path: root/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanager.proto
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanager.proto')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanager.proto b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanager.proto
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02d506665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/google/api/servicemanagement/v1/servicemanager.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+package google.api.servicemanagement.v1;
+import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+import "google/api/service.proto";
+import "google/api/servicemanagement/v1/resources.proto";
+import "google/longrunning/operations.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
+import "google/rpc/status.proto";
+option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.ServiceManagement.V1";
+option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/servicemanagement/v1;servicemanagement";
+option java_multiple_files = true;
+option java_outer_classname = "ServiceManagerProto";
+option java_package = "com.google.api.servicemanagement.v1";
+option objc_class_prefix = "GASM";
+option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\ServiceManagement\\V1";
+// [Google Service Management API](/service-management/overview)
+service ServiceManager {
+ // Lists managed services.
+ //
+ // Returns all public services. For authenticated users, also returns all
+ // services the calling user has "servicemanagement.services.get" permission
+ // for.
+ //
+ // **BETA:** If the caller specifies the `consumer_id`, it returns only the
+ // services enabled on the consumer. The `consumer_id` must have the format
+ // of "project:{PROJECT-ID}".
+ rpc ListServices(ListServicesRequest) returns (ListServicesResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v1/services"
+ };
+ }
+ // Gets a managed service. Authentication is required unless the service is
+ // public.
+ rpc GetService(GetServiceRequest) returns (ManagedService) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v1/services/{service_name}"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates a new managed service.
+ // Please note one producer project can own no more than 20 services.
+ //
+ // Operation<response: ManagedService>
+ rpc CreateService(CreateServiceRequest)
+ returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/services"
+ body: "service"
+ };
+ }
+ // Deletes a managed service. This method will change the service to the
+ // `Soft-Delete` state for 30 days. Within this period, service producers may
+ // call
+ // [UndeleteService][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.UndeleteService]
+ // to restore the service. After 30 days, the service will be permanently
+ // deleted.
+ //
+ // Operation<response: google.protobuf.Empty>
+ rpc DeleteService(DeleteServiceRequest)
+ returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ delete: "/v1/services/{service_name}"
+ };
+ }
+ // Revives a previously deleted managed service. The method restores the
+ // service using the configuration at the time the service was deleted.
+ // The target service must exist and must have been deleted within the
+ // last 30 days.
+ //
+ // Operation<response: UndeleteServiceResponse>
+ rpc UndeleteService(UndeleteServiceRequest)
+ returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/services/{service_name}:undelete"
+ };
+ }
+ // Lists the history of the service configuration for a managed service,
+ // from the newest to the oldest.
+ rpc ListServiceConfigs(ListServiceConfigsRequest)
+ returns (ListServiceConfigsResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/configs"
+ };
+ }
+ // Gets a service configuration (version) for a managed service.
+ rpc GetServiceConfig(GetServiceConfigRequest) returns (google.api.Service) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/configs/{config_id}"
+ additional_bindings { get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/config" }
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates a new service configuration (version) for a managed service.
+ // This method only stores the service configuration. To roll out the service
+ // configuration to backend systems please call
+ // [CreateServiceRollout][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.CreateServiceRollout].
+ //
+ // Only the 100 most recent service configurations and ones referenced by
+ // existing rollouts are kept for each service. The rest will be deleted
+ // eventually.
+ rpc CreateServiceConfig(CreateServiceConfigRequest)
+ returns (google.api.Service) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/services/{service_name}/configs"
+ body: "service_config"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates a new service configuration (version) for a managed service based
+ // on
+ // user-supplied configuration source files (for example: OpenAPI
+ // Specification). This method stores the source configurations as well as the
+ // generated service configuration. To rollout the service configuration to
+ // other services,
+ // please call
+ // [CreateServiceRollout][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ServiceManager.CreateServiceRollout].
+ //
+ // Only the 100 most recent configuration sources and ones referenced by
+ // existing service configurtions are kept for each service. The rest will be
+ // deleted eventually.
+ //
+ // Operation<response: SubmitConfigSourceResponse>
+ rpc SubmitConfigSource(SubmitConfigSourceRequest)
+ returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/services/{service_name}/configs:submit"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Lists the history of the service configuration rollouts for a managed
+ // service, from the newest to the oldest.
+ rpc ListServiceRollouts(ListServiceRolloutsRequest)
+ returns (ListServiceRolloutsResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/rollouts"
+ };
+ }
+ // Gets a service configuration
+ // [rollout][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.Rollout].
+ rpc GetServiceRollout(GetServiceRolloutRequest) returns (Rollout) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/v1/services/{service_name}/rollouts/{rollout_id}"
+ };
+ }
+ // Creates a new service configuration rollout. Based on rollout, the
+ // Google Service Management will roll out the service configurations to
+ // different backend services. For example, the logging configuration will be
+ // pushed to Google Cloud Logging.
+ //
+ // Please note that any previous pending and running Rollouts and associated
+ // Operations will be automatically cancelled so that the latest Rollout will
+ // not be blocked by previous Rollouts.
+ //
+ // Only the 100 most recent (in any state) and the last 10 successful (if not
+ // already part of the set of 100 most recent) rollouts are kept for each
+ // service. The rest will be deleted eventually.
+ //
+ // Operation<response: Rollout>
+ rpc CreateServiceRollout(CreateServiceRolloutRequest)
+ returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/services/{service_name}/rollouts"
+ body: "rollout"
+ };
+ }
+ // Generates and returns a report (errors, warnings and changes from
+ // existing configurations) associated with
+ // GenerateConfigReportRequest.new_value
+ //
+ // If GenerateConfigReportRequest.old_value is specified,
+ // GenerateConfigReportRequest will contain a single ChangeReport based on the
+ // comparison between GenerateConfigReportRequest.new_value and
+ // GenerateConfigReportRequest.old_value.
+ // If GenerateConfigReportRequest.old_value is not specified, this method
+ // will compare GenerateConfigReportRequest.new_value with the last pushed
+ // service configuration.
+ rpc GenerateConfigReport(GenerateConfigReportRequest)
+ returns (GenerateConfigReportResponse) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/services:generateConfigReport"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Enables a [service][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ManagedService] for a
+ // project, so it can be used for the project. See [Cloud Auth
+ // Guide](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication) for more information.
+ //
+ // Operation<response: EnableServiceResponse>
+ rpc EnableService(EnableServiceRequest)
+ returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/services/{service_name}:enable"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+ // Disables a [service][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ManagedService] for a
+ // project, so it can no longer be be used for the project. It prevents
+ // accidental usage that may cause unexpected billing charges or security
+ // leaks.
+ //
+ // Operation<response: DisableServiceResponse>
+ rpc DisableService(DisableServiceRequest)
+ returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ post: "/v1/services/{service_name}:disable"
+ body: "*"
+ };
+ }
+// Request message for `ListServices` method.
+message ListServicesRequest {
+ // Include services produced by the specified project.
+ string producer_project_id = 1;
+ // Requested size of the next page of data.
+ int32 page_size = 5;
+ // Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list
+ // call.
+ string page_token = 6;
+ // Include services consumed by the specified consumer.
+ //
+ // The Google Service Management implementation accepts the following
+ // forms:
+ // - project:<project_id>
+ string consumer_id = 7;
+// Response message for `ListServices` method.
+message ListServicesResponse {
+ // The returned services will only have the name field set.
+ repeated ManagedService services = 1;
+ // Token that can be passed to `ListServices` to resume a paginated query.
+ string next_page_token = 2;
+// Request message for `GetService` method.
+message GetServiceRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming
+ // requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+// Request message for CreateService method.
+message CreateServiceRequest {
+ // Initial values for the service resource.
+ ManagedService service = 1;
+// Request message for DeleteService method.
+message DeleteServiceRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+// Request message for UndeleteService method.
+message UndeleteServiceRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+// Response message for UndeleteService method.
+message UndeleteServiceResponse {
+ // Revived service resource.
+ ManagedService service = 1;
+// Request message for GetServiceConfig method.
+message GetServiceConfigRequest {
+ enum ConfigView {
+ // Server response includes all fields except SourceInfo.
+ BASIC = 0;
+ // Server response includes all fields including SourceInfo.
+ // SourceFiles are of type 'google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigFile'
+ // and are only available for configs created using the
+ // SubmitConfigSource method.
+ FULL = 1;
+ }
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The id of the service configuration resource.
+ string config_id = 2;
+ // Specifies which parts of the Service Config should be returned in the
+ // response.
+ ConfigView view = 3;
+// Request message for ListServiceConfigs method.
+message ListServiceConfigsRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The token of the page to retrieve.
+ string page_token = 2;
+ // The max number of items to include in the response list.
+ int32 page_size = 3;
+// Response message for ListServiceConfigs method.
+message ListServiceConfigsResponse {
+ // The list of service configuration resources.
+ repeated google.api.Service service_configs = 1;
+ // The token of the next page of results.
+ string next_page_token = 2;
+// Request message for CreateServiceConfig method.
+message CreateServiceConfigRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The service configuration resource.
+ google.api.Service service_config = 2;
+// Request message for SubmitConfigSource method.
+message SubmitConfigSourceRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The source configuration for the service.
+ ConfigSource config_source = 2;
+ // Optional. If set, this will result in the generation of a
+ // `google.api.Service` configuration based on the `ConfigSource` provided,
+ // but the generated config and the sources will NOT be persisted.
+ bool validate_only = 3;
+// Response message for SubmitConfigSource method.
+message SubmitConfigSourceResponse {
+ // The generated service configuration.
+ google.api.Service service_config = 1;
+// Request message for 'CreateServiceRollout'
+message CreateServiceRolloutRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The rollout resource. The `service_name` field is output only.
+ Rollout rollout = 2;
+// Request message for 'ListServiceRollouts'
+message ListServiceRolloutsRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The token of the page to retrieve.
+ string page_token = 2;
+ // The max number of items to include in the response list.
+ int32 page_size = 3;
+ // Use `filter` to return subset of rollouts.
+ // The following filters are supported:
+ // -- To limit the results to only those in
+ // [status](google.api.servicemanagement.v1.RolloutStatus) 'SUCCESS',
+ // use filter='status=SUCCESS'
+ // -- To limit the results to those in
+ // [status](google.api.servicemanagement.v1.RolloutStatus) 'CANCELLED'
+ // or 'FAILED', use filter='status=CANCELLED OR status=FAILED'
+ string filter = 4;
+// Response message for ListServiceRollouts method.
+message ListServiceRolloutsResponse {
+ // The list of rollout resources.
+ repeated Rollout rollouts = 1;
+ // The token of the next page of results.
+ string next_page_token = 2;
+// Request message for GetServiceRollout method.
+message GetServiceRolloutRequest {
+ // The name of the service. See the [overview](/service-management/overview)
+ // for naming requirements. For example: `example.googleapis.com`.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The id of the rollout resource.
+ string rollout_id = 2;
+// Request message for EnableService method.
+message EnableServiceRequest {
+ // Name of the service to enable. Specifying an unknown service name will
+ // cause the request to fail.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The identity of consumer resource which service enablement will be
+ // applied to.
+ //
+ // The Google Service Management implementation accepts the following
+ // forms:
+ // - "project:<project_id>"
+ //
+ // Note: this is made compatible with
+ // google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.consumer_id.
+ string consumer_id = 2;
+// Request message for DisableService method.
+message DisableServiceRequest {
+ // Name of the service to disable. Specifying an unknown service name
+ // will cause the request to fail.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // The identity of consumer resource which service disablement will be
+ // applied to.
+ //
+ // The Google Service Management implementation accepts the following
+ // forms:
+ // - "project:<project_id>"
+ //
+ // Note: this is made compatible with
+ // google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.consumer_id.
+ string consumer_id = 2;
+// Request message for GenerateConfigReport method.
+message GenerateConfigReportRequest {
+ // Service configuration for which we want to generate the report.
+ // For this version of API, the supported types are
+ // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef],
+ // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource],
+ // and [google.api.Service][google.api.Service]
+ google.protobuf.Any new_config = 1;
+ // Service configuration against which the comparison will be done.
+ // For this version of API, the supported types are
+ // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigRef],
+ // [google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource][google.api.servicemanagement.v1.ConfigSource],
+ // and [google.api.Service][google.api.Service]
+ google.protobuf.Any old_config = 2;
+// Response message for GenerateConfigReport method.
+message GenerateConfigReportResponse {
+ // Name of the service this report belongs to.
+ string service_name = 1;
+ // ID of the service configuration this report belongs to.
+ string id = 2;
+ // list of ChangeReport, each corresponding to comparison between two
+ // service configurations.
+ repeated ChangeReport change_reports = 3;
+ // Errors / Linter warnings associated with the service definition this
+ // report
+ // belongs to.
+ repeated Diagnostic diagnostics = 4;