diff options
authorAnatol Pomazau <anatol@google.com>2011-02-01 11:27:32 -0800
committerAnatol Pomazau <anatol@google.com>2011-02-01 11:27:32 -0800
commite4694302d6a3786c64d954e0b3cf42786283bd3c (patch)
parentece28e9384d18c4992e217d6e418322a55b3dd3b (diff)
Remove files that we do not use during compilation.android-wear-5.1.1_r1android-wear-5.1.0_r1android-wear-5.0.0_r1android-sdk-support_r11android-sdk-adt_r20android-sdk-adt_r16.0.1android-sdk-4.4.2_r1.0.1android-sdk-4.4.2_r1android-sdk-4.0.3_r1android-sdk-4.0.3-tools_r1android-m-previewandroid-l-preview_r2android-cts-verifier-4.0_r1android-cts-verifier-4.0.3_r1android-cts-5.1_r9android-cts-5.1_r8android-cts-5.1_r7android-cts-5.1_r6android-cts-5.1_r5android-cts-5.1_r4android-cts-5.1_r3android-cts-5.1_r28android-cts-5.1_r27android-cts-5.1_r26android-cts-5.1_r25android-cts-5.1_r24android-cts-5.1_r23android-cts-5.1_r22android-cts-5.1_r21android-cts-5.1_r20android-cts-5.1_r2android-cts-5.1_r19android-cts-5.1_r18android-cts-5.1_r17android-cts-5.1_r16android-cts-5.1_r15android-cts-5.1_r14android-cts-5.1_r13android-cts-5.1_r10android-cts-5.1_r1android-cts-5.0_r9android-cts-5.0_r8android-cts-5.0_r7android-cts-5.0_r6android-cts-5.0_r5android-cts-5.0_r4android-cts-5.0_r3android-cts-4.4_r4android-cts-4.4_r1android-cts-4.2_r2android-cts-4.2_r1android-cts-4.1_r4android-cts-4.1_r2android-cts-4.1_r1android-cts-4.0_r1android-cts-4.0.3_r2android-cts-4.0.3_r1android-5.1.1_r9android-5.1.1_r8android-5.1.1_r7android-5.1.1_r6android-5.1.1_r5android-5.1.1_r4android-5.1.1_r38android-5.1.1_r37android-5.1.1_r36android-5.1.1_r35android-5.1.1_r34android-5.1.1_r33android-5.1.1_r30android-5.1.1_r3android-5.1.1_r29android-5.1.1_r28android-5.1.1_r26android-5.1.1_r25android-5.1.1_r24android-5.1.1_r23android-5.1.1_r22android-5.1.1_r20android-5.1.1_r2android-5.1.1_r19android-5.1.1_r18android-5.1.1_r17android-5.1.1_r16android-5.1.1_r15android-5.1.1_r14android-5.1.1_r13android-5.1.1_r12android-5.1.1_r10android-5.1.1_r1android-5.1.0_r5android-5.1.0_r4android-5.1.0_r3android-5.1.0_r1android-5.0.2_r3android-5.0.2_r1android-5.0.1_r1android-5.0.0_r7android-5.0.0_r6android-5.0.0_r5.1android-5.0.0_r5android-5.0.0_r4android-5.0.0_r3android-5.0.0_r2android-5.0.0_r1android-4.4w_r1android-4.4_r1.2.0.1android-4.4_r1.2android-4.4_r1.1.0.1android-4.4_r1.1android-4.4_r1.0.1android-4.4_r1android-4.4_r0.9android-4.4_r0.8android-4.4_r0.7android-4.4.4_r2.0.1android-4.4.4_r2android-4.4.4_r1.0.1android-4.4.4_r1android-4.4.3_r1.1.0.1android-4.4.3_r1.1android-4.4.3_r1.0.1android-4.4.3_r1android-4.4.2_r2.0.1android-4.4.2_r2android-4.4.2_r1.0.1android-4.4.2_r1android-4.4.1_r1.0.1android-4.4.1_r1android-4.3_r3.1android-4.3_r3android-4.3_r2.3android-4.3_r2.2android-4.3_r2.1android-4.3_r2android-4.3_r1.1android-4.3_r1android-4.3_r0.9.1android-4.3_r0.9android-4.3.1_r1android-4.2_r1android-4.2_pre3android-4.2_pre2.2android-4.2_pre2.1android-4.2_pre2android-4.2_pre1.1android-4.2_pre1android-4.2.2_r1.2android-4.2.2_r1.1android-4.2.2_r1android-4.2.1_r1.2android-4.2.1_r1.1android-4.2.1_r1android-4.1_pre2android-4.1_pre1android-4.1.2_r2.1android-4.1.2_r2android-4.1.2_r1android-4.1.1_r6.1android-4.1.1_r6android-4.1.1_r5android-4.1.1_r4android-4.1.1_r3android-4.1.1_r2android-4.1.1_r1.1android-4.1.1_r1android-4.1-sdk_pre1android-4.0.4_r2.1android-4.0.4_r2android-4.0.4_r1.2android-4.0.4_r1.1android-4.0.4_r1android-4.0.4-aah_r1android-4.0.3_r1.1android-4.0.3_r1android-4.0.2_r1android-4.0.1_r1.2android-4.0.1_r1.1android-4.0.1_r1tools_r22.2tools_r22tools_r21tools_r20master-soonglollipop-wear-releaselollipop-releaselollipop-mr1-wfc-releaselollipop-mr1-releaselollipop-mr1-fi-releaselollipop-mr1-devlollipop-mr1-cts-releaselollipop-devlollipop-cts-releasel-previewkitkat-wearkitkat-releasekitkat-mr2.2-releasekitkat-mr2.1-releasekitkat-mr2-releasekitkat-mr1.1-releasekitkat-mr1-releasekitkat-devkitkat-cts-releasekitkat-cts-devjb-releasejb-mr2.0.0-releasejb-mr2.0-releasejb-mr2-releasejb-mr2-devjb-mr1.1-releasejb-mr1.1-dev-plus-aospjb-mr1.1-devjb-mr1-releasejb-mr1-factory-releasejb-mr1-dev-plus-aospjb-mr1-devjb-mr0-releasejb-devidea133-weekly-releaseidea133ics-plus-aospics-mr1-releaseics-mr1ics-mr0-releaseics-mr0ics-factoryrom-2-releaseics-aah-release
This makes build script simpler. Also it will be easier to convert the buildfile to other build tools (such as Tup). Change-Id: I2d83d2d0c638bec50411e07d693cff3049f67903
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 537 deletions
diff --git a/Android.mk b/Android.mk
index 16f62cc..0a34ff0 100644
--- a/Android.mk
+++ b/Android.mk
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(filter-out %/JDiffAntTask.java,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES))
diff --git a/src/jdiff/JDiffAntTask.java b/src/jdiff/JDiffAntTask.java
deleted file mode 100755
index e5b14ac..0000000
--- a/src/jdiff/JDiffAntTask.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-package jdiff;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javadoc;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javadoc.DocletInfo;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javadoc.DocletParam;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.types.FileSet;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.types.DirSet;
-import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path;
- * An Ant task to produce a simple JDiff report. More complex reports still
- * need parameters that are controlled by the Ant Javadoc task.
- */
-public class JDiffAntTask {
- public void execute() throws BuildException {
- jdiffHome = project.getProperty("JDIFF_HOME");
- if (jdiffHome == null || jdiffHome.compareTo("") == 0 |
- jdiffHome.compareTo("(not set)") == 0) {
- throw new BuildException("Error: invalid JDIFF_HOME property. Set it in the build file to the directory where jdiff is installed");
- }
- project.log(" JDiff home: " + jdiffHome, Project.MSG_INFO);
- jdiffClassPath = jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "jdiff.jar" +
- System.getProperty("path.separator") +
- jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "xerces.jar";
- // TODO detect and set verboseAnt
- // Create, if necessary, the directory for the JDiff HTML report
- if (!destdir.mkdir() && !destdir.exists()) {
- throw new BuildException(getDestdir() + " is not a valid directory");
- } else {
- project.log(" Report location: " + getDestdir() + DIR_SEP
- + "changes.html", Project.MSG_INFO);
- }
- // Could also output the other parameters used for JDiff here
- // Check that there are indeed two projects to compare. If there
- // are no directories in the project, let Javadoc do the complaining
- if (oldProject == null || newProject == null) {
- throw new BuildException("Error: two projects are needed, one <old> and one <new>");
- }
- /*
- // Display the directories being compared, and some name information
- if (getVerbose()) {
- project.log("Older version: " + oldProject.getName(),
- Project.MSG_INFO);
- project.log("Included directories for older version:",
- Project.MSG_INFO);
- DirectoryScanner ds =
- oldProject.getDirset().getDirectoryScanner(project);
- String[] files = ds.getIncludedDirectories();
- for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- project.log(" " + files[i], Project.MSG_INFO);
- }
- ds = null;
- project.log("Newer version: " + newProject.getName(),
- Project.MSG_INFO);
- project.log("Included directories for newer version:",
- Project.MSG_INFO);
- ds = newProject.getDirset().getDirectoryScanner(project);
- files = ds.getIncludedDirectories();
- for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- project.log(" " + files[i], Project.MSG_INFO);
- }
- }
- */
- // Call Javadoc twice to generate Javadoc for each project
- generateJavadoc(oldProject);
- generateJavadoc(newProject);
- // Call Javadoc three times for JDiff.
- generateXML(oldProject);
- generateXML(newProject);
- compareXML(oldProject.getName(), newProject.getName());
- // Repeat some useful information
- project.log(" Report location: " + getDestdir() + DIR_SEP
- + "changes.html", Project.MSG_INFO);
- }
- /**
- * Convenient method to create a Javadoc task, configure it and run it
- * to generate the XML representation of a project's source files.
- *
- * @param proj The current Project
- */
- protected void generateXML(ProjectInfo proj) {
- String apiname = proj.getName();
- Javadoc jd = initJavadoc("Analyzing " + apiname);
- jd.setDestdir(getDestdir());
- addSourcePaths(jd, proj);
- // Tell Javadoc which packages we want to scan.
- // JDiff works with packagenames, not sourcefiles.
- jd.setPackagenames(getPackageList(proj));
- // Create the DocletInfo first so we have a way to use it to add params
- DocletInfo dInfo = jd.createDoclet();
- jd.setDoclet("jdiff.JDiff");
- jd.setDocletPath(new Path(project, jdiffClassPath));
- // Now set up some parameters for the JDiff doclet.
- DocletParam dp1 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp1.setName("-apiname");
- dp1.setValue(apiname);
- DocletParam dp2 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp2.setName("-baseURI");
- dp2.setValue("http://www.w3.org");
- // Put the generated file in the same directory as the report
- DocletParam dp3 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp3.setName("-apidir");
- dp3.setValue(getDestdir().toString());
- // Execute the Javadoc command to generate the XML file.
- jd.perform();
- }
- /**
- * Convenient method to create a Javadoc task, configure it and run it
- * to compare the XML representations of two instances of a project's
- * source files, and generate an HTML report summarizing the differences.
- *
- * @param oldapiname The name of the older version of the project
- * @param newapiname The name of the newer version of the project
- */
- protected void compareXML(String oldapiname, String newapiname) {
- Javadoc jd = initJavadoc("Comparing versions");
- jd.setDestdir(getDestdir());
- jd.setPrivate(true);
- // Tell Javadoc which files we want to scan - a dummy file in this case
- jd.setSourcefiles(jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "Null.java");
- // Create the DocletInfo first so we have a way to use it to add params
- DocletInfo dInfo = jd.createDoclet();
- jd.setDoclet("jdiff.JDiff");
- jd.setDocletPath(new Path(project, jdiffClassPath));
- // Now set up some parameters for the JDiff doclet.
- DocletParam dp1 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp1.setName("-oldapi");
- dp1.setValue(oldapiname);
- DocletParam dp2 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp2.setName("-newapi");
- dp2.setValue(newapiname);
- // Get the generated XML files from the same directory as the report
- DocletParam dp3 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp3.setName("-oldapidir");
- dp3.setValue(getDestdir().toString());
- DocletParam dp4 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp4.setName("-newapidir");
- dp4.setValue(getDestdir().toString());
- // Assume that Javadoc reports already exist in ../"apiname"
- DocletParam dp5 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp5.setName("-javadocold");
- dp5.setValue(".." + DIR_SEP + oldapiname + DIR_SEP);
- DocletParam dp6 = dInfo.createParam();
- dp6.setName("-javadocnew");
- dp6.setValue(".." + DIR_SEP + newapiname + DIR_SEP);
- if (getStats()) {
- // There are no arguments to this argument
- dInfo.createParam().setName("-stats");
- // We also have to copy two image files for the stats pages
- copyFile(jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "black.gif",
- getDestdir().toString() + DIR_SEP + "black.gif");
- copyFile(jdiffHome + DIR_SEP + "background.gif",
- getDestdir().toString() + DIR_SEP + "background.gif");
- }
- if (getDocchanges()) {
- // There are no arguments to this argument
- dInfo.createParam().setName("-docchanges");
- }
- // Execute the Javadoc command to compare the two XML files
- jd.perform();
- }
- /**
- * Generate the Javadoc for the project. If you want to generate
- * the Javadoc report for the project with different parameters from the
- * simple ones used here, then use the Javadoc Ant task directly, and
- * set the javadoc attribute to the "old" or "new" element.
- *
- * @param proj The current Project
- */
- protected void generateJavadoc(ProjectInfo proj) {
- String javadoc = proj.getJavadoc();
- if (javadoc != null && javadoc.compareTo("generated") != 0) {
- project.log("Configured to use existing Javadoc located in " +
- javadoc, Project.MSG_INFO);
- return;
- }
- String apiname = proj.getName();
- Javadoc jd = initJavadoc("Javadoc for " + apiname);
- jd.setDestdir(new File(getDestdir().toString() + DIR_SEP + apiname));
- addSourcePaths(jd, proj);
- jd.setPrivate(true);
- jd.setPackagenames(getPackageList(proj));
- // Execute the Javadoc command to generate a regular Javadoc report
- jd.perform();
- }
- /**
- * Create a fresh new Javadoc task object and initialize it.
- *
- * @param logMsg String which appears as a prefix in the Ant log
- * @return The new task.Javadoc object
- */
- protected Javadoc initJavadoc(String logMsg) {
- Javadoc jd = new Javadoc();
- jd.setProject(project); // Vital, otherwise Ant crashes
- jd.setTaskName(logMsg);
- jd.setSource(getSource()); // So we can set the language version
- jd.init();
- // Set up some common parameters for the Javadoc task
- if (verboseAnt) {
- jd.setVerbose(true);
- }
- return jd;
- }
- /**
- * Add the root directories for the given project to the Javadoc
- * sourcepath.
- */
- protected void addSourcePaths(Javadoc jd, ProjectInfo proj) {
- Vector dirSets = proj.getDirsets();
- int numDirSets = dirSets.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < numDirSets; i++) {
- DirSet dirSet = (DirSet)dirSets.elementAt(i);
- jd.setSourcepath(new Path(project, dirSet.getDir(project).toString()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return the comma-separated list of packages. The list is
- * generated from Ant DirSet tasks, and includes all directories
- * in a hierarchy, e.g. com, com/acme. com/acme/foo. Duplicates are
- * ignored.
- */
- protected String getPackageList(ProjectInfo proj) throws BuildException {
- String packageList = "";
- java.lang.StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- Vector dirSets = proj.getDirsets();
- int numDirSets = dirSets.size();
- boolean addComma = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < numDirSets; i++) {
- DirSet dirSet = (DirSet)dirSets.elementAt(i);
- DirectoryScanner dirScanner = dirSet.getDirectoryScanner(project);
- String[] files = dirScanner.getIncludedDirectories();
- for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
- if (!addComma){
- addComma = true;
- } else {
- sb.append(",");
- }
- sb.append(files[j]);
- }
- }
- packageList = sb.toString();
- if (packageList.compareTo("") == 0) {
- throw new BuildException("Error: no packages found to scan");
- }
- project.log(" Package list: " + packageList, Project.MSG_INFO);
- return packageList;
- }
- /**
- * Copy a file from src to dst. Also checks that "destdir/changes" exists
- */
- protected void copyFile(String src, String dst){
- File srcFile = new File(src);
- File dstFile = new File(dst);
- try {
- File reportSubdir = new File(getDestdir().toString() +
- DIR_SEP + "changes");
- if (!reportSubdir.mkdir() && !reportSubdir.exists()) {
- project.log("Warning: unable to create " + reportSubdir,
- Project.MSG_WARN);
- }
- InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
- OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst);
- // Transfer bytes from in to out
- byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
- int len;
- while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) {
- out.write(buf, 0, len);
- }
- in.close();
- out.close();
- } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
- project.log("Warning: unable to copy " + src.toString() +
- " to " + dst.toString(), Project.MSG_WARN);
- // Discard the exception
- } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
- project.log("Warning: unable to copy " + src.toString() +
- " to " + dst.toString(), Project.MSG_WARN);
- // Discard the exception
- }
- }
- /**
- * The JDiff Ant task does not inherit from an Ant task, such as the
- * Javadoc task, though this is usually how most Tasks are
- * written. This is because JDiff needs to run Javadoc three times
- * (twice for generating XML, once for generating HTML). The
- * Javadoc task has not easy way to reset its list of packages, so
- * we needed to be able to crate new Javadoc task objects.
- *
- * Note: Don't confuse this class with the ProjectInfo used by JDiff.
- * This Project class is from Ant.
- */
- private Project project;
- /**
- * Used as part of Ant's startup.
- */
- public void setProject(Project proj) {
- project = proj;
- }
- /**
- * Ferward or backward slash, as appropriate.
- */
- static String DIR_SEP = System.getProperty("file.separator");
- /**
- * JDIFF_HOME must be set as a property in the Ant build file.
- * It should be set to the root JDiff directory, ie. the one where
- * jdiff.jar is found.
- */
- private String jdiffHome = "(not set)";
- /**
- * The classpath used by Javadoc to find jdiff.jar and xerces.jar.
- */
- private String jdiffClassPath = "(not set)";
- /* ***************************************************************** */
- /* * Objects and methods which are related to attributes * */
- /* ***************************************************************** */
- /**
- * The destination directory for the generated report.
- * The default is "./jdiff_report".
- */
- private File destdir = new File("jdiff_report");
- /**
- * Used to store the destdir attribute of the JDiff task XML element.
- */
- public void setDestdir(File value) {
- this.destdir = value;
- }
- public File getDestdir() {
- return this.destdir;
- }
- /**
- * Increases the JDiff Ant task logging verbosity if set with "yes", "on"
- * or true". Default has to be false.
- * To increase verbosity of Javadoc, start Ant with -v or -verbose.
- */
- private boolean verbose = false;
- public void setVerbose(boolean value) {
- this.verbose = value;
- }
- public boolean getVerbose() {
- return this.verbose;
- }
- /**
- * Set if ant was started with -v or -verbose
- */
- private boolean verboseAnt = false;
- /**
- * Add the -docchanges argument, to track changes in Javadoc documentation
- * as well as changes in classes etc.
- */
- private boolean docchanges = false;
- public void setDocchanges(boolean value) {
- this.docchanges = value;
- }
- public boolean getDocchanges() {
- return this.docchanges;
- }
- /**
- * Add statistics to the report if set. Default can only be false.
- */
- private boolean stats = false;
- public void setStats(boolean value) {
- this.stats = value;
- }
- public boolean getStats() {
- return this.stats;
- }
- /**
- * Allow the source language version to be specified.
- */
- private String source = "1.5"; // Default is 1.5, so generics will work
- public void setSource(String source) {
- this.source = source;
- }
- public String getSource() {
- return source;
- }
- /* ***************************************************************** */
- /* * Classes and objects which are related to elements * */
- /* ***************************************************************** */
- /**
- * A ProjectInfo-derived object for the older version of the project
- */
- private ProjectInfo oldProject = null;
- /**
- * Used to store the child element named "old", which is under the
- * JDiff task XML element.
- */
- public void addConfiguredOld(ProjectInfo projInfo) {
- oldProject = projInfo;
- }
- /**
- * A ProjectInfo-derived object for the newer version of the project
- */
- private ProjectInfo newProject = null;
- /**
- * Used to store the child element named "new", which is under the
- * JDiff task XML element.
- */
- public void addConfiguredNew(ProjectInfo projInfo) {
- newProject = projInfo;
- }
- /**
- * This class handles the information about a project, whether it is
- * the older or newer version.
- *
- * Note: Don't confuse this class with the Project used by Ant.
- * This ProjectInfo class is from local to this task.
- */
- public static class ProjectInfo {
- /**
- * The name of the project. This is used (without spaces) as the
- * base of the name of the file which contains the XML representing
- * the project.
- */
- private String name;
- public void setName(String value) {
- name = value;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- /**
- * The location of the Javadoc HTML for this project. Default value
- * is "generate", which will cause the Javadoc to be generated in
- * a subdirectory named "name" in the task's destdir directory.
- */
- private String javadoc;
- public void setJavadoc(String value) {
- javadoc = value;
- }
- public String getJavadoc() {
- return javadoc;
- }
- /**
- * These are the directories which contain the packages which make
- * up the project. Filesets are not supported by JDiff.
- */
- private Vector dirsets = new Vector();
- public void setDirset(DirSet value) {
- dirsets.add(value);
- }
- public Vector getDirsets() {
- return dirsets;
- }
- /**
- * Used to store the child element named "dirset", which is under the
- * "old" or "new" XML elements.
- */
- public void addDirset(DirSet aDirset) {
- setDirset(aDirset);
- }
- }