Format: Support sealed/polymorphic classes as class properties (#2...EdwarDDay
2023-04-20Adapt tests for K2 and upcoming deprecations in K1 (#2230)Leonid Startsev
2023-04-20Fix value class encoding in various corner cases (#2242)Leonid Startsev
2023-04-19Improved docs for JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer (#2189)Sergey Shanshin