path: root/engine/src/core/com/jme3/app/package.html
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diff --git a/engine/src/core/com/jme3/app/package.html b/engine/src/core/com/jme3/app/package.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+The <code>com.jme3.application</code> provides a toolset for jME3 applications
+to interact with various components of the engine. Typically, the
+{@link com.jme3.app.Application} class will be extended and the update() method
+implemented to provide functionality for the main loop. <br>
+An <code>Application</code> will typically provide the following services:
+ <li>{@link com.jme3.asset.AssetManager} - A system for finding and loading
+ data assets included with the application, such as models and textures.</li>
+ <li>{@link com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager} - A high-level rendering
+ interface for 3D graphics, manages viewports and scenes assigned
+ to the viewports, as well as general high-level rendering.</li>
+ <li>{@link com.jme3.input.InputManager} - An interface for handling input
+ from devices such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad/joystick.</li>
+ <li>{@link com.jme3.app.state.AppStateManager} - Manager for
+ {@link com.jme3.app.state.AppState}s, which are specific application
+ functionality to be executed inside the main loop.</li>
+ <li>{@link com.jme3.audio.AudioRenderer} - Allows playing sound effects and
+ music.</li>
+ <li>{@link com.jme3.system.Timer} - The timer keeps track of time and allows
+ computing the time since the last frame (TPF) that is neccessary
+ for framerate-independent updates and motion.</li>
+ <li>{@link com.jme3.system.AppSettings} - A database containing various
+ settings for the application. These settings may be set by the user
+ or the application itself.</li>
+An example use of the Application class is as follows<br>
+public class ExampleUse extends Application {<br>
+ private Node rootNode = new Node("Root Node");<br>
+ public static void main(String[] args){<br>
+ ExampleUse app = new ExampleUse();<br>
+ app.start();<br>
+ }<br>
+ @Override<br>
+ public void initialize(){<br>
+ super.initialize();<br>
+ // attach root node to viewport<br>
+ viewPort.attachScene(rootNode);<br>
+ }<br>
+ @Override<br>
+ public void update(){<br>
+ super.update();<br>
+ float tpf = timer.getTimePerFrame();<br>
+ // update rootNode<br>
+ rootNode.updateLogicalState(tpf);<br>
+ rootNode.updateGeometricState();<br>
+ // render the viewports<br>
+ renderManager.render(tpf);<br>
+ }<br>