path: root/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinJpsBuildTest.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinJpsBuildTest.kt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1055 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinJpsBuildTest.kt b/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinJpsBuildTest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index bd05f9194ef3..000000000000
--- a/plugins/kotlin/jps/jps-plugin/tests/test/org/jetbrains/kotlin/jps/build/KotlinJpsBuildTest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1055 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2000-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil
-import com.intellij.testFramework.LightVirtualFile
-import com.intellij.testFramework.UsefulTestCase
-import org.jetbrains.jps.ModuleChunk
-import org.jetbrains.jps.api.CanceledStatus
-import org.jetbrains.jps.cmdline.ProjectDescriptor
-import org.jetbrains.jps.devkit.model.JpsPluginModuleType
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.BuilderRegistry
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.CompileContext
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.IncProjectBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.ModuleLevelBuilder
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.BuildMessage
-import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.CompilerMessage
-import org.jetbrains.jps.model.JpsModuleRootModificationUtil
-import org.jetbrains.jps.model.JpsProject
-import org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule
-import org.jetbrains.jps.util.JpsPathUtil
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.Usage
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.K2JVMCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.AsmUtil
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.JvmCodegenUtil
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.IncrementalCompilation
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.artifacts.KotlinArtifacts
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.LookupTracker
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.incremental.CacheAttributesDiff
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.model.kotlinCommonCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.model.kotlinCompilerArguments
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.jps.targets.KotlinModuleBuildTarget
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.PackagePartClassUtils
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.test.KotlinCompilerStandalone
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.test.KotlinTestUtils
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.Printer
-import org.junit.Assert
-import java.util.*
-open class KotlinJpsBuildTest : KotlinJpsBuildTestBase() {
- companion object {
- private const val ADDITIONAL_MODULE_NAME = "module2"
- private val EXCLUDE_FILES = arrayOf("Excluded.class", "YetAnotherExcluded.class")
- private val NOTHING = arrayOf<String>()
- private const val KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY = "jslib-example"
- private const val KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY_JAR = "$KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY.jar"
- TEST_DATA_PATH + "general/KotlinJavaScriptProjectWithDirectoryAsLibrary/" + KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY
- private fun getMethodsOfClass(classFile: File): Set<String> {
- val result = TreeSet<String>()
- ClassReader(FileUtil.loadFileBytes(classFile)).accept(object : ClassVisitor(Opcodes.API_VERSION) {
- override fun visitMethod(
- access: Int,
- name: String,
- desc: String,
- signature: String?,
- exceptions: Array<String>?
- ): MethodVisitor? {
- result.add(name)
- return null
- }
- }, 0)
- return result
- }
- @JvmStatic
- protected fun klass(moduleName: String, classFqName: String): String {
- val outputDirPrefix = "out/production/$moduleName/"
- return outputDirPrefix + classFqName.replace('.', '/') + ".class"
- }
- @JvmStatic
- protected fun module(moduleName: String): String {
- return "out/production/$moduleName/${JvmCodegenUtil.getMappingFileName(moduleName)}"
- }
- }
- protected fun doTest() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- protected fun doTestWithRuntime() {
- initProject(JVM_FULL_RUNTIME)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- protected fun doTestWithKotlinJavaScriptLibrary() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- createKotlinJavaScriptLibraryArchive()
- addDependency(KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY, File(workDir, KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY_JAR))
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testKotlinProject() {
- doTest()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, packageClasses("kotlinProject", "src/test1.kt", "Test1Kt"))
- }
- fun testSourcePackagePrefix() {
- doTest()
- }
- fun testSourcePackageLongPrefix() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val buildResult = buildAllModules()
- buildResult.assertSuccessful()
- val warnings = buildResult.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING)
- assertEquals("Warning about invalid package prefix in module 2 is expected: $warnings", 1, warnings.size)
- assertEquals("Invalid package prefix name is ignored: invalid-prefix.test", warnings.first().messageText)
- }
- fun testSourcePackagePrefixWithInnerClasses() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProject() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, pathsToDelete = k2jsOutput(PROJECT_NAME))
- }
- private fun k2jsOutput(vararg moduleNames: String): Array<String> {
- val moduleNamesSet = moduleNames.toSet()
- val list = mutableListOf<String>()
- myProject.modules.forEach { module ->
- if ( in moduleNamesSet) {
- val outputDir = module.productionBuildTarget.outputDir!!
- list.add(toSystemIndependentName(File("$outputDir/${}.js").relativeTo(workDir).path))
- list.add(toSystemIndependentName(File("$outputDir/${}.meta.js").relativeTo(workDir).path))
- val kjsmFiles = outputDir.walk().filter { it.isFile && it.extension.equals("kjsm", ignoreCase = true) }
- list.addAll( { toSystemIndependentName(it.relativeTo(workDir).path) })
- }
- }
- return list.toTypedArray()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectNewSourceRootTypes() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithCustomOutputPaths() {
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- checkOutputFilesList(File(workDir, "target"))
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithSourceMap() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- val sourceMapContent = File(getOutputDir(PROJECT_NAME), "$").readText()
- val expectedPath = "prefix-dir/src/pkg/test1.kt"
- assertTrue("Source map file should contain relative path ($expectedPath)", sourceMapContent.contains("\"$expectedPath\""))
- val librarySourceMapFile = File(getOutputDir(PROJECT_NAME), "lib/")
- assertTrue("Source map for stdlib should be copied to $librarySourceMapFile", librarySourceMapFile.exists())
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithSourceMapRelativePaths() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- val sourceMapContent = File(getOutputDir(PROJECT_NAME), "$").readText()
- val expectedPath = "../../../src/pkg/test1.kt"
- assertTrue("Source map file should contain relative path ($expectedPath)", sourceMapContent.contains("\"$expectedPath\""))
- val librarySourceMapFile = File(getOutputDir(PROJECT_NAME), "lib/")
- assertTrue("Source map for stdlib should be copied to $librarySourceMapFile", librarySourceMapFile.exists())
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithTwoModules() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, k2jsOutput(PROJECT_NAME))
- checkWhen(touch("module2/src/module2.kt"), null, k2jsOutput(ADDITIONAL_MODULE_NAME))
- checkWhen(arrayOf(touch("src/test1.kt"), touch("module2/src/module2.kt")), null, k2jsOutput(PROJECT_NAME, ADDITIONAL_MODULE_NAME))
- }
- @WorkingDir("KotlinJavaScriptProjectWithTwoModules")
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithTwoModulesAndWithLibrary() {
- initProject()
- createKotlinJavaScriptLibraryArchive()
- addDependency(KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY, File(workDir, KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY_JAR))
- addKotlinJavaScriptStdlibDependency()
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithDirectoryAsStdlib() {
- initProject()
- setupKotlinJSFacet()
- val jslibJar = KotlinArtifacts.instance.kotlinStdlibJs
- val jslibDir = File(workDir, "KotlinJavaScript")
- try {
- Decompressor.Zip(jslibJar).extract(jslibDir.toPath())
- } catch (ex: IOException) {
- throw IllegalStateException(ex.message)
- }
- addDependency("KotlinJavaScript", jslibDir)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, k2jsOutput(PROJECT_NAME))
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithDirectoryAsLibrary() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- addDependency(KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY, File(workDir, KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY))
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, k2jsOutput(PROJECT_NAME))
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithLibrary() {
- doTestWithKotlinJavaScriptLibrary()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, k2jsOutput(PROJECT_NAME))
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithLibraryCustomOutputDir() {
- doTestWithKotlinJavaScriptLibrary()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, k2jsOutput(PROJECT_NAME))
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithLibraryNoCopy() {
- doTestWithKotlinJavaScriptLibrary()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, k2jsOutput(PROJECT_NAME))
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithLibraryAndErrors() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- createKotlinJavaScriptLibraryArchive()
- addDependency(KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY, File(workDir, KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY_JAR))
- buildAllModules().assertFailed()
- checkOutputFilesList()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithEmptyDependencies() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptInternalFromSpecialRelatedModule() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithTests() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithTestsAndSeparateTestAndSrcModuleDependencies() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithTestsAndTestAndSrcModuleDependency() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- val buildResult = buildAllModules()
- buildResult.assertSuccessful()
- val warnings = buildResult.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING)
- assertEquals("Warning about duplicate module definition: $warnings", 0, warnings.size)
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaScriptProjectWithTwoSrcModuleDependency() {
- initProject(JS_STDLIB)
- val buildResult = buildAllModules()
- buildResult.assertSuccessful()
- val warnings = buildResult.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING)
- assertEquals("Warning about duplicate module definition: $warnings", 0, warnings.size)
- }
- fun testExcludeFolderInSourceRoot() {
- doTest()
- val module = myProject.modules[0]
- assertFilesExistInOutput(module, "Foo.class")
- assertFilesNotExistInOutput(module, *EXCLUDE_FILES)
- checkWhen(
- touch("src/foo.kt"), null,
- arrayOf(klass("kotlinProject", "Foo"), module("kotlinProject"))
- )
- }
- fun testExcludeModuleFolderInSourceRootOfAnotherModule() {
- doTest()
- for (module in myProject.modules) {
- assertFilesExistInOutput(module, "Foo.class")
- }
- checkWhen(
- touch("src/foo.kt"), null,
- arrayOf(klass("kotlinProject", "Foo"), module("kotlinProject"))
- )
- checkWhen(
- touch("src/module2/src/foo.kt"), null,
- arrayOf(klass("module2", "Foo"), module("module2"))
- )
- }
- fun testExcludeFileUsingCompilerSettings() {
- doTest()
- val module = myProject.modules[0]
- assertFilesExistInOutput(module, "Foo.class", "Bar.class")
- assertFilesNotExistInOutput(module, *EXCLUDE_FILES)
- if (IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()) {
- checkWhen(touch("src/foo.kt"), null, arrayOf(module("kotlinProject"), klass("kotlinProject", "Foo")))
- } else {
- val allClasses = myProject.outputPaths()
- checkWhen(touch("src/foo.kt"), null, allClasses)
- }
- checkWhen(touch("src/Excluded.kt"), null, NOTHING)
- checkWhen(touch("src/dir/YetAnotherExcluded.kt"), null, NOTHING)
- }
- fun testExcludeFolderNonRecursivelyUsingCompilerSettings() {
- doTest()
- val module = myProject.modules[0]
- assertFilesExistInOutput(module, "Foo.class", "Bar.class")
- assertFilesNotExistInOutput(module, *EXCLUDE_FILES)
- if (IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()) {
- checkWhen(touch("src/foo.kt"), null, arrayOf(module("kotlinProject"), klass("kotlinProject", "Foo")))
- checkWhen(touch("src/dir/subdir/bar.kt"), null, arrayOf(module("kotlinProject"), klass("kotlinProject", "Bar")))
- } else {
- val allClasses = myProject.outputPaths()
- checkWhen(touch("src/foo.kt"), null, allClasses)
- checkWhen(touch("src/dir/subdir/bar.kt"), null, allClasses)
- }
- checkWhen(touch("src/dir/Excluded.kt"), null, NOTHING)
- checkWhen(touch("src/dir/subdir/YetAnotherExcluded.kt"), null, NOTHING)
- }
- fun testExcludeFolderRecursivelyUsingCompilerSettings() {
- doTest()
- val module = myProject.modules[0]
- assertFilesExistInOutput(module, "Foo.class", "Bar.class")
- assertFilesNotExistInOutput(module, *EXCLUDE_FILES)
- if (IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()) {
- checkWhen(touch("src/foo.kt"), null, arrayOf(module("kotlinProject"), klass("kotlinProject", "Foo")))
- } else {
- val allClasses = myProject.outputPaths()
- checkWhen(touch("src/foo.kt"), null, allClasses)
- }
- checkWhen(touch("src/exclude/Excluded.kt"), null, NOTHING)
- checkWhen(touch("src/exclude/YetAnotherExcluded.kt"), null, NOTHING)
- checkWhen(touch("src/exclude/subdir/Excluded.kt"), null, NOTHING)
- checkWhen(touch("src/exclude/subdir/YetAnotherExcluded.kt"), null, NOTHING)
- }
- fun testKotlinProjectTwoFilesInOnePackage() {
- doTest()
- if (IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()) {
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, packageClasses("kotlinProject", "src/test1.kt", "_DefaultPackage"))
- checkWhen(touch("src/test2.kt"), null, packageClasses("kotlinProject", "src/test2.kt", "_DefaultPackage"))
- } else {
- val allClasses = myProject.outputPaths()
- checkWhen(touch("src/test1.kt"), null, allClasses)
- checkWhen(touch("src/test2.kt"), null, allClasses)
- }
- checkWhen(
- arrayOf(del("src/test1.kt"), del("src/test2.kt")), NOTHING,
- arrayOf(
- packagePartClass("kotlinProject", "src/test1.kt", "_DefaultPackage"),
- packagePartClass("kotlinProject", "src/test2.kt", "_DefaultPackage"),
- module("kotlinProject")
- )
- )
- assertFilesNotExistInOutput(myProject.modules[0], "_DefaultPackage.class")
- }
- fun testDefaultLanguageVersionCustomApiVersion() {
- initProject(JVM_FULL_RUNTIME)
- buildAllModules().assertFailed()
- assertEquals(1, myProject.modules.size)
- val module = myProject.modules.first()
- val args = module.kotlinCompilerArguments
- args.apiVersion = "1.4"
- myProject.kotlinCommonCompilerArguments = args
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testKotlinJavaProject() {
- doTestWithRuntime()
- }
- fun testJKJProject() {
- doTestWithRuntime()
- }
- fun testKJKProject() {
- doTestWithRuntime()
- }
- fun testKJCircularProject() {
- doTestWithRuntime()
- }
- fun testJKJInheritanceProject() {
- doTestWithRuntime()
- }
- fun testKJKInheritanceProject() {
- doTestWithRuntime()
- }
- fun testCircularDependenciesNoKotlinFiles() {
- doTest()
- }
- fun testCircularDependenciesDifferentPackages() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- // Check that outputs are located properly
- assertFilesExistInOutput(findModule("module2"), "kt1/Kt1Kt.class")
- assertFilesExistInOutput(findModule("kotlinProject"), "kt2/Kt2Kt.class")
- result.assertSuccessful()
- if (IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()) {
- checkWhen(touch("src/kt2.kt"), null, packageClasses("kotlinProject", "src/kt2.kt", "kt2.Kt2Kt"))
- checkWhen(touch("module2/src/kt1.kt"), null, packageClasses("module2", "module2/src/kt1.kt", "kt1.Kt1Kt"))
- } else {
- val allClasses = myProject.outputPaths()
- checkWhen(touch("src/kt2.kt"), null, allClasses)
- checkWhen(touch("module2/src/kt1.kt"), null, allClasses)
- }
- }
- fun testCircularDependenciesSamePackage() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertSuccessful()
- // Check that outputs are located properly
- val facadeWithA = findFileInOutputDir(findModule("module1"), "test/AKt.class")
- val facadeWithB = findFileInOutputDir(findModule("module2"), "test/BKt.class")
- UsefulTestCase.assertSameElements(getMethodsOfClass(facadeWithA), "<clinit>", "a", "getA")
- UsefulTestCase.assertSameElements(getMethodsOfClass(facadeWithB), "<clinit>", "b", "getB", "setB")
- if (IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()) {
- checkWhen(touch("module1/src/a.kt"), null, packageClasses("module1", "module1/src/a.kt", "test.TestPackage"))
- checkWhen(touch("module2/src/b.kt"), null, packageClasses("module2", "module2/src/b.kt", "test.TestPackage"))
- } else {
- val allClasses = myProject.outputPaths()
- checkWhen(touch("module1/src/a.kt"), null, allClasses)
- checkWhen(touch("module2/src/b.kt"), null, allClasses)
- }
- }
- fun testCircularDependenciesSamePackageWithTests() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertSuccessful()
- // Check that outputs are located properly
- val facadeWithA = findFileInOutputDir(findModule("module1"), "test/AKt.class")
- val facadeWithB = findFileInOutputDir(findModule("module2"), "test/BKt.class")
- UsefulTestCase.assertSameElements(getMethodsOfClass(facadeWithA), "<clinit>", "a", "funA", "getA")
- UsefulTestCase.assertSameElements(getMethodsOfClass(facadeWithB), "<clinit>", "b", "funB", "getB", "setB")
- if (IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()) {
- checkWhen(touch("module1/src/a.kt"), null, packageClasses("module1", "module1/src/a.kt", "test.TestPackage"))
- checkWhen(touch("module2/src/b.kt"), null, packageClasses("module2", "module2/src/b.kt", "test.TestPackage"))
- } else {
- val allProductionClasses = myProject.outputPaths(tests = false)
- checkWhen(touch("module1/src/a.kt"), null, allProductionClasses)
- checkWhen(touch("module2/src/b.kt"), null, allProductionClasses)
- }
- }
- fun testInternalFromAnotherModule() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertFailed()
- result.checkErrors()
- }
- fun testInternalFromSpecialRelatedModule() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- val classpath = listOf("out/production/module1", "out/test/module2").map { File(workDir, it).toURI().toURL() }.toTypedArray()
- val clazz = URLClassLoader(classpath).loadClass("test2.BarKt")
- clazz.getMethod("box").invoke(null)
- }
- fun testCircularDependenciesInternalFromAnotherModule() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertFailed()
- result.checkErrors()
- }
- fun testCircularDependenciesWrongInternalFromTests() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertFailed()
- result.checkErrors()
- }
- fun testCircularDependencyWithReferenceToOldVersionLib() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val sources = listOf(File(workDir, "oldModuleLib/src"))
- val libraryJar = KotlinCompilerStandalone(sources).compile()
- addDependency(
- JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE,
- listOf(findModule("module1"), findModule("module2")),
- false,
- "module-lib",
- libraryJar,
- )
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testDependencyToOldKotlinLib() {
- initProject()
- val sources = listOf(File(workDir, "oldModuleLib/src"))
- val libraryJar = KotlinCompilerStandalone(sources).compile()
- addDependency(JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE, listOf(findModule("module")), false, "module-lib", libraryJar)
- addKotlinStdlibDependency()
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testDevKitProject() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val module = myProject.modules.single()
- assertEquals(module.moduleType, JpsPluginModuleType.INSTANCE)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- assertFilesExistInOutput(module, "TestKt.class")
- }
- fun testAccessToInternalInProductionFromTests() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertSuccessful()
- }
- private fun createKotlinJavaScriptLibraryArchive() {
- val jarFile = File(workDir, KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY_JAR)
- try {
- val zip = ZipOutputStream(FileOutputStream(jarFile))
- ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(zip, jarFile, File(PATH_TO_KOTLIN_JS_LIBRARY), "", null, null)
- zip.close()
- } catch (ex: FileNotFoundException) {
- throw IllegalStateException(ex.message)
- } catch (ex: IOException) {
- throw IllegalStateException(ex.message)
- }
- }
- protected fun checkOutputFilesList(outputDir: File = productionOutputDir) {
- if (!expectedOutputFile.exists()) {
- expectedOutputFile.writeText("")
- throw IllegalStateException("$expectedOutputFile did not exist. Created empty file.")
- }
- val sb = StringBuilder()
- val p = Printer(sb, " ")
- outputDir.printFilesRecursively(p)
- UsefulTestCase.assertSameLinesWithFile(expectedOutputFile.canonicalPath, sb.toString(), true)
- }
- private fun File.printFilesRecursively(p: Printer) {
- val files = listFiles() ?: return
- for (file in files.sortedBy { }) {
- when {
- file.isFile -> {
- p.println(
- }
- file.isDirectory -> {
- p.println( + "/")
- p.pushIndent()
- file.printFilesRecursively(p)
- p.popIndent()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private val productionOutputDir
- get() = File(workDir, "out/production")
- private fun getOutputDir(moduleName: String): File = File(productionOutputDir, moduleName)
- fun testReexportedDependency() {
- initProject()
- addKotlinStdlibDependency(myProject.modules.filter { module -> == "module2" }, true)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- }
- fun testCheckIsCancelledIsCalledOftenEnough() {
- val classCount = 30
- val methodCount = 30
- fun generateFiles() {
- val srcDir = File(workDir, "src")
- srcDir.mkdirs()
- for (i in 0..classCount) {
- val code = buildString {
- appendLine("package foo")
- appendLine("class Foo$i {")
- for (j in 0..methodCount) {
- appendLine(" fun get${j * j}(): Int = square($j)")
- }
- appendLine("}")
- }
- File(srcDir, "Foo$i.kt").writeText(code)
- }
- }
- generateFiles()
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- var checkCancelledCalledCount = 0
- val countingCancelledStatus = CanceledStatus {
- checkCancelledCalledCount++
- false
- }
- val logger = TestProjectBuilderLogger()
- val buildResult = BuildResult()
- buildCustom(countingCancelledStatus, logger, buildResult)
- buildResult.assertSuccessful()
- assert(checkCancelledCalledCount > classCount) {
- "isCancelled should be called at least once per class. Expected $classCount, but got $checkCancelledCalledCount"
- }
- }
- fun testCancelKotlinCompilation() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- val module = myProject.modules[0]
- assertFilesExistInOutput(module, "foo/Bar.class")
- val buildResult = BuildResult()
- val canceledStatus = object : CanceledStatus {
- var checkFromIndex = 0
- override fun isCanceled(): Boolean {
- val messages = buildResult.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.INFO)
- for (i in checkFromIndex until messages.size) {
- if (messages[i].messageText.matches("kotlinc-jvm .+ \\(JRE .+\\)".toRegex())) {
- return true
- }
- }
- checkFromIndex = messages.size
- return false
- }
- }
- touch("src/Bar.kt").apply()
- buildCustom(canceledStatus, TestProjectBuilderLogger(), buildResult)
- assertCanceled(buildResult)
- }
- fun testFileDoesNotExistWarning() {
- fun absoluteFiles(vararg paths: String): Array<File> =
- { File(it).absoluteFile }.toTypedArray()
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val filesToBeReported = absoluteFiles("badroot.jar", "some/test.class")
- val otherFiles = absoluteFiles("test/other/file.xml", "some/other/baddir")
- addDependency(
- JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE,
- listOf(findModule("module")),
- false,
- "LibraryWithBadRoots",
- *(filesToBeReported + otherFiles),
- )
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertSuccessful()
- val actualWarnings = result.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING).map { it.messageText }
- val expectedWarnings = { "Classpath entry points to a non-existent location: $it" }
- val expectedText = expectedWarnings.sorted().joinToString("\n")
- val actualText = actualWarnings.sorted().joinToString("\n")
- Assert.assertEquals(expectedText, actualText)
- }
- fun testHelp() {
- initProject()
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertSuccessful()
- val warning = result.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING).single()
- val expectedText = StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(Usage.render(K2JVMCompiler(), K2JVMCompilerArguments()))
- Assert.assertEquals(expectedText, warning.messageText)
- }
- fun testWrongArgument() {
- initProject()
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertFailed()
- val errors = result.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR).joinToString("\n\n") { it.messageText }
- Assert.assertEquals("Invalid argument: -abcdefghij-invalid-argument", errors)
- }
- fun testCodeInKotlinPackage() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertFailed()
- val errors = result.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR)
- Assert.assertEquals("Only the Kotlin standard library is allowed to use the 'kotlin' package", errors.single().messageText)
- }
- fun testDoNotCreateUselessKotlinIncrementalCaches() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- val storageRoot = BuildDataPathsImpl(myDataStorageRoot).dataStorageRoot
- assertFalse(File(storageRoot, "targets/java-test/kotlinProject/kotlin").exists())
- assertFalse(File(storageRoot, "targets/java-production/kotlinProject/kotlin").exists())
- }
- fun testDoNotCreateUselessKotlinIncrementalCachesForDependentTargets() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- if (IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()) {
- checkWhen(touch("src/utils.kt"), null, packageClasses("kotlinProject", "src/utils.kt", "_DefaultPackage"))
- } else {
- val allClasses = findModule("kotlinProject").outputFilesPaths()
- checkWhen(touch("src/utils.kt"), null, allClasses.toTypedArray())
- }
- val storageRoot = BuildDataPathsImpl(myDataStorageRoot).dataStorageRoot
- assertFalse(File(storageRoot, "targets/java-production/kotlinProject/kotlin").exists())
- assertFalse(File(storageRoot, "targets/java-production/module2/kotlin").exists())
- }
- fun testKotlinProjectWithEmptyProductionOutputDir() {
- initProject(JVM_MOCK_RUNTIME)
- val result = buildAllModules()
- result.assertFailed()
- result.checkErrors()
- }
- fun testKotlinProjectWithEmptyTestOutputDir() {
- doTest()
- }
- fun testKotlinProjectWithEmptyProductionOutputDirWithoutSrcDir() {
- doTest()
- }
- fun testKotlinProjectWithEmptyOutputDirInSomeModules() {
- doTest()
- }
- fun testGetDependentTargets() {
- fun addModuleWithSourceAndTestRoot(name: String): JpsModule {
- return addModule(name, "src/").apply {
- contentRootsList.addUrl(JpsPathUtil.pathToUrl("test/"))
- addSourceRoot(JpsPathUtil.pathToUrl("test/"), JavaSourceRootType.TEST_SOURCE)
- }
- }
- // c -> b -exported-> a
- // c2 -> b2 ------------^
- val a = addModuleWithSourceAndTestRoot("a")
- val b = addModuleWithSourceAndTestRoot("b")
- val c = addModuleWithSourceAndTestRoot("c")
- val b2 = addModuleWithSourceAndTestRoot("b2")
- val c2 = addModuleWithSourceAndTestRoot("c2")
- JpsModuleRootModificationUtil.addDependency(b, a, JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE, /*exported =*/ true)
- JpsModuleRootModificationUtil.addDependency(c, b, JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE, /*exported =*/ false)
- JpsModuleRootModificationUtil.addDependency(b2, a, JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE, /*exported =*/ false)
- JpsModuleRootModificationUtil.addDependency(c2, b2, JpsJavaDependencyScope.COMPILE, /*exported =*/ false)
- val actual = StringBuilder()
- buildCustom(CanceledStatus.NULL, TestProjectBuilderLogger(), BuildResult()) {
- project.setTestingContext(TestingContext(LookupTracker.DO_NOTHING, object : TestingBuildLogger {
- override fun chunkBuildStarted(context: CompileContext, chunk: ModuleChunk) {
- actual.append("Targets dependent on ${chunk.targets.joinToString()}:\n")
- val dependentRecursively = mutableSetOf<KotlinChunk>()
- context.kotlin.getChunk(chunk)!!.collectDependentChunksRecursivelyExportedOnly(dependentRecursively)
- dependentRecursively.asSequence().map { it.targets.joinToString() }.sorted().joinTo(actual, "\n")
- actual.append("\n---------\n")
- }
- override fun afterChunkBuildStarted(context: CompileContext, chunk: ModuleChunk) {}
- override fun invalidOrUnusedCache(
- chunk: KotlinChunk?,
- target: KotlinModuleBuildTarget<*>?,
- attributesDiff: CacheAttributesDiff<*>
- ) {
- }
- override fun addCustomMessage(message: String) {}
- override fun buildFinished(exitCode: ModuleLevelBuilder.ExitCode) {}
- override fun markedAsDirtyBeforeRound(files: Iterable<File>) {}
- override fun markedAsDirtyAfterRound(files: Iterable<File>) {}
- }))
- }
- val expectedFile = File(getCurrentTestDataRoot(), "expected.txt")
- KotlinTestUtils.assertEqualsToFile(expectedFile, actual.toString())
- }
- fun testCustomDestination() {
- loadProject(workDir.absolutePath + File.separator + PROJECT_NAME + ".ipr")
- addKotlinStdlibDependency()
- buildAllModules().apply {
- assertSuccessful()
- val aClass = File(workDir, "customOut/A.class")
- assert(aClass.exists()) { "$aClass does not exist!" }
- val warnings = getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING)
- assert(warnings.isEmpty()) { "Unexpected warnings: \n${warnings.joinToString("\n")}" }
- }
- }
- private fun BuildResult.checkErrors() {
- val actualErrors = getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR)
- .map { it as CompilerMessage }
- .map { "${it.messageText} at line ${it.line}, column ${it.column}" }.sorted().joinToString("\n")
- val expectedFile = File(getCurrentTestDataRoot(), "errors.txt")
- KotlinTestUtils.assertEqualsToFile(expectedFile, actualErrors)
- }
- private fun getCurrentTestDataRoot() = File(TEST_DATA_PATH + "general/" + getTestName(false))
- private fun buildCustom(
- canceledStatus: CanceledStatus,
- logger: TestProjectBuilderLogger,
- buildResult: BuildResult,
- setupProject: ProjectDescriptor.() -> Unit = {}
- ) {
- val scopeBuilder = CompileScopeTestBuilder.make().allModules()
- val descriptor = this.createProjectDescriptor(BuildLoggingManager(logger))
- descriptor.setupProject()
- try {
- val builder = IncProjectBuilder(descriptor, BuilderRegistry.getInstance(), this.myBuildParams, canceledStatus, true)
- builder.addMessageHandler(buildResult)
-, false)
- } finally {
- descriptor.dataManager.flush(false)
- descriptor.release()
- }
- }
- private fun assertCanceled(buildResult: BuildResult) {
- val list = buildResult.getMessages(BuildMessage.Kind.INFO)
- assertTrue("The build has been canceled" == list.last().messageText)
- }
- private fun findModule(name: String): JpsModule {
- for (module in myProject.modules) {
- if ( == name) {
- return module
- }
- }
- throw IllegalStateException("Couldn't find module $name")
- }
- protected fun checkWhen(action: Action, pathsToCompile: Array<String>?, pathsToDelete: Array<String>?) {
- checkWhen(arrayOf(action), pathsToCompile, pathsToDelete)
- }
- protected fun checkWhen(actions: Array<Action>, pathsToCompile: Array<String>?, pathsToDelete: Array<String>?) {
- for (action in actions) {
- action.apply()
- }
- buildAllModules().assertSuccessful()
- if (pathsToCompile != null) {
- assertCompiled(KotlinBuilder.KOTLIN_BUILDER_NAME, *pathsToCompile)
- }
- if (pathsToDelete != null) {
- assertDeleted(*pathsToDelete)
- }
- }
- protected fun packageClasses(moduleName: String, fileName: String, packageClassFqName: String): Array<String> {
- return arrayOf(module(moduleName), packagePartClass(moduleName, fileName, packageClassFqName))
- }
- protected fun packagePartClass(moduleName: String, fileName: String, packageClassFqName: String): String {
- val path = FileUtilRt.toSystemIndependentName(File(workDir, fileName).absolutePath)
- val fakeVirtualFile = object : LightVirtualFile(path.substringAfterLast('/')) {
- override fun getPath(): String {
- // strip extra "/" from the beginning
- return path.substring(1)
- }
- }
- val packagePartFqName = PackagePartClassUtils.getDefaultPartFqName(FqName(packageClassFqName), fakeVirtualFile)
- return klass(moduleName, AsmUtil.internalNameByFqNameWithoutInnerClasses(packagePartFqName))
- }
- private fun JpsProject.outputPaths(production: Boolean = true, tests: Boolean = true) =
- modules.flatMap { it.outputFilesPaths(production = production, tests = tests) }.toTypedArray()
- private fun JpsModule.outputFilesPaths(production: Boolean = true, tests: Boolean = true): List<String> {
- val outputFiles = arrayListOf<File>()
- if (production) {
- prodOut.walk().filterTo(outputFiles) { it.isFile }
- }
- if (tests) {
- testsOut.walk().filterTo(outputFiles) { it.isFile }
- }
- return { FileUtilRt.toSystemIndependentName(it.relativeTo(workDir).path) }
- }
- private val JpsModule.prodOut: File
- get() = outDir(forTests = false)
- private val JpsModule.testsOut: File
- get() = outDir(forTests = true)
- private fun JpsModule.outDir(forTests: Boolean) =
- JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance().getOutputDirectory(this, forTests)!!
- protected enum class Operation {
- }
- protected fun touch(path: String): Action = Action(Operation.CHANGE, path)
- protected fun del(path: String): Action = Action(Operation.DELETE, path)
- // TODO inline after KT-3974 will be fixed
- protected fun touch(file: File): Unit = change(file.absolutePath)
- protected inner class Action constructor(private val operation: Operation, private val path: String) {
- fun apply() {
- val file = File(workDir, path)
- when (operation) {
- Operation.CHANGE ->
- touch(file)
- Operation.DELETE ->
- assertTrue("Can not delete file \"" + file.absolutePath + "\"", file.delete())
- }
- }
- }
-private inline fun <R> withIC(enabled: Boolean = true, fn: () -> R): R {
- val isEnabledBackup = IncrementalCompilation.isEnabledForJvm()
- IncrementalCompilation.setIsEnabledForJvm(enabled)
- try {
- return fn()
- } finally {
- IncrementalCompilation.setIsEnabledForJvm(isEnabledBackup)
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file