path: root/benchmark/src/jmh/kotlin/kotlinx/benchmarks/model/MacroTwitterUntailored.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'benchmark/src/jmh/kotlin/kotlinx/benchmarks/model/MacroTwitterUntailored.kt')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmark/src/jmh/kotlin/kotlinx/benchmarks/model/MacroTwitterUntailored.kt b/benchmark/src/jmh/kotlin/kotlinx/benchmarks/model/MacroTwitterUntailored.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fca69cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/src/jmh/kotlin/kotlinx/benchmarks/model/MacroTwitterUntailored.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package kotlinx.benchmarks.model
+import kotlinx.serialization.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
+ * All model classes are the same as in MacroTwitter.kt but named accordingly to Kotlin naming policies to test JsonNamingStrategy performance.
+ * Only Size, SizeType and Urls are not copied
+ */
+data class MacroTwitterFeedKt(
+ val statuses: List<TwitterStatusKt>,
+ val searchMetadata: SearchMetadata
+data class MicroTwitterFeedKt(
+ val statuses: List<TwitterTrimmedStatusKt>
+data class TwitterTrimmedStatusKt(
+ val metadata: MetadataKt,
+ val createdAt: String,
+ val id: Long,
+ val idStr: String,
+ val text: String,
+ val source: String,
+ val truncated: Boolean,
+ val user: TwitterTrimmedUserKt,
+ val retweetedStatus: TwitterTrimmedStatusKt? = null,
+data class TwitterStatusKt(
+ val metadata: MetadataKt,
+ val createdAt: String,
+ val id: Long,
+ val idStr: String,
+ val text: String,
+ val source: String,
+ val truncated: Boolean,
+ val inReplyToStatusId: Long?,
+ val inReplyToStatusIdStr: String?,
+ val inReplyToUserId: Long?,
+ val inReplyToUserIdStr: String?,
+ val inReplyToScreenName: String?,
+ val user: TwitterUserKt,
+ val geo: String?,
+ val coordinates: String?,
+ val place: String?,
+ val contributors: List<String>?,
+ val retweetedStatus: TwitterStatusKt? = null,
+ val retweetCount: Int,
+ val favoriteCount: Int,
+ val entities: StatusEntitiesKt,
+ val favorited: Boolean,
+ val retweeted: Boolean,
+ val lang: String,
+ val possiblySensitive: Boolean? = null
+data class StatusEntitiesKt(
+ val hashtags: List<Hashtag>,
+ val symbols: List<String>,
+ val urls: List<Url>,
+ val userMentions: List<TwitterUserMentionKt>,
+ val media: List<TwitterMediaKt>? = null
+data class TwitterMediaKt(
+ val id: Long,
+ val idStr: String,
+ val url: String,
+ val mediaUrl: String,
+ val mediaUrlHttps: String,
+ val expandedUrl: String,
+ val displayUrl: String,
+ val indices: List<Int>,
+ val type: String,
+ val sizes: SizeType,
+ val sourceStatusId: Long? = null,
+ val sourceStatusIdStr: String? = null
+data class TwitterUserMentionKt(
+ val screenName: String,
+ val name: String,
+ val id: Long,
+ val idStr: String,
+ val indices: List<Int>
+data class MetadataKt(
+ val resultType: String,
+ val isoLanguageCode: String
+data class TwitterTrimmedUserKt(
+ val id: Long,
+ val idStr: String,
+ val name: String,
+ val screenName: String,
+ val location: String,
+ val description: String,
+ val url: String?,
+ val entities: UserEntitiesKt,
+ val protected: Boolean,
+ val followersCount: Int,
+ val friendsCount: Int,
+ val listedCount: Int,
+ val createdAt: String,
+ val favouritesCount: Int,
+data class TwitterUserKt(
+ val id: Long,
+ val idStr: String,
+ val name: String,
+ val screenName: String,
+ val location: String,
+ val description: String,
+ val url: String?,
+ val entities: UserEntitiesKt,
+ val protected: Boolean,
+ val followersCount: Int,
+ val friendsCount: Int,
+ val listedCount: Int,
+ val createdAt: String,
+ val favouritesCount: Int,
+ val utcOffset: Int?,
+ val timeZone: String?,
+ val geoEnabled: Boolean,
+ val verified: Boolean,
+ val statusesCount: Int,
+ val lang: String,
+ val contributorsEnabled: Boolean,
+ val isTranslator: Boolean,
+ val isTranslationEnabled: Boolean,
+ val profileBackgroundColor: String,
+ val profileBackgroundImageUrl: String,
+ val profileBackgroundImageUrlHttps: String,
+ val profileBackgroundTile: Boolean,
+ val profileImageUrl: String,
+ val profileImageUrlHttps: String,
+ val profileBannerUrl: String? = null,
+ val profileLinkColor: String,
+ val profileSidebarBorderColor: String,
+ val profileSidebarFillColor: String,
+ val profileTextColor: String,
+ val profileUseBackgroundImage: Boolean,
+ val defaultProfile: Boolean,
+ val defaultProfileImage: Boolean,
+ val following: Boolean,
+ val followRequestSent: Boolean,
+ val notifications: Boolean
+data class UserEntitiesKt(
+ val url: Urls? = null,
+ val description: Urls