AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-03-31Fix license metadataandroidx-draganddrop-releaseSamuel Freilich
2022-03-28Sync external/ink-stroke-modeler to upstream headSamuel Freilich
2022-03-25Initial empty repositoryRoman Yepishev
2022-03-24Handle start==end correctly in NormalizeSamuel Freilich
2022-03-24Validate inputs in StrokeModel.Update are not inf/NaNSamuel Freilich
2022-03-24Remove some unnecessary static_castsSamuel Freilich
2022-03-23Don't use GMock unnecessarilySamuel Freilich
2022-03-23Add a little more detail about the structure of inputs to READMESamuel Freilich
2022-03-22Factor out validation utility functions into separate targetSamuel Freilich
2022-03-16Use BUILD.bazel instead of BUILDSamuel Freilich
2022-03-15Add configuration to CMake build for using existing depsSamuel Freilich
2022-03-08Add MacOS test CISamuel Freilich
2022-03-08Add GitHub Actions CI status badgesSamuel Freilich
2022-03-07Use MathJax rendering on GitHub pagesSamuel Freilich
2022-03-07Fix CMake build structure and add usage docsSamuel Freilich
2022-03-07Delete _config.ymlSamuel Freilich
2022-03-07Set theme jekyll-theme-minimalSamuel Freilich
2022-03-04Factor out dependency setup into workspace.bzl so that can be used by consumersSamuel Freilich
2022-03-04Fix some build warnings and some errors under GCCSamuel Freilich
2022-03-03Add a GitHub Action for CMake/CTest CISamuel Freilich
2022-03-03Run Bazel CI on all branches, and allow triggering runs manuallySamuel Freilich
2022-03-03Internal changeSamuel Freilich
2022-03-03Add Bazel CI with GitHub actionsSamuel Freilich
2022-03-03Internal changeSamuel Freilich
2022-03-02Merge pull request #4 from google:sfreilich-patch-1Copybara-Service
2022-03-02Revert incorrect merge of work in progress in 9e7296e2Samuel Freilich
2022-03-02Merge pull request #5 from google:test_431979296Copybara-Service
2022-03-02Merge pull request #5 from google/test_431979296Jonathan Feinberg
2022-03-02Use an alias for a dependency which uses a different target upstreamSamuel Freilich
2022-03-02Improve some links in README.mdSamuel Freilich
2022-02-11Move .bazelignore up one levelSamuel Freilich
2022-02-11Add CMake build/testSamuel Freilich
2022-02-11Remove MathJax script tags from README.mdSamuel Freilich
2022-02-10Remove [TOC] markup (not supported by GitHub) and add MathJax rendering scriptSamuel Freilich
2022-02-08Initial export of Ink Stroke ModelerInk Open Source
2022-01-07Create READMEJonathan Feinberg