path: root/gradle/native-targets.gradle
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Diffstat (limited to 'gradle/native-targets.gradle')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/gradle/native-targets.gradle b/gradle/native-targets.gradle
index 909fcec1..8ef7f48d 100644
--- a/gradle/native-targets.gradle
+++ b/gradle/native-targets.gradle
@@ -2,149 +2,44 @@
* Copyright 2017-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
- * Specifies what subset of Native targets to build
- *
- * ALL — all possible for compilation
- * HOST — host-specific ones, without cross compilation (e.g. do not build linuxX64 on macOS host)
- * SINGLE — only for current OS (to import into IDEA / quickly run tests)
- * DISABLED — disable all Native targets (useful with Kotlin compiler built from sources)
- *
- * For HOST mode, all targets are still listed in .module file, so HOST mode is useful for release process.
- */
-enum NativeState { ALL, HOST, SINGLE, DISABLED }
-def getNativeState(String description) {
- if (description == null) return NativeState.SINGLE
- switch(description.toLowerCase()) {
- case 'all':
- case 'true':
- return NativeState.ALL
- case 'host':
- return NativeState.HOST
- case 'disabled':
- return NativeState.DISABLED
- // 'single', 'false', etc
- default:
- return NativeState.SINGLE
- }
-project.ext.ideaActive = System.getProperty('') == 'true'
-project.ext.nativeState = getNativeState(property('native.deploy'))
-project.ext.singleTargetMode = project.ext.ideaActive || (project.ext.nativeState == NativeState.SINGLE)
-project.ext.nativeMainSets = []
-project.ext.nativeTestSets = []
- * Disables compilation but leaves the target in .module file
- */
-def disableCompilation(targets) {
- configure(targets) {
- compilations.all {
- cinterops.all { project.tasks[interopProcessingTaskName].enabled = false }
- compileKotlinTask.enabled = false
- }
- binaries.all { linkTask.enabled = false }
- mavenPublication { publicationToDisable ->
- tasks.withType(AbstractPublishToMaven).all {
- onlyIf { publication != publicationToDisable }
- }
- tasks.withType(GenerateModuleMetadata).all {
- onlyIf { publication.get() != publicationToDisable }
- }
- }
- }
-def getHostName() {
- def target = System.getProperty("")
- if (target == 'Linux') return 'linux'
- if (target.startsWith('Windows')) return 'windows'
- if (target.startsWith('Mac')) return 'macos'
- return 'unknown'
+static def doesNotDependOnOkio(project) {
+ return !"json-okio") && !"json-tests")
kotlin {
- targets {
- def manager = project.ext.hostManager
- def linuxEnabled = manager.isEnabled(presets.linuxX64.konanTarget)
- def macosEnabled = manager.isEnabled(presets.macosX64.konanTarget)
- def winEnabled = manager.isEnabled(presets.mingwX64.konanTarget)
- def ideaPreset = presets.linuxX64
- if (macosEnabled) ideaPreset = presets.macosX64
- if (winEnabled) ideaPreset = presets.mingwX64
- project.ext.ideaPreset = ideaPreset
- }
- targets.metaClass.addTarget = { preset ->
- def target = delegate.fromPreset(preset,
- project.ext.nativeMainSets.add(target.compilations['main'].kotlinSourceSets.first())
- project.ext.nativeTestSets.add(target.compilations['test'].kotlinSourceSets.first())
- }
- targets {
- if (project.ext.nativeState == NativeState.DISABLED) return
- if (project.ext.singleTargetMode) {
- fromPreset(project.ext.ideaPreset, 'native')
- } else {
- // Linux
- addTarget(presets.linuxX64)
- addTarget(presets.linuxArm32Hfp)
- addTarget(presets.linuxArm64)
- // Mac & iOS
- addTarget(presets.macosX64)
- addTarget(presets.iosArm64)
- addTarget(presets.iosArm32)
- addTarget(presets.iosX64)
- addTarget(presets.watchosX86)
- addTarget(presets.watchosX64)
- addTarget(presets.watchosArm32)
- addTarget(presets.watchosArm64)
- addTarget(presets.tvosArm64)
- addTarget(presets.tvosX64)
- // Apple Silicon
- addTarget(presets.iosSimulatorArm64)
- addTarget(presets.watchosSimulatorArm64)
- addTarget(presets.tvosSimulatorArm64)
- addTarget(presets.macosArm64)
- // Windows
- addTarget(presets.mingwX64)
- addTarget(presets.mingwX86)
- }
- if (project.ext.nativeState == NativeState.HOST) {
- // linux targets that can cross-compile on all three hosts
- def linuxCrossCompileTargets = [linuxX64, linuxArm32Hfp, linuxArm64]
- if (getHostName() != "linux") {
- disableCompilation(linuxCrossCompileTargets)
- }
- }
- }
- sourceSets {
- nativeMain { dependsOn commonMain }
- // Empty source set is required in order to have native tests task
- nativeTest { dependsOn commonTest }
- if (!project.ext.singleTargetMode) {
- configure(project.ext.nativeMainSets) {
- dependsOn nativeMain
- }
- configure(project.ext.nativeTestSets) {
- dependsOn nativeTest
- }
+ applyDefaultHierarchyTemplate {
+ // According to
+ // Tier 1
+ macosX64()
+ macosArm64()
+ iosSimulatorArm64()
+ iosX64()
+ // Tier 2
+ linuxX64()
+ linuxArm64()
+ watchosSimulatorArm64()
+ watchosX64()
+ watchosArm32()
+ watchosArm64()
+ tvosSimulatorArm64()
+ tvosX64()
+ tvosArm64()
+ iosArm64()
+ // Tier 3
+ mingwX64()
+ //
+ if (doesNotDependOnOkio(project)) {
+ androidNativeArm32()
+ androidNativeArm64()
+ androidNativeX86()
+ androidNativeX64()
+ watchosDeviceArm64()
+ // Deprecated, but not removed
+ linuxArm32Hfp()