path: root/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2beta1/entity_type.proto
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'google/cloud/dialogflow/v2beta1/entity_type.proto')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2beta1/entity_type.proto b/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2beta1/entity_type.proto
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c49561ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/google/cloud/dialogflow/v2beta1/entity_type.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1;
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+import "google/api/resource.proto";
+import "google/longrunning/operations.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
+option cc_enable_arenas = true;
+option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2beta1";
+option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/dialogflow/v2beta1;dialogflow";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "EntityTypeProto";
+option java_package = "com.google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1";
+option objc_class_prefix = "DF";
+// Entities are extracted from user input and represent parameters that are
+// meaningful to your application. For example, a date range, a proper name
+// such as a geographic location or landmark, and so on. Entities represent
+// actionable data for your application.
+// When you define an entity, you can also include synonyms that all map to
+// that entity. For example, "soft drink", "soda", "pop", and so on.
+// There are three types of entities:
+// * **System** - entities that are defined by the Dialogflow API for common
+// data types such as date, time, currency, and so on. A system entity is
+// represented by the `EntityType` type.
+// * **Developer** - entities that are defined by you that represent
+// actionable data that is meaningful to your application. For example,
+// you could define a `pizza.sauce` entity for red or white pizza sauce,
+// a `pizza.cheese` entity for the different types of cheese on a pizza,
+// a `pizza.topping` entity for different toppings, and so on. A developer
+// entity is represented by the `EntityType` type.
+// * **User** - entities that are built for an individual user such as
+// favorites, preferences, playlists, and so on. A user entity is
+// represented by the [SessionEntityType][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.SessionEntityType] type.
+// For more information about entity types, see the
+// [Dialogflow
+// documentation](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/entities-overview).
+service EntityTypes {
+ // Returns the list of all entity types in the specified agent.
+ rpc ListEntityTypes(ListEntityTypesRequest) returns (ListEntityTypesResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v2beta1/{parent=projects/*/agent}/entityTypes"
+ };
+ }
+ // Retrieves the specified entity type.
+ rpc GetEntityType(GetEntityTypeRequest) returns (EntityType) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v2beta1/{name=projects/*/agent/entityTypes/*}"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates an entity type in the specified agent.
+ rpc CreateEntityType(CreateEntityTypeRequest) returns (EntityType) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2beta1/{parent=projects/*/agent}/entityTypes"
+ body: "entity_type"
+ };
+ }
+ // Updates the specified entity type.
+ rpc UpdateEntityType(UpdateEntityTypeRequest) returns (EntityType) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ patch: "/v2beta1/{entity_type.name=projects/*/agent/entityTypes/*}"
+ body: "entity_type"
+ };
+ }
+ // Deletes the specified entity type.
+ rpc DeleteEntityType(DeleteEntityTypeRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ delete: "/v2beta1/{name=projects/*/agent/entityTypes/*}"
+ };
+ }
+ // Updates/Creates multiple entity types in the specified agent.
+ //
+ // Operation <response: [BatchUpdateEntityTypesResponse][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.BatchUpdateEntityTypesResponse]>
+ rpc BatchUpdateEntityTypes(BatchUpdateEntityTypesRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2beta1/{parent=projects/*/agent}/entityTypes:batchUpdate"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Deletes entity types in the specified agent.
+ //
+ // Operation <response: [google.protobuf.Empty][google.protobuf.Empty]>
+ rpc BatchDeleteEntityTypes(BatchDeleteEntityTypesRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2beta1/{parent=projects/*/agent}/entityTypes:batchDelete"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates multiple new entities in the specified entity type.
+ //
+ // Operation <response: [google.protobuf.Empty][google.protobuf.Empty]>
+ rpc BatchCreateEntities(BatchCreateEntitiesRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2beta1/{parent=projects/*/agent/entityTypes/*}/entities:batchCreate"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Updates or creates multiple entities in the specified entity type. This
+ // method does not affect entities in the entity type that aren't explicitly
+ // specified in the request.
+ //
+ // Operation <response: [google.protobuf.Empty][google.protobuf.Empty]>
+ rpc BatchUpdateEntities(BatchUpdateEntitiesRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2beta1/{parent=projects/*/agent/entityTypes/*}/entities:batchUpdate"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Deletes entities in the specified entity type.
+ //
+ // Operation <response: [google.protobuf.Empty][google.protobuf.Empty]>
+ rpc BatchDeleteEntities(BatchDeleteEntitiesRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v2beta1/{parent=projects/*/agent/entityTypes/*}/entities:batchDelete"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+// Represents an entity type.
+// Entity types serve as a tool for extracting parameter values from natural
+// language queries.
+message EntityType {
+ // An **entity entry** for an associated entity type.
+ message Entity {
+ // Required. The primary value associated with this entity entry.
+ // For example, if the entity type is *vegetable*, the value could be
+ // *scallions*.
+ //
+ // For `KIND_MAP` entity types:
+ //
+ // * A canonical value to be used in place of synonyms.
+ //
+ // For `KIND_LIST` entity types:
+ //
+ // * A string that can contain references to other entity types (with or
+ // without aliases).
+ string value = 1;
+ // Required. A collection of value synonyms. For example, if the entity type
+ // is *vegetable*, and `value` is *scallions*, a synonym could be *green
+ // onions*.
+ //
+ // For `KIND_LIST` entity types:
+ //
+ // * This collection must contain exactly one synonym equal to `value`.
+ repeated string synonyms = 2;
+ }
+ // Represents kinds of entities.
+ enum Kind {
+ // Not specified. This value should be never used.
+ // Map entity types allow mapping of a group of synonyms to a canonical
+ // value.
+ KIND_MAP = 1;
+ // List entity types contain a set of entries that do not map to canonical
+ // values. However, list entity types can contain references to other entity
+ // types (with or without aliases).
+ KIND_LIST = 2;
+ }
+ // Represents different entity type expansion modes. Automated expansion
+ // allows an agent to recognize values that have not been explicitly listed in
+ // the entity (for example, new kinds of shopping list items).
+ enum AutoExpansionMode {
+ // Auto expansion disabled for the entity.
+ // Allows an agent to recognize values that have not been explicitly
+ // listed in the entity.
+ }
+ // The unique identifier of the entity type.
+ // Required for [EntityTypes.UpdateEntityType][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.UpdateEntityType] and
+ // [EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntityTypes][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntityTypes] methods.
+ // Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/entityTypes/<Entity Type ID>`.
+ string name = 1;
+ // Required. The name of the entity type.
+ string display_name = 2;
+ // Required. Indicates the kind of entity type.
+ Kind kind = 3;
+ // Optional. Indicates whether the entity type can be automatically
+ // expanded.
+ AutoExpansionMode auto_expansion_mode = 4;
+ // Optional. The collection of entity entries associated with the entity type.
+ repeated Entity entities = 6;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.ListEntityTypes][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.ListEntityTypes].
+message ListEntityTypesRequest {
+ // Required. The agent to list all entity types from.
+ // Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent`.
+ string parent = 1;
+ // Optional. The language to list entity synonyms for. If not specified,
+ // the agent's default language is used.
+ // [Many
+ // languages](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
+ // are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can
+ // be used.
+ string language_code = 2;
+ // Optional. The maximum number of items to return in a single page. By
+ // default 100 and at most 1000.
+ int32 page_size = 3;
+ // Optional. The next_page_token value returned from a previous list request.
+ string page_token = 4;
+// The response message for [EntityTypes.ListEntityTypes][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.ListEntityTypes].
+message ListEntityTypesResponse {
+ // The list of agent entity types. There will be a maximum number of items
+ // returned based on the page_size field in the request.
+ repeated EntityType entity_types = 1;
+ // Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no
+ // more results in the list.
+ string next_page_token = 2;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.GetEntityType][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.GetEntityType].
+message GetEntityTypeRequest {
+ // Required. The name of the entity type.
+ // Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/entityTypes/<EntityType ID>`.
+ string name = 1;
+ // Optional. The language to retrieve entity synonyms for. If not specified,
+ // the agent's default language is used.
+ // [Many
+ // languages](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
+ // are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can
+ // be used.
+ string language_code = 2;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.CreateEntityType][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.CreateEntityType].
+message CreateEntityTypeRequest {
+ // Required. The agent to create a entity type for.
+ // Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent`.
+ string parent = 1;
+ // Required. The entity type to create.
+ EntityType entity_type = 2;
+ // Optional. The language of entity synonyms defined in `entity_type`. If not
+ // specified, the agent's default language is used.
+ // [Many
+ // languages](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
+ // are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can
+ // be used.
+ string language_code = 3;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.UpdateEntityType][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.UpdateEntityType].
+message UpdateEntityTypeRequest {
+ // Required. The entity type to update.
+ EntityType entity_type = 1;
+ // Optional. The language of entity synonyms defined in `entity_type`. If not
+ // specified, the agent's default language is used.
+ // [Many
+ // languages](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
+ // are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can
+ // be used.
+ string language_code = 2;
+ // Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 3;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.DeleteEntityType][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.DeleteEntityType].
+message DeleteEntityTypeRequest {
+ // Required. The name of the entity type to delete.
+ // Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/entityTypes/<EntityType ID>`.
+ string name = 1;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntityTypes][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntityTypes].
+message BatchUpdateEntityTypesRequest {
+ // Required. The name of the agent to update or create entity types in.
+ // Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent`.
+ string parent = 1;
+ // Required. The source of the entity type batch.
+ //
+ // For each entity type in the batch:
+ //
+ // * If `name` is specified, we update an existing entity type.
+ // * If `name` is not specified, we create a new entity type.
+ oneof entity_type_batch {
+ // The URI to a Google Cloud Storage file containing entity types to update
+ // or create. The file format can either be a serialized proto (of
+ // EntityBatch type) or a JSON object. Note: The URI must start with
+ // "gs://".
+ string entity_type_batch_uri = 2;
+ // The collection of entity types to update or create.
+ EntityTypeBatch entity_type_batch_inline = 3;
+ }
+ // Optional. The language of entity synonyms defined in `entity_types`. If not
+ // specified, the agent's default language is used.
+ // [Many
+ // languages](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
+ // are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can
+ // be used.
+ string language_code = 4;
+ // Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 5;
+// The response message for [EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntityTypes][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntityTypes].
+message BatchUpdateEntityTypesResponse {
+ // The collection of updated or created entity types.
+ repeated EntityType entity_types = 1;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.BatchDeleteEntityTypes][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.BatchDeleteEntityTypes].
+message BatchDeleteEntityTypesRequest {
+ // Required. The name of the agent to delete all entities types for. Format:
+ // `projects/<Project ID>/agent`.
+ string parent = 1;
+ // Required. The names entity types to delete. All names must point to the
+ // same agent as `parent`.
+ repeated string entity_type_names = 2;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.BatchCreateEntities][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.BatchCreateEntities].
+message BatchCreateEntitiesRequest {
+ // Required. The name of the entity type to create entities in. Format:
+ // `projects/<Project ID>/agent/entityTypes/<Entity Type ID>`.
+ string parent = 1;
+ // Required. The entities to create.
+ repeated EntityType.Entity entities = 2;
+ // Optional. The language of entity synonyms defined in `entities`. If not
+ // specified, the agent's default language is used.
+ // [Many
+ // languages](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
+ // are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can
+ // be used.
+ string language_code = 3;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntities][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.BatchUpdateEntities].
+message BatchUpdateEntitiesRequest {
+ // Required. The name of the entity type to update or create entities in.
+ // Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/entityTypes/<Entity Type ID>`.
+ string parent = 1;
+ // Required. The entities to update or create.
+ repeated EntityType.Entity entities = 2;
+ // Optional. The language of entity synonyms defined in `entities`. If not
+ // specified, the agent's default language is used.
+ // [Many
+ // languages](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
+ // are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can
+ // be used.
+ string language_code = 3;
+ // Optional. The mask to control which fields get updated.
+ google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 4;
+// The request message for [EntityTypes.BatchDeleteEntities][google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1.EntityTypes.BatchDeleteEntities].
+message BatchDeleteEntitiesRequest {
+ // Required. The name of the entity type to delete entries for. Format:
+ // `projects/<Project ID>/agent/entityTypes/<Entity Type ID>`.
+ string parent = 1;
+ // Required. The canonical `values` of the entities to delete. Note that
+ // these are not fully-qualified names, i.e. they don't start with
+ // `projects/<Project ID>`.
+ repeated string entity_values = 2;
+ // Optional. The language of entity synonyms defined in `entities`. If not
+ // specified, the agent's default language is used.
+ // [Many
+ // languages](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
+ // are supported. Note: languages must be enabled in the agent before they can
+ // be used.
+ string language_code = 3;
+// This message is a wrapper around a collection of entity types.
+message EntityTypeBatch {
+ // A collection of entity types.
+ repeated EntityType entity_types = 1;