path: root/CONTRIBUTING.md
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+## Building Jazzer from source
+### Dependencies
+Jazzer has the following dependencies when being built from source:
+* [Bazelisk](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazelisk) or the version of Bazel specified in [`.bazelversion`](.bazelversion)
+* One of the following C++ compilers:
+ * [Clang](https://clang.llvm.org/) 9.0+ (clang-cl on Windows)
+ * Xcode (Xcode.app is required, not just the developer tools)
+ * GCC (should work with `--repo_env=CC=gcc`, but is not tested)
+It is recommended to use [Bazelisk](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazelisk) to automatically download and install Bazel.
+Simply download the release binary for your OS and architecture and ensure that it is available in the `PATH`.
+The instructions below will assume that this binary is called `bazel` - Bazelisk is a thin wrapper around the actual Bazel binary and can be used interchangeably.
+### Compiling
+Assuming the dependencies are installed, build Jazzer from source and run it as follows:
+$ git clone https://github.com/CodeIntelligenceTesting/jazzer
+$ cd jazzer
+# Note the double dash used to pass <arguments> to Jazzer rather than Bazel.
+$ bazel run //:jazzer -- <arguments>
+You can also build your own version of the release binaries:
+$ bazel build //:jazzer_release
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //:jazzer_release up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/jazzer_release.tar.gz
+### Running the tests
+To run the tests, execute the following command:
+$ bazel test //...
+#### Debugging
+If you need to debug an issue that can only be reproduced by an integration test (`java_fuzz_target_test`), you can start Jazzer in debug mode via `--config=debug`.
+The JVM running Jazzer will suspend until a debugger connects on port 5005 (or the port specified via `DEFAULT_JVM_DEBUG_PORT`).
+### Formatting
+Run `./format.sh` to format all source files in the way enforced by the "Check formatting" CI job.
+## Releasing (CI employees only)
+Requires an account on [Sonatype](https://issues.sonatype.org) with access to the `com.code-intelligence` group as well as a YubiKey with the signing key.
+### One-time setup
+1. Install GPG prerequisites via `sudo apt-get install gnupg2 gnupg-agent scdaemon pcscd`.
+2. Execute `mkdir -p ~/.gnupg && echo use-agent >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf` to enable GPG's smart card support.
+3. Execute `cat deploy/maven.pub | gpg --import` to import the public key used for Maven signatures
+4. Plug in the YubiKey and execute `gpg --card-status` to generate a key stub.
+ If you see a `No such device` error, retry after executing `killall gpg-agent; killall pcscd` to remove existing locks on the YubiKey.
+### Per release
+1. Update `JAZZER_VERSION` in [`maven.bzl`](maven.bzl).
+2. Create a release, using the auto-generated changelog as a base for the release notes.
+3. Trigger the "Release" GitHub Actions workflow for the tag.
+ This builds release archives for GitHub as well as the multi-architecture jar for the `com.code-intelligence:jazzer` Maven artifact.
+4. Create a GitHub release and upload the contents of the `jazzer_releases` artifact from the workflow run.
+5. Check out the tag locally and, with the YubiKey plugged in, run `bazel run //deploy` with the following environment variables to upload the Maven artifacts:
+ * `JAZZER_JAR_PATH`: local path of the multi-architecture `jazzer.jar` contained in the `jazzer` artifact of the "Release" workflow
+ * `MAVEN_USER`: username on https://oss.sonatype.org
+ * `MAVEN_PASSWORD`: password on https://oss.sonatype.org
+ The YubiKey blinks repeatedly and needs a touch to confirm each individual signature.
+6. Log into https://oss.sonatype.org, select both staging repositories and "Close" them.
+ Wait and refresh, then select them again and "Release" them.
+7. Locally, with Docker credentials available, run `docker/push_all.sh` to build and push the `cifuzz/jazzer` and `cifuzz/jazzer-autofuzz` Docker images.
+### Updating the hosted javadocs
+Javadocs are hosted at https://codeintelligencetesting.github.io/jazzer-docs, which is populated from https://github.com/CodeIntelligenceTesting/jazzer-docs.
+To update the docs after a release with API changes, follow these steps to get properly linked cross-references:
+1. Delete the contents of the `jazzer-api` subdirectory of `jazzer-docs`.
+2. Run `bazel build --//deploy:linked_javadoc //deploy:jazzer-api-docs` and unpack the jar into the `jazzer-api` subdirectory of `jazzer-docs`.
+3. Commit and push the changes, then wait for them to be published (can take a minute).
+4. Repeat the same steps with `jazzer-api` replaced by `jazzer` and then by `jazzer-junit`.