AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
46 hoursChange flip camera icon in preview screen (#204)upstream-mainYasith Vidanaarachchi
5 daysDisable external video capture (#199)davidjiagoogle
6 daysenable audio in video recording (#194)Kimberly Crevecoeur
10 daysRemove PreviewViewModel in app module for testing (#196) (#197)davidjiagoogle
10 daysUpdate to CameraX viewfinder-compose snapshot with API changes (#200)Trevor McGuire
11 daysUse new ImageCapture.takePicture with onCaptureStarted (#192)davidjiagoogle
12 daysMove QuickSettings into Preview (#198)davidjiagoogle
13 daysRemove PreviewViewModel in app module for testing (#196)davidjiagoogle
2024-04-23Update README to include some more information about JCA's philosophy (#191)Trevor McGuire
2024-04-19Make TestableSnackbar more robust (#189)Trevor McGuire
2024-04-18SnackBar queueing fix (#188)davidjiagoogle
2024-04-17Add per-lens and system constraints for HDR video (#168)Trevor McGuire
2024-04-15Update versions and version naming (#156)Jolanda Verhoef
2024-04-10Bump AGP to 8.4.0-rc01 and fix GMD instrumentation tests (#167)Trevor McGuire
2024-04-09Bump CameraX version for temporal noise fix (#169)Trevor McGuire
2024-04-0710-bit HDR video in quicksettings (#152)Trevor McGuire
2024-04-05Show snack bar on video record (#153)davidjiagoogle
2024-04-05Show SnackBar on Image Capture (#149)davidjiagoogle
2024-04-02Supported Stabilization modes reflect all cameras on device (#147)Kimberly Crevecoeur
2024-03-29Migrate shader copy effect to androidx-graphics-core (#151)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-29Replace icons with default Material icons where possible. (#160)Jolanda Verhoef
2024-03-28Fix broken FlashDeviceTest (#154)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-28Fix settings screen transition animation (#150)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-27Save Image on capture (#136)davidjiagoogle
2024-03-26Show version information in SettingsScreen (#144)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-26Remove usages of deprecated proto fields (#142)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-25Add gradle-managed-device emulator tests to presubmit (#137)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-25Add RefCounted class (#138)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-22Image Capture UI Indicator (#143)davidjiagoogle
2024-03-15Target FPS settings (#86)Kimberly Crevecoeur
2024-03-15Update github actions to use node20 (#140)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-13QuickSettings back press addressing comments (#130)davidjiagoogle
2024-03-13change orientation setting to nosensor to allow every natural orientation and...Francesco Romano
2024-03-06Use LensFacing instead of flipCamera (#133)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-05Add FLIP_CAMERA_BUTTON test tag (#135)Trevor McGuire
2024-03-05small visual updates (#126)Kimberly Crevecoeur
2024-03-05fix stabilization issue (#131)Kimberly Crevecoeur
2024-03-04hide stabilization setting until issue is resolved (#127)Kimberly Crevecoeur
2024-03-04Fix quick settings back press (#129)davidjiagoogle
2024-03-04Pop from back stack when Settings back arrow is pressed (#125)Trevor McGuire
2024-02-29Single source of truth for camera settings (#122)Trevor McGuire
2024-02-29move single/multi stream capture mode toggle to quick settings (#121)Kimberly Crevecoeur
2024-02-21Remove dependency on full Guava library (#117)Jolanda Verhoef
2024-02-20Add HDR settings to model (#111)Trevor McGuire
2024-02-20Copyright headers should reflect inception year (#115)Trevor McGuire
2024-02-20Fix stabilization issue (#114)Kimberly Crevecoeur
2024-02-16Set SurfaceProvider directly on PreviewViewModel (#112)Trevor McGuire
2024-02-15Upgrade dependency versions and cleanup (#113)Trevor McGuire
2024-02-14Improve Compose usage (#108)Jolanda Verhoef
2024-02-13Remove camera-view & camera-extensions deps (#105)davidjiagoogle