path: root/google/devtools/resultstore/v2/resultstore_upload.proto
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'google/devtools/resultstore/v2/resultstore_upload.proto')
1 files changed, 636 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/google/devtools/resultstore/v2/resultstore_upload.proto b/google/devtools/resultstore/v2/resultstore_upload.proto
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..685f17782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/google/devtools/resultstore/v2/resultstore_upload.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Google LLC.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.devtools.resultstore.v2;
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/action.proto";
+import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/configuration.proto";
+import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/configured_target.proto";
+import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/file_set.proto";
+import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/invocation.proto";
+import "google/devtools/resultstore/v2/target.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
+option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/resultstore/v2;resultstore";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_package = "com.google.devtools.resultstore.v2";
+// This is the interface used to upload information to the ResultStore database,
+// to update that information as necessary, and to make it immutable at the end.
+// Every Update and Append method supports an update_mask field for restricting
+// the affected fields.
+service ResultStoreUpload {
+ // Creates the given invocation. Generally, a unique ID will be assigned to
+ // the invocation's name field by the server. This is not an implicitly
+ // idempotent API, so a request id is required to make it idempotent.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty Invocation proto with only the name and ID fields
+ // populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If an invocation with the same ID already exists.
+ rpc CreateInvocation(CreateInvocationRequest) returns (Invocation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/invocations"
+ body: "invocation"
+ };
+ }
+ // Applies a standard update to the invocation identified by the given proto's
+ // name. For all types of fields (primitive, message, or repeated), replaces
+ // them with the given proto fields if they are under the given field mask
+ // paths. Fields that match the mask but aren't populated in the given
+ // invocation are cleared. This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty Invocation proto with only the name and ID fields
+ // populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the invocation does not exist.
+ // - If the invocation is finished.
+ // - If no field mask was given.
+ rpc UpdateInvocation(UpdateInvocationRequest) returns (Invocation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ patch: "/v2/{invocation.name=invocations/*}"
+ body: "invocation"
+ };
+ }
+ // Declares the invocation with the given name as finished and immutable.
+ // This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // If an Invocation is not updated for 24 hours, some time after that
+ // this will be called automatically.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the invocation does not exist.
+ rpc FinishInvocation(FinishInvocationRequest)
+ returns (FinishInvocationResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/{name=invocations/*}:finish"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates the given target under the given parent invocation. The given
+ // target ID is URL encoded, converted to the full resource name, and assigned
+ // to the target's name field. This is not an implicitly idempotent API, so a
+ // request id is required to make it idempotent.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty Target proto with only the name and ID fields populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If no target ID is provided.
+ // - If the parent invocation does not exist.
+ // - If the parent invocation is finished.
+ // - If a target with the same name already exists.
+ rpc CreateTarget(CreateTargetRequest) returns (Target) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/{parent=invocations/*}/targets"
+ body: "target"
+ };
+ }
+ // Applies a standard update to the target identified by the given proto's
+ // name. For all types of fields (primitive, message, or repeated), replaces
+ // them with the given proto fields if they are under the given field mask
+ // paths. Fields that match the mask but aren't populated in the given
+ // target are cleared. This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty Target proto with only the name and ID fields populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the target does not exist.
+ // - If the target or parent invocation is finished.
+ // - If no field mask was given.
+ rpc UpdateTarget(UpdateTargetRequest) returns (Target) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ patch: "/v2/{target.name=invocations/*/targets/*}"
+ body: "target"
+ };
+ }
+ // Declares the target with the given name as finished and immutable.
+ // This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the target does not exist.
+ rpc FinishTarget(FinishTargetRequest) returns (FinishTargetResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/{name=invocations/*/targets/*}:finish"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates the given configured target under the given parent target.
+ // The given configured target ID is URL encoded, converted to the full
+ // resource name, and assigned to the configured target's name field.
+ // This is not an implicitly idempotent API, so a request id is required
+ // to make it idempotent.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty ConfiguredTarget proto with only the name and ID fields
+ // populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If no config ID is provided.
+ // - If a configured target with the same ID already exists.
+ // - If the parent target does not exist.
+ // - If the parent target or invocation is finished.
+ rpc CreateConfiguredTarget(CreateConfiguredTargetRequest)
+ returns (ConfiguredTarget) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/{parent=invocations/*/targets/*}/configuredTargets"
+ body: "configured_target"
+ };
+ }
+ // Applies a standard update to the configured target identified by the given
+ // proto's name. For all types of fields (primitive, message, or repeated),
+ // replaces them with the given proto fields if they are under the given
+ // field mask paths. Fields that match the mask but aren't populated in the
+ // given configured target are cleared. This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty ConfiguredTarget proto with only the name and ID fields
+ // populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the configured target does not exist.
+ // - If the parent target or invocation is finished.
+ // - If no field mask was given.
+ rpc UpdateConfiguredTarget(UpdateConfiguredTargetRequest)
+ returns (ConfiguredTarget) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ patch: "/v2/{configured_target.name=invocations/*/targets/*/configuredTargets/*}"
+ body: "configured_target"
+ };
+ }
+ // Declares the configured target with the given name as finished and
+ // immutable. This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the configured target does not exist.
+ rpc FinishConfiguredTarget(FinishConfiguredTargetRequest)
+ returns (FinishConfiguredTargetResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/{name=invocations/*/targets/*/configuredTargets/*}:finish"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates the given action under the given configured target. The given
+ // action ID is URL encoded, converted to the full resource name, and
+ // assigned to the action's name field. This is not an implicitly
+ // idempotent API, so a request id is required to make it idempotent.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty Action proto with only the name and ID fields populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If no action ID provided.
+ // - If the parent configured target does not exist.
+ // - If the parent target or invocation is finished.
+ // - If an action with the same name already exists.
+ rpc CreateAction(CreateActionRequest) returns (Action) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/{parent=invocations/*/targets/*/configuredTargets/*}/actions"
+ body: "action"
+ };
+ }
+ // Applies a standard update to the action identified by the given
+ // proto's name. For all types of fields (primitive, message, or repeated),
+ // replaces them with the given proto fields if they are under the given
+ // field mask paths. Fields that match the mask but aren't populated in the
+ // given action are cleared. This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty Action proto with only the name and ID fields populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the action does not exist.
+ // - If the parent target or invocation is finished.
+ // - If no field mask was given.
+ rpc UpdateAction(UpdateActionRequest) returns (Action) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ patch: "/v2/{action.name=invocations/*/targets/*/configuredTargets/*/actions/*}"
+ body: "action"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates the given configuration under the given parent invocation. The
+ // given configuration ID is URL encoded, converted to the full resource name,
+ // and assigned to the configuration's name field. The configuration ID of
+ // "default" should be preferred for the default configuration in a
+ // single-config invocation. This is not an implicitly idempotent API, so a
+ // request id is required to make it idempotent.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty Configuration proto with only the name and ID fields
+ // populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If no configuration ID is provided.
+ // - If the parent invocation does not exist.
+ // - If the parent invocation is finished.
+ // - If a configuration with the same name already exists.
+ rpc CreateConfiguration(CreateConfigurationRequest) returns (Configuration) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/{parent=invocations/*}/configs"
+ body: "configuration"
+ };
+ }
+ // Applies a standard update to the configuration identified by the given
+ // proto's name. For all types of fields (primitive, message, or repeated),
+ // replaces them with the given proto fields if they are under the given field
+ // mask paths. Fields that match the mask but aren't populated in the given
+ // configuration are cleared. This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty Configuration proto with only the name and ID fields
+ // populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the configuration does not exist.
+ // - If the parent invocation is finished.
+ // - If no field mask was given.
+ // - If a given field mask path is not valid.
+ rpc UpdateConfiguration(UpdateConfigurationRequest) returns (Configuration) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ patch: "/v2/{configuration.name=invocations/*/configs/*}"
+ body: "configuration"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates the given file set under the given parent invocation. The given
+ // file set ID is URL encoded, converted to the full resource name, and
+ // assigned to the file set's name field. This is not an implicitly idempotent
+ // API, so a request id is required to make it idempotent.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty FileSet proto with only the name and ID fields populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If no file set ID is provided.
+ // - If a file set with the same name already exists.
+ // - If the parent invocation does not exist.
+ // - If the parent invocation is finished.
+ rpc CreateFileSet(CreateFileSetRequest) returns (FileSet) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2/{parent=invocations/*}/fileSets"
+ body: "file_set"
+ };
+ }
+ // Applies a standard update to the file set identified by the given proto's
+ // name. For all types of fields (primitive, message, or repeated), replaces
+ // them with the given proto fields if they are under the given field mask
+ // paths. Fields that match the mask but aren't populated in the given
+ // configuration are cleared. This is an implicitly idempotent API.
+ //
+ // Returns an empty FileSet proto with only the name and ID fields populated.
+ //
+ // An error will be reported in the following cases:
+ // - If the file set does not exist.
+ // - If the parent invocation is finished.
+ // - If no field mask was given.
+ // - If a given field mask path is not valid.
+ rpc UpdateFileSet(UpdateFileSetRequest) returns (FileSet) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ patch: "/v2/{file_set.name=invocations/*/fileSets/*}"
+ body: "file_set"
+ };
+ }
+// Request passed into CreateInvocation
+message CreateInvocationRequest {
+ // A unique identifier for this request. Must be set to a different value for
+ // each request that affects a given resource (eg. a random UUID). Required
+ // for the operation to be idempotent. This is achieved by ignoring this
+ // request if the last successful operation on the resource had the same
+ // request ID. If set, invocation_id must also be provided.
+ // Restricted to 36 utf-8 bytes.
+ string request_id = 1;
+ // The invocation ID. If left empty then a new unique ID will be
+ // assigned by the server. If populated, a RFC 4122-compliant v4 UUID is
+ // preferred, but v3 or v5 UUIDs are allowed too.
+ string invocation_id = 2;
+ // The invocation to create. Its name field will be ignored, since the name
+ // will be derived from the id field above and assigned by the server.
+ Invocation invocation = 3;
+ // This is a token to authorize upload access to this invocation. It must be
+ // set to a RFC 4122-compliant v3, v4, or v5 UUID. Once this is set in
+ // CreateInvocation, all other upload RPCs for that Invocation and any of its
+ // child resources must also include the exact same token, or they will be
+ // rejected. The generated token should be unique to this invocation, and it
+ // should be kept secret.
+ //
+ // The purpose of this field is to prevent other users and tools from
+ // clobbering your upload intentionally or accidentally. The standard way of
+ // using this token is to create a second v4 UUID when the invocation_id is
+ // created, and storing them together during the upload. Essentially, this is
+ // a "password" to the invocation.
+ string authorization_token = 4;
+ // By default, Invocations are auto-finished if they are not modified for 24
+ // hours. If you need auto-finish to happen sooner, set this field to the time
+ // you'd like auto-finish to occur.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp auto_finish_time = 5;
+// Request passed into UpdateInvocation
+message UpdateInvocationRequest {
+ // Contains the name and the fields of the invocation to be updated. The
+ // name format must be: invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}
+ Invocation invocation = 3;
+ // Indicates which fields to update.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into FinishInvocation
+message FinishInvocationRequest {
+ // The name of the invocation. Its format must be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}
+ string name = 1;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 3;
+// Response returned from FinishInvocation
+message FinishInvocationResponse {
+ // The name of the invocation. Its format will be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}
+ string name = 1;
+ // The resource ID components that identify the Invocation.
+ Invocation.Id id = 2;
+// Request passed into CreateTarget
+message CreateTargetRequest {
+ // A unique identifier for this request. Must be set to a different value for
+ // each request that affects a given resource (eg. a random UUID). Required
+ // for the operation to be idempotent. This is achieved by ignoring this
+ // request if the last successful operation on the resource had the same
+ // request ID. Restricted to 36 utf-8 bytes.
+ string request_id = 1;
+ // The name of the parent invocation in which the target is created.
+ // Its format must be invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}
+ string parent = 2;
+ // The target identifier. It can be any UTF-8 string up to 1024 bytes long
+ // except for the reserved id '-'.
+ string target_id = 3;
+ // The target to create. Its name field will be ignored, since the name will
+ // be derived from the id field above and assigned by the server.
+ Target target = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into UpdateTarget
+message UpdateTargetRequest {
+ // Contains the name and the fields of the target to be updated. The name
+ // format must be: invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}
+ Target target = 3;
+ // Indicates which fields to update.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into FinishTarget
+message FinishTargetRequest {
+ // The name of the target. Its format must be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}
+ string name = 1;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 3;
+// Response returned from FinishTarget
+message FinishTargetResponse {
+ // The name of the target. Its format will be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}
+ string name = 1;
+ // The resource ID components that identify the Target.
+ Target.Id id = 2;
+// Request passed into CreateConfiguredTarget
+message CreateConfiguredTargetRequest {
+ // A unique identifier for this request. Must be set to a different value for
+ // each request that affects a given resource (eg. a random UUID). Required
+ // for the operation to be idempotent. This is achieved by ignoring this
+ // request if the last successful operation on the resource had the same
+ // request ID. Restricted to 36 utf-8 bytes.
+ string request_id = 1;
+ // The name of the parent target in which the configured target is created.
+ // Its format must be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}
+ string parent = 2;
+ // The configuration identifier. This must match the ID of an existing
+ // Configuration under this Invocation. Cannot be the reserved id '-'.
+ string config_id = 3;
+ // The configured target to create. Its name field will be ignored, since the
+ // name will be derived from the id field above and assigned by the server.
+ ConfiguredTarget configured_target = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into UpdateConfiguredTarget
+message UpdateConfiguredTargetRequest {
+ // Contains the name and the fields of the configured target to be updated.
+ // The name format must be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}/configuredTargets/${CONFIG_ID}
+ ConfiguredTarget configured_target = 3;
+ // Indicates which fields to update.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into FinishConfiguredTarget
+message FinishConfiguredTargetRequest {
+ // The name of the configured target. Its format must be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}/configuredTargets/${CONFIG_ID}
+ string name = 1;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 3;
+// Response returned from FinishConfiguredTarget
+message FinishConfiguredTargetResponse {
+ // The name of the configured target. Its format must be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}/configuredTargets/${CONFIG_ID}
+ string name = 1;
+ // The resource ID components that identify the ConfiguredTarget.
+ ConfiguredTarget.Id id = 2;
+// Request passed into CreateAction
+message CreateActionRequest {
+ // A unique identifier for this request. Must be set to a different value for
+ // each request that affects a given resource (eg. a random UUID). Required
+ // for the operation to be idempotent. This is achieved by ignoring this
+ // request if the last successful operation on the resource had the same
+ // request ID. Restricted to 36 utf-8 bytes.
+ string request_id = 1;
+ // The name of the parent configured target in which the action is created.
+ // Its format must be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}/configuredTargets/${CONFIG_ID}
+ string parent = 2;
+ // The action identifier. It can be any UTF-8 string up to 512 bytes long,
+ // except for the reserved id '-'.
+ string action_id = 3;
+ // The action to create. Its name field will be ignored, since the
+ // name will be derived from the id field above and assigned by the server.
+ Action action = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into UpdateAction
+message UpdateActionRequest {
+ // Contains the name and the fields of the action to be updated. The
+ // name format must be:
+ // invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/targets/${TARGET_ID}/configuredTargets/${CONFIG_ID}/actions/${ACTION_ID}
+ Action action = 3;
+ // Indicates which fields to update.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into CreateConfiguration
+message CreateConfigurationRequest {
+ // A unique identifier for this request. Must be set to a different value for
+ // each request that affects a given resource (eg. a random UUID). Required
+ // for the operation to be idempotent. This is achieved by ignoring this
+ // request if the last successful operation on the resource had the same
+ // request ID. Restricted to 36 utf-8 bytes.
+ string request_id = 1;
+ // The name of the parent invocation in which the configuration is created.
+ // Its format must be invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}
+ string parent = 2;
+ // The configuration identifier. It can be any UTF-8 string up to 256 bytes
+ // long. The configuration ID of "default" should be preferred for the default
+ // configuration in a single-config invocation. Cannot be the reserved id '-'.
+ string config_id = 3;
+ // The configuration to create. Its name field will be ignored, since the name
+ // will be derived from the id field above and assigned by the server.
+ Configuration configuration = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into UpdateConfiguration
+message UpdateConfigurationRequest {
+ // Contains the name and fields of the configuration to be updated. The name
+ // format must be: invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/configs/${CONFIG_ID}
+ Configuration configuration = 3;
+ // Indicates which fields to update.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into CreateFileSet
+message CreateFileSetRequest {
+ // A unique identifier for this request. Must be set to a different value for
+ // each request that affects a given resource (eg. a random UUID). Required
+ // for the operation to be idempotent. This is achieved by ignoring this
+ // request if the last successful operation on the resource had the same
+ // request ID. Restricted to 36 utf-8 bytes.
+ string request_id = 1;
+ // The name of the parent invocation in which the file set is created.
+ // Its format must be invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}
+ string parent = 2;
+ // The file set identifier. It can be any UTF-8 string up to 256 bytes long.
+ string file_set_id = 3;
+ // The file set to create. Its name field will be ignored, since the name will
+ // be derived from the id field above and assigned by the server.
+ FileSet file_set = 4;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 5;
+// Request passed into UpdateFileSet
+message UpdateFileSetRequest {
+ // Contains the name and fields of the file set to be updated. The name format
+ // must be: invocations/${INVOCATION_ID}/fileSets/${FILE_SET_ID}
+ FileSet file_set = 1;
+ // Indicates which fields to update.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2;
+ // This is a token to authorize access to this invocation. It must be set to
+ // the same value that was provided in the CreateInvocationRequest.
+ string authorization_token = 3;