path: root/internal/lsp/source/comment.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'internal/lsp/source/comment.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/internal/lsp/source/comment.go b/internal/lsp/source/comment.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d88471e42..000000000
--- a/internal/lsp/source/comment.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package source
-import (
- "bytes"
- "io"
- "regexp"
- "strings"
- "unicode"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// CommentToMarkdown converts comment text to formatted markdown.
-// The comment was prepared by DocReader,
-// so it is known not to have leading, trailing blank lines
-// nor to have trailing spaces at the end of lines.
-// The comment markers have already been removed.
-// Each line is converted into a markdown line and empty lines are just converted to
-// newlines. Heading are prefixed with `### ` to make it a markdown heading.
-// A span of indented lines retains a 4 space prefix block, with the common indent
-// prefix removed unless empty, in which case it will be converted to a newline.
-// URLs in the comment text are converted into links.
-func CommentToMarkdown(text string) string {
- buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
- commentToMarkdown(buf, text)
- return buf.String()
-var (
- mdNewline = []byte("\n")
- mdHeader = []byte("### ")
- mdIndent = []byte(" ")
- mdLinkStart = []byte("[")
- mdLinkDiv = []byte("](")
- mdLinkEnd = []byte(")")
-func commentToMarkdown(w io.Writer, text string) {
- blocks := blocks(text)
- for i, b := range blocks {
- switch b.op {
- case opPara:
- for _, line := range b.lines {
- emphasize(w, line, true)
- }
- case opHead:
- // The header block can consist of only one line.
- // However, check the number of lines, just in case.
- if len(b.lines) == 0 {
- // Skip this block.
- continue
- }
- header := b.lines[0]
- w.Write(mdHeader)
- commentEscape(w, header, true)
- // Header doesn't end with \n unlike the lines of other blocks.
- w.Write(mdNewline)
- case opPre:
- for _, line := range b.lines {
- if isBlank(line) {
- w.Write(mdNewline)
- continue
- }
- w.Write(mdIndent)
- w.Write([]byte(line))
- }
- }
- if i < len(blocks)-1 {
- w.Write(mdNewline)
- }
- }
-const (
- ulquo = "“"
- urquo = "”"
-var (
- markdownEscape = regexp.MustCompile(`([\\\x60*{}[\]()#+\-.!_>~|"$%&'\/:;<=?@^])`)
- unicodeQuoteReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("``", ulquo, "''", urquo)
-// commentEscape escapes comment text for markdown. If nice is set,
-// also turn `` into “; and '' into ”;.
-func commentEscape(w io.Writer, text string, nice bool) {
- if nice {
- text = convertQuotes(text)
- }
- text = escapeRegex(text)
- w.Write([]byte(text))
-func convertQuotes(text string) string {
- return unicodeQuoteReplacer.Replace(text)
-func escapeRegex(text string) string {
- return markdownEscape.ReplaceAllString(text, `\$1`)
-func emphasize(w io.Writer, line string, nice bool) {
- for {
- m := matchRx.FindStringSubmatchIndex(line)
- if m == nil {
- break
- }
- // m >= 6 (two parenthesized sub-regexps in matchRx, 1st one is urlRx)
- // write text before match
- commentEscape(w, line[0:m[0]], nice)
- // adjust match for URLs
- match := line[m[0]:m[1]]
- if strings.Contains(match, "://") {
- m0, m1 := m[0], m[1]
- for _, s := range []string{"()", "{}", "[]"} {
- open, close := s[:1], s[1:] // E.g., "(" and ")"
- // require opening parentheses before closing parentheses (#22285)
- if i := strings.Index(match, close); i >= 0 && i < strings.Index(match, open) {
- m1 = m0 + i
- match = line[m0:m1]
- }
- // require balanced pairs of parentheses (#5043)
- for i := 0; strings.Count(match, open) != strings.Count(match, close) && i < 10; i++ {
- m1 = strings.LastIndexAny(line[:m1], s)
- match = line[m0:m1]
- }
- }
- if m1 != m[1] {
- // redo matching with shortened line for correct indices
- m = matchRx.FindStringSubmatchIndex(line[:m[0]+len(match)])
- }
- }
- // Following code has been modified from go/doc since words is always
- // nil. All html formatting has also been transformed into markdown formatting
- // analyze match
- url := ""
- if m[2] >= 0 {
- url = match
- }
- // write match
- if len(url) > 0 {
- w.Write(mdLinkStart)
- }
- commentEscape(w, match, nice)
- if len(url) > 0 {
- w.Write(mdLinkDiv)
- w.Write([]byte(urlReplacer.Replace(url)))
- w.Write(mdLinkEnd)
- }
- // advance
- line = line[m[1]:]
- }
- commentEscape(w, line, nice)
-// Everything from here on is a copy of go/doc/comment.go
-const (
- // Regexp for Go identifiers
- identRx = `[\pL_][\pL_0-9]*`
- // Regexp for URLs
- // Match parens, and check later for balance - see #5043, #22285
- // Match .,:;?! within path, but not at end - see #18139, #16565
- // This excludes some rare yet valid urls ending in common punctuation
- // in order to allow sentences ending in URLs.
- // protocol (required) e.g. http
- protoPart = `(https?|ftp|file|gopher|mailto|nntp)`
- // host (required) e.g. www.example.com or [::1]:8080
- hostPart = `([a-zA-Z0-9_@\-.\[\]:]+)`
- // path+query+fragment (optional) e.g. /path/index.html?q=foo#bar
- pathPart = `([.,:;?!]*[a-zA-Z0-9$'()*+&#=@~_/\-\[\]%])*`
- urlRx = protoPart + `://` + hostPart + pathPart
-var (
- matchRx = regexp.MustCompile(`(` + urlRx + `)|(` + identRx + `)`)
- urlReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(`(`, `\(`, `)`, `\)`)
-func indentLen(s string) int {
- i := 0
- for i < len(s) && (s[i] == ' ' || s[i] == '\t') {
- i++
- }
- return i
-func isBlank(s string) bool {
- return len(s) == 0 || (len(s) == 1 && s[0] == '\n')
-func commonPrefix(a, b string) string {
- i := 0
- for i < len(a) && i < len(b) && a[i] == b[i] {
- i++
- }
- return a[0:i]
-func unindent(block []string) {
- if len(block) == 0 {
- return
- }
- // compute maximum common white prefix
- prefix := block[0][0:indentLen(block[0])]
- for _, line := range block {
- if !isBlank(line) {
- prefix = commonPrefix(prefix, line[0:indentLen(line)])
- }
- }
- n := len(prefix)
- // remove
- for i, line := range block {
- if !isBlank(line) {
- block[i] = line[n:]
- }
- }
-// heading returns the trimmed line if it passes as a section heading;
-// otherwise it returns the empty string.
-func heading(line string) string {
- line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
- if len(line) == 0 {
- return ""
- }
- // a heading must start with an uppercase letter
- r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(line)
- if !unicode.IsLetter(r) || !unicode.IsUpper(r) {
- return ""
- }
- // it must end in a letter or digit:
- r, _ = utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(line)
- if !unicode.IsLetter(r) && !unicode.IsDigit(r) {
- return ""
- }
- // exclude lines with illegal characters. we allow "(),"
- if strings.ContainsAny(line, ";:!?+*/=[]{}_^°&§~%#@<\">\\") {
- return ""
- }
- // allow "'" for possessive "'s" only
- for b := line; ; {
- i := strings.IndexRune(b, '\'')
- if i < 0 {
- break
- }
- if i+1 >= len(b) || b[i+1] != 's' || (i+2 < len(b) && b[i+2] != ' ') {
- return "" // not followed by "s "
- }
- b = b[i+2:]
- }
- // allow "." when followed by non-space
- for b := line; ; {
- i := strings.IndexRune(b, '.')
- if i < 0 {
- break
- }
- if i+1 >= len(b) || b[i+1] == ' ' {
- return "" // not followed by non-space
- }
- b = b[i+1:]
- }
- return line
-type op int
-const (
- opPara op = iota
- opHead
- opPre
-type block struct {
- op op
- lines []string
-func blocks(text string) []block {
- var (
- out []block
- para []string
- lastWasBlank = false
- lastWasHeading = false
- )
- close := func() {
- if para != nil {
- out = append(out, block{opPara, para})
- para = nil
- }
- }
- lines := strings.SplitAfter(text, "\n")
- unindent(lines)
- for i := 0; i < len(lines); {
- line := lines[i]
- if isBlank(line) {
- // close paragraph
- close()
- i++
- lastWasBlank = true
- continue
- }
- if indentLen(line) > 0 {
- // close paragraph
- close()
- // count indented or blank lines
- j := i + 1
- for j < len(lines) && (isBlank(lines[j]) || indentLen(lines[j]) > 0) {
- j++
- }
- // but not trailing blank lines
- for j > i && isBlank(lines[j-1]) {
- j--
- }
- pre := lines[i:j]
- i = j
- unindent(pre)
- // put those lines in a pre block
- out = append(out, block{opPre, pre})
- lastWasHeading = false
- continue
- }
- if lastWasBlank && !lastWasHeading && i+2 < len(lines) &&
- isBlank(lines[i+1]) && !isBlank(lines[i+2]) && indentLen(lines[i+2]) == 0 {
- // current line is non-blank, surrounded by blank lines
- // and the next non-blank line is not indented: this
- // might be a heading.
- if head := heading(line); head != "" {
- close()
- out = append(out, block{opHead, []string{head}})
- i += 2
- lastWasHeading = true
- continue
- }
- }
- // open paragraph
- lastWasBlank = false
- lastWasHeading = false
- para = append(para, lines[i])
- i++
- }
- close()
- return out