AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-05-31Update README.mdupstream-master17Alexey Ushakov
2022-05-17JBR-1740 Menu remains open when application loses focusjb17-b440Dmitry Batrak
2022-05-17JBR-4471 Linux: popup appears on wrong screen after desktop scale changeMaxim Kartashev
2022-05-17add _diz tarballs for linux-aarch64 to the expected set of artifactsVitaly Provodin
2022-05-17exclude Frame/RestoreToOppositeScreen/RestoreToOppositeScreen.java from S2 ru...Vitaly Provodin
2022-05-16JBR-4378 8284680: sun.font.FontConfigManager.getFontConfig() leaks charsetZhengyu Gu
2022-05-16JBR-4378 8284956: Potential leak awtImageData/color_data when initializes X11...Zhengyu Gu
2022-05-16JBR-4473: fixed native part of SystemHotkeyReaderArtem Bochkarev
2022-05-16JBR-4364 Fixup macOS native file dialogNikita Gubarkov
2022-05-16JBR-4364 Port macOS native file dialog patchesNikita Gubarkov
2022-05-14JBR-4437 add sources to JBRSDK distributions for Windows and Linuxjb17.0.3-b437.2jb17-b437Vitaly Provodin
2022-05-148280896: java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/Basic.java fails on Windows 11Andrey Turbanov
2022-05-13JBR-4432 Context menu not opening for JTextComponent on macArtem Semenov
2022-05-12JBR-4364 Port macOS native file dialog patchesjb17-b436Nikita Gubarkov
2022-05-12JBR-4460 Allow changing custom window decorations on Windows on the flyNikita Gubarkov
2022-05-12Use reflection instead of method handle lookup to find JBR API implementation...Nikita Gubarkov
2022-05-12fixup! Handle cases when unsupported window type is passed to CustomWindowDec...Nikita Gubarkov
2022-05-12Handle cases when unsupported window type is passed to CustomWindowDecoration...Nikita Gubarkov
2022-05-12JBR-4462 BigSur: project tab does not gain focus when click it after focusing...Alexander Lobas
2022-05-12JBR-4462 BigSur: project tab does not gain focus when click it after focusing...Alexander Lobas
2022-05-12JBR-4462 BigSur: project tab does not gain focus when click it after focusing...Alexander Lobas
2022-05-11JBR-4463 Activating app-modal dialog brings all app windows to frontjb17-b435Dmitry Batrak
2022-05-11JBR-4460 Fix window drag with custom decorations on macOSNikita Gubarkov
2022-05-11JBR-3498 Windows: exception when trying to delete a directory with a trailing...Maxim Kartashev
2022-05-11JBR-4458: JBR17 Windows x86_32 build is broken.Nikita Provotorov
2022-05-11JBR-4458: JBR17 Windows x86_32 build is broken.Nikita Provotorov
2022-05-09Merge fullscreen handlers for transparent title bar into existing onesjb17-b424Manuel Unterhofer
2022-05-09FL-11420 Fix view hierarchy restoration for full-screen mode on macOSManuel Unterhofer
2022-05-04JBR-1518 JBR 11 does not support chain of popups on Linuxjb17.0.3-b423.9jb17.0.3-b423.1jb17-b423Dmitry Batrak
2022-05-04JBR-3862 Implement native WatchService on MacOSMaxim Kartashev
2022-05-03JBR-4437 add sources to JBRSDK distributionsjb17-b422Vitaly Provodin
2022-04-29Cache results of font-config pattern search for reusejb17.0.3-b419.5jb17.0.3-b419.3Ryan Osial
2022-04-29JBR-3948 Linux: SIGSEGV at [libawt_xawt] Java_sun_awt_X11_XInputMethod_create...Maxim Kartashev
2022-04-29JBR-4093: fixed test hangs at finishingAtrem Bochkarev
2022-04-298284920: Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to return empty resultjbr-17.0.3+7Anton Kozlov
2022-04-298284548: Invalid XPath expression causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionChristoph Langer
2022-04-298278449: Improve keychain supportAlexey Bakhtin
2022-04-298270504: Better Xpath expression handlingYuri Nesterenko
2022-04-298282300: Throws NamingException instead of InvalidNameException after JDK-827...Yuri Nesterenko
2022-04-298278972: Improve URL supportsYuri Nesterenko
2022-04-298281388: Change wrapping of EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoMartin Balao
2022-04-298278805: Enhance BMP image loadingAndrew Brygin
2022-04-298278798: Improve supported intrinsicMartin Balao
2022-04-298274221: More definite BER encodingsDavid Alvarez
2022-04-298272255: Completely handle MIDI filesSergey Bylokhov
2022-04-298282397: createTempFile method of java.io.File is failing when called with su...Martin Balao
2022-04-298278356: Improve file creationMartin Balao
2022-04-298277672: Better invocation handler handlingAleksei Voitylov
2022-04-298277233: Improve ECDSA signature supportAleksei Voitylov
2022-04-298277227: Better identification of OIDsAleksei Voitylov