AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
5 daysUpdate gradle.propertiesupstream-mainYuri Schimke
6 daysAdd beyondViewportPageCount and friends to PagerScreen (#2230)Yuri Schimke
11 daysTypesafe navigation in Phone samples (#2224)Yuri Schimke
11 daysSlight cleanup (#2223)Yuri Schimke
11 daysCompose for Wear OS Rotary API changes (#2219)Yuri Schimke
13 daysUpdate gradle.propertiesYuri Schimke
13 daysFix ScalingLazyColumn Rotary issue (#2220)Yuri Schimke
13 daysAdd AnimatedLabel and demos for Chips and cards (#2217)Mikhail Kulaha
13 daysExtreme font scaling screenshot (#2213)Yuri Schimke
13 daysUpdate all dependencies (#2214)Mend Renovate
13 daysFontScaleIndependent Composable (#2218)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-25Update actions/checkout digest to 0ad4b8f (#2211)Mend Renovate
2024-04-25Bump AGP (#2212)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-20Update all dependencies (#2210)Mend Renovate
2024-04-19Update volume screen label text color and weight. (#2209)Katrina Paikena
2024-04-19Update translations (#2208)Filip Stanis
2024-04-19Pager screenshots (#2206)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-19Update gradle.propertiesYuri Schimke
2024-04-19Update DataStore dependencies 1.0.0 to v1.1.0 (#2205)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-18use Wear Compose Rotary APIs (#2189)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-18Update all dependencies (#2201)Mend Renovate
2024-04-18Update OkHttp to 5.0.0.alpha.14 (#2200)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-17Split up screenshots (#2197)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-17Update plugin com.gradle.enterprise 3.17.1 to v3.17.2 (#2196)Mend Renovate
2024-04-17Update all dependencies (#2199)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-17Export AmbientLifecycleObserver and friends (#2198)Michael Stillwell
2024-04-17Add AmbientAware sample code (#2194)Michael Stillwell
2024-04-17Expand on description of AmbientAware parameter (#2195)Michael Stillwell
2024-04-16Update screenshots before hardware switch (#2192)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-12Update UAMPEntity screen to use AlertDialog (#2191)Chiara Chiappini
2024-04-12Update all dependencies 1.11.0 to v1.12.0 (#2190)Mend Renovate
2024-04-11Uses Horologit button (#2184)Chiara Chiappini
2024-04-11Update gradle.propertiesYuri Schimke
2024-04-11Update translations (#2186)Filip Stanis
2024-04-11Update dependency 0.2.2 to v0....Mend Renovate
2024-04-10Update all dependencies (#2185)Mend Renovate
2024-04-10Make MediaUiModel sealed for loading and loaded data object / class (#2179)laiyichin
2024-04-09Update gradle.propertiesYuri Schimke
2024-04-09Update gradle.propertiesYuri Schimke
2024-04-09Changes MediaUiModel to use Paintable (#2176)Filip Stanis
2024-04-09Update peaceiris/actions-gh-pages action v3 to v4 (#2172)Mend Renovate
2024-04-09Cleanup a11y tests (#2182)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-08Migrate screenshot tests to Roborazzi (#2181)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-08Update all dependencies (#2180)Yuri Schimke
2024-04-05Update dependency 1.9.23-1.0.19 to v1.9.23-1.0.20 (#2...Mend Renovate
2024-04-03Update translations (#2174)Filip Stanis
2024-04-03Updates a11y for volume (#2175)Filip Stanis
2024-03-31Revert "Update all dependencies (#2169)" (#2171)Yuri Schimke
2024-03-30Update all dependencies (#2169)Yuri Schimke
2024-03-29Updates media display margins (#2165)Filip Stanis