path: root/internal/lsp/testdata/snippets/literal_snippets.go.in
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'internal/lsp/testdata/snippets/literal_snippets.go.in')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/internal/lsp/testdata/snippets/literal_snippets.go.in b/internal/lsp/testdata/snippets/literal_snippets.go.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a2a01dfa..000000000
--- a/internal/lsp/testdata/snippets/literal_snippets.go.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-package snippets
-import (
- "bytes"
- "context"
- "go/ast"
- "net/http"
- "sort"
- "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/foo"
-func _() {
- []int{} //@item(litIntSlice, "[]int{}", "", "var")
- &[]int{} //@item(litIntSliceAddr, "&[]int{}", "", "var")
- make([]int, 0) //@item(makeIntSlice, "make([]int, 0)", "", "func")
- var _ *[]int = in //@snippet(" //", litIntSliceAddr, "&[]int{$0\\}", "&[]int{$0\\}")
- var _ **[]int = in //@complete(" //")
- var slice []int
- slice = i //@snippet(" //", litIntSlice, "[]int{$0\\}", "[]int{$0\\}")
- slice = m //@snippet(" //", makeIntSlice, "make([]int, ${1:})", "make([]int, ${1:0})")
-func _() {
- type namedInt []int
- namedInt{} //@item(litNamedSlice, "namedInt{}", "", "var")
- make(namedInt, 0) //@item(makeNamedSlice, "make(namedInt, 0)", "", "func")
- var namedSlice namedInt
- namedSlice = n //@snippet(" //", litNamedSlice, "namedInt{$0\\}", "namedInt{$0\\}")
- namedSlice = m //@snippet(" //", makeNamedSlice, "make(namedInt, ${1:})", "make(namedInt, ${1:0})")
-func _() {
- make(chan int) //@item(makeChan, "make(chan int)", "", "func")
- var ch chan int
- ch = m //@snippet(" //", makeChan, "make(chan int)", "make(chan int)")
-func _() {
- map[string]struct{}{} //@item(litMap, "map[string]struct{}{}", "", "var")
- make(map[string]struct{}) //@item(makeMap, "make(map[string]struct{})", "", "func")
- var m map[string]struct{}
- m = m //@snippet(" //", litMap, "map[string]struct{\\}{$0\\}", "map[string]struct{\\}{$0\\}")
- m = m //@snippet(" //", makeMap, "make(map[string]struct{\\})", "make(map[string]struct{\\})")
- struct{}{} //@item(litEmptyStruct, "struct{}{}", "", "var")
- m["hi"] = s //@snippet(" //", litEmptyStruct, "struct{\\}{\\}", "struct{\\}{\\}")
-func _() {
- type myStruct struct{ i int } //@item(myStructType, "myStruct", "struct{...}", "struct")
- myStruct{} //@item(litStruct, "myStruct{}", "", "var")
- &myStruct{} //@item(litStructPtr, "&myStruct{}", "", "var")
- var ms myStruct
- ms = m //@snippet(" //", litStruct, "myStruct{$0\\}", "myStruct{$0\\}")
- var msPtr *myStruct
- msPtr = m //@snippet(" //", litStructPtr, "&myStruct{$0\\}", "&myStruct{$0\\}")
- msPtr = &m //@snippet(" //", litStruct, "myStruct{$0\\}", "myStruct{$0\\}")
- type myStructCopy struct { i int } //@item(myStructCopyType, "myStructCopy", "struct{...}", "struct")
- // Don't offer literal completion for convertible structs.
- ms = myStruct //@complete(" //", litStruct, myStructType, myStructCopyType)
-type myImpl struct{}
-func (myImpl) foo() {}
-func (*myImpl) bar() {}
-type myBasicImpl string
-func (myBasicImpl) foo() {}
-func _() {
- type myIntf interface {
- foo()
- }
- myImpl{} //@item(litImpl, "myImpl{}", "", "var")
- var mi myIntf
- mi = m //@snippet(" //", litImpl, "myImpl{\\}", "myImpl{\\}")
- myBasicImpl() //@item(litBasicImpl, "myBasicImpl()", "string", "var")
- mi = m //@snippet(" //", litBasicImpl, "myBasicImpl($0)", "myBasicImpl($0)")
- // only satisfied by pointer to myImpl
- type myPtrIntf interface {
- bar()
- }
- &myImpl{} //@item(litImplPtr, "&myImpl{}", "", "var")
- var mpi myPtrIntf
- mpi = m //@snippet(" //", litImplPtr, "&myImpl{\\}", "&myImpl{\\}")
-func _() {
- var s struct{ i []int } //@item(litSliceField, "i", "[]int", "field")
- var foo []int
- // no literal completions after selector
- foo = s.i //@complete(" //", litSliceField)
-func _() {
- type myStruct struct{ i int } //@item(litMyStructType, "myStruct", "struct{...}", "struct")
- myStruct{} //@item(litMyStruct, "myStruct{}", "", "var")
- foo := func(s string, args ...myStruct) {}
- // Don't give literal slice candidate for variadic arg.
- // Do give literal candidates for variadic element.
- foo("", myStruct) //@complete(")", litMyStruct, litMyStructType)
-func _() {
- Buffer{} //@item(litBuffer, "Buffer{}", "", "var")
- var b *bytes.Buffer
- b = bytes.Bu //@snippet(" //", litBuffer, "Buffer{\\}", "Buffer{\\}")
-func _() {
- _ = "func(...) {}" //@item(litFunc, "func(...) {}", "", "var")
- sort.Slice(nil, fun) //@complete(")", litFunc),snippet(")", litFunc, "func(i, j int) bool {$0\\}", "func(i, j int) bool {$0\\}")
- http.HandleFunc("", f) //@snippet(")", litFunc, "func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {$0\\}", "func(${1:w} http.ResponseWriter, ${2:r} *http.Request) {$0\\}")
- // no literal "func" completions
- http.Handle("", fun) //@complete(")")
- http.HandlerFunc() //@item(handlerFunc, "http.HandlerFunc()", "", "var")
- http.Handle("", h) //@snippet(")", handlerFunc, "http.HandlerFunc($0)", "http.HandlerFunc($0)")
- http.Handle("", http.HandlerFunc()) //@snippet("))", litFunc, "func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {$0\\}", "func(${1:w} http.ResponseWriter, ${2:r} *http.Request) {$0\\}")
- var namedReturn func(s string) (b bool)
- namedReturn = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func(s string) (b bool) {$0\\}", "func(s string) (b bool) {$0\\}")
- var multiReturn func() (bool, int)
- multiReturn = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func() (bool, int) {$0\\}", "func() (bool, int) {$0\\}")
- var multiNamedReturn func() (b bool, i int)
- multiNamedReturn = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func() (b bool, i int) {$0\\}", "func() (b bool, i int) {$0\\}")
- var duplicateParams func(myImpl, int, myImpl)
- duplicateParams = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func(mi1 myImpl, i int, mi2 myImpl) {$0\\}", "func(${1:mi1} myImpl, ${2:i} int, ${3:mi2} myImpl) {$0\\}")
- type aliasImpl = myImpl
- var aliasParams func(aliasImpl) aliasImpl
- aliasParams = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func(ai aliasImpl) aliasImpl {$0\\}", "func(${1:ai} aliasImpl) aliasImpl {$0\\}")
- const two = 2
- var builtinTypes func([]int, [two]bool, map[string]string, struct{ i int }, interface{ foo() }, <-chan int)
- builtinTypes = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func(i1 []int, b [two]bool, m map[string]string, s struct{ i int \\}, i2 interface{ foo() \\}, c <-chan int) {$0\\}", "func(${1:i1} []int, ${2:b} [two]bool, ${3:m} map[string]string, ${4:s} struct{ i int \\}, ${5:i2} interface{ foo() \\}, ${6:c} <-chan int) {$0\\}")
- var _ func(ast.Node) = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func(n ast.Node) {$0\\}", "func(${1:n} ast.Node) {$0\\}")
- var _ func(error) = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func(err error) {$0\\}", "func(${1:err} error) {$0\\}")
- var _ func(context.Context) = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func(ctx context.Context) {$0\\}", "func(${1:ctx} context.Context) {$0\\}")
- type context struct {}
- var _ func(context) = f //@snippet(" //", litFunc, "func(ctx context) {$0\\}", "func(${1:ctx} context) {$0\\}")
-func _() {
- StructFoo{} //@item(litStructFoo, "StructFoo{}", "struct{...}", "struct")
- var sfp *foo.StructFoo
- // Don't insert the "&" before "StructFoo{}".
- sfp = foo.Str //@snippet(" //", litStructFoo, "StructFoo{$0\\}", "StructFoo{$0\\}")
- var sf foo.StructFoo
- sf = foo.Str //@snippet(" //", litStructFoo, "StructFoo{$0\\}", "StructFoo{$0\\}")
- sf = foo. //@snippet(" //", litStructFoo, "StructFoo{$0\\}", "StructFoo{$0\\}")
-func _() {
- float64() //@item(litFloat64, "float64()", "float64", "var")
- // don't complete to "&float64()"
- var _ *float64 = float64 //@complete(" //")
- var f float64
- f = fl //@complete(" //", litFloat64),snippet(" //", litFloat64, "float64($0)", "float64($0)")
- type myInt int
- myInt() //@item(litMyInt, "myInt()", "", "var")
- var mi myInt
- mi = my //@snippet(" //", litMyInt, "myInt($0)", "myInt($0)")
-func _() {
- type ptrStruct struct {
- p *ptrStruct
- }
- ptrStruct{} //@item(litPtrStruct, "ptrStruct{}", "", "var")
- ptrStruct{
- p: &ptrSt, //@rank(",", litPtrStruct)
- }
- &ptrStruct{} //@item(litPtrStructPtr, "&ptrStruct{}", "", "var")
- &ptrStruct{
- p: ptrSt, //@rank(",", litPtrStructPtr)
- }
-func _() {
- f := func(...[]int) {}
- f() //@snippet(")", litIntSlice, "[]int{$0\\}", "[]int{$0\\}")
-func _() {
- // don't complete to "untyped int()"
- []int{}[untyped] //@complete("] //")